PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-maybe-empty_jest.spec.ts (48.931 s) PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-router-link_jest.spec.ts (48.887 s) PASS src/composables/__tests__/use-form_jest.spec.ts (49.329 s) PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-chip_jest.spec.ts (49.277 s) PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-table-header_jest.spec.ts (49.179 s) PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-table-row_jest.spec.ts (49.439 s) PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-input_jest.spec.ts (49.427 s) PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-btn_jest.spec.ts (49.525 s) PASS src/components/dialogs/__tests__/dialog-filters-helpers_jest.spec.ts (49.717 s) PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-info-block_jest.spec.ts (49.838 s) PASS src/components/__tests__/elastic-search-admin-logs_jest.spec.tsx (49.989 s) PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-datetime-picker_jest.spec.ts (50.314 s) PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-table_jest.spec.ts (50.828 s) PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-date-picker_jest.spec.ts (51.924 s) PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-clipboard-copy_jest.spec.ts (52.238 s) PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-label-value_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-tooltip_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-select_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-dialog_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-external-link_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-checkbox-list_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-time-picker_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-radio-group_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-upload_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/__tests__/download-button_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-table-bottom_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-checkbox-group_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/__tests__/toolbar-search_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-note-list_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/__tests__/select-search_jest.spec.ts PASS src/utils/__tests__/number-formatter_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/__tests__/open-filter-dialog-btn_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-cursor-pagination_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/__tests__/clear-all-filters_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-chip-list_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-dropdown-block_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-simple-pagination_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/__tests__/time-from-now_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-card_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-status-box_jest.spec.ts PASS src/utils/__tests__/xml-to-json_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-tabs_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/bottom-tabs-details/__tests__/tabs-container_jest.spec.ts PASS src/utils/__tests__/cursor_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/dialogs/__tests__/add-note-dialog_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/cells/__tests__/cell-text_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-avatar_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-status_jest.spec.ts PASS src/utils/__tests__/btn-info_jest.spec.ts PASS src/utils/__tests__/select-utils_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/__tests__/display-currency-amount_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/__tests__/toolbar-dropdown_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/__tests__/html-renderer_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-permissions_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-tab_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-checkbox_jest.spec.ts PASS src/utils/__tests__/map-keys-to-snake-case_jest.spec.ts DeprecationWarning: 'getMutableClone' has been deprecated since v4.0.0. Use an appropriate `factory.update...` method instead, use `setCommentRange` or `setSourceMapRange`, and avoid setting `parent`. DeprecationWarning: 'createNodeArray' has been deprecated since v4.0.0. Use the appropriate method on 'ts.factory' or the 'factory' supplied by your transformation context instead. PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-preview_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/bottom-tabs-details/__tests__/bottom-links_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/__tests__/page-header_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-true-false-icon_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-editor_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-markup-table_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-form_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-pagination_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-loading_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-toggle_jest.spec.ts PASS src/utils/__tests__/object_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/__tests__/page-with-tabs-renderer_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-icon_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-renderer_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-field_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-separator_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-skeleton_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-empty_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-audio_jest.spec.ts PASS src/components/base/__tests__/ai-indicator_jest.spec.ts -----------------------------------------------------------|---------|----------|---------|---------|--------------------------- File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s -----------------------------------------------------------|---------|----------|---------|---------|--------------------------- All files | 59.33 | 42.59 | 55.98 | 60.86 | components | 62.37 | 33.67 | 48.33 | 63.38 | address-input.vue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3-128 clear-all-filters.vue | 100 | 75 | 100 | 100 | 47 content-renderer.vue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3-40 download-button.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | html-renderer.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | open-filter-dialog-btn.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | page-header.vue | 100 | 63.63 | 100 | 100 | 55-79 page-with-tabs-renderer.vue | 80 | 0 | 50 | 80 | 26-36 select-search.vue | 95.23 | 100 | 85.71 | 95.23 | 45 theme-toggle.vue | 92.85 | 100 | 66.66 | 92.85 | 33 time-from-now.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | toolbar-dropdown.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | components/base | 86.14 | 69.2 | 84.7 | 88.1 | ai-audio.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-avatar.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-btn.vue | 100 | 94.73 | 100 | 100 | 6 ai-card.vue | 100 | 92 | 100 | 100 | 4,82 ai-checkbox-group.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-checkbox-list.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-checkbox.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-chip-list.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-chip.vue | 100 | 100 | 83.33 | 100 | ai-clipboard-copy.vue | 74.57 | 71.59 | 87.5 | 78.18 | 19-27,58,88-98,112-114,118-122,134-135,217,240-242 ai-cursor-pagination.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-date-picker.vue | 90.39 | 79.12 | 94.87 | 92.44 | 7-9,113,120,135,168-170,184,307,315,395 ai-datetime-picker.vue | 87.69 | 80.55 | 88.23 | 89.06 | 15,104-105,181-185 ai-dialog.vue | 83.67 | 71.42 | 80 | 85.41 | 77-78,127-131,178 ai-dropdown-block.vue | 100 | 75 | 100 | 100 | 29 ai-editor.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-empty.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-external-link.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-field.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-form.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-icon.vue | 100 | 75 | 100 | 100 | 59 ai-indicator.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-info-block.vue | 96 | 80.35 | 100 | 97.91 | 44 ai-input.vue | 95.55 | 79.31 | 85.71 | 95.55 | 21,96 ai-label-value.vue | 100 | 88.88 | 100 | 100 | 57 ai-loading.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-markup-table.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-maybe-empty.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-note-list.vue | 100 | 84.61 | 100 | 100 | 4,113 ai-pagination.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-permissions.vue | 95 | 83.33 | 80 | 95 | 21 ai-preview.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-radio-group.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-renderer.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-router-link.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-scroll-pagination.vue | 52.63 | 100 | 0 | 52.63 | 26-34,46-55 ai-select.vue | 70.37 | 69.38 | 56.66 | 72.72 | 60,83-87,145-153,202-268 ai-separator.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-simple-pagination.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-skeleton.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-status-box.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-status-cell.vue | 100 | 25 | 100 | 100 | 44-46 ai-status.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-tab.vue | 100 | 66.66 | 100 | 100 | 31 ai-table.vue | 59.93 | 40.94 | 67.08 | 63.56 | 11-17,26,35-43,74,104-114,122-145,150-151,165-171 ai-tabs.vue | 78.94 | 69.23 | 90.9 | 88.23 | 5-11 ai-time-picker.vue | 82.5 | 60 | 80 | 84.61 | 45-46,100-104 ai-toggle.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-tooltip.vue | 100 | 75 | 100 | 100 | 82 ai-true-false-icon.vue | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ai-upload.vue | 97.77 | 88.46 | 90 | 97.77 | 13 components/base/ai-tooltip/composables | 95.23 | 88.88 | 100 | 94.73 | use-tooltip-arrow-position.ts | 95.23 | 88.88 | 100 | 94.73 | 34 components/base/helpers | 83.87 | 63.29 | 92.59 | 85.32 | ai-chip-helpers.ts | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | dialog-helpers.ts | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | table-helpers.ts | 71.11 | 64.4 | 80 | 65.78 | 11-23,91-93,97-100 table-row-expanding.ts | 92.85 | 72.72 | 100 | 94.87 | 55,61 table-row-selection.ts | 80.95 | 28.57 | 83.33 | 94.11 | 35 components/base/table-parts | 91.6 | 84.87 | 83.01 | 91.54 | ai-table-bottom.vue | 97.36 | 89.47 | 100 | 97.36 | 62 ai-table-header.vue | 94.11 | 85.71 | 88.23 | 94.11 | 43-50,77 ai-table-row.vue | 85.18 | 82.75 | 74.07 | 84.9 | 76,114-115,205-207,238-239 components/bottom-tabs-details | 83.33 | 47.82 | 60 | 86.2 | bottom-links.vue | 100 | 50 | 100 | 100 | 51 tabs-container.vue | 77.77 | 47.61 | 50 | 81.39 | 54-55,58-59,66,109-120 components/bottom-tabs-details/store | 18.51 | 0 | 6.66 | 19.23 | index.ts | 18.51 | 0 | 6.66 | 19.23 | 35-104 components/bottom-tabs-details/utils | 63.63 | 33.33 | 50 | 77.77 | index.ts | 63.63 | 33.33 | 50 | 77.77 | 29-31 components/cells | 71.42 | 66.66 | 85.71 | 80 | cell-text.vue | 71.42 | 66.66 | 85.71 | 80 | 49-54 components/dialogs | 34.54 | 38.54 | 38.27 | 35.14 | add-note-dialog.vue | 73.68 | 69.87 | 87.5 | 77.57 | 10,19-27,58,88-98,112-114,118-122,134-135,214-216 confirmation-dialog.vue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3-88 dialog-filters-helpers.ts | 96.77 | 94.11 | 83.33 | 96.42 | 37 login-help.vue | 0 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 3-60 tags.vue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3-346 components/dialogs/composables | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | available-tags.ts | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1-32 components/elastic-search-admin-logs | 100 | 93.75 | 100 | 100 | NodeBuilderService.tsx | 100 | 83.33 | 100 | 100 | 31 elastic-search-admin-logs.tsx | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | mock-data.ts | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | types.ts | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | utils.ts | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | components/elastic-search-admin-logs/nodeBuilderFunctions | 85.93 | 87.09 | 78.57 | 88.7 | helpers.tsx | 80.43 | 75 | 75 | 84.09 | 20-35 index.tsx | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | components/elastic-search-admin-logs/styles | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | classNames.ts | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | components/server-txn-search | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | server-txn-search.vue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3-79 components/tabs | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | tabs-base.vue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3-66 components/toolbar-search | 87.35 | 83.33 | 75 | 91.25 | index.ts | 92.3 | 100 | 50 | 90.9 | 37 toolbar-search.vue | 86.48 | 83.33 | 78.57 | 91.3 | 9-15,152-168 components/trade-txn | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | content-renderer.vue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3-88 notes-card.vue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3-161 components/user | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | user-avatar.vue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3-68 user-notes.ts | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1-42 components/user/user-card | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | account-details.vue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3-73 level-percentile.vue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3-84 level-status-box.vue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3-76 user-card.vue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3-405 components/wallet | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | aw-edit-limits.vue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3-157 aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3-435 edit-withdrawal-dialog.vue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3-126 txn-table.vue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3-513 user-card.vue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3-100 wallet-renderer.vue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3-105 components/wallet/composables | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | fiat-wallet-data.ts | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1-103 wallet-data.ts | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1-253 -----------------------------------------------------------|---------|----------|---------|---------|------------------------------ Test Suites: 78 passed, 78 total Tests: 3 skipped, 449 passed, 452 total Snapshots: 102 passed, 102 total Time: 74.958 s Ran all test suites. $ curl -X POST -u "${SONAR_TOKEN}" "${SONAR_HOST_URL}/api/project_branches/rename?project=${CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG}&name=${CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH}" INFO: Scanner configuration file: /opt/sonar-scanner/conf/ INFO: Project root configuration file: /builds/company/frontend-project/ 12:50:28.269 INFO: SonarScanner 12:50:28.272 INFO: Java 11.0.18 Alpine (64-bit) 12:50:28.272 INFO: Linux 5.4.228-131.415.amzn2.x86_64 amd64 12:50:28.557 DEBUG: keyStore is : 12:50:28.557 DEBUG: keyStore type is : pkcs12 12:50:28.557 DEBUG: keyStore provider is : 12:50:28.557 DEBUG: init keystore 12:50:28.559 DEBUG: init keymanager of type SunX509 12:50:28.753 DEBUG: Create: /builds/company/frontend-project/.sonar/cache 12:50:28.754 INFO: User cache: /builds/company/frontend-project/.sonar/cache 12:50:28.754 DEBUG: Create: /builds/company/frontend-project/.sonar/cache/_tmp 12:50:28.756 DEBUG: Extract sonar-scanner-api-batch in temp... 12:50:28.762 DEBUG: Get bootstrap index... 12:50:28.762 DEBUG: Download: 12:50:29.074 DEBUG: Get bootstrap completed 12:50:29.077 DEBUG: Create isolated classloader... 12:50:29.090 DEBUG: Start temp cleaning... 12:50:29.093 DEBUG: Temp cleaning done 12:50:29.093 DEBUG: Execution getVersion 12:50:29.123 INFO: Analyzing on SonarQube server 12:50:29.123 INFO: Default locale: "en_US", source code encoding: "UTF-8" (analysis is platform dependent) 12:50:29.124 DEBUG: Work directory: /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork 12:50:29.124 DEBUG: Execution execute 12:50:29.594 DEBUG: Developer 12:50:29.903 INFO: Load global settings 12:50:30.059 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=155ms 12:50:30.130 INFO: Load global settings (done) | time=227ms 12:50:30.136 INFO: Server id: secret 12:50:30.143 DEBUG: Create : /builds/company/frontend-project/.sonar/_tmp 12:50:30.143 INFO: User cache: /builds/company/frontend-project/.sonar/cache 12:50:30.146 INFO: Load/download plugins 12:50:30.146 INFO: Load plugins index 12:50:30.156 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=10ms 12:50:30.201 INFO: Load plugins index (done) | time=55ms 12:50:30.410 INFO: Load/download plugins (done) | time=264ms 12:50:30.531 DEBUG: Plugins: 12:50:30.531 DEBUG: * Mutation Analysis 1.5 (mutationanalysis) 12:50:30.531 DEBUG: * IaC Code Quality and Security (iac) 12:50:30.531 DEBUG: * PL/SQL Code Quality and Security (plsql) 12:50:30.531 DEBUG: * Scala Code Quality and Security (sonarscala) 12:50:30.531 DEBUG: * C# Code Quality and Security (csharp) 12:50:30.531 DEBUG: * Vulnerability Analysis (security) 12:50:30.531 DEBUG: * Java Code Quality and Security (java) 12:50:30.531 DEBUG: * HTML Code Quality and Security (web) 12:50:30.531 DEBUG: * Flex Code Quality and Security (flex) 12:50:30.532 DEBUG: * XML Code Quality and Security (xml) 12:50:30.532 DEBUG: * Text file Code Quality and Security (text) 12:50:30.532 DEBUG: * VB.NET Code Quality and Security (vbnet) 12:50:30.532 DEBUG: * Swift Code Quality and Security (swift) 12:50:30.532 DEBUG: * CFamily Code Quality and Security (cpp) 12:50:30.532 DEBUG: * Python Code Quality and Security (python) 12:50:30.532 DEBUG: * Dataflow Bug Detection Rules for Python (dbdpythonfrontend) 12:50:30.532 DEBUG: * Dataflow Bug Detection (dbd) 12:50:30.532 DEBUG: * Go Code Quality and Security (go) 12:50:30.532 DEBUG: * JaCoCo (jacoco) 12:50:30.532 DEBUG: * Kotlin Code Quality and Security (kotlin) 12:50:30.532 DEBUG: * Dataflow Bug Detection Rules for Java (dbdjavafrontend) 12:50:30.532 DEBUG: * T-SQL Code Quality and Security (tsql) 12:50:30.532 DEBUG: * JavaScript/TypeScript/CSS Code Quality and Security (javascript) 12:50:30.532 DEBUG: * Ruby Code Quality and Security (ruby) 12:50:30.532 DEBUG: * Vulnerability Rules for C# (securitycsharpfrontend) 12:50:30.533 DEBUG: * Vulnerability Rules for Java (securityjavafrontend) 12:50:30.533 DEBUG: * detekt 2.3.0 (detekt) 12:50:30.533 DEBUG: * Vulnerability Rules for JS (securityjsfrontend) 12:50:30.533 DEBUG: * Vulnerability Rules for Python (securitypythonfrontend) 12:50:30.533 DEBUG: * PHP Code Quality and Security (php) 12:50:30.533 DEBUG: * ABAP Code Quality and Security (abap) 12:50:30.533 DEBUG: * Configuration detection fot Code Quality and Security (config) 12:50:30.533 DEBUG: * Vulnerability Rules for PHP (securityphpfrontend) 12:50:30.749 INFO: Loaded core extensions: developer-scanner 12:50:30.762 DEBUG: Installed core extension: developer-scanner 12:50:31.284 INFO: Process project properties 12:50:31.293 INFO: Process project properties (done) | time=9ms 12:50:31.296 INFO: Execute project builders 12:50:31.297 DEBUG: Execute project builder: org.sonar.plugins.csharp.CSharpGlobalProtobufFileProcessor 12:50:31.298 DEBUG: Execute project builder: org.sonar.plugins.vbnet.VbNetGlobalProtobufFileProcessor 12:50:31.298 INFO: Execute project builders (done) | time=2ms 12:50:31.302 INFO: Project key: company-frontend-frontend-project 12:50:31.302 INFO: Base dir: /builds/company/frontend-project 12:50:31.302 INFO: Working dir: /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork 12:50:31.303 DEBUG: Project global encoding: UTF-8, default locale: en_US 12:50:31.312 INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'company-frontend-frontend-project' 12:50:31.327 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=15ms 12:50:31.329 INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'company-frontend-frontend-project' (done) | time=17ms 12:50:31.411 INFO: Load project branches 12:50:31.420 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=8ms 12:50:31.424 INFO: Load project branches (done) | time=13ms 12:50:31.424 INFO: Load branch configuration 12:50:31.430 INFO: Detected branch/PR in 'GitLab' 12:50:31.430 INFO: Auto-configuring pull request '1950' 12:50:31.432 INFO: Load branch configuration (done) | time=8ms 12:50:31.443 DEBUG: Creating module hierarchy 12:50:31.443 DEBUG: Init module 'company-frontend-frontend-project' 12:50:31.443 DEBUG: Base dir: /builds/company/frontend-project 12:50:31.443 DEBUG: Working dir: /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork 12:50:31.443 DEBUG: Module global encoding: UTF-8, default locale: en_US 12:50:31.459 DEBUG: Available languages: 12:50:31.459 DEBUG: * Terraform => "terraform" 12:50:31.459 DEBUG: * CloudFormation => "cloudformation" 12:50:31.459 DEBUG: * Kubernetes => "kubernetes" 12:50:31.459 DEBUG: * PL/SQL => "plsql" 12:50:31.459 DEBUG: * Scala => "scala" 12:50:31.459 DEBUG: * C# => "cs" 12:50:31.459 DEBUG: * Java => "java" 12:50:31.459 DEBUG: * HTML => "web" 12:50:31.459 DEBUG: * JSP => "jsp" 12:50:31.459 DEBUG: * Flex => "flex" 12:50:31.459 DEBUG: * XML => "xml" 12:50:31.459 DEBUG: * Text => "text" 12:50:31.459 DEBUG: * VB.NET => "vbnet" 12:50:31.459 DEBUG: * Swift => "swift" 12:50:31.459 DEBUG: * C => "c" 12:50:31.459 DEBUG: * C++ => "cpp" 12:50:31.459 DEBUG: * Objective-C => "objc" 12:50:31.459 DEBUG: * Python => "py" 12:50:31.460 DEBUG: * Go => "go" 12:50:31.460 DEBUG: * Kotlin => "kotlin" 12:50:31.460 DEBUG: * T-SQL => "tsql" 12:50:31.460 DEBUG: * JavaScript => "js" 12:50:31.460 DEBUG: * TypeScript => "ts" 12:50:31.460 DEBUG: * CSS => "css" 12:50:31.460 DEBUG: * Ruby => "ruby" 12:50:31.460 DEBUG: * PHP => "php" 12:50:31.460 DEBUG: * ABAP => "abap" 12:50:31.460 DEBUG: * YAML => "yaml" 12:50:31.460 DEBUG: * JSON => "json" 12:50:31.499 INFO: Auto-configuring with CI 'Gitlab CI' 12:50:31.502 INFO: Load quality profiles 12:50:31.538 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=36ms 12:50:31.576 INFO: Load quality profiles (done) | time=74ms 12:50:31.582 INFO: Load active rules 12:50:31.596 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYV-aqoNJKpWmNDgPRp2&ps=500&p=1 | time=12ms 12:50:31.788 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXiIZe58o-x4-qij8S3N&ps=500&p=1 | time=15ms 12:50:31.820 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXiIZe7Mo-x4-qij8S4p&ps=500&p=1 | time=21ms 12:50:31.832 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXiIZe8Ho-x4-qij8S5J&ps=500&p=1 | time=7ms 12:50:31.897 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXiIZe81o-x4-qij8S-Y&ps=500&p=1 | time=65ms 12:50:31.986 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXiIZfBco-x4-qij8TPG&ps=500&p=1 | time=63ms 12:50:32.036 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXiIZfEto-x4-qij8TX2&ps=500&p=1 | time=40ms 12:50:32.183 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXiIZfH_o-x4-qij8Toh&ps=500&p=1 | time=143ms 12:50:32.221 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXiIZfH_o-x4-qij8Toh&ps=500&p=2 | time=26ms 12:50:32.239 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXiIZfLJo-x4-qij8Twl&ps=500&p=1 | time=17ms 12:50:32.258 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXiIZfNLo-x4-qij8Ty3&ps=500&p=1 | time=18ms 12:50:32.274 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXiIZfMAo-x4-qij8TxM&ps=500&p=1 | time=15ms 12:50:32.280 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AX60NlCrBrzTaNzfYZiP&ps=500&p=1 | time=5ms 12:50:32.287 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYAFCvoi7SiOj_dWrhiI&ps=500&p=1 | time=6ms 12:50:32.323 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXiIZfOuo-x4-qij8T3R&ps=500&p=1 | time=35ms 12:50:32.341 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AX60NlDbBrzTaNzfYZjH&ps=500&p=1 | time=16ms 12:50:32.369 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXiIZfQfo-x4-qij8T7M&ps=500&p=1 | time=27ms 12:50:32.375 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AX60NlEKBrzTaNzfYZjj&ps=500&p=1 | time=5ms 12:50:32.484 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXiIZfT6o-x4-qij8UH_&ps=500&p=1 | time=109ms 12:50:32.554 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXiIZfXso-x4-qij8UUY&ps=500&p=1 | time=61ms 12:50:32.572 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXiIZfc-o-x4-qij8Ubo&ps=500&p=1 | time=15ms 12:50:32.598 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXnm2lkz6mUSQ4G30Di_&ps=500&p=1 | time=25ms 12:50:32.621 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXiIZffHo-x4-qij8UfT&ps=500&p=1 | time=20ms 12:50:32.638 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXiIZfhko-x4-qij8UiH&ps=500&p=1 | time=16ms 12:50:32.705 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXiIZfjvo-x4-qij8Uq7&ps=500&p=1 | time=66ms 12:50:32.798 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYRmoUeBptWLSIKKqqaS&ps=500&p=1 | time=89ms 12:50:32.826 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AX60NlT9BrzTaNzfYZqC&ps=500&p=1 | time=23ms 12:50:32.848 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXiIZfrbo-x4-qij8U_J&ps=500&p=1 | time=21ms 12:50:32.897 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXiIZfyRo-x4-qij8VXu&ps=500&p=1 | time=48ms 12:50:32.960 DEBUG: GET 200,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AXiIZftNo-x4-qij8VFM&ps=500&p=1 | time=59ms 12:50:32.974 INFO: Load active rules (done) | time=1392ms 12:50:32.979 INFO: Load analysis cache 12:50:32.986 DEBUG: GET 404 | time=6ms 12:50:32.987 INFO: Load analysis cache (404) | time=8ms 12:50:33.015 INFO: Pull request 1950 for merge into master from add-sonarqube-test 12:50:33.041 INFO: Load project repositories 12:50:33.060 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=19ms 12:50:33.069 INFO: Load project repositories (done) | time=28ms 12:50:33.071 INFO: SCM collecting changed files in the branch 12:50:33.092 DEBUG: loading config FileBasedConfig[/tmp/jgit/config] 12:50:33.093 DEBUG: readpipe [/usr/bin/git, --version],/usr/bin 12:50:33.105 DEBUG: readpipe may return 'git version 2.38.4' 12:50:33.105 DEBUG: remaining output: 12:50:33.106 DEBUG: readpipe [/usr/bin/git, config, --system, --show-origin, --list, -z],/usr/bin 12:50:33.110 DEBUG: readpipe may return 'null' 12:50:33.110 DEBUG: remaining output: 12:50:33.134 DEBUG: readpipe rc=128 12:50:33.134 DEBUG: Exception caught during execution of command '[/usr/bin/git, config, --system, --show-origin, --list, -z]' in '/usr/bin', return code '128', error message 'fatal: unable to read config file '/etc/gitconfig': No such file or directory ' 12:50:33.135 DEBUG: loading config FileBasedConfig[/root/.gitconfig] 12:50:33.215 INFO: Merge base sha1: 86fef5ad6d7912399a8501f2d91496b1999cf300 12:50:33.231 DEBUG: Thread[JGit-FileStoreAttributeReader-1,5,main]: start measure timestamp resolution /builds (/dev/nvme0n1p1) in /builds/company/frontend-project/.git 12:50:33.232 DEBUG: Thread[JGit-FileStoreAttributeReader-1,5,main]: end measure timestamp resolution /builds (/dev/nvme0n1p1) in /builds/company/frontend-project/.git; got PT0.000004S 12:50:33.233 DEBUG: Thread[JGit-FileStoreAttributeReader-1,5,main]: start measure minimal racy interval in /builds/company/frontend-project/.git 12:50:33.331 DEBUG: Thread[main,5,main]: use fallback timestamp resolution for directory /builds/company/frontend-project/.git 12:50:33.364 INFO: SCM collecting changed files in the branch (done) | time=293ms 12:50:33.364 DEBUG: SCM reported 6 files changed in the branch 12:50:33.379 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Terraform were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.terraform : **/*.tf 12:50:33.379 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language CloudFormation were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.cloudformation : 12:50:33.380 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Kubernetes were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.kubernetes : 12:50:33.380 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language PL/SQL were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.plsql : **/*.sql,**/*.pks,**/*.pkb 12:50:33.380 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Scala were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.scala : **/*.scala 12:50:33.380 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language C# were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.cs : **/*.cs 12:50:33.380 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Java were converted to : **/*.java,**/*.jav 12:50:33.381 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language HTML were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.web : **/*.html,**/*.xhtml,**/*.cshtml,**/*.vbhtml,**/*.aspx,**/*.ascx,**/*.rhtml,**/*.erb,**/*.shtm,**/*.shtml,**/*.cmp,**/*.twig 12:50:33.381 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language JSP were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.jsp : **/*.jsp,**/*.jspf,**/*.jspx 12:50:33.381 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Flex were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.flex : **/*.as 12:50:33.381 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language XML were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.xml : **/*.xml,**/*.xsd,**/*.xsl 12:50:33.381 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Text were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.text : **/*.sonarshouldnotexistextension 12:50:33.381 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language VB.NET were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.vbnet : **/*.vb 12:50:33.381 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Swift were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.swift : **/*.swift 12:50:33.382 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language C were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.c : **/*.c,**/*.h 12:50:33.382 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language C++ were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.cpp : **/*.cc,**/*.cpp,**/*.cxx,**/*.c++,**/*.hh,**/*.hpp,**/*.hxx,**/*.h++,**/*.ipp 12:50:33.382 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Objective-C were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.objc : **/*.m 12:50:33.382 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Python were converted to : **/*.py 12:50:33.382 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Go were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.go : **/*.go 12:50:33.382 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Kotlin were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.kotlin : **/*.kt 12:50:33.383 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language T-SQL were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.tsql : **/*.tsql 12:50:33.383 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language JavaScript were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.js : **/*.js,**/*.jsx,**/*.cjs,**/*.mjs,**/*.vue 12:50:33.383 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language TypeScript were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.ts : **/*.ts,**/*.tsx,**/*.cts,**/*.mts 12:50:33.383 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language CSS were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.css : **/*.css,**/*.less,**/*.scss 12:50:33.383 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Ruby were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.ruby : **/*.rb 12:50:33.384 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language PHP were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.php : **/*.php,**/*.php3,**/*.php4,**/*.php5,**/*.phtml,**/*.inc 12:50:33.384 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language ABAP were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.abap : **/*.abap,**/*.ab4,**/*.flow,**/*.asprog 12:50:33.384 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language YAML were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.yaml : **/*.yaml,**/*.yml 12:50:33.384 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language JSON were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.json : **/*.json 12:50:33.387 DEBUG: Will ignore generated code 12:50:33.389 DEBUG: Will ignore generated code 12:50:33.405 INFO: Indexing files... 12:50:33.405 INFO: Project configuration: 12:50:33.405 INFO: Excluded sources: **/__mocks__/**/*, **/*.spec.ts 12:50:33.574 DEBUG: 2171 non excluded files in this Git repository 12:50:33.591 DEBUG: 'src/components/__tests__/__snapshots__/clear-all-filters_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.606 DEBUG: 'src/components/__tests__/__snapshots__/download-button_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.609 DEBUG: 'src/components/__tests__/__snapshots__/elastic-search-admin-logs_jest.spec.tsx.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.611 DEBUG: 'src/components/__tests__/__snapshots__/html-renderer_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.613 DEBUG: 'src/components/__tests__/__snapshots__/open-filter-dialog-btn_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.615 DEBUG: 'src/components/__tests__/__snapshots__/page-header_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.617 DEBUG: 'src/components/__tests__/__snapshots__/page-with-tabs-renderer_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.621 DEBUG: 'src/components/__tests__/__snapshots__/select-search_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.623 DEBUG: 'src/components/__tests__/__snapshots__/time-from-now_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.624 DEBUG: 'src/components/__tests__/__snapshots__/toolbar-dropdown_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.626 DEBUG: 'src/components/__tests__/__snapshots__/toolbar-search_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.653 DEBUG: 'src/components/__tests__/elastic-search-admin-logs_jest.spec.tsx' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.664 DEBUG: 'src/components/__tests__/elastic-search-admin-logs_jest.spec.tsx' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.669 DEBUG: 'src/components/address-input.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.669 DEBUG: 'src/components/address-input.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.671 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-avatar_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.672 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-btn_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.673 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-card_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.674 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-checkbox-group_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.676 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-checkbox-list_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.677 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-checkbox_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.678 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-chip-list_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.679 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-chip_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.680 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-date-picker_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.681 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-datetime-picker_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.683 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-dialog_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.684 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-dropdown-block_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.685 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-editor_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.686 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-empty_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.687 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-external-link_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.688 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-field_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.689 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-form_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.691 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-icon_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.692 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-indicator_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.693 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-info-block_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.694 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-input_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.695 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-label-value_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.696 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-loading_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.697 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-markup-table_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.698 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-maybe-empty_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.699 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-note-list_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.700 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-pagination_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.701 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-permissions_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.702 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-preview_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.703 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-radio-group_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.704 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-renderer_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.705 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-router-link_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.705 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-select_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.706 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-separator_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.706 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-simple-pagination_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.707 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-skeleton_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.707 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-status-box_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.708 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-status_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.708 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-tab_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.709 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-table-bottom_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.709 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-table-header_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.710 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-table-row_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.710 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-table_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.711 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-tabs_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.711 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-time-picker_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.712 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-toggle_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.712 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-tooltip_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.713 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-true-false-icon_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.713 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/__tests__/__snapshots__/ai-upload_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.717 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-audio.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.717 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-audio.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.719 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-avatar.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.719 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-avatar.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.721 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-btn.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.721 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-btn.