Calling the SonarScanner CLI... Executing file C:\Sonar\sonarscanner-msbuild\sonar-scanner-\bin\sonar-scanner.bat Args: -Dsonar.scanAllFiles=true -Dproject.settings=C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\ --from=ScannerMSBuild/5.2.1 --debug Working directory: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf Timeout (ms):-1 Process id: 8892 17:20:12.700 INFO: Scanner configuration file: C:\Sonar\sonarscanner-msbuild\sonar-scanner-\bin\..\conf\ 17:20:12.703 INFO: Project root configuration file: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\ 17:20:12.762 INFO: SonarScanner 17:20:12.762 INFO: Java 1.8.0_252 Inc. (64-bit) 17:20:12.762 INFO: Windows Server 2019 10.0 amd64 17:20:12.912 DEBUG: keyStore is : 17:20:12.912 DEBUG: keyStore type is : jks 17:20:12.912 DEBUG: keyStore provider is : 17:20:12.912 DEBUG: init keystore 17:20:12.912 DEBUG: init keymanager of type SunX509 17:20:13.063 DEBUG: Create: C:\Users\jenkins\.sonar\cache 17:20:13.064 INFO: User cache: C:\Users\jenkins\.sonar\cache 17:20:13.064 DEBUG: Create: C:\Users\jenkins\.sonar\cache\_tmp 17:20:13.067 DEBUG: Extract sonar-scanner-api-batch in temp... 17:20:13.072 DEBUG: Get bootstrap index... 17:20:13.072 DEBUG: Download: http://SOMEIP/batch/index 17:20:13.120 DEBUG: Get bootstrap completed 17:20:13.128 DEBUG: Create isolated classloader... 17:20:13.194 DEBUG: Start temp cleaning... 17:20:13.203 DEBUG: Temp cleaning done 17:20:13.203 INFO: Scanner configuration file: C:\Sonar\sonarscanner-msbuild\sonar-scanner-\bin\..\conf\ 17:20:13.204 INFO: Project root configuration file: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\ 17:20:13.216 DEBUG: Execution getVersion 17:20:13.221 INFO: Analyzing on SonarQube server 8.9.0 17:20:13.221 INFO: Default locale: "en_US", source code encoding: "windows-1252" (analysis is platform dependent) 17:20:13.222 DEBUG: Work directory: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\.sonar 17:20:13.223 DEBUG: Execution execute 17:20:13.474 WARN: SonarScanner will require Java 11 to run, starting in SonarQube 9.x 17:20:13.476 DEBUG: Developer 17:20:13.652 INFO: Load global settings 17:20:13.707 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/settings/values.protobuf | time=54ms 17:20:13.737 INFO: Load global settings (done) | time=87ms 17:20:13.742 INFO: Server id: 058F807B-AWnk2Ph6USA_sskgFebd 17:20:13.747 INFO: User cache: C:\Users\jenkins\.sonar\cache 17:20:13.750 INFO: Load/download plugins 17:20:13.750 INFO: Load plugins index 17:20:13.760 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/plugins/installed | time=10ms 17:20:13.797 INFO: Load plugins index (done) | time=47ms 17:20:13.898 INFO: Load/download plugins (done) | time=148ms 17:20:14.023 DEBUG: Plugins: 17:20:14.023 DEBUG: * CSS Code Quality and Security (cssfamily) 17:20:14.023 DEBUG: * PL/SQL Code Quality and Security (plsql) 17:20:14.023 DEBUG: * Scala Code Quality and Security (sonarscala) 17:20:14.024 DEBUG: * C# Code Quality and Security (csharp) 17:20:14.024 DEBUG: * Vulnerability Analysis (security) 17:20:14.024 DEBUG: * Java Code Quality and Security (java) 17:20:14.024 DEBUG: * HTML Code Quality and Security (web) 17:20:14.024 DEBUG: * Flex Code Quality and Security (flex) 17:20:14.024 DEBUG: * XML Code Quality and Security (xml) 17:20:14.024 DEBUG: * VB.NET Code Quality and Security (vbnet) 17:20:14.024 DEBUG: * Swift Code Quality and Security (swift) 17:20:14.025 DEBUG: * CFamily Code Quality and Security (cpp) 17:20:14.025 DEBUG: * Python Code Quality and Security (python) 17:20:14.025 DEBUG: * Google Authentication for SonarQube 1.6.1 (authgoogleoauth) 17:20:14.025 DEBUG: * Go Code Quality and Security (go) 17:20:14.025 DEBUG: * JaCoCo (jacoco) 17:20:14.025 DEBUG: * Kotlin Code Quality and Security (kotlin) 17:20:14.025 DEBUG: * T-SQL Code Quality and Security (tsql) 17:20:14.025 DEBUG: * JavaScript/TypeScript Code Quality and Security (javascript) 17:20:14.025 DEBUG: * Ruby Code Quality and Security (ruby) 17:20:14.025 DEBUG: * Vulnerability Rules for C# (securitycsharpfrontend) 17:20:14.025 DEBUG: * Vulnerability Rules for Java (securityjavafrontend) 17:20:14.025 DEBUG: * License for SonarLint (license) 17:20:14.025 DEBUG: * Vulnerability Rules for JS (securityjsfrontend) 17:20:14.025 DEBUG: * Vulnerability Rules for Python (securitypythonfrontend) 17:20:14.025 DEBUG: * PHP Code Quality and Security (php) 17:20:14.025 DEBUG: * ABAP Code Quality and Security (abap) 17:20:14.025 DEBUG: * Vulnerability Rules for PHP (securityphpfrontend) 17:20:14.052 INFO: Loaded core extensions: developer-scanner 17:20:14.071 DEBUG: Installed core extension: developer-scanner 17:20:14.412 INFO: JavaScript/TypeScript frontend is enabled 17:20:14.553 INFO: Process project properties 17:20:14.731 INFO: Process project properties (done) | time=178ms 17:20:14.732 INFO: Execute project builders 17:20:14.732 DEBUG: Execute project builder: org.sonar.plugins.csharp.CSharpGlobalProtobufFileProcessor 17:20:14.737 DEBUG: Processing C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\0\output-cs\file-metadata.pb 17:20:14.824 DEBUG: Processing C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\1\output-cs\file-metadata.pb 17:20:14.875 DEBUG: Processing C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\2\output-cs\file-metadata.pb 17:20:15.024 DEBUG: Processing C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\3\output-cs\file-metadata.pb 17:20:15.035 DEBUG: Processing C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\4\output-cs\file-metadata.pb 17:20:15.061 DEBUG: Execute project builder: org.sonar.plugins.vbnet.VbNetGlobalProtobufFileProcessor 17:20:15.063 INFO: Execute project builders (done) | time=331ms 17:20:15.067 INFO: Project key: gc-api 17:20:15.068 INFO: Base dir: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf 17:20:15.068 INFO: Working dir: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\.sonar 17:20:15.068 DEBUG: Project global encoding: windows-1252, default locale: en_US 17:20:15.070 DEBUG: Creating module hierarchy 17:20:15.071 DEBUG: Init module 'gc-api' 17:20:15.071 DEBUG: Base dir: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf 17:20:15.071 DEBUG: Working dir: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\.sonar 17:20:15.071 DEBUG: Module global encoding: windows-1252, default locale: en_US 17:20:15.072 DEBUG: Init module 'Assent.GlobalCatalog.Contracts' 17:20:15.086 DEBUG: Base dir: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\src\Assent.GlobalCatalog.Contracts 17:20:15.086 DEBUG: Working dir: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\.sonar\mod0 17:20:15.086 DEBUG: Module global encoding: UTF-8, default locale: en_US 17:20:15.086 DEBUG: Init module 'Assent.ComplianceCentral.Api' 17:20:15.100 DEBUG: Base dir: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\src\Assent.ComplianceCentral.Api 17:20:15.100 DEBUG: Working dir: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\.sonar\mod1 17:20:15.100 DEBUG: Module global encoding: UTF-8, default locale: en_US 17:20:15.102 DEBUG: Init module 'Assent.GlobalCatalog.Api' 17:20:15.182 DEBUG: Base dir: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\src\Assent.GlobalCatalog.Api 17:20:15.182 DEBUG: Working dir: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\.sonar\mod2 17:20:15.182 DEBUG: Module global encoding: UTF-8, default locale: en_US 17:20:15.182 DEBUG: Init module 'Assent.ComplianceCentral.Api.Tests' 17:20:15.186 DEBUG: Base dir: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\test\Assent.ComplianceCentral.Api.Tests 17:20:15.186 DEBUG: Working dir: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\.sonar\mod3 17:20:15.186 DEBUG: Module global encoding: UTF-8, default locale: en_US 17:20:15.186 DEBUG: Init module 'Assent.GlobalCatalog.Api.Tests' 17:20:15.200 DEBUG: Base dir: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\test\Assent.GlobalCatalogService.Tests 17:20:15.200 DEBUG: Working dir: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\.sonar\mod4 17:20:15.200 DEBUG: Module global encoding: UTF-8, default locale: en_US 17:20:15.334 INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'gc-api' 17:20:15.349 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/settings/values.protobuf?component=gc-api | time=15ms 17:20:15.351 INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'gc-api' (done) | time=18ms 17:20:15.359 INFO: Load project branches 17:20:15.373 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/project_branches/list?project=gc-api | time=14ms 17:20:15.380 INFO: Load project branches (done) | time=21ms 17:20:15.381 INFO: Load project pull requests 17:20:15.403 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/project_pull_requests/list?project=gc-api | time=21ms 17:20:15.419 INFO: Load project pull requests (done) | time=38ms 17:20:15.419 INFO: Load branch configuration 17:20:15.420 INFO: Found manual configuration of branch/PR analysis. Skipping automatic configuration. 