Thanks. And is anything interesting written to your system logs when this happens?
Thanks. And is anything interesting written to your system logs when this happens?
which one please? When I try to run SQ, what is the name of the service so I can issue
journalctl -b _SYSTEMD_UNIT=....SQ....
I installed gnome logs, nothing is there when searching sonar or web. What phrase or word I should search for?
I really started now to think that is maybe a problem with zipped downloaded file. When I run version 10.7 I dont have this issue. What I will do is I will download again the 2025 version and try
Thanks for looking.
In fact, since we started this thread, another user has reported similar behavior, so I’ve flagged both threads for the team.
Since your primary symptom (other than startup failure ) is the lack of a
, I’m really starting to wonder about this:
Do you have any idea how that jar got into the classpath? And if so, can you remove it and try again?
Ann, some good news, I downloaded again the 2025 version, updated config as usual and everything went through as usual and I eas able to access SQ.
Thanks for your help
In fact, when I redownloaded SQ, I came across history file for setting up SQ on my desktop.
I noticed that after
1 - updating the new downlaod config file with the MS SQL connection
2 - I do sudo mv NewSQ /opt/sonarqube.
In the one for the version 2024.1.0.102122 I downloaded on Monday, after updating config file, I did
sudo cp (not mv) NewSQ /opt/sonarqube.
So for today’s download and after updating config file, I used MV and not CP which I said worked like a charm.
What can be the issue for SQ?
I can only guess your cp
didn’t happen -R
It was with -R, recursive, I just checked my history. I also noticed, that when I did CP folder in opt was with root permission as owner whereas with MV it kept exactly my username and group as owner