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.723 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-card.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.723 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-card.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.724 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-checkbox-group.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.725 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-checkbox-group.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.726 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-checkbox-list.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.726 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-checkbox-list.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.727 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-checkbox.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.728 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-checkbox.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.729 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-chip-list.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.729 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-chip-list.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.742 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-chip.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.742 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-chip.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.744 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-clipboard-copy.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.745 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-clipboard-copy.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.746 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-cursor-pagination.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.746 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-cursor-pagination.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.749 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-date-picker.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.749 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-date-picker.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.752 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-datetime-picker.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.752 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-datetime-picker.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.754 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-dialog.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.755 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-dialog.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.756 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-dropdown-block.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.756 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-dropdown-block.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.757 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-editor.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.757 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-editor.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.758 DEBUG: 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12:50:33.769 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-maybe-empty.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.769 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-maybe-empty.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.770 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-note-list.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.771 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-note-list.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.772 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-pagination.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.772 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-pagination.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.773 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-permissions.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.773 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-permissions.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.774 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-preview.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.774 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-preview.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.775 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-radio-group.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.775 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-radio-group.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.776 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-renderer.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.776 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-renderer.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.776 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-router-link.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.777 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-router-link.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.777 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-scroll-pagination.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.777 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-scroll-pagination.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.778 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-select.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.778 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-select.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.779 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-separator.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.779 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-separator.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.780 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-simple-pagination.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.780 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-simple-pagination.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.780 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-skeleton.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.780 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-skeleton.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.781 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-status-box.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.781 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-status-box.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.782 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-status-cell.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.782 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-status-cell.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.782 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-status.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.782 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-status.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.783 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-tab.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.783 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-tab.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.785 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-table.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.785 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-table.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.785 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-tabs.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.786 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-tabs.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.786 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-time-picker.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.786 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-time-picker.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.787 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-toggle.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.787 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-toggle.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.788 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-tooltip.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.788 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-tooltip.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.789 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-tooltip/composables/use-tooltip-arrow-position.ts' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.789 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-tooltip/composables/use-tooltip-arrow-position.ts' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.790 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-true-false-icon.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.790 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-true-false-icon.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.790 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-upload.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.791 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/ai-upload.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.791 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/helpers/ai-chip-helpers.ts' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.792 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/helpers/ai-chip-helpers.ts' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.792 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/helpers/dialog-helpers.ts' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.792 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/helpers/dialog-helpers.ts' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.793 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/helpers/table-helpers.ts' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.794 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/helpers/table-helpers.ts' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.795 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/helpers/table-row-expanding.ts' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.795 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/helpers/table-row-expanding.ts' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.796 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/helpers/table-row-selection.ts' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.796 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/helpers/table-row-selection.ts' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.797 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/table-parts/ai-table-bottom.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.797 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/table-parts/ai-table-bottom.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.798 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/table-parts/ai-table-header.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.799 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/table-parts/ai-table-header.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.800 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/table-parts/ai-table-row.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.800 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/table-parts/ai-table-row.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.801 DEBUG: File src/components/base/types/ai-card.d.ts was excluded by sonar.javascript.exclusions or sonar.typescript.exclusions 12:50:33.801 DEBUG: 'src/components/base/types/ai-card.d.ts' excluded by org.sonar.plugins.javascript.filter.JavaScriptExclusionsFileFilter 12:50:33.808 DEBUG: 'src/components/bottom-tabs-details/__tests__/__snapshots__/tabs-container_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.809 DEBUG: 'src/components/bottom-tabs-details/bottom-links.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.809 DEBUG: 'src/components/bottom-tabs-details/bottom-links.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.810 DEBUG: 'src/components/bottom-tabs-details/store/index.ts' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.810 DEBUG: 'src/components/bottom-tabs-details/store/index.ts' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.811 DEBUG: 'src/components/bottom-tabs-details/tabs-container.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.811 DEBUG: 'src/components/bottom-tabs-details/tabs-container.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.812 DEBUG: 'src/components/bottom-tabs-details/utils/index.ts' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.812 DEBUG: 'src/components/bottom-tabs-details/utils/index.ts' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.812 DEBUG: 'src/components/cells/__tests__/__snapshots__/cell-text_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.813 DEBUG: 'src/components/cells/cell-text.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.813 DEBUG: 'src/components/cells/cell-text.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.814 DEBUG: 'src/components/clear-all-filters.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.814 DEBUG: 'src/components/clear-all-filters.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.814 DEBUG: 'src/components/content-renderer.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.815 DEBUG: 'src/components/content-renderer.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.815 DEBUG: 'src/components/dialogs/__tests__/__snapshots__/add-note-dialog_jest.spec.ts.snap' indexed with no language 12:50:33.816 DEBUG: 'src/components/dialogs/add-note-dialog.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.816 DEBUG: 'src/components/dialogs/add-note-dialog.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.817 DEBUG: 'src/components/dialogs/composables/available-tags.ts' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.817 DEBUG: 'src/components/dialogs/composables/available-tags.ts' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.818 DEBUG: 'src/components/dialogs/confirmation-dialog.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.818 DEBUG: 'src/components/dialogs/confirmation-dialog.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.819 DEBUG: 'src/components/dialogs/dialog-filters-helpers.ts' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.820 DEBUG: 'src/components/dialogs/dialog-filters-helpers.ts' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.821 DEBUG: 'src/components/dialogs/login-help.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.822 DEBUG: 'src/components/dialogs/login-help.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.823 DEBUG: 'src/components/dialogs/tags.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.824 DEBUG: 'src/components/dialogs/tags.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.824 DEBUG: 'src/components/display-currency-amount.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.825 DEBUG: 'src/components/display-currency-amount.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.826 DEBUG: 'src/components/download-button.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.826 DEBUG: 'src/components/download-button.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.828 DEBUG: 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/NodeBuilderService.tsx' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.828 DEBUG: 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/NodeBuilderService.tsx' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.829 DEBUG: 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/elastic-search-admin-logs.tsx' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.829 DEBUG: 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/elastic-search-admin-logs.tsx' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.830 DEBUG: 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/mock-data.ts' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.830 DEBUG: 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/mock-data.ts' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.831 DEBUG: 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/nodeBuilderFunctions/helpers.tsx' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.831 DEBUG: 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/nodeBuilderFunctions/helpers.tsx' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.832 DEBUG: 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/nodeBuilderFunctions/index.tsx' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.832 DEBUG: 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/nodeBuilderFunctions/index.tsx' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.833 DEBUG: 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/styles/classNames.ts' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.833 DEBUG: 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/styles/classNames.ts' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.835 DEBUG: 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/styles/index.scss' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.835 DEBUG: 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/styles/index.scss' indexed with language 'css' 12:50:33.836 DEBUG: 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/types.ts' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.836 DEBUG: 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/types.ts' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.837 DEBUG: 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/utils.ts' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.837 DEBUG: 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/utils.ts' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.838 DEBUG: 'src/components/html-renderer.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.838 DEBUG: 'src/components/html-renderer.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.839 DEBUG: 'src/components/open-filter-dialog-btn.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.839 DEBUG: 'src/components/open-filter-dialog-btn.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.840 DEBUG: 'src/components/page-header.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.840 DEBUG: 'src/components/page-header.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.841 DEBUG: 'src/components/page-with-tabs-renderer.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.841 DEBUG: 'src/components/page-with-tabs-renderer.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.844 DEBUG: 'src/components/select-search.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.844 DEBUG: 'src/components/select-search.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.845 DEBUG: 'src/components/server-txn-search/server-txn-search.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.845 DEBUG: 'src/components/server-txn-search/server-txn-search.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.846 DEBUG: 'src/components/tabs/tabs-base.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.846 DEBUG: 'src/components/tabs/tabs-base.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.847 DEBUG: 'src/components/theme-toggle.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.848 DEBUG: 'src/components/theme-toggle.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.848 DEBUG: 'src/components/time-from-now.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.848 DEBUG: 'src/components/time-from-now.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.849 DEBUG: 'src/components/toolbar-dropdown.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.850 DEBUG: 'src/components/toolbar-dropdown.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.851 DEBUG: 'src/components/toolbar-search/index.ts' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.851 DEBUG: 'src/components/toolbar-search/index.ts' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.852 DEBUG: 'src/components/toolbar-search/toolbar-search.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.852 DEBUG: 'src/components/toolbar-search/toolbar-search.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.853 DEBUG: 'src/components/trade-txn/content-renderer.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.853 DEBUG: 'src/components/trade-txn/content-renderer.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.853 DEBUG: 'src/components/trade-txn/notes-card.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.854 DEBUG: 'src/components/trade-txn/notes-card.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.854 DEBUG: 'src/components/user/user-avatar.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.854 DEBUG: 'src/components/user/user-avatar.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.855 DEBUG: 'src/components/user/user-card/account-details.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.855 DEBUG: 'src/components/user/user-card/account-details.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.856 DEBUG: 'src/components/user/user-card/level-percentile.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.856 DEBUG: 'src/components/user/user-card/level-percentile.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.857 DEBUG: 'src/components/user/user-card/level-status-box.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.857 DEBUG: 'src/components/user/user-card/level-status-box.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.859 DEBUG: 'src/components/user/user-card/user-card.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.859 DEBUG: 'src/components/user/user-card/user-card.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.860 DEBUG: 'src/components/user/user-notes.ts' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.860 DEBUG: 'src/components/user/user-notes.ts' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.861 DEBUG: 'src/components/wallet/aw-edit-limits.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.861 DEBUG: 'src/components/wallet/aw-edit-limits.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.862 DEBUG: 'src/components/wallet/aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.862 DEBUG: 'src/components/wallet/aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.862 DEBUG: 'src/components/wallet/composables/fiat-wallet-data.ts' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.862 DEBUG: 'src/components/wallet/composables/fiat-wallet-data.ts' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.863 DEBUG: 'src/components/wallet/composables/wallet-data.ts' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.863 DEBUG: 'src/components/wallet/composables/wallet-data.ts' indexed with language 'ts' 12:50:33.864 DEBUG: 'src/components/wallet/edit-withdrawal-dialog.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.864 DEBUG: 'src/components/wallet/edit-withdrawal-dialog.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.865 DEBUG: 'src/components/wallet/txn-table.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.865 DEBUG: 'src/components/wallet/txn-table.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.865 DEBUG: 'src/components/wallet/user-card.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.865 DEBUG: 'src/components/wallet/user-card.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.866 DEBUG: 'src/components/wallet/wallet-renderer.vue' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8' 12:50:33.866 DEBUG: 'src/components/wallet/wallet-renderer.vue' indexed with language 'js' 12:50:33.873 INFO: 181 files indexed 12:50:33.873 INFO: 69 files ignored because of inclusion/exclusion patterns 12:50:33.873 INFO: 0 files ignored because of scm ignore settings 12:50:33.875 INFO: Quality profile for css: Sonar way 12:50:33.875 INFO: Quality profile for js: Sonar way 12:50:33.875 INFO: Quality profile for ts: Sonar way 12:50:33.875 INFO: ------------- Run sensors on module company-frontend-frontend-project 12:50:34.090 INFO: Load metrics repository 12:50:34.100 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=7ms 12:50:34.109 INFO: Load metrics repository (done) | time=19ms 12:50:36.018 DEBUG: Adding rules for repository 'jssecurity', language: JAVASCRIPT, [class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class] from 12:50:36.026 DEBUG: Adding rules for repository 'tssecurity', language: TYPESCRIPT, [class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class] from 12:50:36.244 DEBUG: delta [ns] since modification FileSnapshot failed to detect count, failures, racy limit [ns], delta min [ns], delta max [ns], delta avg [ns], delta stddev [ns] 1689, 40, 10000, 2403000.0, 5828000.0, 4028549.9999999995, 918177.9043859442 12:50:36.244 DEBUG: FileStoreAttributes[fsTimestampResolution=4 µs, minimalRacyInterval=5,828 µs] 12:50:36.377 DEBUG: 'JavaSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.377 DEBUG: 'Import external issues report' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 12:50:36.377 DEBUG: 'Import external issues report from SARIF file.' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 12:50:36.378 DEBUG: 'Mutation Analysis' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.378 DEBUG: 'IaC Terraform Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.379 DEBUG: 'IaC CloudFormation Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.379 DEBUG: 'IaC Kubernetes Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.379 DEBUG: 'PL/SQL Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.380 DEBUG: 'Scala Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.380 DEBUG: 'Scoverage sensor for Scala coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.380 DEBUG: 'Import of Scalastyle issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.380 DEBUG: 'Import of Scapegoat issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.381 DEBUG: 'Import of Checkstyle issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.381 DEBUG: 'Import of PMD issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 12:50:36.381 DEBUG: 'Import of SpotBugs issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.381 DEBUG: 'SurefireSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.382 DEBUG: 'Removed properties sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.382 DEBUG: 'Flex' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.382 DEBUG: 'Flex Cobertura' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.382 DEBUG: 'XML Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.383 DEBUG: 'Swift Code Quality and Security' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.383 DEBUG: 'Import of SwiftLint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.384 DEBUG: 'gcov' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.384 DEBUG: 'llvm-cov' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.384 DEBUG: 'cppunit' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.384 DEBUG: 'VisualStudioCoverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.385 DEBUG: 'bullseye' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.385 DEBUG: 'Python Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.385 DEBUG: 'Cobertura Sensor for Python coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.385 DEBUG: 'PythonXUnitSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.386 DEBUG: 'Import of Pylint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.386 DEBUG: 'Import of Bandit issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.386 DEBUG: 'Import of Flake8 issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.386 DEBUG: 'Code Quality and Security for Go' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.386 DEBUG: 'Go Unit Test Report' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.386 DEBUG: 'Go Cover sensor for Go coverage' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 12:50:36.387 DEBUG: 'Import of go vet issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.387 DEBUG: 'Import of Golint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.387 DEBUG: 'Import of GoMetaLinter issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.387 DEBUG: 'Import of GolangCI-Lint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.387 DEBUG: 'Kotlin Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.387 DEBUG: 'KotlinSurefireSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.388 DEBUG: 'Import of detekt issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.388 DEBUG: 'Import of Android Lint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 12:50:36.389 DEBUG: 'Import of ktlint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.389 DEBUG: 'T-SQL Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.389 DEBUG: 'JavaScript inside YAML analysis' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.390 DEBUG: 'Import of ESLint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 12:50:36.390 DEBUG: 'Import of TSLint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 12:50:36.390 DEBUG: 'Import of stylelint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 12:50:36.390 DEBUG: 'Ruby Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.391 DEBUG: 'Import of RuboCop issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.391 DEBUG: 'SimpleCov Sensor for Ruby coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.391 DEBUG: 'DetektSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.391 DEBUG: 'Python HTML templates processing' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.391 DEBUG: 'PHP sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.391 DEBUG: 'Analyzer for "php.ini" files' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.392 DEBUG: 'Import of PHPStan issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.392 DEBUG: 'Import of Psalm issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.392 DEBUG: 'AbapSquidSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.396 DEBUG: 'Generic Test Executions Report' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 12:50:36.396 DEBUG: 'CFamily' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:36.397 DEBUG: Sensors : C# Project Type Information -> C# Analysis Log -> C# Properties -> HTML -> Text Sensor -> VB.NET Project Type Information -> VB.NET Analysis Log -> VB.NET Properties -> JaCoCo XML Report Importer -> JavaScript analysis -> TypeScript analysis -> CSS Rules -> JavaScript/TypeScript Coverage -> CSS Metrics -> ThymeLeaf template sensor -> Serverless configuration file sensor -> AWS SAM template file sensor -> AWS SAM Inline template file sensor -> javabugs -> pythonbugs -> JavaSecuritySensor -> CSharpSecuritySensor -> PhpSecuritySensor -> PythonSecuritySensor -> JsSecuritySensor 12:50:36.400 INFO: Sensor C# Project Type Information [csharp] 12:50:36.401 INFO: Sensor C# Project Type Information [csharp] (done) | time=2ms 12:50:36.401 INFO: Sensor C# Analysis Log [csharp] 12:50:36.414 DEBUG: Project 'company-frontend-frontend-project': Property missing: 'sonar.cs.analyzer.projectOutPaths'. No protobuf files will be loaded for this project. 12:50:36.415 INFO: Sensor C# Analysis Log [csharp] (done) | time=14ms 12:50:36.415 INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] 12:50:36.415 DEBUG: Project 'company-frontend-frontend-project': Property missing: 'sonar.cs.analyzer.projectOutPaths'. No protobuf files will be loaded for this project. 12:50:36.415 DEBUG: Project 'company-frontend-frontend-project': No Roslyn issues reports have been found. 12:50:36.415 INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] (done) | time=0ms 12:50:36.415 INFO: Sensor HTML [web] 12:50:36.415 INFO: Sensor HTML is restricted to changed files only 12:50:36.430 INFO: Sensor HTML [web] (done) | time=15ms 12:50:36.430 INFO: Sensor Text Sensor [text] 12:50:36.430 INFO: Sensor Text Sensor is restricted to changed files only 12:50:36.433 INFO: 1 source file to be analyzed 12:50:36.438 INFO: 1/1 source file has been analyzed 12:50:36.438 INFO: Sensor Text Sensor [text] (done) | time=8ms 12:50:36.438 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Project Type Information [vbnet] 12:50:36.440 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Project Type Information [vbnet] (done) | time=2ms 12:50:36.440 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Analysis Log [vbnet] 12:50:36.455 DEBUG: Project 'company-frontend-frontend-project': Property missing: 'sonar.vbnet.analyzer.projectOutPaths'. No protobuf files will be loaded for this project. 12:50:36.455 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Analysis Log [vbnet] (done) | time=15ms 12:50:36.456 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet] 12:50:36.456 DEBUG: Project 'company-frontend-frontend-project': Property missing: 'sonar.vbnet.analyzer.projectOutPaths'. No protobuf files will be loaded for this project. 12:50:36.456 DEBUG: Project 'company-frontend-frontend-project': No Roslyn issues reports have been found. 12:50:36.456 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet] (done) | time=0ms 12:50:36.456 INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] 12:50:36.459 INFO: 'sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths' is not defined. Using default locations: target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml,target/site/jacoco-it/jacoco.xml,build/reports/jacoco/test/jacocoTestReport.xml 12:50:36.459 INFO: No report imported, no coverage information will be imported by JaCoCo XML Report Importer 12:50:36.459 INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] (done) | time=3ms 12:50:36.459 INFO: Sensor JavaScript analysis [javascript] 12:50:36.468 DEBUG: Deploying bundle 12:50:36.468 DEBUG: Deploying eslint-bridge into /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/.sonartmp/eslint-bridge-bundle 12:50:37.604 DEBUG: Deploying bundle (done) | time=1136ms 12:50:37.605 DEBUG: Deploying custom rules bundle jar:file:/builds/company/frontend-project/.sonar/cache/381808c5eacd540396a0b72dff7fbdb6/sonar-securityjsfrontend-plugin.jar!/js-vulnerabilities-rules-1.0.0.tgz to /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/.sonartmp/eslint-bridge-bundle/package/custom-rules17811907102048757741 12:50:37.608 DEBUG: Starting server 12:50:37.612 DEBUG: Using default Node.js executable: 'node'. 12:50:37.612 DEBUG: Checking Node.js version 12:50:37.612 DEBUG: Launching command node -v 12:50:37.624 DEBUG: Using Node.js v18.14.1. 12:50:37.624 DEBUG: Starting Node.js process to start eslint-bridge server at port 40123 12:50:37.624 DEBUG: Launching command node /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/.sonartmp/eslint-bridge-bundle/package/bin/server 40123 /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork true false /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/.sonartmp/eslint-bridge-bundle/package/custom-rules17811907102048757741/package 12:50:39.618 DEBUG: starting eslint-bridge server at port 40123 12:50:39.626 DEBUG: eslint-bridge server is running at port 40123 12:50:39.769 DEBUG: Starting server (done) | time=2161ms 12:50:39.795 DEBUG: Using generated tsconfig.json file using wildcard [/tmp/tmp-580-6dqIW0oiDiMu] 12:50:39.800 DEBUG: Files which didn't change will be part of UCFG generation only, other rules will not be executed 12:50:39.805 INFO: 1 source file to be analyzed 12:50:39.811 DEBUG: Initializing linter "default" with no-vue-bypass-sanitization,hashing,for-loop-increment-sign,no-globals-shadowing,null-dereference,unverified-hostname,no-extra-arguments,no-redeclare,constructor-for-side-effects,post-message,cookie-no-httponly,weak-ssl,no-throw-literal,no-useless-increment,pseudo-random,session-regeneration,no-use-of-empty-return-value,no-associative-arrays,no-weak-keys,confidential-information-logging,no-ip-forward,single-character-alternation,aws-ec2-unencrypted-ebs-volume,unused-named-groups,single-char-in-character-classes,dns-prefetching,no-same-argument-assert,certificate-transparency,arguments-order,inconsistent-function-call,file-uploads,sonar-no-misleading-character-class,no-inverted-boolean-check,duplicates-in-character-class,todo-tag,fixme-tag,aws-s3-bucket-public-access,aws-s3-bucket-granted-access,no-mixed-content,anchor-precedence,frame-ancestors,no-angular-bypass-sanitization,slow-regex,array-callback-without-return,no-mime-sniff,prefer-default-last,no-commented-code,no-gratuitous-expressions,no-referrer-policy,sonar-no-fallthrough,no-empty-pattern,sonar-no-invalid-regexp,strict-transport-security,aws-iam-public-access,no-unsafe-finally,prefer-while,sonar-no-unused-vars,index-of-compare-to-positive-number,argument-type,empty-string-repetition,in-operator-type-error,prefer-promise-shorthand,regex-complexity,assertions-in-tests,no-intrusive-permissions,disabled-resource-integrity,no-empty-after-reluctant,content-security-policy,no-labels,no-uniq-key,aws-s3-bucket-server-encryption,no-unenclosed-multiline-block,call-argument-line,aws-s3-bucket-insecure-http,generator-without-yield,no-ignored-return,no-caller,csrf,cognitive-complexity,use-isnan,inverted-assertion-arguments,no-nested-template-literals,max-switch-cases,test-check-exception,production-debug,unused-import,prefer-single-boolean-return,no-redundant-boolean,no-nested-assignment,aws-s3-bucket-versioning,no-unsafe-unzip,concise-regex,no-array-index-key,jsx-key,updated-loop-counter,link-with-target-blank,no-unstable-nested-components,no-setter-return,different-types-comparison,no-case-label-in-switch,no-in-misuse,jsx-no-bind,jsx-no-constructed-context-values,no-misleading-array-reverse,no-redundant-assignments,os-command,no-invariant-returns,no-parameter-reassignment,stateful-regex,aws-efs-unencrypted,aws-apigateway-public-api,aws-sqs-unencrypted-queue,cors,no-empty-group,no-accessor-field-mismatch,no-os-command-from-path,no-collection-size-mischeck,unverified-certificate,disabled-auto-escaping,no-empty-collection,updated-const-var,no-duplicate-imports,no-unthrown-error,no-var,no-redundant-jump,no-octal,no-hardcoded-ip,aws-restricted-ip-admin-access,no-hook-setter-in-body,no-useless-react-setstate,no-identical-functions,rules-of-hooks,sonar-no-unused-class-component-methods,no-element-overwrite,prefer-regex-literals,sonar-no-regex-spaces,no-empty-alternatives,sonar-no-control-regex,no-same-line-conditional,aws-ec2-rds-dms-public,aws-sns-unencrypted-topics,super-invocation,no-try-promise,existing-groups,void-use,comma-or-logical-or-case,label-position,no-with,insecure-cookie,no-unused-collection,sql-queries,require-render-return,no-sequences,no-global-this,no-array-delete,no-alphabetical-sort,sonar-jsx-no-leaked-render,prefer-for-of,aws-sagemaker-unencrypted-notebook,aws-iam-privilege-escalation,jsx-no-comment-textnodes,xml-parser-xxe,default-param-last,new-operator-misuse,non-existent-operator,no-sparse-arrays,content-length,no-clear-text-protocols,aws-rds-unencrypted-databases,no-equals-in-for-termination,no-invalid-await,no-hardcoded-credentials,no-infinite-loop,valid-typeof,aws-iam-all-privileges,aws-opensearchservice-domain,no-exclusive-tests,no-primitive-wrappers,sonar-no-dupe-keys,no-self-assign,no-new-symbol,no-dupe-args,no-small-switch,publicly-writable-directories,no-incomplete-assertions,no-unreachable,x-powered-by,no-identical-expressions,code-eval,file-permissions,no-useless-catch,future-reserved-words,bitwise-operators,hidden-files,no-unused-expressions,no-empty,sonar-max-params,no-duplicated-branches,no-one-iteration-loop,misplaced-loop-counter,deprecation,no-unsafe-negation,function-inside-loop,no-multi-str,class-name,chai-determinate-assertion,no-code-after-done,sonar-block-scoped-var,no-delete-var,encryption-secure-mode,no-weak-cipher,no-identical-conditions,function-return-type,no-all-duplicated-branches,disabled-timeout,no-nested-conditional,insecure-jwt-token,no-dead-store,no-implicit-global,no-empty-function,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg 12:50:39.878 DEBUG: Loaded rules ucfg from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/.sonartmp/eslint-bridge-bundle/package/custom-rules17811907102048757741/package 12:50:39.885 DEBUG: Initializing linter "unchanged" with ucfg 12:50:39.887 DEBUG: Loaded rules ucfg from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/.sonartmp/eslint-bridge-bundle/package/custom-rules17811907102048757741/package 12:50:39.896 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-separator.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:39.896 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-separator.vue 12:50:39.900 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-separator.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:48.624 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/components/base/ai-separator.vue' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection 12:50:48.625 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:48.627 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:48.631 INFO: 1/1 source file has been analyzed 12:50:48.631 INFO: Hit the cache for 0 out of 1 12:50:48.633 INFO: Miss the cache for 1 out of 1: FILE_NOT_IN_CACHE [1/1] 12:50:48.633 INFO: Sensor JavaScript analysis [javascript] (done) | time=12174ms 12:50:48.633 INFO: Sensor TypeScript analysis [javascript] 12:50:48.641 DEBUG: eslint-bridge server is up, no need to start. 