Does SonarCloud support Kotlin Multiplatform?

Whats the current state of this issue? Is this part of the roadmap due increased importance of KMM projects.

I’ve tried several configurations:
My module structure:

Plugin configuration:
property(“sonar.sources”, buildutils.SonarQubeUtils.sourcePaths)
property(“sonar.tests”, buildutils.SonarQubeUtils.testPaths)
property(“sonar.junit.reportPaths”, “$buildDir/test-results/testDebugUnitTest”)

object SonarQubeUtils {

  val sourcePaths = listOf(
  ).joinToString(separator = ",")

  val testPaths = listOf(
  ).joinToString(separator = ",")

then running gradle sonarqube:
Resource not found: package.TrackingTest under the directory /XX while reading test reports. Please, make sure your “sonar.junit.reportPaths” property is configured properly

Whats the problem?
junit.reportPaths targets /test-results/testDebugUnitTest/TEST-package.TrackingTest.xml but the error message reports test class not found. Above I defined sonar.test with commonTest where the plugin should find the class (src/commonTest/kotlin/package/TrackingTest.kt)

SonarQube plugin version: 3.2.0