17:20:15.421 INFO: Load branch configuration (done) | time=2ms 17:20:15.447 DEBUG: Available languages: 17:20:15.447 DEBUG: * CSS => "css" 17:20:15.447 DEBUG: * PL/SQL => "plsql" 17:20:15.447 DEBUG: * Scala => "scala" 17:20:15.447 DEBUG: * C# => "cs" 17:20:15.448 DEBUG: * Java => "java" 17:20:15.448 DEBUG: * HTML => "web" 17:20:15.448 DEBUG: * JSP => "jsp" 17:20:15.448 DEBUG: * Flex => "flex" 17:20:15.448 DEBUG: * XML => "xml" 17:20:15.448 DEBUG: * VB.NET => "vbnet" 17:20:15.448 DEBUG: * Swift => "swift" 17:20:15.448 DEBUG: * C => "c" 17:20:15.448 DEBUG: * C++ => "cpp" 17:20:15.448 DEBUG: * Objective-C => "objc" 17:20:15.448 DEBUG: * Python => "py" 17:20:15.448 DEBUG: * Go => "go" 17:20:15.448 DEBUG: * Kotlin => "kotlin" 17:20:15.448 DEBUG: * T-SQL => "tsql" 17:20:15.448 DEBUG: * JavaScript => "js" 17:20:15.448 DEBUG: * TypeScript => "ts" 17:20:15.448 DEBUG: * Ruby => "ruby" 17:20:15.448 DEBUG: * PHP => "php" 17:20:15.449 DEBUG: * ABAP => "abap" 17:20:15.458 INFO: Auto-configuring with CI 'Jenkins' 17:20:15.459 INFO: Load quality profiles 17:20:15.487 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/qualityprofiles/search.protobuf?project=gc-api | time=27ms 17:20:15.506 INFO: Load quality profiles (done) | time=47ms 17:20:15.509 INFO: Auto-configuring with CI 'Jenkins' 17:20:15.512 INFO: Load active rules 17:20:15.618 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXNUnVlftuGT9L0Q2k8m&ps=500&p=1 | time=106ms 17:20:15.757 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AWqjAREH7VN242YO6XSW&ps=500&p=1 | time=18ms 17:20:15.822 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXNUnVtntuGT9L0Q2lG-&ps=500&p=1 | time=62ms 17:20:15.857 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AWnk2V6yUSA_sskgFf06&ps=500&p=1 | time=20ms 17:20:15.868 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AWnk2V84USA_sskgFf1Z&ps=500&p=1 | time=9ms 17:20:15.889 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AWnk2V9eUSA_sskgFf14&ps=500&p=1 | time=21ms 17:20:15.911 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AWnk2V_aUSA_sskgFf22&ps=500&p=1 | time=21ms 17:20:15.958 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AWqjA5fp7VN242YO6Xap&ps=500&p=1 | time=45ms 17:20:15.988 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AWqjBA1B7VN242YO6Xir&ps=500&p=1 | time=22ms 17:20:16.016 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXNUnV2ctuGT9L0Q2lMU&ps=500&p=1 | time=26ms 17:20:16.059 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXNUnV6CtuGT9L0Q2lRn&ps=500&p=1 | time=41ms 17:20:16.083 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AWnk2WMnUSA_sskgFgA9&ps=500&p=1 | time=19ms 17:20:16.155 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AWqjAjKA7VN242YO6XTL&ps=500&p=1 | time=70ms 17:20:16.293 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AWnk2WaxUSA_sskgFgO2&ps=500&p=1 | time=130ms 17:20:16.325 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AWqjBJoo7VN242YO6Xnm&ps=500&p=1 | time=16ms 17:20:16.357 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AWnk2WinUSA_sskgFgWH&ps=500&p=1 | time=31ms 17:20:16.371 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AWqjBLss7VN242YO6XoM&ps=500&p=1 | time=12ms 17:20:16.408 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AWqjA-1K7VN242YO6XfL&ps=500&p=1 | time=36ms 17:20:16.453 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AWnk2WtjUSA_sskgFgda&ps=500&p=1 | time=41ms 17:20:16.483 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXNUnWHetuGT9L0Q2lX1&ps=500&p=1 | time=27ms 17:20:16.544 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXNUnWMttuGT9L0Q2le3&ps=500&p=1 | time=58ms 17:20:16.576 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXNUnWSBtuGT9L0Q2lj8&ps=500&p=1 | time=26ms 17:20:16.622 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AWqjBE6o7VN242YO6XkB&ps=500&p=1 | time=44ms 17:20:16.647 INFO: Load active rules (done) | time=1136ms 17:20:16.687 INFO: Branch name: DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf 17:20:16.719 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language CSS were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.css : **/*.css,**/*.less,**/*.scss 17:20:16.720 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language PL/SQL were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.plsql : **/*.sql,**/*.pks,**/*.pkb 17:20:16.720 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Scala were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.scala : **/*.scala 17:20:16.720 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language C# were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.cs : **/*.cs 17:20:16.720 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Java were converted to : **/*.java,**/*.jav 17:20:16.720 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language HTML were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.web : **/*.html,**/*.xhtml,**/*.cshtml,**/*.vbhtml,**/*.aspx,**/*.ascx,**/*.rhtml,**/*.erb,**/*.shtm,**/*.shtml 17:20:16.721 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language JSP were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.jsp : **/*.jsp,**/*.jspf,**/*.jspx 17:20:16.721 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Flex were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.flex : **/*.as 17:20:16.721 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language XML were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.xml : **/*.xml,**/*.xsd,**/*.xsl 17:20:16.721 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language VB.NET were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.vbnet : **/*.vb 17:20:16.721 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Swift were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.swift : **/*.swift 17:20:16.721 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language C were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.c : **/*.c,**/*.h 17:20:16.722 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language C++ were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.cpp : **/*.cc,**/*.cpp,**/*.cxx,**/*.c++,**/*.hh,**/*.hpp,**/*.hxx,**/*.h++,**/*.ipp 17:20:16.722 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Objective-C were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.objc : **/*.m 17:20:16.722 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Python were converted to : **/*.py 17:20:16.722 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Go were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.go : **/*.go 17:20:16.722 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Kotlin were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.kotlin : **/*.kt 17:20:16.722 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language T-SQL were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.tsql : **/*.tsql 17:20:16.723 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language JavaScript were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.js : **/*.js,**/*.jsx,**/*.mjs,**/*.vue 17:20:16.723 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language TypeScript were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.ts : **/*.ts,**/*.tsx 17:20:16.723 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Ruby were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.ruby : **/*.rb 17:20:16.723 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language PHP were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.php : **/*.php,**/*.php3,**/*.php4,**/*.php5,**/*.phtml,**/*.inc 17:20:16.723 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language ABAP were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.abap : **/*.abap,**/*.ab4,**/*.flow,**/*.asprog 17:20:16.725 DEBUG: Will ignore generated code 17:20:16.725 DEBUG: Will ignore generated code 17:20:16.728 INFO: Indexing files... 17:20:16.729 INFO: Project configuration: 17:20:16.744 DEBUG: loading config FileBasedConfig[C:\Users\jenkins\.config\jgit\config] 17:20:16.745 DEBUG: readpipe [C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe, --version],C:\Program Files\Git\cmd 17:20:16.788 DEBUG: readpipe may return 'git version' 17:20:16.788 DEBUG: remaining output: 17:20:16.792 DEBUG: readpipe [C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe, config, --system, --edit],C:\Program Files\Git\cmd 17:20:16.846 DEBUG: readpipe may return 'C:/Program Files/Git/etc/gitconfig' 17:20:16.846 DEBUG: remaining output: 17:20:16.852 DEBUG: loading config FileBasedConfig[C:\Program Files\Git\etc\gitconfig] 17:20:16.853 DEBUG: loading config FileBasedConfig[C:\Users\jenkins\.gitconfig] 17:20:17.897 DEBUG: 43196 non excluded files in this Git repository 17:20:17.900 INFO: Indexing files of module 'Assent.ComplianceCentral.Api' 17:20:17.900 INFO: Base dir: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\src\ 17:20:17.907 DEBUG: Source paths: ****1000s of files**** 17:20:17.921 INFO: Load project repositories 17:20:17.984 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/batch/project.protobuf?key=gc-api&branch=DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf | time=63ms 17:20:18.007 INFO: Load project repositories (done) | time=86ms 17:20:18.008 DEBUG: ****1000s of files**** generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 17:20:18.010 DEBUG: ****1000s of files**** indexed with language 'cs' 17:20:41.554 INFO: Indexing files of module 'gc-api' 17:20:41.554 INFO: Base dir: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf 17:20:41.554 INFO: 3497 files indexed 17:20:41.554 INFO: 0 files ignored because of scm ignore settings 17:20:41.555 INFO: Quality profile for cs: Assent way 17:20:41.555 INFO: Quality profile for xml: Assent way 17:20:41.555 INFO: ------------- Run sensors on module Assent.GlobalCatalog.Contracts 17:20:41.645 INFO: JavaScript/TypeScript frontend is enabled 17:20:41.656 INFO: Load metrics repository 17:20:41.666 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/metrics/search?f=name,description,direction,qualitative,custom&ps=500&p=1 | time=9ms 17:20:41.673 INFO: Load metrics repository (done) | time=17ms 17:20:42.969 DEBUG: Adding rules for repository 'jssecurity', language: JAVASCRIPT, [class A.A.A.A.A.A.B, class A.A.A.A.A.A.I, class A.A.A.A.A.A.K, class A.A.A.A.A.A.L, class A.A.A.A.A.A.M, class A.A.A.A.A.A.C, class A.A.A.A.A.A.G, class A.A.A.A.A.A.H, class A.A.A.A.A.A.J, class A.A.A.A.A.A.F, class A.A.A.A.A.A.D, class A.A.A.A.A.A.E, class A.A.A.A.A.A.A] from A.A.A.A.A.D 17:20:42.976 DEBUG: Adding rules for repository 'tssecurity', language: TYPESCRIPT, [class A.A.A.A.A.A.B, class A.A.A.A.A.A.I, class A.A.A.A.A.A.K, class A.A.A.A.A.A.L, class A.A.A.A.A.A.M, class A.A.A.A.A.A.C, class A.A.A.A.A.A.G, class A.A.A.A.A.A.H, class A.A.A.A.A.A.J, class A.A.A.A.A.A.F, class A.A.A.A.A.A.D, class A.A.A.A.A.A.E, class A.A.A.A.A.A.A] from A.A.A.A.A.B 17:20:43.317 DEBUG: 'JavaSquidSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.318 DEBUG: 'Import external issues report' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:43.318 DEBUG: 'CSS Metrics' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.319 DEBUG: 'Import of