12:50:48.641 DEBUG: Files which didn't change will be part of UCFG generation only, other rules will not be executed 12:50:48.646 DEBUG: Initializing linter "default" with ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,ucfg,no-commented-code,sonar-no-fallthrough,duplicates-in-character-class,no-inverted-boolean-check,file-uploads,sonar-no-misleading-character-class,dns-prefetching,certificate-transparency,no-same-argument-assert,arguments-order,single-char-in-character-classes,aws-ec2-unencrypted-ebs-volume,no-unsafe-finally,prefer-while,unused-named-groups,single-character-alternation,aws-iam-public-access,no-ip-forward,session-regeneration,no-use-of-empty-return-value,no-associative-arrays,no-weak-keys,confidential-information-logging,weak-ssl,no-throw-literal,no-useless-increment,pseudo-random,no-redundant-optional,cookie-no-httponly,aws-s3-bucket-public-access,post-message,constructor-for-side-effects,no-redeclare,no-globals-shadowing,unverified-hostname,hashing,for-loop-increment-sign,no-vue-bypass-sanitization,no-nested-conditional,no-unnecessary-type-assertion,insecure-jwt-token,no-dead-store,prefer-type-guard,use-type-alias,no-in-misuse,no-parameter-reassignment,no-unstable-nested-components,jsx-key,updated-loop-counter,link-with-target-blank,no-array-index-key,concise-regex,stateful-regex,test-check-exception,max-switch-cases,production-debug,csrf,no-undefined-argument,cognitive-complexity,no-labels,use-isnan,inverted-assertion-arguments,no-nested-template-literals,aws-s3-bucket-insecure-http,generator-without-yield,no-duplicate-in-composite,no-ignored-return,no-caller,aws-s3-bucket-server-encryption,no-unenclosed-multiline-block,no-uniq-key,call-argument-line,jsx-no-constructed-context-values,jsx-no-bind,no-redundant-boolean,content-security-policy,prefer-promise-shorthand,regex-complexity,no-empty-after-reluctant,assertions-in-tests,no-intrusive-permissions,disabled-resource-integrity,unused-import,empty-string-repetition,no-nested-assignment,index-of-compare-to-positive-number,no-unsafe-unzip,aws-s3-bucket-versioning,todo-tag,strict-transport-security,no-mime-sniff,prefer-default-last,no-gratuitous-expressions,no-referrer-policy,no-empty-pattern,sonar-no-invalid-regexp,no-mixed-content,no-angular-bypass-sanitization,anchor-precedence,frame-ancestors,slow-regex,fixme-tag,aws-s3-bucket-granted-access,new-operator-misuse,non-existent-operator,no-small-switch,aws-iam-privilege-escalation,jsx-no-comment-textnodes,prefer-for-of,aws-sagemaker-unencrypted-notebook,sonar-jsx-no-leaked-render,default-param-last,xml-parser-xxe,sql-queries,no-global-this,no-array-delete,no-alphabetical-sort,require-render-return,no-sequences,void-use,no-octal,no-hardcoded-ip,comma-or-logical-or-case,label-position,existing-groups,aws-sns-unencrypted-topics,super-invocation,aws-ec2-rds-dms-public,no-try-promise,sonar-no-control-regex,no-empty-alternatives,sonar-no-regex-spaces,prefer-regex-literals,no-same-line-conditional,sonar-no-unused-class-component-methods,rules-of-hooks,no-identical-functions,no-useless-react-setstate,aws-restricted-ip-admin-access,no-hook-setter-in-body,no-element-overwrite,no-equals-in-for-termination,no-sparse-arrays,no-var,no-redundant-jump,no-duplicate-imports,no-unthrown-error,no-os-command-from-path,no-collection-size-mischeck,prefer-namespace-keyword,unverified-certificate,disabled-auto-escaping,no-empty-collection,no-empty-group,aws-sqs-unencrypted-queue,aws-apigateway-public-api,cors,aws-efs-unencrypted,no-accessor-field-mismatch,insecure-cookie,no-unused-collection,no-invariant-returns,no-case-label-in-switch,os-command,no-misleading-array-reverse,no-redundant-assignments,no-all-duplicated-branches,no-identical-conditions,no-weak-cipher,no-delete-var,encryption-secure-mode,no-useless-intersection,sonar-block-scoped-var,no-empty-function,no-code-after-done,no-unsafe-negation,deprecation,misplaced-loop-counter,no-one-iteration-loop,no-multi-str,function-inside-loop,no-duplicated-branches,disabled-timeout,bitwise-operators,class-name,code-eval,no-identical-expressions,no-unreachable,no-useless-catch,x-powered-by,file-permissions,publicly-writable-directories,no-incomplete-assertions,chai-determinate-assertion,sonar-no-dupe-keys,no-primitive-wrappers,no-exclusive-tests,aws-opensearchservice-domain,no-self-assign,aws-iam-all-privileges,no-misused-new,no-invalid-await,no-hardcoded-credentials,aws-rds-unencrypted-databases,content-length,no-clear-text-protocols,no-empty,sonar-max-params,hidden-files,no-unused-expressions 12:50:48.648 DEBUG: Loaded rules ucfg from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/.sonartmp/eslint-bridge-bundle/package/custom-rules17811907102048757741/package 12:50:48.654 DEBUG: Initializing linter "unchanged" with ucfg 12:50:48.655 DEBUG: Loaded rules ucfg from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/.sonartmp/eslint-bridge-bundle/package/custom-rules17811907102048757741/package 12:50:48.683 INFO: Found 1 tsconfig.json file(s): [/builds/company/frontend-project/tsconfig.json] 12:50:48.733 DEBUG: /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/wallet-renderer.vue matched /builds/company/frontend-project/tsconfig.json 12:50:48.733 DEBUG: /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/helpers/table-helpers.ts matched /builds/company/frontend-project/tsconfig.json 12:50:48.733 DEBUG: /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/user/user-card/level-percentile.vue matched /builds/company/frontend-project/tsconfig.json 12:50:48.733 DEBUG: /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/download-button.vue matched /builds/company/frontend-project/tsconfig.json 12:50:48.733 DEBUG: /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/dialogs/add-note-dialog.vue matched /builds/company/frontend-project/tsconfig.json 12:50:48.733 DEBUG: /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-radio-group.vue matched /builds/company/frontend-project/tsconfig.json 12:50:48.733 DEBUG: /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-tooltip.vue matched /builds/company/frontend-project/tsconfig.json 12:50:48.733 DEBUG: /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-scroll-pagination.vue matched /builds/company/frontend-project/tsconfig.json 12:50:48.733 DEBUG: /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/toolbar-search/index.ts matched /builds/company/frontend-project/tsconfig.json 12:50:48.733 DEBUG: /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/elastic-search-admin-logs.tsx matched /builds/company/frontend-project/tsconfig.json 12:50:48.733 DEBUG: /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-info-block.vue matched /builds/company/frontend-project/tsconfig.json 12:50:48.733 DEBUG: /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-card.vue matched /builds/company/frontend-project/tsconfig.json 12:50:48.733 DEBUG: /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-datetime-picker.vue matched /builds/company/frontend-project/tsconfig.json 12:50:48.733 DEBUG: /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-skeleton.vue matched /builds/company/frontend-project/tsconfig.json 12:50:48.733 DEBUG: /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/toolbar-search/toolbar-search.vue matched /builds/company/frontend-project/tsconfig.json 12:50:48.734 DEBUG: /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/composables/fiat-wallet-data.ts matched /builds/company/frontend-project/tsconfig.json 12:50:48.734 DEBUG: 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'src/components/wallet/wallet-renderer.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:48.740 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/wallet-renderer.vue 12:50:48.742 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/wallet-renderer.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:48.858 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:48.858 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:48.861 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/helpers/table-helpers.ts' as the current file is not cached 12:50:48.861 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/helpers/table-helpers.ts 12:50:48.863 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/helpers/table-helpers.ts" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:48.950 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:48.951 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:48.953 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/user/user-card/level-percentile.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:48.953 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/user/user-card/level-percentile.vue 12:50:48.955 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/user/user-card/level-percentile.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:49.025 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:49.026 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:49.028 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/download-button.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:49.028 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/download-button.vue 12:50:49.030 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/download-button.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:49.095 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:49.095 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:49.098 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/dialogs/add-note-dialog.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:49.098 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/dialogs/add-note-dialog.vue 12:50:49.099 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/dialogs/add-note-dialog.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:49.166 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:49.167 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:49.169 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-radio-group.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:49.169 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-radio-group.vue 12:50:49.171 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-radio-group.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:49.234 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:49.234 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:49.236 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-tooltip.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:49.236 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-tooltip.vue 12:50:49.238 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-tooltip.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:49.285 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:49.285 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:49.287 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-scroll-pagination.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:49.287 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-scroll-pagination.vue 12:50:49.289 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-scroll-pagination.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:49.335 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:49.335 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:49.337 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/toolbar-search/index.ts' as the current file is not cached 12:50:49.337 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/toolbar-search/index.ts 12:50:49.339 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/toolbar-search/index.ts" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:49.376 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:49.376 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:49.379 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/elastic-search-admin-logs.tsx' as the current file is not cached 12:50:49.379 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/elastic-search-admin-logs.tsx 12:50:49.380 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/elastic-search-admin-logs.tsx" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:49.397 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:49.398 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:49.400 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-info-block.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:49.400 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-info-block.vue 12:50:49.401 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-info-block.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:49.455 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:49.455 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:49.457 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-card.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:49.457 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-card.vue 12:50:49.458 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-card.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:49.497 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:49.498 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:49.500 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-datetime-picker.vue' as the current file is changed 12:50:49.500 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-datetime-picker.vue 12:50:49.502 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-datetime-picker.vue" with linterId "default" 12:50:50.063 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.064 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.066 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-skeleton.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.066 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-skeleton.vue 12:50:50.067 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-skeleton.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.095 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/components/base/ai-skeleton.vue' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection 12:50:50.095 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.096 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.097 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/toolbar-search/toolbar-search.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.097 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/toolbar-search/toolbar-search.vue 12:50:50.098 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/toolbar-search/toolbar-search.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.155 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.156 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.158 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/wallet/composables/fiat-wallet-data.ts' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.158 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/composables/fiat-wallet-data.ts 12:50:50.159 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/composables/fiat-wallet-data.ts" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.204 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.204 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.211 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/table-parts/ai-table-bottom.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.211 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/table-parts/ai-table-bottom.vue 12:50:50.213 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/table-parts/ai-table-bottom.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.268 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.268 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.270 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/bottom-tabs-details/utils/index.ts' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.270 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/bottom-tabs-details/utils/index.ts 12:50:50.272 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/bottom-tabs-details/utils/index.ts" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.293 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.294 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.296 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/dialogs/login-help.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.296 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/dialogs/login-help.vue 12:50:50.297 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/dialogs/login-help.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.335 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.335 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.337 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/__tests__/elastic-search-admin-logs_jest.spec.tsx' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.337 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/__tests__/elastic-search-admin-logs_jest.spec.tsx 12:50:50.338 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/__tests__/elastic-search-admin-logs_jest.spec.tsx" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.417 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.418 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.419 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-editor.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.419 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-editor.vue 12:50:50.421 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-editor.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.459 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/components/base/ai-editor.vue' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection 12:50:50.460 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.460 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.461 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-permissions.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.462 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-permissions.vue 12:50:50.463 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-permissions.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.498 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.499 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.500 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/select-search.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.500 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/select-search.vue 12:50:50.501 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/select-search.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.533 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.533 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.534 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/html-renderer.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.534 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/html-renderer.vue 12:50:50.535 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/html-renderer.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.560 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.561 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.564 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/utils.ts' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.564 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/utils.ts 12:50:50.565 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/utils.ts" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.584 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.584 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.586 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/bottom-tabs-details/store/index.ts' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.586 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/bottom-tabs-details/store/index.ts 12:50:50.587 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/bottom-tabs-details/store/index.ts" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.626 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.626 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.628 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-audio.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.628 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-audio.vue 12:50:50.629 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-audio.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.659 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.660 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.665 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-checkbox.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.665 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-checkbox.vue 12:50:50.666 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-checkbox.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.693 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/components/base/ai-checkbox.vue' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection 12:50:50.693 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.694 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.695 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-note-list.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.695 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-note-list.vue 12:50:50.696 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-note-list.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.730 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.731 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.732 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-true-false-icon.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.732 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-true-false-icon.vue 12:50:50.733 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-true-false-icon.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.761 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.761 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.762 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/types.ts' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.762 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/types.ts 12:50:50.763 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/types.ts" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.778 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.779 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.780 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/clear-all-filters.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.780 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/clear-all-filters.vue 12:50:50.781 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/clear-all-filters.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.815 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.815 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.816 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/helpers/ai-chip-helpers.ts' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.816 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/helpers/ai-chip-helpers.ts 12:50:50.817 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/helpers/ai-chip-helpers.ts" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.825 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.825 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.826 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/trade-txn/notes-card.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.826 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/trade-txn/notes-card.vue 12:50:50.827 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/trade-txn/notes-card.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.869 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.869 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.871 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-tooltip/composables/use-tooltip-arrow-position.ts' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.871 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-tooltip/composables/use-tooltip-arrow-position.ts 12:50:50.872 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-tooltip/composables/use-tooltip-arrow-position.ts" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.889 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.890 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.892 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/open-filter-dialog-btn.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.893 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/open-filter-dialog-btn.vue 12:50:50.894 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/open-filter-dialog-btn.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.924 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.925 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.927 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-status-box.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.927 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-status-box.vue 12:50:50.928 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-status-box.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.957 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.957 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.958 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-checkbox-group.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.958 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-checkbox-group.vue 12:50:50.962 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-checkbox-group.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:50.986 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/components/base/ai-checkbox-group.vue' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection 12:50:50.986 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:50.986 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:50.987 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/helpers/table-row-expanding.ts' as the current file is not cached 12:50:50.987 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/helpers/table-row-expanding.ts 12:50:50.989 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/helpers/table-row-expanding.ts" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:51.018 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:51.018 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:51.020 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/dialogs/composables/available-tags.ts' as the current file is not cached 12:50:51.020 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/dialogs/composables/available-tags.ts 12:50:51.021 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/dialogs/composables/available-tags.ts" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:51.037 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:51.038 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:51.039 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-empty.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:51.039 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-empty.vue 12:50:51.040 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-empty.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:51.068 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/components/base/ai-empty.vue' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection 12:50:51.068 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:51.069 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:51.141 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-indicator.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:51.141 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-indicator.vue 12:50:51.142 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-indicator.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:51.167 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:51.167 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:51.169 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-preview.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:51.169 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-preview.vue 12:50:51.170 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-preview.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:51.201 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:51.201 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:51.203 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/helpers/dialog-helpers.ts' as the current file is not cached 12:50:51.203 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/helpers/dialog-helpers.ts 12:50:51.204 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/helpers/dialog-helpers.ts" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:51.214 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:51.214 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:51.215 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/server-txn-search/server-txn-search.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:51.215 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/server-txn-search/server-txn-search.vue 12:50:51.216 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/server-txn-search/server-txn-search.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:51.251 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:51.251 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:51.253 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/wallet/edit-withdrawal-dialog.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:51.253 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/edit-withdrawal-dialog.vue 12:50:51.254 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/edit-withdrawal-dialog.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:51.294 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:51.294 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:51.296 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-field.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:51.296 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-field.vue 12:50:51.297 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-field.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:51.328 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:51.328 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:51.330 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-form.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:51.330 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-form.vue 12:50:51.331 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-form.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:51.360 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:51.360 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:51.362 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-select.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:51.362 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-select.vue 12:50:51.363 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-select.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:51.428 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:51.428 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:51.430 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/address-input.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:51.430 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/address-input.vue 12:50:51.431 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/address-input.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:51.610 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:51.610 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:51.612 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/tabs/tabs-base.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:51.612 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/tabs/tabs-base.vue 12:50:51.613 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/tabs/tabs-base.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:51.652 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:51.652 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:51.654 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/dialogs/tags.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:51.654 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/dialogs/tags.vue 12:50:51.655 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/dialogs/tags.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:51.707 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:51.708 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:51.712 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/table-parts/ai-table-row.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:51.712 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/table-parts/ai-table-row.vue 12:50:51.714 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/table-parts/ai-table-row.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:51.762 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:51.763 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:51.764 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-table.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:51.764 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-table.vue 12:50:51.765 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-table.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:51.921 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:51.922 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:51.924 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-cursor-pagination.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:51.924 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-cursor-pagination.vue 12:50:51.925 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-cursor-pagination.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:51.964 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:51.965 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:51.966 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-chip-list.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:51.966 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-chip-list.vue 12:50:51.967 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-chip-list.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:51.999 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.000 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.034 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-simple-pagination.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.034 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-simple-pagination.vue 12:50:52.035 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-simple-pagination.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.069 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.070 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.071 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/wallet/aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.071 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue 12:50:52.072 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.119 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.120 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.121 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-icon.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.121 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-icon.vue 12:50:52.122 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-icon.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.156 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.157 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.158 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-maybe-empty.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.158 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-maybe-empty.vue 12:50:52.159 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-maybe-empty.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.195 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.196 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.197 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/wallet/composables/wallet-data.ts' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.197 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/composables/wallet-data.ts 12:50:52.198 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/composables/wallet-data.ts" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.256 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.256 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.257 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-btn.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.257 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-btn.vue 12:50:52.258 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-btn.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.307 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.308 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.309 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/nodeBuilderFunctions/helpers.tsx' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.309 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/nodeBuilderFunctions/helpers.tsx 12:50:52.310 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/nodeBuilderFunctions/helpers.tsx" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.358 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.358 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.359 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/nodeBuilderFunctions/index.tsx' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.359 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/nodeBuilderFunctions/index.tsx 12:50:52.360 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/nodeBuilderFunctions/index.tsx" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.381 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.381 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.382 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-upload.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.382 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-upload.vue 12:50:52.383 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-upload.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.428 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.428 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.429 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-time-picker.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.429 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-time-picker.vue 12:50:52.430 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-time-picker.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.468 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.468 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.469 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/NodeBuilderService.tsx' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.469 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/NodeBuilderService.tsx 12:50:52.470 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/NodeBuilderService.tsx" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.488 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.489 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.492 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/toolbar-dropdown.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.492 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/toolbar-dropdown.vue 12:50:52.493 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/toolbar-dropdown.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.520 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.521 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.524 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/trade-txn/content-renderer.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.524 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/trade-txn/content-renderer.vue 12:50:52.525 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/trade-txn/content-renderer.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.554 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.554 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.556 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-status.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.556 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-status.vue 12:50:52.557 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-status.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.585 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.585 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.586 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-input.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.586 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-input.vue 12:50:52.587 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-input.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.636 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.636 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.638 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-dropdown-block.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.638 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-dropdown-block.vue 12:50:52.639 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-dropdown-block.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.668 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/components/base/ai-dropdown-block.vue' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection 12:50:52.668 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.669 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.670 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/time-from-now.