Analyzing single (huge) C# class using SonarQube

Hi Colin, thanks for the fast response.

If it wasn’t clear, I want to underline this:
the server works perfectly, when feeding the whole project (.sln) or subproject (.csproj) it gives proper valid results, and analysis data is browsable.

Anyway, the commands I gave were really basic, in syntesis:

cd %path_to_project%
MsBuild begin /login /k 
%path_to_msbuild% /%path_to_project% /arguments...
 MSbuild end

These the commands:

cd C:\%path_to_project%\

SonarScanner.MSBuild.exe begin /d:sonar.verbose=true /k:"SpeFColli_Alone" /n:"SpeFColliLogic" /"http://%sonar_server%" /v:"1.0" /d:sonar.login="key"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" C:\%path_to_proj%\myProject.csproj /t:Rebuild /p:VisualStudioversion=15.0;Configuration=Release;Platform="Any CPU"
SonarScanner.MSBuild.exe end /d:sonar.login="key"


Following this post and taking it as an example

I should add in the second of my 3 steps the following (adapted to be included) argument:


Am I right?