stylelint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.320 DEBUG: 'PL/SQL Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.320 DEBUG: 'Scala Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.320 DEBUG: 'Scoverage sensor for Scala coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.321 DEBUG: 'Import of Scalastyle issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.321 DEBUG: 'Import of Scapegoat issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.321 DEBUG: 'Import of Checkstyle issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.322 DEBUG: 'Import of PMD issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:43.322 DEBUG: 'Import of SpotBugs issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.322 DEBUG: 'SurefireSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.322 DEBUG: 'Removed properties sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.323 DEBUG: 'Flex' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.323 DEBUG: 'Flex Cobertura' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.323 DEBUG: 'XML Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.324 DEBUG: 'Swift Code Quality and Security' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.324 DEBUG: 'Import of SwiftLint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.325 DEBUG: 'gcov' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.325 DEBUG: 'llvm-cov' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.325 DEBUG: 'cppunit' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.326 DEBUG: 'VisualStudioCoverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.326 DEBUG: 'bullseye' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.326 DEBUG: 'Python Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.327 DEBUG: 'Cobertura Sensor for Python coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.327 DEBUG: 'PythonXUnitSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.328 DEBUG: 'Import of Pylint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.328 DEBUG: 'Import of Bandit issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.328 DEBUG: 'Import of Flake8 issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.328 DEBUG: 'Code Quality and Security for Go' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.329 DEBUG: 'Go Unit Test Report' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.329 DEBUG: 'Go Cover sensor for Go coverage' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:43.329 DEBUG: 'Import of go vet issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.329 DEBUG: 'Import of Golint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.329 DEBUG: 'Import of GoMetaLinter issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.330 DEBUG: 'Import of GolangCI-Lint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.330 DEBUG: 'Kotlin Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.330 DEBUG: 'KotlinSurefireSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.330 DEBUG: 'Import of detekt issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.331 DEBUG: 'Import of Android Lint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:43.331 DEBUG: 'T-SQL Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.331 DEBUG: 'JavaScript analysis' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.331 DEBUG: 'TypeScript analysis' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.332 DEBUG: 'JavaScript/TypeScript Coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.332 DEBUG: 'Import of ESLint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:43.332 DEBUG: 'Import of TSLint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:43.332 DEBUG: 'Ruby Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.333 DEBUG: 'Import of RuboCop issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.333 DEBUG: 'SimpleCov Sensor for Ruby coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.333 DEBUG: 'Python HTML templates processing' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.333 DEBUG: 'PHP sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.334 DEBUG: 'Analyzer for "php.ini" files' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.334 DEBUG: 'AbapSquidSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.334 DEBUG: Sensors : CSS Rules -> C# Project Type Information -> C# Properties -> JavaXmlSensor -> HTML -> VB.NET Project Type Information -> VB.NET Properties -> JaCoCo XML Report Importer -> ThymeLeaf template sensor 17:20:43.335 INFO: Sensor CSS Rules [cssfamily] 17:20:43.336 INFO: No CSS, PHP, HTML or VueJS files are found in the project. CSS analysis is skipped. 17:20:43.336 INFO: Sensor CSS Rules [cssfamily] (done) | time=2ms 17:20:43.336 INFO: Sensor C# Project Type Information [csharp] 17:20:43.337 DEBUG: Adding file type information (has MAIN 'true', has TEST 'false') for project 'Assent.GlobalCatalog.Contracts' (project key 'gc-api:gc-api:0A370B23-E652-4874-9A09-410405920E90', base dir 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\src\Assent.GlobalCatalog.Contracts'). For debug info, see ProjectInfo.xml in 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\0'. 17:20:43.337 INFO: Sensor C# Project Type Information [csharp] (done) | time=1ms 17:20:43.337 INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] 17:20:43.341 DEBUG: Project 'gc-api:gc-api:0A370B23-E652-4874-9A09-410405920E90': Analyzer working directory 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\0\output-cs' contains 5 .pb file(s) 17:20:43.341 DEBUG: Project 'gc-api:gc-api:0A370B23-E652-4874-9A09-410405920E90': The Roslyn JSON report path has 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\src\Assent.GlobalCatalog.Contracts\bin\Release\Assent.GlobalCatalog.Contracts.dll.RoslynCA.json' 17:20:43.342 INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] (done) | time=4ms 17:20:43.342 INFO: Sensor JavaXmlSensor [java] 17:20:43.344 INFO: Sensor JavaXmlSensor [java] (done) | time=2ms 17:20:43.344 INFO: Sensor HTML [web] 17:20:43.348 INFO: Sensor HTML [web] (done) | time=4ms 17:20:43.348 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Project Type Information [vbnet] 17:20:43.350 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Project Type Information [vbnet] (done) | time=2ms 17:20:43.350 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet] 17:20:43.350 DEBUG: Project 'gc-api:gc-api:0A370B23-E652-4874-9A09-410405920E90': Property missing: 'sonar.vbnet.analyzer.projectOutPaths'. No protobuf files will be loaded for this project. 17:20:43.351 DEBUG: Project 'gc-api:gc-api:0A370B23-E652-4874-9A09-410405920E90': No Roslyn issues reports have been found. 17:20:43.351 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet] (done) | time=1ms 17:20:43.351 INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] 17:20:43.354 INFO: 'sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths' is not defined. Using default locations: target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml,target/site/jacoco-it/jacoco.xml,build/reports/jacoco/test/jacocoTestReport.xml 17:20:43.355 INFO: No report imported, no coverage information will be imported by JaCoCo XML Report Importer 17:20:43.355 INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] (done) | time=4ms 17:20:43.355 INFO: Sensor ThymeLeaf template sensor [securityjavafrontend] 17:20:43.356 INFO: Sensor ThymeLeaf template sensor [securityjavafrontend] (done) | time=1ms 17:20:43.359 INFO: ------------- Run sensors on module Assent.GlobalCatalog.Api.Tests 17:20:43.365 INFO: JavaScript/TypeScript frontend is enabled 17:20:43.491 DEBUG: 'JavaSquidSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.491 DEBUG: 'Import external issues report' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:43.492 DEBUG: 'CSS Metrics' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.492 DEBUG: 'Import of stylelint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.492 DEBUG: 'PL/SQL Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.492 DEBUG: 'Scala Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.493 DEBUG: 'Scoverage sensor for Scala coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.493 DEBUG: 'Import of Scalastyle issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.493 DEBUG: 'Import of Scapegoat issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.493 DEBUG: 'Import of Checkstyle issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.493 DEBUG: 'Import of PMD issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:43.494 DEBUG: 'Import of SpotBugs issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.494 DEBUG: 'SurefireSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.494 DEBUG: 'Removed properties sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.494 DEBUG: 'HTML' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.494 DEBUG: 'Flex' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.494 DEBUG: 'Flex Cobertura' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.494 DEBUG: 'Swift Code Quality and Security' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.495 DEBUG: 'Import of SwiftLint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.495 DEBUG: 'gcov' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.495 DEBUG: 'llvm-cov' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.495 DEBUG: 'cppunit' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.495 DEBUG: 'VisualStudioCoverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.495 DEBUG: 'bullseye' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.495 DEBUG: 'Python Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.496 DEBUG: 'Cobertura Sensor for Python coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.496 DEBUG: 'PythonXUnitSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.496 DEBUG: 'Import of Pylint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.496 DEBUG: 'Import of Bandit issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.496 DEBUG: 'Import of Flake8 issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.496 DEBUG: 'Code Quality and Security for