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.670 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/time-from-now.vue 12:50:52.671 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/time-from-now.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.709 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.709 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.710 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/user/user-card/account-details.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.710 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/user/user-card/account-details.vue 12:50:52.711 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/user/user-card/account-details.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.747 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.748 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.749 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-toggle.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.749 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-toggle.vue 12:50:52.750 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-toggle.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.778 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/components/base/ai-toggle.vue' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection 12:50:52.779 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.779 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.780 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-pagination.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.780 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-pagination.vue 12:50:52.781 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-pagination.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.809 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.809 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.812 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/bottom-tabs-details/bottom-links.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.812 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/bottom-tabs-details/bottom-links.vue 12:50:52.813 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/bottom-tabs-details/bottom-links.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.838 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.839 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.840 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-router-link.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.840 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-router-link.vue 12:50:52.841 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-router-link.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.871 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.872 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.873 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/wallet/txn-table.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.873 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/txn-table.vue 12:50:52.874 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/txn-table.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.930 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.930 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.934 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/dialogs/dialog-filters-helpers.ts' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.934 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/dialogs/dialog-filters-helpers.ts 12:50:52.935 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/dialogs/dialog-filters-helpers.ts" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.959 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.960 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.961 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-status-cell.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.961 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-status-cell.vue 12:50:52.962 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-status-cell.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:52.994 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:52.995 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:52.996 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/page-header.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:52.996 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/page-header.vue 12:50:52.997 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/page-header.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.029 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.029 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.031 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/table-parts/ai-table-header.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.031 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/table-parts/ai-table-header.vue 12:50:53.032 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/table-parts/ai-table-header.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.079 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.079 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.081 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-label-value.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.081 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-label-value.vue 12:50:53.082 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-label-value.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.115 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.115 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.116 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/page-with-tabs-renderer.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.116 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/page-with-tabs-renderer.vue 12:50:53.117 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/page-with-tabs-renderer.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.140 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/components/page-with-tabs-renderer.vue' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection 12:50:53.140 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.140 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.143 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-chip.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.143 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-chip.vue 12:50:53.144 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-chip.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.191 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.191 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.192 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-external-link.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.193 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-external-link.vue 12:50:53.194 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-external-link.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.218 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.219 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.222 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/user/user-avatar.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.222 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/user/user-avatar.vue 12:50:53.223 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/user/user-avatar.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.253 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.253 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.255 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/styles/classNames.ts' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.255 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/styles/classNames.ts 12:50:53.256 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/styles/classNames.ts" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.264 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/styles/classNames.ts' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection 12:50:53.264 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.264 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.265 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/user/user-card/level-status-box.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.265 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/user/user-card/level-status-box.vue 12:50:53.266 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/user/user-card/level-status-box.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.305 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.306 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.307 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/wallet/user-card.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.307 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/user-card.vue 12:50:53.308 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/user-card.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.336 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.337 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.340 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/theme-toggle.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.340 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/theme-toggle.vue 12:50:53.341 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/theme-toggle.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.365 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.366 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.367 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/wallet/aw-edit-limits.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.367 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/aw-edit-limits.vue 12:50:53.368 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/aw-edit-limits.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.409 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.409 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.411 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-dialog.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.411 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-dialog.vue 12:50:53.412 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-dialog.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.451 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.452 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.453 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/display-currency-amount.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.453 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/display-currency-amount.vue 12:50:53.454 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/display-currency-amount.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.486 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.487 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.490 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-markup-table.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.490 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-markup-table.vue 12:50:53.491 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-markup-table.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.517 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.517 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.518 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-clipboard-copy.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.518 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-clipboard-copy.vue 12:50:53.519 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-clipboard-copy.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.562 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.562 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.564 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/content-renderer.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.564 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/content-renderer.vue 12:50:53.565 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/content-renderer.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.588 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/components/content-renderer.vue' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection 12:50:53.588 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.589 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.590 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-avatar.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.590 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-avatar.vue 12:50:53.591 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-avatar.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.620 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.620 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.621 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-date-picker.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.621 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-date-picker.vue 12:50:53.622 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-date-picker.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.730 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.730 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.732 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/user/user-card/user-card.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.732 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/user/user-card/user-card.vue 12:50:53.733 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/user/user-card/user-card.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.820 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.821 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.822 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-renderer.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.822 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-renderer.vue 12:50:53.824 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-renderer.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.849 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/components/base/ai-renderer.vue' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection 12:50:53.849 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.849 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.852 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-tab.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.852 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-tab.vue 12:50:53.853 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-tab.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.878 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.879 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.880 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/user/user-notes.ts' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.880 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/user/user-notes.ts 12:50:53.881 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/user/user-notes.ts" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.901 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.901 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.902 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-checkbox-list.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.902 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-checkbox-list.vue 12:50:53.904 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-checkbox-list.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.934 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.934 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.937 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-tabs.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.937 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-tabs.vue 12:50:53.938 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-tabs.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:53.971 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:53.971 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:53.974 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/ai-loading.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:53.974 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-loading.vue 12:50:53.975 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-loading.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:54.000 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:54.000 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:54.001 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/cells/cell-text.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:54.001 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/cells/cell-text.vue 12:50:54.002 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/cells/cell-text.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:54.037 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:54.037 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:54.038 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/base/helpers/table-row-selection.ts' as the current file is not cached 12:50:54.038 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/helpers/table-row-selection.ts 12:50:54.039 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/helpers/table-row-selection.ts" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:54.057 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:54.057 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:54.061 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/bottom-tabs-details/tabs-container.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:54.061 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/bottom-tabs-details/tabs-container.vue 12:50:54.062 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/bottom-tabs-details/tabs-container.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:54.101 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:54.102 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:54.103 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/dialogs/confirmation-dialog.vue' as the current file is not cached 12:50:54.103 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/dialogs/confirmation-dialog.vue 12:50:54.104 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/dialogs/confirmation-dialog.vue" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:54.132 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:54.132 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:54.135 DEBUG: Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/mock-data.ts' as the current file is not cached 12:50:54.135 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/mock-data.ts 12:50:54.136 DEBUG: Analyzing file "/builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/mock-data.ts" with linterId "unchanged" 12:50:54.148 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' containing 1 file(s) 12:50:54.149 DEBUG: Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:' 12:50:54.150 INFO: 114/114 source files have been analyzed 12:50:54.150 INFO: Hit the cache for 0 out of 114 12:50:54.150 INFO: Miss the cache for 114 out of 114: FILE_CHANGED [1/114], FILE_NOT_IN_CACHE [113/114] 12:50:54.150 INFO: Sensor TypeScript analysis [javascript] (done) | time=5517ms 12:50:54.150 INFO: Sensor CSS Rules [javascript] 12:50:54.150 INFO: Sensor CSS Rules is restricted to changed files only 12:50:54.152 DEBUG: eslint-bridge server is up, no need to start. 12:50:54.154 INFO: 1 source file to be analyzed 12:50:54.155 DEBUG: Analyzing file: file:///builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-datetime-picker.vue 12:50:54.300 DEBUG: Found 0 issue(s) 12:50:54.301 INFO: 1/1 source file has been analyzed 12:50:54.301 INFO: Hit the cache for 0 out of 0 12:50:54.301 INFO: Miss the cache for 0 out of 0 12:50:54.301 INFO: Sensor CSS Rules [javascript] (done) | time=151ms 12:50:54.301 INFO: Sensor JavaScript/TypeScript Coverage [javascript] 12:50:54.301 DEBUG: Property sonar.javascript.lcov.reportPaths is used. 12:50:54.301 DEBUG: Using '/test/jest/coverage/' to resolve LCOV files 12:50:55.108 INFO: Analysing [/builds/company/frontend-project/test/jest/coverage/] 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 96 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 43 doesn't belong to file clear-all-filters.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 97 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 44 doesn't belong to file clear-all-filters.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 98 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 46 doesn't belong to file clear-all-filters.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 99 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 47 doesn't belong to file clear-all-filters.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 100 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 54 doesn't belong to file clear-all-filters.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 101 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 61 doesn't belong to file clear-all-filters.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 102 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 62 doesn't belong to file clear-all-filters.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 107 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 47 doesn't belong to file clear-all-filters.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 108 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 47 doesn't belong to file clear-all-filters.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 133 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 18 doesn't belong to file content-renderer.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 134 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 19 doesn't belong to file content-renderer.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 135 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 25 doesn't belong to file content-renderer.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 136 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 28 doesn't belong to file content-renderer.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 137 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 39 doesn't belong to file content-renderer.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 138 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 40 doesn't belong to file content-renderer.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 141 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 20 doesn't belong to file content-renderer.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 142 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 20 doesn't belong to file content-renderer.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 305 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 17 doesn't belong to file html-renderer.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 306 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 18 doesn't belong to file html-renderer.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 307 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 20 doesn't belong to file html-renderer.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 308 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 28 doesn't belong to file html-renderer.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 309 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 29 doesn't belong to file html-renderer.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 312 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 20 doesn't belong to file html-renderer.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 313 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 20 doesn't belong to file html-renderer.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 345 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 53 doesn't belong to file open-filter-dialog-btn.vue). 12:50:55.116 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 346 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 54 doesn't belong to file open-filter-dialog-btn.vue). 12:50:55.117 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 391 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 78 doesn't belong to file page-header.vue). 12:50:55.117 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 392 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 85 doesn't belong to file page-header.vue). 12:50:55.117 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 393 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 86 doesn't belong to file page-header.vue). 12:50:55.117 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 405 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 79 doesn't belong to file page-header.vue). 12:50:55.117 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 406 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 79 doesn't belong to file page-header.vue). 12:50:55.117 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 443 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 55 doesn't belong to file page-with-tabs-renderer.vue). 12:50:55.117 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 444 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 67 doesn't belong to file page-with-tabs-renderer.vue). 12:50:55.117 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 445 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 68 doesn't belong to file page-with-tabs-renderer.vue). 12:50:55.119 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1024 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 50 doesn't belong to file time-from-now.vue). 12:50:55.119 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1025 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 52 doesn't belong to file time-from-now.vue). 12:50:55.119 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1026 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 54 doesn't belong to file time-from-now.vue). 12:50:55.119 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1027 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 55 doesn't belong to file time-from-now.vue). 12:50:55.119 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1113 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 29 doesn't belong to file ai-avatar.vue). 12:50:55.119 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1114 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 41 doesn't belong to file ai-avatar.vue). 12:50:55.119 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1115 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 42 doesn't belong to file ai-avatar.vue). 12:50:55.119 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1118 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 30 doesn't belong to file ai-avatar.vue). 12:50:55.119 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1119 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 30 doesn't belong to file ai-avatar.vue). 12:50:55.119 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1267 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 154 doesn't belong to file ai-card.vue). 12:50:55.119 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1268 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 155 doesn't belong to file ai-card.vue). 12:50:55.119 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1292 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 146 doesn't belong to file ai-card.vue). 12:50:55.119 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1293 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 146 doesn't belong to file ai-card.vue). 12:50:55.119 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1294 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 150 doesn't belong to file ai-card.vue). 12:50:55.119 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1295 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 150 doesn't belong to file ai-card.vue). 12:50:55.119 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1382 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 18 doesn't belong to file ai-checkbox.vue). 12:50:55.119 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1383 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 23 doesn't belong to file ai-checkbox.vue). 12:50:55.119 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1384 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 24 doesn't belong to file ai-checkbox.vue). 12:50:55.119 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1416 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 64 doesn't belong to file ai-chip-list.vue). 12:50:55.119 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1417 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 65 doesn't belong to file ai-chip-list.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1623 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 125 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1624 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 127 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1625 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 129 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1626 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 132 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1627 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 134 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1628 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 135 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1629 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 137 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1630 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 140 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1631 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 141 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1632 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 148 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1633 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 152 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1634 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 154 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1635 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 156 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1636 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 158 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1637 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 160 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1638 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 181 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1639 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 183 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1640 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 185 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1641 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 188 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1642 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 189 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1643 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 191 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1644 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 210 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1645 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 211 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1646 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 213 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1647 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 214 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1648 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 216 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1649 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 217 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1650 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 220 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1651 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 221 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1652 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 223 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1653 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 224 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1654 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 226 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1655 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 228 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1656 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 233 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1657 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 235 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1658 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 240 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1659 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 241 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1660 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 242 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1661 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 247 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1662 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 255 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1663 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 263 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1664 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 264 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1665 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 265 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1666 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 266 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1667 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 267 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1668 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 268 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1669 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 273 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1670 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 274 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1671 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 275 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1672 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 276 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1673 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 278 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1674 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 292 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.120 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1675 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 293 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1676 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 294 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1677 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 296 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1678 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 306 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1679 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 315 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1680 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 316 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1745 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 125 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1746 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 125 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1747 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 140 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1748 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 140 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1749 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 142 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1750 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 142 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1751 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 211 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1752 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 211 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1753 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 214 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1754 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 214 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1755 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 216 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1756 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 216 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1757 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 224 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1758 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 224 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1759 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 224 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1760 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 224 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1761 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 279 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1762 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 279 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1763 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 279 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1764 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 279 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1765 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 287 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1766 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 287 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1767 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 291 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1768 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 291 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1769 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 296 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 1770 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 296 doesn't belong to file ai-clipboard-copy.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1818 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 104 doesn't belong to file ai-cursor-pagination.vue). 12:50:55.121 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 1819 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 105 doesn't belong to file ai-cursor-pagination.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2467 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 13 doesn't belong to file ai-editor.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2468 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 14 doesn't belong to file ai-editor.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2469 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 15 doesn't belong to file ai-editor.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2470 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 17 doesn't belong to file ai-editor.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2471 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 18 doesn't belong to file ai-editor.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2472 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 20 doesn't belong to file ai-editor.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2473 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 21 doesn't belong to file ai-editor.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2494 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 20 doesn't belong to file ai-empty.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2495 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 21 doesn't belong to file ai-empty.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2516 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 37 doesn't belong to file ai-external-link.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2517 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 38 doesn't belong to file ai-external-link.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2546 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 28 doesn't belong to file ai-field.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2547 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 34 doesn't belong to file ai-field.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2548 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 35 doesn't belong to file ai-field.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2572 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 27 doesn't belong to file ai-form.