Deleting Cache Files


it seems you’re running the Sonar scan on the same machine Sonarqube server runs on !?

Normally the scanner runs within a CI server as Jenkins … etc. or on a dedicated build server -
separated from the Sonarqube server.

.sonar/cache is the directory (default user home/.sonar/cache) created by Sonar scanner initially downloading all plugins from the Sonarqube server, has to be done once after every Sonarqube update.
Even plugins not needed for scanning are downloaded, see

Deleting the contents will not help, as the subsequent scan will need to download all the plugins again,
so you should leave it as is.
Better fix your setup, the Sonarqube server should run no other applications, so all ressources
are available for Sonarqube alone.

@ganncamp i didn’t notice any automatic cleanup of /.sonar/cache by the Sonar scanner during update, has to be done manually


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