Go' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.496 DEBUG: 'Go Unit Test Report' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.497 DEBUG: 'Go Cover sensor for Go coverage' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:43.497 DEBUG: 'Import of go vet issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.497 DEBUG: 'Import of Golint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.497 DEBUG: 'Import of GoMetaLinter issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.497 DEBUG: 'Import of GolangCI-Lint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.497 DEBUG: 'Kotlin Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.497 DEBUG: 'KotlinSurefireSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.497 DEBUG: 'Import of detekt issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.497 DEBUG: 'Import of Android Lint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:43.497 DEBUG: 'T-SQL Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.498 DEBUG: 'JavaScript analysis' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.498 DEBUG: 'TypeScript analysis' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.498 DEBUG: 'JavaScript/TypeScript Coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.498 DEBUG: 'Import of ESLint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:43.498 DEBUG: 'Import of TSLint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:43.498 DEBUG: 'Ruby Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.498 DEBUG: 'Import of RuboCop issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.498 DEBUG: 'SimpleCov Sensor for Ruby coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.499 DEBUG: 'Python HTML templates processing' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.499 DEBUG: 'PHP sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.499 DEBUG: 'Analyzer for "php.ini" files' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.499 DEBUG: 'AbapSquidSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:43.499 DEBUG: Sensors : CSS Rules -> C# Project Type Information -> C# Properties -> JavaXmlSensor -> XML Sensor -> VB.NET Project Type Information -> VB.NET Properties -> JaCoCo XML Report Importer -> ThymeLeaf template sensor 17:20:43.499 INFO: Sensor CSS Rules [cssfamily] 17:20:43.499 INFO: No CSS, PHP, HTML or VueJS files are found in the project. CSS analysis is skipped. 17:20:43.499 INFO: Sensor CSS Rules [cssfamily] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:43.499 INFO: Sensor C# Project Type Information [csharp] 17:20:43.500 DEBUG: Adding file type information (has MAIN 'false', has TEST 'true') for project 'Assent.GlobalCatalog.Api.Tests' (project key 'gc-api:gc-api:CDCCD829-55C8-4DDE-B738-929F5AE81D47', base dir 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\test\Assent.GlobalCatalogService.Tests'). For debug info, see ProjectInfo.xml in 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\4'. 17:20:43.500 INFO: Sensor C# Project Type Information [csharp] (done) | time=1ms 17:20:43.500 INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] 17:20:43.500 DEBUG: Project 'gc-api:gc-api:CDCCD829-55C8-4DDE-B738-929F5AE81D47': Analyzer working directory 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\4\output-cs' contains 5 .pb file(s) 17:20:43.500 DEBUG: Project 'gc-api:gc-api:CDCCD829-55C8-4DDE-B738-929F5AE81D47': The Roslyn JSON report path has 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\test\Assent.GlobalCatalogService.Tests\bin\Release\Assent.GlobalCatalog.Api.Tests.dll.RoslynCA.json' 17:20:43.500 INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:43.500 INFO: Sensor JavaXmlSensor [java] 17:20:43.505 INFO: 16 source files to be analyzed 17:20:43.517 DEBUG: 'test/Assent.GlobalCatalogService.Tests/Resources/IPC1752_AllFalseStatementResponse.xml' generated metadata as test with charset 'UTF-8' 17:20:43.707 DEBUG: 'test/Assent.GlobalCatalogService.Tests/Resources/IPC1752A3_AllFalseStatementResponse.xml' generated metadata as test with charset 'UTF-8' 17:20:43.737 DEBUG: 'test/Assent.GlobalCatalogService.Tests/Resources/IPC1752A3.xml' generated metadata as test with charset 'UTF-8' 17:20:43.855 DEBUG: 'test/Assent.GlobalCatalogService.Tests/Resources/IPC1752A3_RoHS0508_AllFalseStatementResponse.xml' generated metadata as test with charset 'UTF-8' 17:20:43.869 DEBUG: 'test/Assent.GlobalCatalogService.Tests/Resources/IPC1752_SubProducts.xml' generated metadata as test with charset 'UTF-8' 17:20:43.894 DEBUG: 'test/Assent.GlobalCatalogService.Tests/Resources/IPC1752.xml' generated metadata as test with charset 'UTF-8' 17:20:43.948 DEBUG: 'test/Assent.GlobalCatalogService.Tests/Resources/IPC1752A3_WrongStatementResponse.xml' generated metadata as test with charset 'UTF-8' 17:20:43.964 DEBUG: 'test/Assent.GlobalCatalogService.Tests/Resources/IPC1752A3_SubProducts.xml' generated metadata as test with charset 'UTF-8' 17:20:43.988 DEBUG: 'test/Assent.GlobalCatalogService.Tests/Resources/IPC1754.xml' generated metadata as test with charset 'UTF-8' 17:20:44.002 DEBUG: Skipped 'test/Assent.GlobalCatalogService.Tests/Resources/IPC1754.xml' due to parsing error 17:20:44.009 DEBUG: 'test/Assent.GlobalCatalogService.Tests/Resources/ScipDossiers/manifest.xml' generated metadata as test with charset 'UTF-8' 17:20:44.045 DEBUG: 'test/Assent.GlobalCatalogService.Tests/Resources/IPC1752A3_Attachments.xml' generated metadata as test with charset 'UTF-8' 17:20:44.152 DEBUG: 'test/Assent.GlobalCatalogService.Tests/Resources/IPC1752A3_QueryList_NoAuthority.xml' generated metadata as test with charset 'UTF-8' 17:20:44.209 DEBUG: 'test/Assent.GlobalCatalogService.Tests/Resources/IPC1752_ConcentrationValueExponentionalFormat.xml' generated metadata as test with charset 'UTF-8' 17:20:44.262 DEBUG: 'test/Assent.GlobalCatalogService.Tests/Resources/IPC1752_Attachments.xml' generated metadata as test with charset 'UTF-8' 17:20:44.308 DEBUG: 'test/Assent.GlobalCatalogService.Tests/Resources/IPC1754_SubProducts.xml' generated metadata as test with charset 'UTF-8' 17:20:44.326 DEBUG: 'test/Assent.GlobalCatalogService.Tests/Resources/IEC62474.xml' generated metadata as test with charset 'UTF-8' 17:20:44.331 INFO: 16/16 source files have been analyzed 17:20:44.331 INFO: Sensor JavaXmlSensor [java] (done) | time=831ms 17:20:44.331 INFO: Sensor XML Sensor [xml] 17:20:44.332 INFO: Sensor XML Sensor [xml] (done) | time=1ms 17:20:44.332 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Project Type Information [vbnet] 17:20:44.333 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Project Type Information [vbnet] (done) | time=1ms 17:20:44.333 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet] 17:20:44.333 DEBUG: Project 'gc-api:gc-api:CDCCD829-55C8-4DDE-B738-929F5AE81D47': No Roslyn issues reports have been found. 17:20:44.333 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:44.333 INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] 17:20:44.334 INFO: 'sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths' is not defined. Using default locations: target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml,target/site/jacoco-it/jacoco.xml,build/reports/jacoco/test/jacocoTestReport.xml 17:20:44.335 INFO: No report imported, no coverage information will be imported by JaCoCo XML Report Importer 17:20:44.335 INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] (done) | time=2ms 17:20:44.335 INFO: Sensor ThymeLeaf template sensor [securityjavafrontend] 17:20:44.336 INFO: Sensor ThymeLeaf template sensor [securityjavafrontend] (done) | time=1ms 17:20:44.336 INFO: ------------- Run sensors on module Assent.ComplianceCentral.Api 17:20:44.343 INFO: JavaScript/TypeScript frontend is enabled 17:20:44.689 DEBUG: 'JavaSquidSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.689 DEBUG: 'Import external issues report' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:44.689 DEBUG: 'CSS Metrics' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.689 DEBUG: 'Import of stylelint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.689 DEBUG: 'PL/SQL Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.689 DEBUG: 'Scala Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.689 DEBUG: 'Scoverage sensor for Scala coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.689 DEBUG: 'Import of Scalastyle issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.690 DEBUG: 'Import of Scapegoat issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.690 DEBUG: 'Import of Checkstyle issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.690 DEBUG: 'Import of PMD issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:44.690 DEBUG: 'Import of SpotBugs issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.690 DEBUG: 'SurefireSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.690 DEBUG: 'Removed properties sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.690 DEBUG: 'Flex' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.690 DEBUG: 'Flex Cobertura' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.690 DEBUG: 'XML Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.690 DEBUG: 'Swift Code Quality and Security' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.690 DEBUG: 'Import of SwiftLint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.691 DEBUG: 'gcov' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.691 DEBUG: 'llvm-cov' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.691 DEBUG: 'cppunit' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.691 DEBUG: 'VisualStudioCoverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.691 DEBUG: 'bullseye' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.691 DEBUG: 'Python Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.691 DEBUG: 'Cobertura Sensor for Python coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.691 DEBUG: 'PythonXUnitSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.691 DEBUG: 'Import of Pylint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.691 DEBUG: 'Import of Bandit issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.691 