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2573 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 29 doesn't belong to file ai-form.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2574 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 30 doesn't belong to file ai-form.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2575 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 34 doesn't belong to file ai-form.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2576 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 40 doesn't belong to file ai-form.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2577 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 41 doesn't belong to file ai-form.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2629 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 33 doesn't belong to file ai-indicator.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2630 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 34 doesn't belong to file ai-indicator.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2917 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 64 doesn't belong to file ai-label-value.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2918 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 65 doesn't belong to file ai-label-value.vue). 12:50:55.122 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 2928 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 57 doesn't belong to file ai-label-value.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 2929 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 57 doesn't belong to file ai-label-value.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2973 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 49 doesn't belong to file ai-markup-table.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 2974 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 50 doesn't belong to file ai-markup-table.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 3085 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 108 doesn't belong to file ai-note-list.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 3086 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 132 doesn't belong to file ai-note-list.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 3087 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 133 doesn't belong to file ai-note-list.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 3099 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 101 doesn't belong to file ai-note-list.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 3100 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 101 doesn't belong to file ai-note-list.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 3101 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 113 doesn't belong to file ai-note-list.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 3102 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 113 doesn't belong to file ai-note-list.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 3271 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 22 doesn't belong to file ai-renderer.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 3272 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 23 doesn't belong to file ai-renderer.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 3306 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 59 doesn't belong to file ai-router-link.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 3307 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 72 doesn't belong to file ai-router-link.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 3308 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 73 doesn't belong to file ai-router-link.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 3315 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 60 doesn't belong to file ai-router-link.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 3316 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 60 doesn't belong to file ai-router-link.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 3317 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 67 doesn't belong to file ai-router-link.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 3318 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 67 doesn't belong to file ai-router-link.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 3353 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 70 doesn't belong to file ai-scroll-pagination.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 3354 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 71 doesn't belong to file ai-scroll-pagination.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 3619 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 103 doesn't belong to file ai-simple-pagination.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 3620 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 104 doesn't belong to file ai-simple-pagination.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 3636 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 13 doesn't belong to file ai-skeleton.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 3637 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 14 doesn't belong to file ai-skeleton.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 3638 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 15 doesn't belong to file ai-skeleton.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 3639 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 17 doesn't belong to file ai-skeleton.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 3640 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 18 doesn't belong to file ai-skeleton.vue). 12:50:55.123 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 3641 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 20 doesn't belong to file ai-skeleton.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 3642 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 21 doesn't belong to file ai-skeleton.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4176 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 731 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4177 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 732 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4178 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 733 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4179 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 734 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4180 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 735 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4181 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 736 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4182 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 740 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4183 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 744 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4184 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 749 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4185 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 750 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4186 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 751 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4187 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 752 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4188 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 753 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4189 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 754 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4190 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 764 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4191 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 770 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4192 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 772 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4193 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 778 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4194 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 784 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4195 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 803 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4196 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 805 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4197 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 814 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4198 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 830 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4199 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 832 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4200 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 842 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4201 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 844 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4202 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 852 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4203 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 854 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4204 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 886 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4205 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 887 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.124 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4422 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 764 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4423 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 764 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4424 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 770 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4425 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 770 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4426 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 772 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4427 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 772 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4428 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 833 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4429 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 833 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4430 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 845 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4431 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 845 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4432 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 849 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4433 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 849 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4434 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 857 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4435 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 857 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4436 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 868 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4437 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 868 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4438 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 871 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4439 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 871 doesn't belong to file ai-table.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4494 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 64 doesn't belong to file ai-tabs.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4495 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 65 doesn't belong to file ai-tabs.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4496 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 66 doesn't belong to file ai-tabs.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4497 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 69 doesn't belong to file ai-tabs.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4498 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 75 doesn't belong to file ai-tabs.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4499 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 76 doesn't belong to file ai-tabs.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4500 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 81 doesn't belong to file ai-tabs.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4501 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 90 doesn't belong to file ai-tabs.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4502 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 91 doesn't belong to file ai-tabs.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4512 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 72 doesn't belong to file ai-tabs.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4513 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 72 doesn't belong to file ai-tabs.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4514 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 72 doesn't belong to file ai-tabs.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4515 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 72 doesn't belong to file ai-tabs.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4516 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 80 doesn't belong to file ai-tabs.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 4517 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 80 doesn't belong to file ai-tabs.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4689 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 41 doesn't belong to file ai-true-false-icon.vue). 12:50:55.125 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 4690 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 42 doesn't belong to file ai-true-false-icon.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5303 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 237 doesn't belong to file ai-table-header.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5304 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 238 doesn't belong to file ai-table-header.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5625 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 120 doesn't belong to file tabs-container.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5626 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 130 doesn't belong to file tabs-container.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5627 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 142 doesn't belong to file tabs-container.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5628 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 143 doesn't belong to file tabs-container.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 5650 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 121 doesn't belong to file tabs-container.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 5651 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 121 doesn't belong to file tabs-container.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5907 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 98 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5908 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 101 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5909 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 102 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5910 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 103 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5911 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 106 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5912 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 107 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5913 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 108 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5914 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 111 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5915 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 112 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5916 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 113 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5917 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 114 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5918 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 117 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5919 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 118 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5920 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 120 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5921 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 122 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5922 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 125 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5923 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 127 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5924 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 129 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5925 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 132 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5926 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 134 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5927 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 135 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5928 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 137 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5929 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 140 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5930 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 141 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5931 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 148 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5932 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 149 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5933 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 154 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5934 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 158 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5935 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 160 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5936 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 162 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5937 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 164 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5938 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 166 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5939 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 168 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.126 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5940 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 181 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5941 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 183 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5942 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 184 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5943 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 185 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5944 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 186 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5945 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 188 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5946 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 191 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5947 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 192 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5948 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 194 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5949 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 195 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5950 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 197 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5951 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 199 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5952 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 204 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5953 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 206 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5954 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 207 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5955 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 208 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5956 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 209 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5957 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 214 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5958 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 215 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5959 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 216 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5960 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 221 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5961 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 228 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5962 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 238 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5963 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 239 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5964 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 240 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5965 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 241 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5966 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 243 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5967 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 244 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5968 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 245 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5969 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 246 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5970 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 252 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5971 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 255 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5972 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 262 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5973 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 269 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5974 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 278 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5975 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 287 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 5976 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 288 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6020 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 101 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6021 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 101 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6022 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 101 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6023 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 101 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6024 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 101 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6025 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 101 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6026 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 101 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6027 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 106 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6028 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 106 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6029 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 106 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6030 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 106 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6031 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 106 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6032 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 106 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6033 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 111 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6034 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 111 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6035 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 111 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6036 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 111 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6037 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 117 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6038 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 117 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.127 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6039 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 117 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6040 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 117 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6041 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 125 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6042 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 125 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6043 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 140 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6044 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 140 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6045 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 142 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6046 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 142 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6047 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 148 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6048 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 148 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6049 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 148 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6050 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 149 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6051 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 149 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6052 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 149 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6053 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 149 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6054 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 195 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6055 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 195 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6056 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 195 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6057 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 195 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6058 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 252 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6059 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 252 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6060 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 262 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6061 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 262 doesn't belong to file add-note-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6110 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 78 doesn't belong to file confirmation-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6111 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 87 doesn't belong to file confirmation-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6112 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 88 doesn't belong to file confirmation-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6229 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 59 doesn't belong to file login-help.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6230 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 60 doesn't belong to file login-help.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6370 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 150 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6371 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 154 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6372 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 156 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6373 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 158 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6374 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 160 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6375 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 182 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6376 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 184 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6377 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 185 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6378 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 186 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6379 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 187 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6380 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 189 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6381 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 191 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6382 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 192 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6383 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 193 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6384 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 195 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6385 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 196 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6386 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 199 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6387 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 200 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6388 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 201 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6389 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 205 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6390 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 208 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6391 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 209 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6392 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 210 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6393 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 213 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.128 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6394 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 214 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6395 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 216 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6396 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 217 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6397 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 219 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6398 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 223 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6399 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 224 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6400 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 225 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6401 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 227 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6402 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 228 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6403 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 229 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6404 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 231 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6405 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 233 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6406 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 237 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6407 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 238 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6408 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 239 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6409 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 240 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6410 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 242 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6411 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 245 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6412 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 249 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6413 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 251 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6414 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 252 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6415 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 260 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6416 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 276 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6417 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 277 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6418 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 278 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6419 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 279 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6420 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 280 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6421 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 282 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6422 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 283 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6423 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 284 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6424 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 285 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6425 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 286 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6426 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 294 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6427 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 299 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6428 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 305 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6429 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 321 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6430 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 326 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6431 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 334 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6432 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 336 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6433 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 345 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6434 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 346 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6503 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 144 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6504 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 144 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6505 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 195 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6506 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 195 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6507 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 208 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6508 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 208 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6509 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 208 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6510 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 208 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6511 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 209 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6512 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 209 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6513 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 210 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6514 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 210 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6515 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 216 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.129 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6516 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 216 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6517 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 224 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6518 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 224 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6519 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 240 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6520 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 240 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6521 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 299 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6522 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 299 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6523 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 312 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6524 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 312 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6525 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 312 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 6526 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 312 doesn't belong to file tags.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6948 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 56 doesn't belong to file tabs-base.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6949 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 58 doesn't belong to file tabs-base.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6950 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 59 doesn't belong to file tabs-base.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6951 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 65 doesn't belong to file tabs-base.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 6952 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 66 doesn't belong to file tabs-base.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 7086 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 168 doesn't belong to file toolbar-search.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 7087 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 172 doesn't belong to file toolbar-search.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 7088 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 173 doesn't belong to file toolbar-search.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 7240 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 121 doesn't belong to file notes-card.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 7241 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 124 doesn't belong to file notes-card.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 7242 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 125 doesn't belong to file notes-card.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 7243 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 132 doesn't belong to file notes-card.