CSharp plugin able to be loaded by sonar-scanner for mixed languages projects


From what I read in the Google Groups thread you mentioned, @Ammo’s answer was quite exhaustive. Basically:

  • the SonarQube C# and VB.Net analyzers are based on the Microsoft Roslyn framework. This ensures the most accurate and reliable analysis, and does mean that you need to actually compile your .Net project in order for analyzers to do their job (as part of Microsoft Code Analysis framework).

  • this does not necessarily mean that analysis is restricted to C# language. The Scanner for MSBuild will handle any file that is declared as part of your Visual Studio project definition.

More broadly speaking note that higher-level reporting of an application portfolio is definitely a use-case covered in commercial editions (see Portfolio Organization).

And more specifically in .Net environments, the old thread does mention this improvement in the pipes:

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