DEBUG: 'Import of Flake8 issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.691 DEBUG: 'Code Quality and Security for Go' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.692 DEBUG: 'Go Unit Test Report' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.692 DEBUG: 'Go Cover sensor for Go coverage' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:44.692 DEBUG: 'Import of go vet issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.692 DEBUG: 'Import of Golint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.692 DEBUG: 'Import of GoMetaLinter issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.692 DEBUG: 'Import of GolangCI-Lint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.692 DEBUG: 'Kotlin Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.692 DEBUG: 'KotlinSurefireSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.692 DEBUG: 'Import of detekt issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.692 DEBUG: 'Import of Android Lint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:44.692 DEBUG: 'T-SQL Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.693 DEBUG: 'JavaScript analysis' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.693 DEBUG: 'TypeScript analysis' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.693 DEBUG: 'JavaScript/TypeScript Coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.693 DEBUG: 'Import of ESLint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:44.693 DEBUG: 'Import of TSLint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:44.693 DEBUG: 'Ruby Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.693 DEBUG: 'Import of RuboCop issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.693 DEBUG: 'SimpleCov Sensor for Ruby coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.693 DEBUG: 'Python HTML templates processing' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.693 DEBUG: 'PHP sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.694 DEBUG: 'Analyzer for "php.ini" files' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.694 DEBUG: 'AbapSquidSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.694 DEBUG: Sensors : CSS Rules -> C# Project Type Information -> C# Properties -> JavaXmlSensor -> HTML -> VB.NET Project Type Information -> VB.NET Properties -> JaCoCo XML Report Importer -> ThymeLeaf template sensor 17:20:44.694 INFO: Sensor CSS Rules [cssfamily] 17:20:44.694 INFO: No CSS, PHP, HTML or VueJS files are found in the project. CSS analysis is skipped. 17:20:44.694 INFO: Sensor CSS Rules [cssfamily] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:44.694 INFO: Sensor C# Project Type Information [csharp] 17:20:44.694 DEBUG: Adding file type information (has MAIN 'true', has TEST 'false') for project 'Assent.ComplianceCentral.Api' (project key 'gc-api:gc-api:022ACCD6-F90E-458C-BAAE-6F2D9930B4AC', base dir 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\src\Assent.ComplianceCentral.Api'). For debug info, see ProjectInfo.xml in 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\1'. 17:20:44.695 INFO: Sensor C# Project Type Information [csharp] (done) | time=1ms 17:20:44.695 INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] 17:20:44.695 DEBUG: Project 'gc-api:gc-api:022ACCD6-F90E-458C-BAAE-6F2D9930B4AC': Analyzer working directory 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\1\output-cs' contains 5 .pb file(s) 17:20:44.695 DEBUG: Project 'gc-api:gc-api:022ACCD6-F90E-458C-BAAE-6F2D9930B4AC': The Roslyn JSON report path has 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\src\Assent.ComplianceCentral.Api\bin\Release\Assent.ComplianceCentral.Api.exe.RoslynCA.json' 17:20:44.695 INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:44.695 INFO: Sensor JavaXmlSensor [java] 17:20:44.696 INFO: Sensor JavaXmlSensor [java] (done) | time=1ms 17:20:44.696 INFO: Sensor HTML [web] 17:20:44.697 INFO: Sensor HTML [web] (done) | time=1ms 17:20:44.697 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Project Type Information [vbnet] 17:20:44.697 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Project Type Information [vbnet] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:44.697 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet] 17:20:44.697 DEBUG: Project 'gc-api:gc-api:022ACCD6-F90E-458C-BAAE-6F2D9930B4AC': Property missing: 'sonar.vbnet.analyzer.projectOutPaths'. No protobuf files will be loaded for this project. 17:20:44.698 DEBUG: Project 'gc-api:gc-api:022ACCD6-F90E-458C-BAAE-6F2D9930B4AC': No Roslyn issues reports have been found. 17:20:44.698 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet] (done) | time=1ms 17:20:44.698 INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] 17:20:44.698 INFO: 'sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths' is not defined. Using default locations: target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml,target/site/jacoco-it/jacoco.xml,build/reports/jacoco/test/jacocoTestReport.xml 17:20:44.699 INFO: No report imported, no coverage information will be imported by JaCoCo XML Report Importer 17:20:44.699 INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] (done) | time=1ms 17:20:44.699 INFO: Sensor ThymeLeaf template sensor [securityjavafrontend] 17:20:44.699 INFO: Sensor ThymeLeaf template sensor [securityjavafrontend] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:44.699 INFO: ------------- Run sensors on module Assent.GlobalCatalog.Api 17:20:44.706 INFO: JavaScript/TypeScript frontend is enabled 17:20:44.813 DEBUG: 'JavaSquidSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.814 DEBUG: 'Import external issues report' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:44.814 DEBUG: 'CSS Metrics' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.814 DEBUG: 'Import of stylelint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.815 DEBUG: 'PL/SQL Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.815 DEBUG: 'Scala Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.816 DEBUG: 'Scoverage sensor for Scala coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.816 DEBUG: 'Import of Scalastyle issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.816 DEBUG: 'Import of Scapegoat issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.817 DEBUG: 'Import of Checkstyle issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.817 DEBUG: 'Import of PMD issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:44.817 DEBUG: 'Import of SpotBugs issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.818 DEBUG: 'SurefireSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.818 DEBUG: 'Removed properties sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.818 DEBUG: 'Flex' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.819 DEBUG: 'Flex Cobertura' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.819 DEBUG: 'XML Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.820 DEBUG: 'Swift Code Quality and Security' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.820 DEBUG: 'Import of SwiftLint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.820 DEBUG: 'gcov' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.821 DEBUG: 'llvm-cov' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.822 DEBUG: 'cppunit' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.822 DEBUG: 'VisualStudioCoverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.823 DEBUG: 'bullseye' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.823 DEBUG: 'Python Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.823 DEBUG: 'Cobertura Sensor for Python coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.824 DEBUG: 'PythonXUnitSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.824 DEBUG: 'Import of Pylint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.825 DEBUG: 'Import of Bandit issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.825 DEBUG: 'Import of Flake8 issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.825 DEBUG: 'Code Quality and Security for Go' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.826 DEBUG: 'Go Unit Test Report' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.826 DEBUG: 'Go Cover sensor for Go coverage' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:44.826 DEBUG: 'Import of go vet issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.826 DEBUG: 'Import of Golint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.827 DEBUG: 'Import of GoMetaLinter issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.827 DEBUG: 'Import of GolangCI-Lint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.828 DEBUG: 'Kotlin Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.828 DEBUG: 'KotlinSurefireSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.828 DEBUG: 'Import of detekt issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.829 DEBUG: 'Import of Android Lint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:44.829 DEBUG: 'T-SQL Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.829 DEBUG: 'JavaScript analysis' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.830 DEBUG: 'TypeScript analysis' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.830 DEBUG: 'JavaScript/TypeScript Coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.830 DEBUG: 'Import of ESLint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:44.830 DEBUG: 'Import of TSLint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:44.831 DEBUG: 'Ruby Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.831 DEBUG: 'Import of RuboCop issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.831 DEBUG: 'SimpleCov Sensor for Ruby coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.832 DEBUG: 'Python HTML templates processing' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.832 DEBUG: 'PHP sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.832 DEBUG: 'Analyzer for "php.ini" files' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.833 DEBUG: 'AbapSquidSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.833 DEBUG: Sensors : CSS Rules -> C# Project Type Information -> C# Properties -> JavaXmlSensor -> HTML -> VB.NET Project Type Information -> VB.NET Properties -> JaCoCo XML Report Importer -> ThymeLeaf template sensor 17:20:44.833 INFO: Sensor CSS Rules [cssfamily] 17:20:44.835 INFO: No CSS, PHP, HTML or VueJS files are found in the project. CSS analysis is skipped. 