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 7244 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 148 doesn't belong to file notes-card.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 7245 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 150 doesn't belong to file notes-card.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 7246 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 160 doesn't belong to file notes-card.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 7247 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 161 doesn't belong to file notes-card.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 7284 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 67 doesn't belong to file user-avatar.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 7285 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 68 doesn't belong to file user-avatar.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 7366 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 66 doesn't belong to file account-details.vue). 12:50:55.130 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 7367 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 72 doesn't belong to file account-details.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 7368 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 73 doesn't belong to file account-details.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 7502 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 75 doesn't belong to file level-status-box.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 7503 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 76 doesn't belong to file level-status-box.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 7692 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 394 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 7693 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 404 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 7694 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 405 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 7835 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 383 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 7836 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 383 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 7837 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 389 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 7838 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 389 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8097 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 218 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8098 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 219 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8099 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 221 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8100 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 231 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8101 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 232 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8102 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 237 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8103 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 238 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8104 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 240 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8105 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 241 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8106 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 244 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8107 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 246 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8108 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 260 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8109 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 262 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8110 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 263 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8111 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 264 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8112 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 269 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8113 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 270 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8114 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 271 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8115 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 274 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8116 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 275 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8117 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 280 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8118 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 287 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8119 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 302 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.131 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8120 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 303 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8121 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 304 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8122 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 305 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8123 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 307 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8124 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 308 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8125 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 309 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8126 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 310 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8127 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 311 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8128 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 323 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8129 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 330 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8130 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 331 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8131 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 342 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8132 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 343 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8133 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 356 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8134 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 357 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8135 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 375 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8136 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 376 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8137 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 389 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8138 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 390 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8139 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 406 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8140 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 407 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8141 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 418 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8142 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 425 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8143 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 434 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8144 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 435 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8229 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 222 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8230 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 222 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8231 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 222 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8232 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 222 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8233 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 238 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8234 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 238 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8235 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 238 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8236 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 238 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8237 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 238 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8238 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 238 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8239 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 255 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8240 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 255 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8241 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 255 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8242 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 255 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8243 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 255 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8244 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 255 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8245 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 330 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8246 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 330 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8247 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 331 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.132 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8248 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 331 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8249 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 342 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8250 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 342 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8251 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 343 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8252 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 343 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8253 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 356 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8254 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 356 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8255 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 357 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8256 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 357 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8257 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 375 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8258 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 375 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8259 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 376 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8260 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 376 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8261 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 378 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8262 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 378 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8263 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 389 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8264 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 389 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8265 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 390 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8266 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 390 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8267 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 399 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8268 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 399 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8269 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 399 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8270 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 399 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8271 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 399 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8272 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 399 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8273 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 406 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8274 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 406 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8275 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 407 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8276 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 407 doesn't belong to file aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8524 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 256 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8525 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 259 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8526 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 273 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8527 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 275 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8528 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 277 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8529 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 278 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8530 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 281 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8531 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 282 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8532 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 285 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8533 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 286 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8534 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 288 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8535 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 289 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8536 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 302 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8537 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 303 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8538 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 315 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8539 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 316 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8540 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 318 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8541 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 319 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8542 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 322 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8543 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 325 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8544 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 326 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8545 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 327 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8546 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 328 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.133 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8547 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 329 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8548 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 332 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8549 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 333 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8550 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 334 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8551 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 336 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8552 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 337 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8553 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 339 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8554 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 341 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8555 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 344 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8556 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 349 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8557 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 351 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8558 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 356 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8559 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 361 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8560 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 363 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8561 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 366 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8562 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 367 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8563 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 372 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8564 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 373 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8565 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 374 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8566 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 379 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8567 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 388 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8568 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 389 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8569 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 390 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8570 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 398 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8571 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 412 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8572 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 413 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8573 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 414 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8574 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 415 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8575 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 416 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8576 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 418 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8577 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 419 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8578 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 420 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8579 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 421 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8580 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 422 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8581 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 423 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8582 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 424 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8583 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 434 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8584 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 438 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8585 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 439 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8586 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 443 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8587 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 450 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8588 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 453 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8589 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 458 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8590 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 464 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8591 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 469 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8592 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 474 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8593 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 491 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8594 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 500 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8595 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 501 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8596 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 512 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8597 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 513 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8682 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 275 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.134 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8683 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 275 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8684 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 277 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8685 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 277 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8686 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 286 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8687 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 286 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8688 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 288 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8689 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 288 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8690 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 292 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8691 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 292 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8692 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 294 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8693 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 294 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8694 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 318 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8695 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 318 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8696 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 329 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8697 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 329 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8698 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 329 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8699 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 337 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8700 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 337 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8701 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 337 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8702 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 337 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8703 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 337 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8704 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 337 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8705 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 337 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8706 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 341 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8707 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 341 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8708 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 389 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8709 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 389 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8710 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 475 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save BRDA data for line 8711 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 475 doesn't belong to file txn-table.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8758 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 51 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8759 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 53 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8760 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 55 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8761 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 57 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8762 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 71 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8763 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 74 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.135 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8764 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 75 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.136 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8765 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 76 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.136 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8766 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 78 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.136 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8767 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 85 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.136 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8768 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 86 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.136 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8769 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 87 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.136 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8770 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 88 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.136 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8771 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 90 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.136 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8772 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 91 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.136 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8773 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 99 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.136 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8774 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 100 doesn't belong to file user-card.vue). 12:50:55.136 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8864 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 104 doesn't belong to file wallet-renderer.vue). 12:50:55.136 DEBUG: Problem during processing LCOV report: can't save DA data for line 8865 of coverage report file (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line with number 105 doesn't belong to file wallet-renderer.vue). 12:50:55.157 WARN: Found 794 inconsistencies in coverage report. Re-run analyse in debug mode to see details. 12:50:55.157 INFO: Sensor JavaScript/TypeScript Coverage [javascript] (done) | time=856ms 12:50:55.157 INFO: Sensor CSS Metrics [javascript] 12:50:55.157 INFO: Sensor CSS Metrics is restricted to changed files only 12:50:55.157 INFO: Sensor CSS Metrics [javascript] (done) | time=0ms 12:50:55.157 INFO: Sensor ThymeLeaf template sensor [securityjavafrontend] 12:50:55.158 INFO: Sensor ThymeLeaf template sensor [securityjavafrontend] (done) | time=1ms 12:50:55.158 INFO: Sensor Serverless configuration file sensor [security] 12:50:55.159 INFO: 0 Serverless function entries were found in the project 12:50:55.164 INFO: 0 Serverless function handlers were kept as entrypoints 12:50:55.165 INFO: Sensor Serverless configuration file sensor [security] (done) | time=7ms 12:50:55.165 INFO: Sensor AWS SAM template file sensor [security] 12:50:55.166 DEBUG: 0 SAM template configuration files were found in the project. 0 SAM function entries were found in total. 0 were kept as potential entrypoints. 12:50:55.166 INFO: Sensor AWS SAM template file sensor [security] (done) | time=1ms 12:50:55.166 INFO: Sensor AWS SAM Inline template file sensor [security] 12:50:55.167 DEBUG: 0 SAM Inline template configuration files were found in the project. 0 SAM Inline function entries were found in total. 0 were kept as potential entrypoints. 12:50:55.167 INFO: Sensor AWS SAM Inline template file sensor [security] (done) | time=1ms 12:50:55.167 INFO: Sensor javabugs [dbd] 12:50:55.167 INFO: Reading IR files from: /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ir/java 12:50:55.167 INFO: No IR files have been included for analysis. 12:50:55.167 INFO: Sensor javabugs [dbd] (done) | time=0ms 12:50:55.167 INFO: Sensor pythonbugs [dbd] 12:50:55.169 DEBUG: Could not load type definitions from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ir/python/collected.typedefs: /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ir/python/collected.typedefs (No such file or directory) 12:50:55.169 INFO: Reading IR files from: /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ir/python 12:50:55.169 INFO: No IR files have been included for analysis. 12:50:55.169 INFO: Sensor pythonbugs [dbd] (done) | time=2ms 12:50:55.169 INFO: Sensor JavaSecuritySensor [security] 12:50:55.170 INFO: Reading type hierarchy from: /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/java 12:50:55.170 INFO: Read 0 type definitions 12:50:55.172 INFO: No UCFGs have been included for analysis. 12:50:55.172 INFO: Sensor JavaSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=3ms 12:50:55.172 INFO: Sensor CSharpSecuritySensor [security] 12:50:55.172 INFO: Reading type hierarchy from: /builds/company/frontend-project/ucfg_cs2 12:50:55.172 INFO: Read 0 type definitions 12:50:55.172 INFO: No UCFGs have been included for analysis. 12:50:55.172 INFO: Sensor CSharpSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=0ms 12:50:55.172 INFO: Sensor PhpSecuritySensor [security] 12:50:55.172 INFO: Reading type hierarchy from: /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/php 12:50:55.172 INFO: Read 0 type definitions 12:50:55.172 INFO: No UCFGs have been included for analysis. 12:50:55.172 INFO: Sensor PhpSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=0ms 12:50:55.172 INFO: Sensor PythonSecuritySensor [security] 12:50:55.172 INFO: Reading type hierarchy from: /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/python 12:50:55.172 INFO: Read 0 type definitions 12:50:55.172 INFO: No UCFGs have been included for analysis. 12:50:55.173 INFO: Sensor PythonSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=1ms 12:50:55.173 INFO: Sensor JsSecuritySensor [security] 12:50:55.173 INFO: Reading type hierarchy from: /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js 12:50:55.174 INFO: Read 0 type definitions 12:50:55.174 INFO: Reading UCFGs from: /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js 12:50:55.248 DEBUG: Loaded 27 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components___tests___elastic_search_admin_logs_jest_spec_tsx.ucfgs 12:50:55.249 DEBUG: Loaded 3 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_address_input_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.249 DEBUG: Loaded 2 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_audio_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.250 DEBUG: Loaded 1 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_avatar_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.254 DEBUG: Loaded 9 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_btn_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.255 DEBUG: Loaded 2 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_card_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.255 DEBUG: Loaded 1 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_checkbox_group_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.256 DEBUG: Loaded 5 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_checkbox_list_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.257 DEBUG: Loaded 1 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_checkbox_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.258 DEBUG: Loaded 3 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_chip_list_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.260 DEBUG: Loaded 9 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_chip_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.263 DEBUG: Loaded 6 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_clipboard_copy_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.264 DEBUG: Loaded 6 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_cursor_pagination_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.275 DEBUG: Loaded 29 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_date_picker_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.279 DEBUG: Loaded 11 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_datetime_picker_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.281 DEBUG: Loaded 9 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_dialog_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.282 DEBUG: Loaded 1 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_dropdown_block_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.282 DEBUG: Loaded 1 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_editor_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.282 DEBUG: Loaded 1 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_empty_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.283 DEBUG: Loaded 1 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_external_link_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.283 DEBUG: Loaded 2 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_field_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.284 DEBUG: Loaded 2 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_form_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.285 DEBUG: Loaded 3 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_icon_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.285 DEBUG: Loaded 1 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_indicator_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.289 DEBUG: Loaded 8 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_info_block_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.292 DEBUG: Loaded 9 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_input_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.293 DEBUG: Loaded 3 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_label_value_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.294 DEBUG: Loaded 1 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_loading_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.294 DEBUG: Loaded 1 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_markup_table_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.296 DEBUG: Loaded 3 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_maybe_empty_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.297 DEBUG: Loaded 4 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_note_list_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.298 DEBUG: Loaded 4 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_pagination_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.300 DEBUG: Loaded 4 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_permissions_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.301 DEBUG: Loaded 2 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_preview_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.302 DEBUG: Loaded 3 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_radio_group_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.302 DEBUG: Loaded 1 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_renderer_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.303 DEBUG: Loaded 2 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_router_link_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.304 DEBUG: Loaded 4 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_scroll_pagination_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.310 DEBUG: Loaded 15 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_select_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.310 DEBUG: Loaded 1 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_separator_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.312 DEBUG: Loaded 6 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_simple_pagination_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.312 DEBUG: Loaded 1 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_skeleton_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.313 DEBUG: Loaded 3 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_status_box_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.314 DEBUG: Loaded 2 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_status_cell_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.314 DEBUG: Loaded 1 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_status_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.315 DEBUG: Loaded 1 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_tab_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.336 DEBUG: Loaded 46 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_table_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.338 DEBUG: Loaded 6 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_tabs_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.339 DEBUG: Loaded 6 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_time_picker_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.340 DEBUG: Loaded 1 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_ai_toggle_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.342 DEBUG: Loaded 5 ucfgs from 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/builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_helpers_dialog_helpers_ts.ucfgs 12:50:55.350 DEBUG: Loaded 6 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_helpers_table_helpers_ts.ucfgs 12:50:55.353 DEBUG: Loaded 13 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_helpers_table_row_expanding_ts.ucfgs 12:50:55.355 DEBUG: Loaded 7 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_helpers_table_row_selection_ts.ucfgs 12:50:55.358 DEBUG: Loaded 8 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_base_table_parts_ai_table_bottom_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.361 DEBUG: Loaded 9 ucfgs from 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DEBUG: Loaded 1 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_html_renderer_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.394 DEBUG: Loaded 3 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_open_filter_dialog_btn_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.395 DEBUG: Loaded 3 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_page_header_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.395 DEBUG: Loaded 1 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_page_with_tabs_renderer_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.400 DEBUG: Loaded 3 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_select_search_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.401 DEBUG: Loaded 3 ucfgs from 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/builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_toolbar_search_index_ts.ucfgs 12:50:55.408 DEBUG: Loaded 7 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_toolbar_search_toolbar_search_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.409 DEBUG: Loaded 2 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_trade_txn_content_renderer_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.411 DEBUG: Loaded 7 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_trade_txn_notes_card_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.411 DEBUG: Loaded 2 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_user_user_avatar_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.412 DEBUG: Loaded 4 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_user_user_card_account_details_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.414 DEBUG: Loaded 5 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_user_user_card_level_percentile_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.415 DEBUG: Loaded 7 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_user_user_card_level_status_box_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.421 DEBUG: Loaded 19 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_user_user_card_user_card_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.422 DEBUG: Loaded 6 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_user_user_notes_ts.ucfgs 12:50:55.424 DEBUG: Loaded 6 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_wallet_aw_edit_limits_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.426 DEBUG: Loaded 5 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_wallet_aw_new_transaction_dialog_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.429 DEBUG: Loaded 12 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_wallet_composables_fiat_wallet_data_ts.ucfgs 12:50:55.436 DEBUG: Loaded 19 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_wallet_composables_wallet_data_ts.ucfgs 12:50:55.437 DEBUG: Loaded 4 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_wallet_edit_withdrawal_dialog_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.440 DEBUG: Loaded 10 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_wallet_txn_table_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.441 DEBUG: Loaded 2 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_wallet_user_card_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.442 DEBUG: Loaded 3 ucfgs from /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js/_builds_commpany_frontend_frontend_project_src_components_wallet_wallet_renderer_vue.ucfgs 12:50:55.447 INFO: 12:50:55.447292 Building Runtime Type propagation graph 12:50:55.497 INFO: 12:50:55.493915 Running Tarjan on 4228 nodes 12:50:55.507 INFO: 12:50:55.507198 Tarjan found 4228 components 12:50:55.524 INFO: 12:50:55.524476 Variable type analysis: done 12:50:55.526 INFO: 12:50:55.526745 Building Runtime Type propagation graph 12:50:55.575 INFO: 12:50:55.575299 Running Tarjan on 4228 nodes 12:50:55.581 INFO: 12:50:55.58155 Tarjan found 4228 components 12:50:55.592 INFO: 12:50:55.592916 Variable type analysis: done 12:50:55.594 INFO: Analyzing 639 ucfgs to detect vulnerabilities. 