Cannot view imported ESLint Findings into SonarQube 9.9.3

Again, I apologize for not being able to comply with sharing sever logs, etc.
However, I think that I was able to find the reason for what the SonarQube Analysis is (or in this case is not) showing me with regard to the ESLint Json input file. \

SonarQube: Defining new code

Each SonarQube project has a new code definition (NCD), that is, a setting that tells SonarQube which part of the code is considered new code. When you run an analysis, SonarQube uses the new code definition to identify new code, then highlights issues in the new code.

There is a special info box on the page:

For analysis of pull requests and branches, the new code definition is not used. Instead, the new code issues are those introduced by the pull request or the branch itself.

Can you confirm whether these statements are correct:

  1. SonarQube needs to detect the ESLint finding locations as “New Code” in the branch in order to show the findings from the ESLint Json report as an Issue in its display.
    1.1. i.e. the findings in the ESLint Json file are not displayed, because there were no changes to the source code on the branch.
  2. In order for SonarQube Issues tab to display all of the findings from the ESLint Json file, it would be necessary to have SonarQube Analysis to detect all (Typescript) files as “New Code”.
    2.1. [This is a guess] To implement this, it would be necessary to disable the comparison between the working branch and main/master so that ALL code is “new”.
  3. The ESLint Json file is external to SonarQube. Its findings will not be integrated or carried forward when the Branch is merged back into Main.