17:20:44.835 INFO: Sensor CSS Rules [cssfamily] (done) | time=2ms 17:20:44.835 INFO: Sensor C# Project Type Information [csharp] 17:20:44.835 DEBUG: Adding file type information (has MAIN 'true', has TEST 'false') for project 'Assent.GlobalCatalog.Api' (project key 'gc-api:gc-api:5CDA1689-DFBF-4DF3-B464-44AD69CC709F', base dir 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\src\Assent.GlobalCatalog.Api'). For debug info, see ProjectInfo.xml in 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\2'. 17:20:44.835 INFO: Sensor C# Project Type Information [csharp] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:44.835 INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] 17:20:44.836 DEBUG: Project 'gc-api:gc-api:5CDA1689-DFBF-4DF3-B464-44AD69CC709F': Analyzer working directory 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\2\output-cs' contains 5 .pb file(s) 17:20:44.836 DEBUG: Project 'gc-api:gc-api:5CDA1689-DFBF-4DF3-B464-44AD69CC709F': The Roslyn JSON report path has 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\src\Assent.GlobalCatalog.Api\bin\Release\Assent.GlobalCatalog.Api.exe.RoslynCA.json' 17:20:44.836 INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] (done) | time=1ms 17:20:44.836 INFO: Sensor JavaXmlSensor [java] 17:20:44.843 INFO: Sensor JavaXmlSensor [java] (done) | time=7ms 17:20:44.843 INFO: Sensor HTML [web] 17:20:44.846 INFO: Sensor HTML [web] (done) | time=3ms 17:20:44.846 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Project Type Information [vbnet] 17:20:44.847 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Project Type Information [vbnet] (done) | time=1ms 17:20:44.847 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet] 17:20:44.847 DEBUG: Project 'gc-api:gc-api:5CDA1689-DFBF-4DF3-B464-44AD69CC709F': Property missing: 'sonar.vbnet.analyzer.projectOutPaths'. No protobuf files will be loaded for this project. 17:20:44.847 DEBUG: Project 'gc-api:gc-api:5CDA1689-DFBF-4DF3-B464-44AD69CC709F': No Roslyn issues reports have been found. 17:20:44.847 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:44.847 INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] 17:20:44.850 INFO: 'sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths' is not defined. Using default locations: target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml,target/site/jacoco-it/jacoco.xml,build/reports/jacoco/test/jacocoTestReport.xml 17:20:44.850 INFO: No report imported, no coverage information will be imported by JaCoCo XML Report Importer 17:20:44.850 INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] (done) | time=3ms 17:20:44.850 INFO: Sensor ThymeLeaf template sensor [securityjavafrontend] 17:20:44.853 INFO: Sensor ThymeLeaf template sensor [securityjavafrontend] (done) | time=3ms 17:20:44.853 INFO: ------------- Run sensors on module Assent.ComplianceCentral.Api.Tests 17:20:44.859 INFO: JavaScript/TypeScript frontend is enabled 17:20:44.961 DEBUG: 'JavaSquidSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.961 DEBUG: 'Import external issues report' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:44.961 DEBUG: 'CSS Metrics' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.961 DEBUG: 'Import of stylelint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'PL/SQL Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Scala Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Scoverage sensor for Scala coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Import of Scalastyle issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Import of Scapegoat issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Import of Checkstyle issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Import of PMD issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Import of SpotBugs issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'SurefireSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Removed properties sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'HTML' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Flex' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Flex Cobertura' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'XML Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Swift Code Quality and Security' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Import of SwiftLint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'gcov' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'llvm-cov' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'cppunit' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'VisualStudioCoverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'bullseye' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Python Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Cobertura Sensor for Python coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'PythonXUnitSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Import of Pylint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Import of Bandit issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Import of Flake8 issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Code Quality and Security for Go' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Go Unit Test Report' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Go Cover sensor for Go coverage' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Import of go vet issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Import of Golint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Import of GoMetaLinter issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Import of GolangCI-Lint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Kotlin Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'KotlinSurefireSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.962 DEBUG: 'Import of detekt issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.963 DEBUG: 'Import of Android Lint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:44.963 DEBUG: 'T-SQL Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.963 DEBUG: 'JavaScript analysis' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.963 DEBUG: 'TypeScript analysis' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.963 DEBUG: 'JavaScript/TypeScript Coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.963 DEBUG: 'Import of ESLint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:44.963 DEBUG: 'Import of TSLint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:44.963 DEBUG: 'Ruby Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.963 DEBUG: 'Import of RuboCop issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.963 DEBUG: 'SimpleCov Sensor for Ruby coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.963 DEBUG: 'Python HTML templates processing' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.963 DEBUG: 'PHP sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.963 DEBUG: 'Analyzer for "php.ini" files' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.963 DEBUG: 'AbapSquidSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:44.964 DEBUG: Sensors : CSS Rules -> C# Project Type Information -> C# Properties -> JavaXmlSensor -> VB.NET Project Type Information -> VB.NET Properties -> JaCoCo XML Report Importer -> ThymeLeaf template sensor 17:20:44.964 INFO: Sensor CSS Rules [cssfamily] 17:20:44.964 INFO: No CSS, PHP, HTML or VueJS files are found in the project. CSS analysis is skipped. 17:20:44.964 INFO: Sensor CSS Rules [cssfamily] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:44.964 INFO: Sensor C# Project Type Information [csharp] 17:20:44.964 DEBUG: Adding file type information (has MAIN 'false', has TEST 'true') for project 'Assent.ComplianceCentral.Api.Tests' (project key 'gc-api:gc-api:4B00CABF-11EA-4B20-B56A-C4F5F18CD9A4', base dir 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\test\Assent.ComplianceCentral.Api.Tests'). For debug info, see ProjectInfo.xml in 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\3'. 17:20:44.964 INFO: Sensor C# Project Type Information [csharp] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:44.964 INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] 17:20:44.964 DEBUG: Project 'gc-api:gc-api:4B00CABF-11EA-4B20-B56A-C4F5F18CD9A4': Analyzer working directory 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\3\output-cs' contains 5 .pb file(s) 17:20:44.964 DEBUG: Project 'gc-api:gc-api:4B00CABF-11EA-4B20-B56A-C4F5F18CD9A4': The Roslyn JSON report path has 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\test\Assent.ComplianceCentral.Api.Tests\bin\Release\Assent.ComplianceCentral.Api.Tests.dll.RoslynCA.json' 17:20:44.964 INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:44.964 INFO: Sensor JavaXmlSensor [java] 17:20:44.965 INFO: Sensor JavaXmlSensor [java] (done) | time=1ms 17:20:44.965 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Project Type Information [vbnet] 17:20:44.965 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Project Type Information [vbnet] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:44.965 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet] 17:20:44.965 DEBUG: Project 'gc-api:gc-api:4B00CABF-11EA-4B20-B56A-C4F5F18CD9A4': No Roslyn issues reports have been found. 