12:50:55.674 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S2076.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S2078.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S2083.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S2091.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S2631.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S3649.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S5131.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S5135.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S5144.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S5145.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S5146.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S5147.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S5167.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S5334.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S5335.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S5696.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S5883.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S6096.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S6105.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S6173.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S6287.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S6350.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S6384.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S6390.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S6398.json was not read 12:50:55.675 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sources/S6399.json was not read 12:50:55.676 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/common.json was not read 12:50:55.676 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S2076.json was not read 12:50:55.676 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S2078.json was not read 12:50:55.676 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S2083.json was not read 12:50:55.676 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S2091.json was not read 12:50:55.676 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S2631.json was not read 12:50:55.676 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S3649.json was not read 12:50:55.676 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S5131.json was not read 12:50:55.676 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S5135.json was not read 12:50:55.676 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S5144.json was not read 12:50:55.676 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S5145.json was not read 12:50:55.676 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S5146.json was not read 12:50:55.676 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S5147.json was not read 12:50:55.676 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S5167.json was not read 12:50:55.676 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S5334.json was not read 12:50:55.676 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S5335.json was not read 12:50:55.677 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S5696.json was not read 12:50:55.677 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S5883.json was not read 12:50:55.677 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S6096.json was not read 12:50:55.677 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S6105.json was not read 12:50:55.677 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S6173.json was not read 12:50:55.677 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S6287.json was not read 12:50:55.677 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S6350.json was not read 12:50:55.677 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S6384.json was not read 12:50:55.677 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S6390.json was not read 12:50:55.677 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S6398.json was not read 12:50:55.677 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sources/S6399.json was not read 12:50:55.680 DEBUG: loaded 1 sources. 12:50:55.682 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S2076.json was not read 12:50:55.682 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S2078.json was not read 12:50:55.682 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S2083.json was not read 12:50:55.682 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S2091.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S2631.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S3649.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S5131.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S5135.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S5144.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S5145.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S5146.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S5147.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S5167.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S5334.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S5335.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S5696.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S5883.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S6096.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S6105.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S6173.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S6287.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S6350.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S6384.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S6390.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S6398.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sanitizers/S6399.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/common.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S2076.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S2078.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S2083.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S2091.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S2631.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S3649.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S5131.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S5135.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S5144.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S5145.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S5146.json was not read 12:50:55.683 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S5147.json was not read 12:50:55.684 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S5167.json was not read 12:50:55.684 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S5334.json was not read 12:50:55.684 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S5335.json was not read 12:50:55.684 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S5696.json was not read 12:50:55.684 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S5883.json was not read 12:50:55.684 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S6096.json was not read 12:50:55.684 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S6105.json was not read 12:50:55.684 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S6173.json was not read 12:50:55.684 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S6287.json was not read 12:50:55.684 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S6350.json was not read 12:50:55.684 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S6384.json was not read 12:50:55.684 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S6390.json was not read 12:50:55.684 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S6398.json was not read 12:50:55.684 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sanitizers/S6399.json was not read 12:50:55.684 DEBUG: loaded 1 sanitizers. 12:50:55.687 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S2076.json was not read 12:50:55.687 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S2078.json was not read 12:50:55.687 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S2083.json was not read 12:50:55.687 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S2091.json was not read 12:50:55.687 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S2631.json was not read 12:50:55.687 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S3649.json was not read 12:50:55.687 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S5131.json was not read 12:50:55.687 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S5135.json was not read 12:50:55.687 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S5144.json was not read 12:50:55.687 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S5145.json was not read 12:50:55.687 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S5146.json was not read 12:50:55.689 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S5167.json was not read 12:50:55.689 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S5334.json was not read 12:50:55.689 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S5335.json was not read 12:50:55.689 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S5696.json was not read 12:50:55.689 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S5883.json was not read 12:50:55.689 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S6096.json was not read 12:50:55.689 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S6105.json was not read 12:50:55.689 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S6173.json was not read 12:50:55.689 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S6287.json was not read 12:50:55.689 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S6350.json was not read 12:50:55.689 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S6384.json was not read 12:50:55.689 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S6390.json was not read 12:50:55.689 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S6398.json was not read 12:50:55.689 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/validators/S6399.json was not read 12:50:55.689 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/common.json was not read 12:50:55.689 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S2076.json was not read 12:50:55.689 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S2078.json was not read 12:50:55.689 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S2083.json was not read 12:50:55.689 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S2091.json was not read 12:50:55.689 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S2631.json was not read 12:50:55.689 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S3649.json was not read 12:50:55.689 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S5131.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S5135.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S5144.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S5145.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S5146.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S5147.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S5167.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S5334.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S5335.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S5696.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S5883.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S6096.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S6105.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S6173.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S6287.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S6350.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S6384.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S6390.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S6398.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/validators/S6399.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: loaded 3 validators. 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/common.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S2076.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S2078.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S2083.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S2091.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S2631.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S3649.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S5131.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S5135.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S5144.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S5145.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S5146.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S5147.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S5167.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S5334.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S5335.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S5696.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S5883.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S6096.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S6105.json was not read 12:50:55.690 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S6173.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S6287.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S6350.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S6384.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S6390.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S6398.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/passthroughs/S6399.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/common.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S2076.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S2078.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S2083.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S2091.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S2631.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S3649.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S5131.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S5135.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S5144.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S5145.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S5146.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S5147.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S5167.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S5334.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S5335.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S5696.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S5883.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S6096.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S6105.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S6173.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S6287.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S6350.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S6384.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S6390.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S6398.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/passthroughs/S6399.json was not read 12:50:55.691 DEBUG: loaded 0 passthroughs. 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/common.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S2076.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S2078.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S2083.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S2091.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S2631.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S3649.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S5131.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S5135.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S5144.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S5145.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S5146.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S5147.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S5167.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S5334.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S5335.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S5696.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S5883.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S6096.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S6105.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S6173.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S6287.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S6350.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S6384.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S6390.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S6398.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/collectionHandlers/S6399.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/common.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S2076.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S2078.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S2083.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S2091.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S2631.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S3649.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S5131.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S5135.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S5144.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S5145.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S5146.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S5147.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S5167.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S5334.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S5335.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S5696.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S5883.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S6096.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S6105.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S6173.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S6287.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S6350.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S6384.json was not read 12:50:55.692 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S6390.json was not read 12:50:55.693 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S6398.json was not read 12:50:55.693 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/collectionHandlers/S6399.json was not read 12:50:55.693 DEBUG: loaded 0 collectionHandlers. 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S2076.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S2078.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S2083.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S2091.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S2631.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S3649.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S5131.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S5135.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S5144.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S5145.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S5146.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S5147.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S5167.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S5334.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S5335.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S5696.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S5883.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S6096.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S6105.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S6173.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S6287.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S6350.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S6384.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S6390.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S6398.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/sinks/S6399.json was not read 12:50:55.697 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/common.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S2076.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S2078.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S2083.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S2091.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S2631.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S3649.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S5131.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S5135.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S5144.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S5145.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S5146.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S5147.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S5167.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S5334.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S5335.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S5696.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S5883.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S6096.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S6105.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S6173.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S6287.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S6350.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S6384.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S6390.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S6398.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/sinks/S6399.json was not read 12:50:55.698 DEBUG: loaded 1 sinks. 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/common.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S2076.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S2078.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S2083.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S2091.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S2631.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S3649.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S5131.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S5135.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S5144.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S5145.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S5146.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S5147.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S5167.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S5334.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S5335.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S5696.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S5883.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S6096.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S6105.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S6173.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S6287.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S6350.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S6384.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S6390.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S6398.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/encoders/S6399.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/common.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S2076.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S2078.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S2083.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S2091.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S2631.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S3649.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S5131.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S5135.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S5144.json was not read 12:50:55.699 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S5145.json was not read 12:50:55.700 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S5146.json was not read 12:50:55.700 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S5147.json was not read 12:50:55.700 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S5167.json was not read 12:50:55.700 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S5334.json was not read 12:50:55.700 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S5335.json was not read 12:50:55.700 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S5696.json was not read 12:50:55.700 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S5883.json was not read 12:50:55.700 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S6096.json was not read 12:50:55.700 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S6105.json was not read 12:50:55.700 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S6173.json was not read 12:50:55.700 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S6287.json was not read 12:50:55.700 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S6350.json was not read 12:50:55.700 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S6384.json was not read 12:50:55.700 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S6390.json was not read 12:50:55.700 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S6398.json was not read 12:50:55.700 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/encoders/S6399.json was not read 12:50:55.700 DEBUG: loaded 0 encoders. 12:50:55.700 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/common.json was not read 12:50:55.700 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S2076.json was not read 12:50:55.700 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S2078.json was not read 12:50:55.700 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S2083.json was not read 12:50:55.700 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S2091.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S2631.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S3649.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S5131.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S5135.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S5144.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S5145.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S5146.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S5147.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S5167.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S5334.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S5335.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S5696.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S5883.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S6096.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S6105.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S6173.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S6287.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S6350.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S6384.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S6390.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S6398.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity/decoders/S6399.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/common.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S2076.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S2078.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S2083.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S2091.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S2631.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S3649.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S5131.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S5135.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S5144.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S5145.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S5146.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S5147.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S5167.json was not read 12:50:55.701 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S5334.json was not read 12:50:55.702 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S5335.json was not read 12:50:55.702 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S5696.json was not read 12:50:55.702 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S5883.json was not read 12:50:55.702 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S6096.json was not read 12:50:55.702 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S6105.json was not read 12:50:55.702 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S6173.json was not read 12:50:55.702 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S6287.json was not read 12:50:55.702 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S6350.json was not read 12:50:55.702 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S6384.json was not read 12:50:55.702 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S6390.json was not read 12:50:55.702 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S6398.json was not read 12:50:55.702 DEBUG: Resource file jssecurity-autogenerated/decoders/S6399.json was not read 12:50:55.702 DEBUG: loaded 0 decoders. 12:50:56.048 INFO: Taint analysis starting. Entrypoints: 116 12:50:56.054 INFO: Running symbolic analysis for 'JS' 12:50:56.154 DEBUG: Adding stub module adm-zip 12:50:56.154 DEBUG: Adding stub module @angular/core 12:50:56.155 DEBUG: Adding stub module any-shell-escape 12:50:56.156 DEBUG: Adding stub module async 12:50:56.156 DEBUG: Adding stub module aws-sdk 12:50:56.158 DEBUG: Adding stub module @aws-sdk/client-athena 12:50:56.158 DEBUG: Adding stub module @aws-sdk/client-rds-data 12:50:56.158 DEBUG: Adding stub module @aws-sdk/client-redshift-data 12:50:56.158 DEBUG: Adding stub module @aws-sdk/client-dynamodb 12:50:56.158 DEBUG: Adding stub module axios 12:50:56.162 DEBUG: Adding stub module beeline 12:50:56.163 DEBUG: Adding stub module better-sqlite3 12:50:56.163 DEBUG: Adding stub module bluebird 12:50:56.163 DEBUG: Adding stub module child_process 12:50:56.165 DEBUG: Adding stub module chokidar 12:50:56.165 DEBUG: Adding stub module chrome-remote-interface 12:50:56.165 DEBUG: Adding stub module commander 12:50:56.166 DEBUG: Adding stub module cp-file 12:50:56.167 DEBUG: Adding stub module cross-spawn 12:50:56.167 DEBUG: Adding stub module cross-spawn-async 12:50:56.167 DEBUG: Adding stub module del 12:50:56.167 DEBUG: Adding stub module dompurify 12:50:56.167 DEBUG: Adding stub module isomorphic-dompurify 12:50:56.168 DEBUG: Adding stub module escape-string-regexp 12:50:56.168 DEBUG: Adding stub module events 12:50:56.168 DEBUG: Adding stub module exec 12:50:56.168 DEBUG: Adding stub module execa 12:50:56.169 DEBUG: Adding stub module exec-async 12:50:56.170 DEBUG: Adding stub module express 12:50:56.176 DEBUG: Adding stub module body-parser 12:50:56.180 DEBUG: Adding stub module file-system 12:50:56.182 DEBUG: Adding stub module file-type 12:50:56.182 DEBUG: Adding stub module foreground-child 12:50:56.183 DEBUG: Adding stub module fs 12:50:56.184 DEBUG: Adding stub module fs/promises 12:50:56.184 DEBUG: Adding stub module original-fs 12:50:56.185 DEBUG: Adding stub module original-fs/promises 12:50:56.186 DEBUG: Adding stub module fs-extra 12:50:56.187 DEBUG: Adding stub module fs.realpath 12:50:56.188 DEBUG: Adding stub module got 12:50:56.189 DEBUG: Adding stub module graceful-fs 12:50:56.190 DEBUG: Adding stub module hpagent 12:50:56.193 DEBUG: Adding stub module http 12:50:56.200 DEBUG: Adding stub module https 12:50:56.204 DEBUG: Adding stub module http2 12:50:56.210 DEBUG: Adding stub module jsonfile 12:50:56.210 DEBUG: Adding stub module knex 12:50:56.213 DEBUG: Adding stub module load-json-file 12:50:56.213 DEBUG: Adding stub module lodash 12:50:56.215 DEBUG: Adding stub module make-dir 12:50:56.215 DEBUG: Adding stub module marsdb 12:50:56.217 DEBUG: Adding stub module mathjs 12:50:56.218 DEBUG: Adding stub module memfs 12:50:56.219 DEBUG: Adding stub module mkdirp 12:50:56.219 DEBUG: Adding stub module module 12:50:56.220 DEBUG: Adding stub module mongodb 12:50:56.224 DEBUG: Adding stub module mongoose 12:50:56.232 DEBUG: Adding stub module mongo-sanitize 12:50:56.232 DEBUG: Adding stub module express-mongo-sanitize 12:50:56.234 DEBUG: Adding stub module mssql 12:50:56.236 DEBUG: Adding stub module mysql 12:50:56.237 DEBUG: Adding stub module mysql2 12:50:56.237 DEBUG: Adding stub module mysql2/promise 12:50:56.237 DEBUG: Adding stub module needle 12:50:56.238 DEBUG: Adding stub module net 12:50:56.240 DEBUG: Adding stub module tls 12:50:56.242 DEBUG: Adding stub module next/router 12:50:56.242 DEBUG: Adding stub module node-fetch 12:50:56.242 DEBUG: Adding stub module opener 12:50:56.243 DEBUG: Adding stub module path 12:50:56.243 DEBUG: Adding stub module parse-torrent 12:50:56.244 DEBUG: Adding stub module pg 12:50:56.244 DEBUG: Adding stub module pg-escape 12:50:56.244 DEBUG: Adding stub module pg-pool 12:50:56.245 DEBUG: Adding stub module pg-promise 12:50:56.246 DEBUG: Adding stub module printf 12:50:56.246 DEBUG: Adding stub module process 12:50:56.246 DEBUG: Adding stub module puka 12:50:56.246 DEBUG: Adding stub module qs 12:50:56.247 DEBUG: Adding stub module ramda 12:50:56.247 DEBUG: Adding stub module react 12:50:56.249 DEBUG: Adding stub module react-dom 12:50:56.249 DEBUG: Adding stub module read-chunk 12:50:56.250 DEBUG: Adding stub module readdirp 12:50:56.250 DEBUG: Adding stub module regex-escape 12:50:56.250 DEBUG: Adding stub module remote-exec 12:50:56.250 DEBUG: Adding stub module request 12:50:56.251 DEBUG: Adding stub module resolve-path 12:50:56.251 DEBUG: Adding stub module sanitize-html 12:50:56.251 DEBUG: Adding stub module sanitize-html-react 12:50:56.252 DEBUG: Adding stub module @braintree/sanitize-url 12:50:56.252 DEBUG: Adding stub module sequelize 12:50:56.252 DEBUG: Adding stub module send 12:50:56.252 DEBUG: Adding stub module shell-escape-tag 12:50:56.253 DEBUG: Adding stub module shelljs 12:50:56.253 DEBUG: Adding stub module __sonar__ 12:50:56.255 DEBUG: Adding stub module ssh2 12:50:56.255 DEBUG: Adding stub module sqlstring 12:50:56.255 DEBUG: Adding stub module sqlite3 12:50:56.255 DEBUG: Adding stub module ssh2-streams 12:50:56.256 DEBUG: Adding stub module tar-stream 12:50:56.256 DEBUG: Adding stub module tunnel 12:50:56.256 DEBUG: Adding stub module typeorm 12:50:56.257 DEBUG: Adding stub module underscore 12:50:56.258 DEBUG: Adding stub module url 12:50:56.258 DEBUG: Adding stub module querystringify 12:50:56.258 DEBUG: Adding stub module query-string 12:50:56.258 DEBUG: Adding stub module querystring 12:50:56.259 DEBUG: Adding stub module util 12:50:56.259 DEBUG: Adding stub module vm 12:50:56.260 DEBUG: Adding stub module webpack-dev-server 12:50:56.265 DEBUG: Adding stub module write 12:50:56.265 DEBUG: Adding stub module write-json-file 12:50:56.265 DEBUG: Adding stub module xregexp 12:50:56.266 DEBUG: Adding stub module xss 12:50:56.266 DEBUG: Activating autogenerated stubs 12:50:56.794 DEBUG: Adding stub module amphtml-validator 12:50:56.796 DEBUG: Adding stub module amqplib 12:50:56.796 DEBUG: Adding stub module angular2-express-engine 12:50:56.796 DEBUG: Adding stub module atna-audit 12:50:56.797 DEBUG: Adding stub module babel-core 12:50:56.798 DEBUG: Adding stub module base64topdf 12:50:56.798 DEBUG: Adding stub module bash-glob 12:50:56.798 DEBUG: Adding stub module bunyan-syslog 12:50:56.799 DEBUG: Adding stub module cacache 12:50:56.800 DEBUG: Adding stub module cache-manager-fs-hash 12:50:56.800 DEBUG: Adding stub module checksum 12:50:56.800 DEBUG: Adding stub module chmodr 12:50:56.802 DEBUG: Adding stub module chownr 12:50:56.802 DEBUG: Adding stub module chrome-remote-interface 12:50:56.803 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'chrome-remote-interface' 12:50:56.803 DEBUG: Adding stub module cjson 12:50:56.803 DEBUG: Adding stub module clamav.js 12:50:56.804 DEBUG: Adding stub module cmd-shim 12:50:56.804 DEBUG: Adding stub module command-exists 12:50:56.804 DEBUG: Adding stub module config-yaml 12:50:56.805 DEBUG: Adding stub module consolidate 12:50:56.809 DEBUG: Adding stub module convict 12:50:56.809 DEBUG: Adding stub module cross-zip 12:50:56.810 DEBUG: Adding stub module cson 12:50:56.810 DEBUG: Adding stub module d3-dsv 12:50:56.810 DEBUG: Adding stub module d3-fetch 12:50:56.810 DEBUG: Adding stub module debug 12:50:56.810 DEBUG: Adding stub module deepai 12:50:56.810 DEBUG: Adding stub module dir-glob 12:50:56.811 DEBUG: Adding stub module dotenv-flow 12:50:56.811 DEBUG: Adding stub module dotenv-load 12:50:56.811 DEBUG: Adding stub module dotenv-safe 12:50:56.811 DEBUG: Adding stub module driftless 12:50:56.812 DEBUG: Adding stub module ds18b20 12:50:56.812 DEBUG: Adding stub module dts-bundle 12:50:56.812 DEBUG: Adding stub module easy-soap-request 12:50:56.813 DEBUG: Adding stub module easy-xapi 12:50:56.813 DEBUG: Adding stub module ejs 12:50:56.813 DEBUG: Adding stub module electron-json-storage 12:50:56.814 DEBUG: Adding stub module electron-load-devtool 12:50:56.814 DEBUG: Adding stub module empty-dir 12:50:56.814 DEBUG: Adding stub module enamdict 12:50:56.814 DEBUG: Adding stub module eth-url-parser 12:50:56.815 DEBUG: Adding stub module ffbinaries 12:50:56.815 DEBUG: Adding stub module ffmpeg-concat 12:50:56.815 DEBUG: Adding stub module ffprobe 12:50:56.816 DEBUG: Adding stub module file-entry-cache 12:50:56.816 DEBUG: Adding stub module file-exists 12:50:56.817 DEBUG: Adding stub module fill-pdf 12:50:56.817 DEBUG: Adding stub module filter-css 12:50:56.817 DEBUG: Adding stub module find-cache-dir 12:50:56.818 DEBUG: Adding stub module find-config 12:50:56.818 DEBUG: Adding stub module find-parent-dir 12:50:56.818 DEBUG: Adding stub module find-project-root 12:50:56.818 DEBUG: Adding stub module find-unused-sass-variables 12:50:56.818 DEBUG: Adding stub module findup-sync 12:50:56.818 DEBUG: Adding stub module firstline 12:50:56.819 DEBUG: Adding stub module fs-extra 12:50:56.820 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'fs-extra' 12:50:56.821 DEBUG: Adding stub module fs-extra-promise-es6 12:50:56.822 DEBUG: Adding stub module fs-readdir-recursive 12:50:56.822 DEBUG: Adding stub module fs-readfile-promise 12:50:56.823 DEBUG: Adding stub module furigana-markdown-it 12:50:56.824 DEBUG: Adding stub module generate-feed 12:50:56.824 