17:20:44.965 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:44.965 INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] 17:20:44.965 INFO: 'sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths' is not defined. Using default locations: target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml,target/site/jacoco-it/jacoco.xml,build/reports/jacoco/test/jacocoTestReport.xml 17:20:44.965 INFO: No report imported, no coverage information will be imported by JaCoCo XML Report Importer 17:20:44.965 INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:44.965 INFO: Sensor ThymeLeaf template sensor [securityjavafrontend] 17:20:44.965 INFO: Sensor ThymeLeaf template sensor [securityjavafrontend] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:44.965 INFO: ------------- Run sensors on module gc-api 17:20:44.971 INFO: JavaScript/TypeScript frontend is enabled 17:20:45.071 DEBUG: 'JavaSquidSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.071 DEBUG: 'Import external issues report' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:45.071 DEBUG: 'CSS Metrics' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.072 DEBUG: 'Import of stylelint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.072 DEBUG: 'PL/SQL Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.072 DEBUG: 'Scala Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.072 DEBUG: 'Scoverage sensor for Scala coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.072 DEBUG: 'Import of Scalastyle issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.072 DEBUG: 'Import of Scapegoat issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.072 DEBUG: 'Import of Checkstyle issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.072 DEBUG: 'Import of PMD issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:45.072 DEBUG: 'Import of SpotBugs issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.073 DEBUG: 'SurefireSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.073 DEBUG: 'Removed properties sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.073 DEBUG: 'HTML' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.073 DEBUG: 'Flex' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.073 DEBUG: 'Flex Cobertura' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.073 DEBUG: 'XML Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.073 DEBUG: 'Swift Code Quality and Security' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.073 DEBUG: 'Import of SwiftLint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.073 DEBUG: 'gcov' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.073 DEBUG: 'llvm-cov' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.073 DEBUG: 'cppunit' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.073 DEBUG: 'VisualStudioCoverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.074 DEBUG: 'bullseye' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.074 DEBUG: 'Python Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.074 DEBUG: 'Cobertura Sensor for Python coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.074 DEBUG: 'PythonXUnitSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.074 DEBUG: 'Import of Pylint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.074 DEBUG: 'Import of Bandit issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.074 DEBUG: 'Import of Flake8 issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.074 DEBUG: 'Code Quality and Security for Go' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.074 DEBUG: 'Go Unit Test Report' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.075 DEBUG: 'Go Cover sensor for Go coverage' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:45.075 DEBUG: 'Import of go vet issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.075 DEBUG: 'Import of Golint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.075 DEBUG: 'Import of GoMetaLinter issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.075 DEBUG: 'Import of GolangCI-Lint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.075 DEBUG: 'Kotlin Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.075 DEBUG: 'KotlinSurefireSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.075 DEBUG: 'Import of detekt issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.075 DEBUG: 'Import of Android Lint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:45.075 DEBUG: 'T-SQL Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.075 DEBUG: 'JavaScript analysis' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.075 DEBUG: 'TypeScript analysis' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.075 DEBUG: 'JavaScript/TypeScript Coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.075 DEBUG: 'Import of ESLint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:45.075 DEBUG: 'Import of TSLint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:45.075 DEBUG: 'Ruby Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.075 DEBUG: 'Import of RuboCop issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.075 DEBUG: 'SimpleCov Sensor for Ruby coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.075 DEBUG: 'Python HTML templates processing' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.075 DEBUG: 'PHP sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.075 DEBUG: 'Analyzer for "php.ini" files' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.075 DEBUG: 'AbapSquidSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.077 DEBUG: 'Generic Test Executions Report' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:20:45.079 DEBUG: 'CFamily' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:20:45.079 DEBUG: Sensors : CSS Rules -> C# Project Type Information -> C# Properties -> JavaXmlSensor -> VB.NET Project Type Information -> VB.NET Properties -> JaCoCo XML Report Importer -> ThymeLeaf template sensor -> JavaSecuritySensor -> CSharpSecuritySensor -> PhpSecuritySensor -> PythonSecuritySensor -> JsSecuritySensor 17:20:45.079 INFO: Sensor CSS Rules [cssfamily] 17:20:45.079 INFO: No CSS, PHP, HTML or VueJS files are found in the project. CSS analysis is skipped. 17:20:45.079 INFO: Sensor CSS Rules [cssfamily] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:45.079 INFO: Sensor C# Project Type Information [csharp] 17:20:45.079 INFO: Sensor C# Project Type Information [csharp] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:45.079 INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] 17:20:45.079 DEBUG: Project 'gc-api': Property missing: 'sonar.cs.analyzer.projectOutPaths'. No protobuf files will be loaded for this project. 17:20:45.080 DEBUG: Project 'gc-api': No Roslyn issues reports have been found. 17:20:45.080 INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] (done) | time=1ms 17:20:45.080 INFO: Sensor JavaXmlSensor [java] 17:20:45.080 INFO: Sensor JavaXmlSensor [java] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:45.080 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Project Type Information [vbnet] 17:20:45.080 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Project Type Information [vbnet] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:45.080 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet] 17:20:45.080 DEBUG: Project 'gc-api': Property missing: 'sonar.vbnet.analyzer.projectOutPaths'. No protobuf files will be loaded for this project. 17:20:45.080 DEBUG: Project 'gc-api': No Roslyn issues reports have been found. 17:20:45.080 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:45.080 INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] 17:20:45.080 INFO: 'sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths' is not defined. Using default locations: target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml,target/site/jacoco-it/jacoco.xml,build/reports/jacoco/test/jacocoTestReport.xml 17:20:45.080 INFO: No report imported, no coverage information will be imported by JaCoCo XML Report Importer 17:20:45.080 INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:45.080 INFO: Sensor ThymeLeaf template sensor [securityjavafrontend] 17:20:45.080 INFO: Sensor ThymeLeaf template sensor [securityjavafrontend] (done) | time=0ms 17:20:45.080 INFO: Sensor JavaSecuritySensor [security] 17:20:45.081 INFO: Reading type hierarchy from: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\.sonar\ucfg2\java 17:20:45.081 INFO: Read 0 type definitions 17:20:45.084 INFO: Reading UCFGs from: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\.sonar\ucfg2\java 17:20:45.085 INFO: No UCFGs have been included for analysis. 17:20:45.085 INFO: Sensor JavaSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=5ms 17:20:45.085 INFO: Sensor CSharpSecuritySensor [security] 17:20:45.085 INFO: Reading type hierarchy from: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\ucfg_cs2 17:20:59.555 INFO: Read 2681 type definitions 17:20:59.591 INFO: Reading UCFGs from: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\ucfg_cs2 17:23:52.538 INFO: 17:23:52.538 Building Runtime Type propagation graph 17:23:53.019 INFO: 17:23:53.018 Running Tarjan on 124285 nodes 17:23:53.304 INFO: 17:23:53.304 Tarjan found 124023 components 17:23:53.514 INFO: 17:23:53.514 Variable type analysis: done 17:23:53.516 INFO: 17:23:53.516 Building Runtime Type propagation graph 17:23:53.902 INFO: 17:23:53.902 Running Tarjan on 124318 nodes 17:23:54.021 INFO: 17:23:54.021 Tarjan found 124056 components 17:23:54.224 INFO: 17:23:54.224 Variable type analysis: done 17:23:54.244 INFO: Analyzing 32268 ucfgs to detect vulnerabilities. 17:23:54.339 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:23:54.341 DEBUG: loaded 62 sources for rule S5131 17:23:54.672 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:23:54.674 DEBUG: loaded 6 sinks for rule S5131 17:23:54.985 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:23:54.986 DEBUG: loaded 62 sources for rule S3649 17:23:55.094 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:23:55.101 DEBUG: loaded 351 sinks for rule S3649 17:24:03.864 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:24:03.864 DEBUG: loaded 62 sources for rule S2076 17:24:03.979 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:24:03.980 DEBUG: loaded 7 sinks for rule S2076 17:24:04.242 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:24:04.242 DEBUG: loaded 62 sources for rule S2091 17:24:04.354 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:24:04.355 DEBUG: loaded 27 sinks for rule S2091 17:24:05.100 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:24:05.101 DEBUG: loaded 62 sources for rule S2078 17:24:05.213 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:24:05.214 DEBUG: loaded 34 sinks for rule S2078 17:24:06.075 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:24:06.076 DEBUG: loaded 62 sources for rule S2631 17:24:06.183 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:24:06.184 DEBUG: loaded 14 sinks for rule S2631 17:24:06.590 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:24:06.590 DEBUG: loaded 62 sources for rule S2083 17:24:06.703 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:24:06.705 DEBUG: loaded 140 sinks for rule S2083 17:24:09.940 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:24:09.940 DEBUG: loaded 62 sources for rule S5167 17:24:10.041 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:24:10.043 DEBUG: loaded 3 sinks for rule S5167 17:24:10.214 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:24:10.214 DEBUG: loaded 62 sources for rule S5144 17:24:10.322 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:24:10.323 DEBUG: loaded 9 sinks for rule S5144 17:24:10.620 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:24:10.620 DEBUG: loaded 62 sources for rule S5145 17:24:10.720 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:24:10.722 DEBUG: loaded 147 sinks for rule S5145 17:24:14.080 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:24:14.080 DEBUG: loaded 62 sources for rule S5146 17:24:14.173 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:24:14.174 DEBUG: loaded 19 sinks for rule S5146 17:24:14.697 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:24:14.697 DEBUG: loaded 62 sources for rule S5135 17:24:14.808 DEBUG: Resource file was not read 17:24:14.809 DEBUG: loaded 18 sinks for rule S5135 17:24:15.296 INFO: All rules entrypoints : 0 Retained UCFGs : 0 17:24:15.297 INFO: rule: S5131, entrypoints: 0 17:24:15.297 INFO: rule: S5131 done 17:24:15.298 INFO: rule: S3649, entrypoints: 0 17:24:15.298 INFO: rule: S3649 done 17:24:15.298 INFO: rule: S2076, entrypoints: 0 17:24:15.298 INFO: rule: S2076 done 17:24:15.298 INFO: rule: S2091, entrypoints: 0 17:24:15.298 INFO: rule: S2091 done 17:24:15.298 INFO: rule: S2078, entrypoints: 0 17:24:15.298 INFO: rule: S2078 done 17:24:15.298 INFO: rule: S2631, entrypoints: 0 17:24:15.299 INFO: rule: S2631 done 17:24:15.299 INFO: rule: S2083, entrypoints: 0 17:24:15.299 INFO: rule: S2083 done 17:24:15.299 INFO: rule: S5167, entrypoints: 0 17:24:15.299 INFO: rule: S5167 done 17:24:15.299 INFO: rule: S5144, entrypoints: 0 17:24:15.299 INFO: rule: S5144 done 17:24:15.299 INFO: rule: S5145, entrypoints: 0 17:24:15.299 INFO: rule: S5145 done 17:24:15.299 INFO: rule: S5146, entrypoints: 0 17:24:15.299 INFO: rule: S5146 done 17:24:15.300 INFO: rule: S5135, entrypoints: 0 17:24:15.300 INFO: rule: S5135 done 17:24:15.300 INFO: Sensor CSharpSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=210215ms 17:24:15.300 INFO: Sensor PhpSecuritySensor [security] 17:24:15.300 INFO: Reading type hierarchy from: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\.sonar\ucfg2\php 17:24:15.300 INFO: Read 0 type definitions 17:24:15.300 INFO: Reading UCFGs from: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\.sonar\ucfg2\php 17:24:15.300 INFO: No UCFGs have been included for analysis. 17:24:15.300 INFO: Sensor PhpSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=0ms 17:24:15.300 INFO: Sensor PythonSecuritySensor [security] 17:24:15.300 INFO: Reading type hierarchy from: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\.sonar\ucfg2\python 17:24:15.300 INFO: Read 0 type definitions 17:24:15.300 INFO: Reading UCFGs from: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\.sonar\ucfg2\python 17:24:15.301 INFO: No UCFGs have been included for analysis. 17:24:15.301 INFO: Sensor PythonSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=1ms 17:24:15.301 INFO: Sensor JsSecuritySensor [security] 17:24:15.301 INFO: Reading type hierarchy from: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\.sonar\ucfg2\js 17:24:15.301 INFO: Read 0 type definitions 17:24:15.301 INFO: Reading UCFGs from: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\.sonar\ucfg2\js 17:24:15.301 INFO: No UCFGs have been included for analysis. 17:24:15.301 INFO: Sensor JsSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=0ms 17:24:15.301 INFO: ------------- Run sensors on project 17:24:15.314 DEBUG: 'Generic Coverage Report' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:24:15.315 DEBUG: '[Deprecated] C# Integration Tests Coverage Report Import' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:24:15.316 DEBUG: 'C# Unit Test Results Import' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 17:24:15.317 DEBUG: 'VB.NET' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:24:15.318 DEBUG: 'VB.NET Tests Coverage Report Import' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:24:15.318 DEBUG: '[Deprecated] VB.NET Integration Tests Coverage Report Import' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:24:15.319 DEBUG: 'VB.NET Unit Test Results Import' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:24:15.319 DEBUG: 'Java CPD Block Indexer' skipped because there is no related file in current project 17:24:15.320 DEBUG: Sensors : C# -> C# Tests Coverage Report Import -> Zero Coverage Sensor 17:24:15.320 INFO: Sensor C# [csharp] 17:24:15.332 INFO: Importing results from 5 proto files in 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\0\output-cs' 17:24:16.477 DEBUG: Not enough content in ****1000s of files**** 17:24:25.926 INFO: Importing results from 5 proto files in 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\3\output-cs' 17:24:30.612 INFO: Importing 5 Roslyn reports 17:24:30.612 DEBUG: Processing Roslyn report: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\src\Assent.GlobalCatalog.Contracts\bin\Release\Assent.GlobalCatalog.Contracts.dll.RoslynCA.json 17:24:30.639 DEBUG: Adding normal issue S1128: ****1000s of files**** 17:24:32.164 INFO: Found 5 MSBuild C# projects: 3 MAIN projects. 2 TEST projects. 17:24:32.164 INFO: Sensor C# [csharp] (done) | time=16844ms 17:24:32.164 INFO: Sensor C# Tests Coverage Report Import [csharp] 17:24:32.165 DEBUG: Analyzing coverage with wildcardPatternFileProvider with base dir 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.' and file separator '\'. 17:24:32.166 DEBUG: Pattern matcher extracted prefix/absolute path 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.\Coverage\Report.html' from the given pattern 'Coverage\Report.html'. 17:24:32.166 DEBUG: Pattern matcher returns a single file: 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.\Coverage\Report.html'. 17:24:32.166 DEBUG: The current user dir is 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf'. 17:24:32.166 INFO: Aggregating the HTML reports from 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.\Coverage\Report.html'. 17:24:32.212 DEBUG: dotCover aggregator: collected 1584 report files to parse. 17:24:32.212 INFO: Parsing the dotCover report ****1000s of files*** 17:24:33.206 INFO: Adding this code coverage report to the cache for later reuse: C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.\Coverage\Report.html 17:24:33.218 DEBUG: Analyzing coverage after aggregate found '1583' coverage files. 17:24:33.219 DEBUG: Skipping ****1000s of files*** 17:24:33.946 DEBUG: The total number of file count statistics is '1583'. 17:24:33.946 INFO: Coverage Report Statistics: 1583 files, 1154 main files, 1154 main files with coverage, 429 test files, 0 project excluded files, 0 other language files. 17:24:33.946 INFO: Sensor C# Tests Coverage Report Import [csharp] (done) | time=1782ms 17:24:33.946 INFO: Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor 17:24:34.028 INFO: Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor (done) | time=82ms 17:24:36.082 INFO: CPD Executor 714 files had no CPD blocks 17:24:36.083 INFO: CPD Executor Calculating CPD for 2310 files 17:24:36.083 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for ***1000s of files*** 17:24:37.562 INFO: CPD Executor CPD calculation finished (done) | time=1479ms 17:24:37.574 DEBUG: SCM revision ID '59d447821b8b9477623271ad20bc7730fb84153b' 17:24:37.574 INFO: Load New Code definition 17:24:37.588 DEBUG: GET 200 http://SOMEIP/api/new_code_periods/show.protobuf?project=gc-api&branch=DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf | time=14ms 17:24:37.589 INFO: Load New Code definition (done) | time=15ms 17:24:43.580 INFO: Analysis report generated in 4341ms, dir size=32 MB 17:26:46.751 INFO: Analysis report compressed in 123171ms, zip size=12 MB 17:26:46.751 INFO: Analysis report generated in C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\.sonar\scanner-report 17:26:46.751 DEBUG: Upload report 17:26:47.429 DEBUG: POST 200 http://SOMEIP/api/ce/submit?projectKey=gc-api&characteristic=branch%3DDEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf&characteristic=branchType%3DBRANCH | time=677ms 17:26:47.431 INFO: Analysis report uploaded in 680ms 17:26:47.433 DEBUG: Report metadata written to C:\Jenkins\workspace\_DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf\.sonarqube\out\.sonar\report-task.txt 17:26:47.433 INFO: ANALYSIS SUCCESSFUL, you can browse http://SOMEIP/dashboard?id=gc-api&branch=DEVOPS-2728-snarqube-build-perf 17:26:47.433 INFO: Note that you will be able to access the updated dashboard once the server has processed the submitted analysis report 17:26:47.433 INFO: More about the report processing at http://SOMEIP/api/ce/task?id=AXmAhAf87-YLrK4ZV3Nn 17:26:47.435 DEBUG: Post-jobs : 17:26:47.439 INFO: Analysis total time: 6:33.387 s 17:26:47.442 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17:26:47.442 INFO: EXECUTION SUCCESS 17:26:47.442 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17:26:47.442 INFO: Total time: 6:34.764s 17:26:47.643 INFO: Final Memory: 61M/1706M 17:26:47.643 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process returned exit code 0 The SonarScanner CLI has finished