DEBUG: Adding stub module get-folder-size 12:50:56.824 DEBUG: Adding stub module get-installed-path 12:50:56.824 DEBUG: Adding stub module get-pixels 12:50:56.825 DEBUG: Adding stub module get-ssl-certificate 12:50:56.825 DEBUG: Adding stub module ghauth 12:50:56.825 DEBUG: Adding stub module gh-pages 12:50:56.825 DEBUG: Adding stub module git-add-remote 12:50:56.825 DEBUG: Adding stub module git-clone 12:50:56.825 DEBUG: Adding stub module git-config 12:50:56.826 DEBUG: Adding stub module git-raw-commits 12:50:56.827 DEBUG: Adding stub module globalize-compiler 12:50:56.827 DEBUG: Adding stub module global-modules-path 12:50:56.827 DEBUG: Adding stub module glob-to-regexp 12:50:56.827 DEBUG: Adding stub module glob-watcher 12:50:56.827 DEBUG: Adding stub module gm 12:50:56.831 DEBUG: Adding stub module graceful-fs 12:50:56.842 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'graceful-fs' 12:50:56.845 DEBUG: Adding stub module graphviz 12:50:56.845 DEBUG: Adding stub module greek-utils 12:50:56.845 DEBUG: Adding stub module gsheets 12:50:56.845 DEBUG: Adding stub module gulp-codecov 12:50:56.847 DEBUG: Adding stub module gulp-hash 12:50:56.848 DEBUG: Adding stub module gulp-mustache 12:50:56.850 DEBUG: Adding stub module hbs 12:50:56.850 DEBUG: Adding stub module hexo-fs 12:50:56.850 DEBUG: Adding stub module hexo-util 12:50:56.851 DEBUG: Adding stub module hidefile 12:50:56.853 DEBUG: Adding stub module hiredis 12:50:56.853 DEBUG: Adding stub module hostile 12:50:56.853 DEBUG: Adding stub module html-parser 12:50:56.853 DEBUG: Adding stub module html-to-rtf 12:50:56.854 DEBUG: Adding stub module i18n 12:50:56.854 DEBUG: Adding stub module image-thumbnail 12:50:56.855 DEBUG: Adding stub module image-to-base64 12:50:56.855 DEBUG: Adding stub module iniparser 12:50:56.866 DEBUG: Adding stub module ipp 12:50:56.867 DEBUG: Adding stub module is-file-esm 12:50:56.868 DEBUG: Adding stub module istanbul-lib-report 12:50:56.868 DEBUG: Adding stub module jasmine 12:50:56.868 DEBUG: Adding stub module jest-image-snapshot 12:50:56.869 DEBUG: Adding stub module jest-specific-snapshot 12:50:56.869 DEBUG: Adding stub module jpeg-autorotate 12:50:56.870 DEBUG: Adding stub module jsan 12:50:56.870 DEBUG: Adding stub module json-file-plus 12:50:56.870 DEBUG: Adding stub module jsrsasign 12:50:56.871 DEBUG: Adding stub module klaw-sync 12:50:56.871 DEBUG: Adding stub module koa-favicon 12:50:56.871 DEBUG: Adding stub module koa-send 12:50:56.871 DEBUG: Adding stub module lcov-parse 12:50:56.871 DEBUG: Adding stub module ldap-authentication 12:50:56.872 DEBUG: Adding stub module libxslt 12:50:56.872 DEBUG: Adding stub module linesert 12:50:56.873 DEBUG: Adding stub module live-server 12:50:56.873 DEBUG: Adding stub module lnfs 12:50:56.874 DEBUG: Adding stub module load-json-file 12:50:56.874 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'load-json-file' 12:50:56.874 DEBUG: Adding stub module lockfile 12:50:56.874 DEBUG: Adding stub module lodash.words 12:50:56.874 DEBUG: Adding stub module logger 12:50:56.874 DEBUG: Adding stub module magic-number 12:50:56.874 DEBUG: Adding stub module metaget 12:50:56.875 DEBUG: Adding stub module micromatch 12:50:56.875 DEBUG: Adding stub module microservice-utilities 12:50:56.875 DEBUG: Adding stub module minecraft-pinger 12:50:56.897 DEBUG: Adding stub module mongodb 12:50:56.934 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'mongodb' 12:50:56.935 DEBUG: Adding stub module mustache-express 12:50:56.935 DEBUG: Adding stub module mv 12:50:56.935 DEBUG: Adding stub module mysql 12:50:56.936 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'mysql' 12:50:56.936 DEBUG: Adding stub module ncp 12:50:56.936 DEBUG: Adding stub module nexpect 12:50:56.936 DEBUG: Adding stub module node-config-manager 12:50:56.937 DEBUG: Adding stub module node-crate 12:50:56.939 DEBUG: Adding stub module node-dir 12:50:56.939 DEBUG: Adding stub module child_process 12:50:56.939 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'child_process' 12:50:56.939 DEBUG: Adding stub module fs 12:50:56.940 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'fs' 12:50:56.941 DEBUG: Adding stub module http 12:50:56.941 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'http' 12:50:56.941 DEBUG: Adding stub module https 12:50:56.941 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'https' 12:50:56.941 DEBUG: Adding stub module net 12:50:56.942 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'net' 12:50:56.942 DEBUG: Adding stub module node-jsfl-runner 12:50:56.942 DEBUG: Adding stub module tls 12:50:56.942 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'tls' 12:50:56.943 DEBUG: Adding stub module vm 12:50:56.943 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'vm' 12:50:56.943 DEBUG: Adding stub module nodejs-license-file 12:50:56.943 DEBUG: Adding stub module nodepub 12:50:56.943 DEBUG: Adding stub module node-sass-middleware 12:50:56.945 DEBUG: Adding stub module node-static 12:50:56.946 DEBUG: Adding stub module node-wget-promise 12:50:56.946 DEBUG: Adding stub module nonogram-solver 12:50:56.946 DEBUG: Adding stub module nunjucks 12:50:56.948 DEBUG: Adding stub module oauth 12:50:56.950 DEBUG: Adding stub module openstack-wrapper 12:50:56.951 DEBUG: Adding stub module openurl2 12:50:56.951 DEBUG: Adding stub module os-service 12:50:56.951 DEBUG: Adding stub module parent-package-json 12:50:56.952 DEBUG: Adding stub module parquetjs 12:50:56.952 DEBUG: Adding stub module parse-gitignore 12:50:56.953 DEBUG: Adding stub module path-to-regexp 12:50:56.954 DEBUG: Adding stub module pdf2image 12:50:56.955 DEBUG: Adding stub module pg 12:50:56.956 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'pg' 12:50:56.956 DEBUG: Adding stub module phantom 12:50:56.956 DEBUG: Adding stub module picomatch 12:50:56.957 DEBUG: Adding stub module pi-spi 12:50:56.957 DEBUG: Adding stub module pi-wifi 12:50:56.958 DEBUG: Adding stub module play-sound 12:50:56.958 DEBUG: Adding stub module pouchdb 12:50:56.959 DEBUG: Adding stub module prompt-sync-history 12:50:56.959 DEBUG: Adding stub module pug 12:50:56.959 DEBUG: Adding stub module puppeteer-lottie 12:50:56.959 DEBUG: Adding stub module quick-store 12:50:56.959 DEBUG: Adding stub module rclone.js 12:50:56.960 DEBUG: Adding stub module react-native-telnet-client 12:50:56.961 DEBUG: Adding stub module react_ujs 12:50:56.961 DEBUG: Adding stub module read-json-sync 12:50:56.962 DEBUG: Adding stub module readline-sync 12:50:56.962 DEBUG: Adding stub module readme-filename 12:50:56.962 DEBUG: Adding stub module recursive-readdir 12:50:56.962 DEBUG: Adding stub module regex-not 12:50:56.963 DEBUG: Adding stub module remote-git-tags 12:50:56.963 DEBUG: Adding stub module requestretry 12:50:56.967 DEBUG: Adding stub module require-all 12:50:56.967 DEBUG: Adding stub module require-directory 12:50:56.967 DEBUG: Adding stub module requireindex 12:50:56.967 DEBUG: Adding stub module resolve-protobuf-schema 12:50:56.968 DEBUG: Adding stub module restify 12:50:56.968 DEBUG: Adding stub module rimraf 12:50:56.969 DEBUG: Adding stub module riot-api-nodejs 12:50:56.969 DEBUG: Adding stub module rmfr 12:50:56.969 DEBUG: Adding stub module rrdtool 12:50:56.969 DEBUG: Adding stub module sass-graph 12:50:56.970 DEBUG: Adding stub module sc-broker 12:50:56.970 DEBUG: Adding stub module serve-favicon 12:50:56.971 DEBUG: Adding stub module set-tz 12:50:56.971 DEBUG: Adding stub module sfcookies 12:50:56.971 DEBUG: Adding stub module sha256-file 12:50:56.971 DEBUG: Adding stub module sha 12:50:56.972 DEBUG: Adding stub module shelljs.exec 12:50:56.972 DEBUG: Adding stub module sntp 12:50:56.972 DEBUG: Adding stub module solverjs 12:50:56.972 DEBUG: Adding stub module spatialite 12:50:56.973 DEBUG: Adding stub module speakingurl 12:50:56.973 DEBUG: Adding stub module speedtest-net 12:50:56.973 DEBUG: Adding stub module stremio-addon-sdk 12:50:56.973 DEBUG: Adding stub module stringify-object 12:50:56.974 DEBUG: Adding stub module superagent 12:50:56.977 DEBUG: Adding stub module supertest 12:50:56.979 DEBUG: Adding stub module swaggerize-express 12:50:56.979 DEBUG: Adding stub module sw-precache 12:50:56.980 DEBUG: Adding stub module symlink-or-copy 12:50:56.980 DEBUG: Adding stub module tabtab 12:50:56.981 DEBUG: Adding stub module tar-fs 12:50:56.981 DEBUG: Adding stub module tcp-ping 12:50:56.981 DEBUG: Adding stub module tcp-port-used 12:50:56.982 DEBUG: Adding stub module teen_process 12:50:56.982 DEBUG: Adding stub module telnetlib 12:50:56.983 DEBUG: Adding stub module temp 12:50:56.983 DEBUG: Adding stub module thumbsupply 12:50:56.983 DEBUG: Adding stub module tiff-to-png 12:50:56.984 DEBUG: Adding stub module tls-keygen 12:50:56.984 DEBUG: Adding stub module tspromise 12:50:56.985 DEBUG: Adding stub module twitter-autohook 12:50:56.985 DEBUG: Adding stub module unl-core 12:50:56.985 DEBUG: Adding stub module uploadcare 12:50:56.985 DEBUG: Adding stub module vcards-js 12:50:56.986 DEBUG: Adding stub module vhost 12:50:56.986 DEBUG: Adding stub module vndb 12:50:56.986 DEBUG: Adding stub module walk-asyncgen 12:50:56.986 DEBUG: Adding stub module wanakana 12:50:56.987 DEBUG: Adding stub module watch 12:50:56.987 DEBUG: Adding stub module webpack-node-externals 12:50:56.988 DEBUG: Adding stub module web-push 12:50:56.989 DEBUG: Adding stub module whois-json 12:50:56.989 DEBUG: Adding stub module windows-elevate 12:50:56.989 DEBUG: Adding stub module word2vector 12:50:56.990 DEBUG: Adding stub module wreck 12:50:56.990 DEBUG: Adding stub module wrench 12:50:56.991 DEBUG: Adding stub module write 12:50:56.991 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'write' 12:50:56.992 DEBUG: Adding stub module xar 12:50:56.995 DEBUG: Adding stub module xml-escape 12:50:56.995 DEBUG: Adding stub module x-ray 12:50:56.996 DEBUG: Adding stub module yesql 12:50:56.996 DEBUG: Adding stub module zdf 12:50:56.998 DEBUG: Adding stub module adm-zip 12:50:56.998 DEBUG: Adding stub module @angular/core 12:50:56.998 DEBUG: Adding stub module any-shell-escape 12:50:56.998 DEBUG: Adding stub module async 12:50:56.998 DEBUG: Adding stub module aws-sdk 12:50:56.998 DEBUG: Adding stub module @aws-sdk/client-athena 12:50:56.998 DEBUG: Adding stub module @aws-sdk/client-rds-data 12:50:56.998 DEBUG: Adding stub module @aws-sdk/client-redshift-data 12:50:56.998 DEBUG: Adding stub module @aws-sdk/client-dynamodb 12:50:56.998 DEBUG: Adding stub module axios 12:50:56.999 DEBUG: Adding stub module beeline 12:50:56.999 DEBUG: Adding stub module better-sqlite3 12:50:56.999 DEBUG: Adding stub module bluebird 12:50:56.999 DEBUG: Adding stub module child_process 12:50:56.999 DEBUG: Adding stub module chokidar 12:50:56.999 DEBUG: Adding stub module chrome-remote-interface 12:50:56.999 DEBUG: Adding stub module commander 12:50:56.999 DEBUG: Adding stub module cp-file 12:50:56.999 DEBUG: Adding stub module cross-spawn 12:50:56.999 DEBUG: Adding stub module cross-spawn-async 12:50:56.999 DEBUG: Adding stub module del 12:50:56.999 DEBUG: Adding stub module dompurify 12:50:56.999 DEBUG: Adding stub module isomorphic-dompurify 12:50:56.999 DEBUG: Adding stub module escape-string-regexp 12:50:56.999 DEBUG: Adding stub module events 12:50:56.999 DEBUG: Adding stub module exec 12:50:56.999 DEBUG: Adding stub module execa 12:50:56.999 DEBUG: Adding stub module exec-async 12:50:56.999 DEBUG: Adding stub module express 12:50:57.001 DEBUG: Adding stub module body-parser 12:50:57.001 DEBUG: Adding stub module file-system 12:50:57.001 DEBUG: Adding stub module file-type 12:50:57.001 DEBUG: Adding stub module foreground-child 12:50:57.001 DEBUG: Adding stub module fs 12:50:57.002 DEBUG: Adding stub module fs/promises 12:50:57.002 DEBUG: Adding stub module original-fs 12:50:57.002 DEBUG: Adding stub module original-fs/promises 12:50:57.002 DEBUG: Adding stub module fs-extra 12:50:57.002 DEBUG: Adding stub module fs.realpath 12:50:57.002 DEBUG: Adding stub module got 12:50:57.002 DEBUG: Adding stub module graceful-fs 12:50:57.003 DEBUG: Adding stub module hpagent 12:50:57.003 DEBUG: Adding stub module http 12:50:57.004 DEBUG: Adding stub module https 12:50:57.005 DEBUG: Adding stub module http2 12:50:57.005 DEBUG: Adding stub module jsonfile 12:50:57.005 DEBUG: Adding stub module knex 12:50:57.005 DEBUG: Adding stub module load-json-file 12:50:57.005 DEBUG: Adding stub module lodash 12:50:57.005 DEBUG: Adding stub module make-dir 12:50:57.005 DEBUG: Adding stub module marsdb 12:50:57.006 DEBUG: Adding stub module mathjs 12:50:57.006 DEBUG: Adding stub module memfs 12:50:57.006 DEBUG: Adding stub module mkdirp 12:50:57.006 DEBUG: Adding stub module module 12:50:57.006 DEBUG: Adding stub module mongodb 12:50:57.007 DEBUG: Adding stub module mongoose 12:50:57.008 DEBUG: Adding stub module mongo-sanitize 12:50:57.008 DEBUG: Adding stub module express-mongo-sanitize 12:50:57.008 DEBUG: Adding stub module mssql 12:50:57.008 DEBUG: Adding stub module mysql 12:50:57.008 DEBUG: Adding stub module mysql2 12:50:57.008 DEBUG: Adding stub module mysql2/promise 12:50:57.008 DEBUG: Adding stub module needle 12:50:57.008 DEBUG: Adding stub module net 12:50:57.009 DEBUG: Adding stub module tls 12:50:57.009 DEBUG: Adding stub module next/router 12:50:57.009 DEBUG: Adding stub module node-fetch 12:50:57.009 DEBUG: Adding stub module opener 12:50:57.009 DEBUG: Adding stub module path 12:50:57.009 DEBUG: Adding stub module parse-torrent 12:50:57.009 DEBUG: Adding stub module pg 12:50:57.009 DEBUG: Adding stub module pg-escape 12:50:57.009 DEBUG: Adding stub module pg-pool 12:50:57.009 DEBUG: Adding stub module pg-promise 12:50:57.009 DEBUG: Adding stub module printf 12:50:57.009 DEBUG: Adding stub module process 12:50:57.009 DEBUG: Adding stub module puka 12:50:57.009 DEBUG: Adding stub module qs 12:50:57.009 DEBUG: Adding stub module ramda 12:50:57.009 DEBUG: Adding stub module react 12:50:57.010 DEBUG: Adding stub module react-dom 12:50:57.010 DEBUG: Adding stub module read-chunk 12:50:57.010 DEBUG: Adding stub module readdirp 12:50:57.010 DEBUG: Adding stub module regex-escape 12:50:57.010 DEBUG: Adding stub module remote-exec 12:50:57.010 DEBUG: Adding stub module request 12:50:57.010 DEBUG: Adding stub module resolve-path 12:50:57.010 DEBUG: Adding stub module sanitize-html 12:50:57.010 DEBUG: Adding stub module sanitize-html-react 12:50:57.010 DEBUG: Adding stub module @braintree/sanitize-url 12:50:57.010 DEBUG: Adding stub module sequelize 12:50:57.010 DEBUG: Adding stub module send 12:50:57.010 DEBUG: Adding stub module shell-escape-tag 12:50:57.010 DEBUG: Adding stub module shelljs 12:50:57.010 DEBUG: Adding stub module __sonar__ 12:50:57.010 DEBUG: Adding stub module ssh2 12:50:57.010 DEBUG: Adding stub module sqlstring 12:50:57.010 DEBUG: Adding stub module sqlite3 12:50:57.010 DEBUG: Adding stub module ssh2-streams 12:50:57.010 DEBUG: Adding stub module tar-stream 12:50:57.010 DEBUG: Adding stub module tunnel 12:50:57.010 DEBUG: Adding stub module typeorm 12:50:57.011 DEBUG: Adding stub module underscore 12:50:57.011 DEBUG: Adding stub module url 12:50:57.011 DEBUG: Adding stub module querystringify 12:50:57.011 DEBUG: Adding stub module query-string 12:50:57.011 DEBUG: Adding stub module querystring 12:50:57.011 DEBUG: Adding stub module util 12:50:57.011 DEBUG: Adding stub module vm 12:50:57.011 DEBUG: Adding stub module webpack-dev-server 12:50:57.012 DEBUG: Adding stub module write 12:50:57.012 DEBUG: Adding stub module write-json-file 12:50:57.012 DEBUG: Adding stub module xregexp 12:50:57.012 DEBUG: Adding stub module xss 12:50:57.012 DEBUG: Activating autogenerated stubs 12:50:57.012 DEBUG: Adding stub module amphtml-validator 12:50:57.012 DEBUG: Adding stub module amqplib 12:50:57.012 DEBUG: Adding stub module angular2-express-engine 12:50:57.012 DEBUG: Adding stub module atna-audit 12:50:57.012 DEBUG: Adding stub module babel-core 12:50:57.013 DEBUG: Adding stub module base64topdf 12:50:57.013 DEBUG: Adding stub module bash-glob 12:50:57.013 DEBUG: Adding stub module bunyan-syslog 12:50:57.013 DEBUG: Adding stub module cacache 12:50:57.013 DEBUG: Adding stub module cache-manager-fs-hash 12:50:57.013 DEBUG: Adding stub module checksum 12:50:57.013 DEBUG: Adding stub module chmodr 12:50:57.014 DEBUG: Adding stub module chownr 12:50:57.014 DEBUG: Adding stub module chrome-remote-interface 12:50:57.014 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'chrome-remote-interface' 12:50:57.014 DEBUG: Adding stub module cjson 12:50:57.014 DEBUG: Adding stub module clamav.js 12:50:57.014 DEBUG: Adding stub module cmd-shim 12:50:57.014 DEBUG: Adding stub module command-exists 12:50:57.015 DEBUG: Adding stub module config-yaml 12:50:57.015 DEBUG: Adding stub module consolidate 12:50:57.016 DEBUG: Adding stub module convict 12:50:57.016 DEBUG: Adding stub module cross-zip 12:50:57.016 DEBUG: Adding stub module cson 12:50:57.016 DEBUG: Adding stub module d3-dsv 12:50:57.017 DEBUG: Adding stub module d3-fetch 12:50:57.017 DEBUG: Adding stub module debug 12:50:57.017 DEBUG: Adding stub module deepai 12:50:57.017 DEBUG: Adding stub module dir-glob 12:50:57.017 DEBUG: Adding stub module dotenv-flow 12:50:57.017 DEBUG: Adding stub module dotenv-load 12:50:57.017 DEBUG: Adding stub module dotenv-safe 12:50:57.017 DEBUG: Adding stub module driftless 12:50:57.017 DEBUG: Adding stub module ds18b20 12:50:57.017 DEBUG: Adding stub module dts-bundle 12:50:57.017 DEBUG: Adding stub module easy-soap-request 12:50:57.017 DEBUG: Adding stub module easy-xapi 12:50:57.017 DEBUG: Adding stub module ejs 12:50:57.017 DEBUG: Adding stub module electron-json-storage 12:50:57.017 DEBUG: Adding stub module electron-load-devtool 12:50:57.017 DEBUG: Adding stub module empty-dir 12:50:57.017 DEBUG: Adding stub module enamdict 12:50:57.017 DEBUG: Adding stub module eth-url-parser 12:50:57.017 DEBUG: Adding stub module ffbinaries 12:50:57.017 DEBUG: Adding stub module ffmpeg-concat 12:50:57.017 DEBUG: Adding stub module ffprobe 12:50:57.018 DEBUG: Adding stub module file-entry-cache 12:50:57.018 DEBUG: Adding stub module file-exists 12:50:57.019 DEBUG: Adding stub module fill-pdf 12:50:57.019 DEBUG: Adding stub module filter-css 12:50:57.019 DEBUG: Adding stub module find-cache-dir 12:50:57.019 DEBUG: Adding stub module find-config 12:50:57.019 DEBUG: Adding stub module find-parent-dir 12:50:57.019 DEBUG: Adding stub module find-project-root 12:50:57.019 DEBUG: Adding stub module find-unused-sass-variables 12:50:57.019 DEBUG: Adding stub module findup-sync 12:50:57.019 DEBUG: Adding stub module firstline 12:50:57.019 DEBUG: Adding stub module fs-extra 12:50:57.019 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'fs-extra' 12:50:57.019 DEBUG: Adding stub module fs-extra-promise-es6 12:50:57.020 DEBUG: Adding stub module fs-readdir-recursive 12:50:57.020 DEBUG: Adding stub module fs-readfile-promise 12:50:57.021 DEBUG: Adding stub module furigana-markdown-it 12:50:57.021 DEBUG: Adding stub module generate-feed 12:50:57.021 DEBUG: Adding stub module get-folder-size 12:50:57.021 DEBUG: Adding stub module get-installed-path 12:50:57.021 DEBUG: Adding stub module get-pixels 12:50:57.021 DEBUG: Adding stub module get-ssl-certificate 12:50:57.021 DEBUG: Adding stub module ghauth 12:50:57.021 DEBUG: Adding stub module gh-pages 12:50:57.021 DEBUG: Adding stub module git-add-remote 12:50:57.021 DEBUG: Adding stub module git-clone 12:50:57.021 DEBUG: Adding stub module git-config 12:50:57.021 DEBUG: Adding stub module git-raw-commits 12:50:57.021 DEBUG: Adding stub module globalize-compiler 12:50:57.021 DEBUG: Adding stub module global-modules-path 12:50:57.021 DEBUG: Adding stub module glob-to-regexp 12:50:57.021 DEBUG: Adding stub module glob-watcher 12:50:57.021 DEBUG: Adding stub module gm 12:50:57.023 DEBUG: Adding stub module graceful-fs 12:50:57.028 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'graceful-fs' 12:50:57.029 DEBUG: Adding stub module graphviz 12:50:57.029 DEBUG: Adding stub module greek-utils 12:50:57.029 DEBUG: Adding stub module gsheets 12:50:57.029 DEBUG: Adding stub module gulp-codecov 12:50:57.030 DEBUG: Adding stub module gulp-hash 12:50:57.030 DEBUG: Adding stub module gulp-mustache 12:50:57.030 DEBUG: Adding stub module hbs 12:50:57.031 DEBUG: Adding stub module hexo-fs 12:50:57.031 DEBUG: Adding stub module hexo-util 12:50:57.031 DEBUG: Adding stub module hidefile 12:50:57.032 DEBUG: Adding stub module hiredis 12:50:57.032 DEBUG: Adding stub module hostile 12:50:57.032 DEBUG: Adding stub module html-parser 12:50:57.032 DEBUG: Adding stub module html-to-rtf 12:50:57.032 DEBUG: Adding stub module i18n 12:50:57.032 DEBUG: Adding stub module image-thumbnail 12:50:57.032 DEBUG: Adding stub module image-to-base64 12:50:57.033 DEBUG: Adding stub module iniparser 12:50:57.037 DEBUG: Adding stub module ipp 12:50:57.038 DEBUG: Adding stub module is-file-esm 12:50:57.038 DEBUG: Adding stub module istanbul-lib-report 12:50:57.038 DEBUG: Adding stub module jasmine 12:50:57.038 DEBUG: Adding stub module jest-image-snapshot 12:50:57.038 DEBUG: Adding stub module jest-specific-snapshot 12:50:57.038 DEBUG: Adding stub module jpeg-autorotate 12:50:57.038 DEBUG: Adding stub module jsan 12:50:57.038 DEBUG: Adding stub module json-file-plus 12:50:57.038 DEBUG: Adding stub module jsrsasign 12:50:57.038 DEBUG: Adding stub module klaw-sync 12:50:57.038 DEBUG: Adding stub module koa-favicon 12:50:57.039 DEBUG: Adding stub module koa-send 12:50:57.039 DEBUG: Adding stub module lcov-parse 12:50:57.039 DEBUG: Adding stub module ldap-authentication 12:50:57.039 DEBUG: Adding stub module libxslt 12:50:57.039 DEBUG: Adding stub module linesert 12:50:57.039 DEBUG: Adding stub module live-server 12:50:57.039 DEBUG: Adding stub module lnfs 12:50:57.039 DEBUG: Adding stub module load-json-file 12:50:57.039 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'load-json-file' 12:50:57.039 DEBUG: Adding stub module lockfile 12:50:57.040 DEBUG: Adding stub module lodash.words 12:50:57.040 DEBUG: Adding stub module logger 12:50:57.040 DEBUG: Adding stub module magic-number 12:50:57.040 DEBUG: Adding stub module metaget 12:50:57.040 DEBUG: Adding stub module micromatch 12:50:57.040 DEBUG: Adding stub module microservice-utilities 12:50:57.040 DEBUG: Adding stub module minecraft-pinger 12:50:57.041 DEBUG: Adding stub module mongodb 12:50:57.043 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'mongodb' 12:50:57.044 DEBUG: Adding stub module mustache-express 12:50:57.044 DEBUG: Adding stub module mv 12:50:57.044 DEBUG: Adding stub module mysql 12:50:57.044 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'mysql' 12:50:57.044 DEBUG: Adding stub module ncp 12:50:57.044 DEBUG: Adding stub module nexpect 12:50:57.044 DEBUG: Adding stub module node-config-manager 12:50:57.044 DEBUG: Adding stub module node-crate 12:50:57.045 DEBUG: Adding stub module node-dir 12:50:57.045 DEBUG: Adding stub module child_process 12:50:57.045 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'child_process' 12:50:57.045 DEBUG: Adding stub module fs 12:50:57.046 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'fs' 12:50:57.046 DEBUG: Adding stub module http 12:50:57.046 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'http' 12:50:57.046 DEBUG: Adding stub module https 12:50:57.046 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'https' 12:50:57.046 DEBUG: Adding stub module net 12:50:57.046 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'net' 12:50:57.046 DEBUG: Adding stub module node-jsfl-runner 12:50:57.046 DEBUG: Adding stub module tls 12:50:57.046 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'tls' 12:50:57.046 DEBUG: Adding stub module vm 12:50:57.046 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'vm' 12:50:57.046 DEBUG: Adding stub module nodejs-license-file 12:50:57.046 DEBUG: Adding stub module nodepub 12:50:57.046 DEBUG: Adding stub module node-sass-middleware 12:50:57.047 DEBUG: Adding stub module node-static 12:50:57.047 DEBUG: Adding stub module node-wget-promise 12:50:57.047 DEBUG: Adding stub module nonogram-solver 12:50:57.047 DEBUG: Adding stub module nunjucks 12:50:57.048 DEBUG: Adding stub module oauth 12:50:57.049 DEBUG: Adding stub module openstack-wrapper 12:50:57.049 DEBUG: Adding stub module openurl2 12:50:57.049 DEBUG: Adding stub module os-service 12:50:57.049 DEBUG: Adding stub module parent-package-json 12:50:57.050 DEBUG: Adding stub module parquetjs 12:50:57.050 DEBUG: Adding stub module parse-gitignore 12:50:57.050 DEBUG: Adding stub module path-to-regexp 12:50:57.051 DEBUG: Adding stub module pdf2image 12:50:57.051 DEBUG: Adding stub module pg 12:50:57.052 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'pg' 12:50:57.052 DEBUG: Adding stub module phantom 12:50:57.052 DEBUG: Adding stub module picomatch 12:50:57.052 DEBUG: Adding stub module pi-spi 12:50:57.052 DEBUG: Adding stub module pi-wifi 12:50:57.052 DEBUG: Adding stub module play-sound 12:50:57.052 DEBUG: Adding stub module pouchdb 12:50:57.052 DEBUG: Adding stub module prompt-sync-history 12:50:57.052 DEBUG: Adding stub module pug 12:50:57.052 DEBUG: Adding stub module puppeteer-lottie 12:50:57.052 DEBUG: Adding stub module quick-store 12:50:57.052 DEBUG: Adding stub module rclone.js 12:50:57.053 DEBUG: Adding stub module react-native-telnet-client 12:50:57.053 DEBUG: Adding stub module react_ujs 12:50:57.053 DEBUG: Adding stub module read-json-sync 12:50:57.053 DEBUG: Adding stub module readline-sync 12:50:57.054 DEBUG: Adding stub module readme-filename 12:50:57.054 DEBUG: Adding stub module recursive-readdir 12:50:57.054 DEBUG: Adding stub module regex-not 12:50:57.054 DEBUG: Adding stub module remote-git-tags 12:50:57.054 DEBUG: Adding stub module requestretry 12:50:57.056 DEBUG: Adding stub module require-all 12:50:57.056 DEBUG: Adding stub module require-directory 12:50:57.056 DEBUG: Adding stub module requireindex 12:50:57.056 DEBUG: Adding stub module resolve-protobuf-schema 12:50:57.056 DEBUG: Adding stub module restify 12:50:57.056 DEBUG: Adding stub module rimraf 12:50:57.056 DEBUG: Adding stub module riot-api-nodejs 12:50:57.056 DEBUG: Adding stub module rmfr 12:50:57.056 DEBUG: Adding stub module rrdtool 12:50:57.056 DEBUG: Adding stub module sass-graph 12:50:57.056 DEBUG: Adding stub module sc-broker 12:50:57.056 DEBUG: Adding stub module serve-favicon 12:50:57.057 DEBUG: Adding stub module set-tz 12:50:57.057 DEBUG: Adding stub module sfcookies 12:50:57.057 DEBUG: Adding stub module sha256-file 12:50:57.057 DEBUG: Adding stub module sha 12:50:57.057 DEBUG: Adding stub module shelljs.exec 12:50:57.057 DEBUG: Adding stub module sntp 12:50:57.057 DEBUG: Adding stub module solverjs 12:50:57.057 DEBUG: Adding stub module spatialite 12:50:57.057 DEBUG: Adding stub module speakingurl 12:50:57.057 DEBUG: Adding stub module speedtest-net 12:50:57.057 DEBUG: Adding stub module stremio-addon-sdk 12:50:57.057 DEBUG: Adding stub module stringify-object 12:50:57.058 DEBUG: Adding stub module superagent 12:50:57.059 DEBUG: Adding stub module supertest 12:50:57.059 DEBUG: Adding stub module swaggerize-express 12:50:57.060 DEBUG: Adding stub module sw-precache 12:50:57.060 DEBUG: Adding stub module symlink-or-copy 12:50:57.060 DEBUG: Adding stub module tabtab 12:50:57.060 DEBUG: Adding stub module tar-fs 12:50:57.060 DEBUG: Adding stub module tcp-ping 12:50:57.060 DEBUG: Adding stub module tcp-port-used 12:50:57.060 DEBUG: Adding stub module teen_process 12:50:57.060 DEBUG: Adding stub module telnetlib 12:50:57.061 DEBUG: Adding stub module temp 12:50:57.061 DEBUG: Adding stub module thumbsupply 12:50:57.061 DEBUG: Adding stub module tiff-to-png 12:50:57.061 DEBUG: Adding stub module tls-keygen 12:50:57.061 DEBUG: Adding stub module tspromise 12:50:57.061 DEBUG: Adding stub module twitter-autohook 12:50:57.061 DEBUG: Adding stub module unl-core 12:50:57.061 DEBUG: Adding stub module uploadcare 12:50:57.061 DEBUG: Adding stub module vcards-js 12:50:57.061 DEBUG: Adding stub module vhost 12:50:57.061 DEBUG: Adding stub module vndb 12:50:57.061 DEBUG: Adding stub module walk-asyncgen 12:50:57.061 DEBUG: Adding stub module wanakana 12:50:57.061 DEBUG: Adding stub module watch 12:50:57.061 DEBUG: Adding stub module webpack-node-externals 12:50:57.062 DEBUG: Adding stub module web-push 12:50:57.062 DEBUG: Adding stub module whois-json 12:50:57.062 DEBUG: Adding stub module windows-elevate 12:50:57.062 DEBUG: Adding stub module word2vector 12:50:57.062 DEBUG: Adding stub module wreck 12:50:57.062 DEBUG: Adding stub module wrench 12:50:57.062 DEBUG: Adding stub module write 12:50:57.062 DEBUG: Merged with previously registered stub module 'write' 12:50:57.063 DEBUG: Adding stub module xar 12:50:57.064 DEBUG: Adding stub module xml-escape 12:50:57.064 DEBUG: Adding stub module x-ray 12:50:57.064 DEBUG: Adding stub module yesql 12:50:57.064 DEBUG: Adding stub module zdf 12:50:57.361 DEBUG: Reporting issues for rule jssecurity:S6350 12:50:57.364 DEBUG: Reporting issues for rule jssecurity:S3649 12:50:57.364 DEBUG: Reporting issues for rule jssecurity:S6105 12:50:57.364 DEBUG: Reporting issues for rule jssecurity:S5696 12:50:57.364 DEBUG: Reporting issues for rule jssecurity:S2631 12:50:57.364 DEBUG: Reporting issues for rule jssecurity:S6287 12:50:57.364 DEBUG: Reporting issues for rule jssecurity:S5883 12:50:57.364 DEBUG: Reporting issues for rule jssecurity:S2076 12:50:57.364 DEBUG: Reporting issues for rule jssecurity:S5131 12:50:57.364 DEBUG: Reporting issues for rule jssecurity:S5147 12:50:57.364 DEBUG: Reporting issues for rule jssecurity:S6096 12:50:57.364 DEBUG: Reporting issues for rule jssecurity:S2083 12:50:57.364 DEBUG: Reporting issues for rule jssecurity:S5146 12:50:57.364 DEBUG: Reporting issues for rule jssecurity:S5144 12:50:57.364 DEBUG: Reporting issues for rule jssecurity:S5334 12:50:57.364 INFO: Taint analysis: done. 12:50:57.364 INFO: Sensor JsSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=2191ms 12:50:57.368 INFO: ------------- Run sensors on project 12:50:57.424 DEBUG: 'Generic Coverage Report' skipped because one of the required properties is missing 12:50:57.425 DEBUG: 'C#' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:57.425 DEBUG: 'C# Tests Coverage Report Import' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:57.425 DEBUG: '[Deprecated] C# Integration Tests Coverage Report Import' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:57.426 DEBUG: 'C# Unit Test Results Import' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:57.426 DEBUG: 'VB.NET' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:57.426 DEBUG: 'VB.NET Tests Coverage Report Import' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:57.426 DEBUG: '[Deprecated] VB.NET Integration Tests Coverage Report Import' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:57.427 DEBUG: 'VB.NET Unit Test Results Import' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:57.427 DEBUG: 'Java CPD Block Indexer' skipped because there is no related file in current project 12:50:57.427 DEBUG: Sensors : Analysis Warnings import -> Zero Coverage Sensor 12:50:57.427 INFO: Sensor Analysis Warnings import [csharp] 12:50:57.428 INFO: Sensor Analysis Warnings import [csharp] (done) | time=1ms 12:50:57.428 INFO: Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor 12:50:57.430 INFO: Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor (done) | time=2ms 12:50:57.433 INFO: SCM Publisher SCM provider for this project is: git 12:50:57.438 INFO: SCM Publisher 1 source file to be analyzed 12:50:57.439 DEBUG: loading config FileBasedConfig[/tmp/jgit/config] 12:50:57.440 DEBUG: Collecting committed files 12:50:57.495 DEBUG: Collecting committed files (done) | time=55ms 12:50:57.506 DEBUG: Blame file (native) src/components/base/ai-datetime-picker.vue 12:50:57.610 INFO: SCM Publisher 1/1 source file have been analyzed (done) | time=172ms 12:50:57.626 INFO: CPD Executor 13 files had no CPD blocks 12:50:57.626 INFO: CPD Executor Calculating CPD for 102 files 12:50:57.626 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/aw-new-transaction-dialog.vue 12:50:57.635 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-tooltip/composables/use-tooltip-arrow-position.ts 12:50:57.635 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/dialogs/composables/available-tags.ts 12:50:57.636 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-status-cell.vue 12:50:57.636 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-true-false-icon.vue 12:50:57.636 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-datetime-picker.vue 12:50:57.637 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/user/user-avatar.vue 12:50:57.637 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/helpers/table-row-expanding.ts 12:50:57.637 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/tabs/tabs-base.vue 12:50:57.637 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-input.vue 12:50:57.638 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/bottom-tabs-details/tabs-container.vue 12:50:57.638 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-preview.vue 12:50:57.638 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/select-search.vue 12:50:57.638 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-router-link.vue 12:50:57.643 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/user/user-card/level-status-box.vue 12:50:57.643 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-tab.vue 12:50:57.643 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/table-parts/ai-table-header.vue 12:50:57.643 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/theme-toggle.vue 12:50:57.644 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/download-button.vue 12:50:57.644 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-status-box.vue 12:50:57.644 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/nodeBuilderFunctions/index.tsx 12:50:57.644 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-chip.vue 12:50:57.644 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/helpers/table-helpers.ts 12:50:57.645 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/user/user-card/level-percentile.vue 12:50:57.645 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/__tests__/elastic-search-admin-logs_jest.spec.tsx 12:50:57.646 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-table.vue 12:50:57.646 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-indicator.vue 12:50:57.646 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-label-value.vue 12:50:57.647 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-select.vue 12:50:57.647 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-markup-table.vue 12:50:57.647 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/dialogs/dialog-filters-helpers.ts 12:50:57.647 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/utils.ts 12:50:57.648 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/address-input.vue 12:50:57.648 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-dialog.vue 12:50:57.649 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/table-parts/ai-table-bottom.vue 12:50:57.649 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/elastic-search-admin-logs.tsx 12:50:57.649 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/edit-withdrawal-dialog.vue 12:50:57.649 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/composables/fiat-wallet-data.ts 12:50:57.650 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-loading.vue 12:50:57.650 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-note-list.vue 12:50:57.650 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/nodeBuilderFunctions/helpers.tsx 12:50:57.650 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/dialogs/add-note-dialog.vue 12:50:57.651 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/bottom-tabs-details/utils/index.ts 12:50:57.651 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/composables/wallet-data.ts 12:50:57.652 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/trade-txn/content-renderer.vue 12:50:57.652 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-permissions.vue 12:50:57.653 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-date-picker.vue 12:50:57.653 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/bottom-tabs-details/bottom-links.vue 12:50:57.653 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/helpers/dialog-helpers.ts 12:50:57.654 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/toolbar-dropdown.vue 12:50:57.654 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-avatar.vue 12:50:57.654 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-btn.vue 12:50:57.654 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/user-card.vue 12:50:57.654 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-upload.vue 12:50:57.655 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/wallet-renderer.vue 12:50:57.655 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-tooltip.vue 12:50:57.655 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/open-filter-dialog-btn.vue 12:50:57.655 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/NodeBuilderService.tsx 12:50:57.655 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-time-picker.vue 12:50:57.656 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-tabs.vue 12:50:57.656 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/helpers/ai-chip-helpers.ts 12:50:57.656 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-info-block.vue 12:50:57.656 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/server-txn-search/server-txn-search.vue 12:50:57.656 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/txn-table.vue 12:50:57.658 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/display-currency-amount.vue 12:50:57.658 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-icon.vue 12:50:57.658 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/wallet/aw-edit-limits.vue 12:50:57.658 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-clipboard-copy.vue 12:50:57.658 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/user/user-card/account-details.vue 12:50:57.659 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-status.vue 12:50:57.659 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/toolbar-search/index.ts 12:50:57.661 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/time-from-now.vue 12:50:57.661 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-cursor-pagination.vue 12:50:57.661 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-maybe-empty.vue 12:50:57.662 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/toolbar-search/toolbar-search.vue 12:50:57.662 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-audio.vue 12:50:57.662 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/helpers/table-row-selection.ts 12:50:57.662 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-pagination.vue 12:50:57.662 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/dialogs/login-help.vue 12:50:57.662 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/user/user-card/user-card.vue 12:50:57.663 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-checkbox-list.vue 12:50:57.663 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/cells/cell-text.vue 12:50:57.663 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-external-link.vue 12:50:57.663 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-card.vue 12:50:57.663 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/user/user-notes.ts 12:50:57.664 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/clear-all-filters.vue 12:50:57.664 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/table-parts/ai-table-row.vue 12:50:57.664 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-scroll-pagination.vue 12:50:57.664 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/dialogs/confirmation-dialog.vue 12:50:57.664 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/html-renderer.vue 12:50:57.664 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-radio-group.vue 12:50:57.665 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/page-header.vue 12:50:57.665 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-simple-pagination.vue 12:50:57.665 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-form.vue 12:50:57.665 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/bottom-tabs-details/store/index.ts 12:50:57.665 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/types.ts 12:50:57.665 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/trade-txn/notes-card.vue 12:50:57.666 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/elastic-search-admin-logs/mock-data.ts 12:50:57.666 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/dialogs/tags.vue 12:50:57.666 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-field.vue 12:50:57.666 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/company/frontend-project/src/components/base/ai-chip-list.vue 12:50:57.666 INFO: CPD Executor CPD calculation finished (done) | time=40ms 12:50:57.675 DEBUG: SCM revision ID 'e8eb59a036b3350cc559fe21531546cde58abf59' 12:50:57.732 INFO: SCM writing changed lines 12:50:57.738 INFO: Merge base sha1: 86fef5ad6d7912399a8501f2d91496b1999cf300 12:50:57.767 DEBUG: SCM reported changed lines for 1 file in the branch 12:50:57.767 INFO: SCM writing changed lines (done) | time=35ms 12:50:57.772 INFO: Analysis report generated in 98ms, dir size=298.7 kB 12:50:57.871 INFO: Analysis report compressed in 99ms, zip size=136.7 kB 12:50:57.871 INFO: Analysis report generated in /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/scanner-report 12:50:57.871 DEBUG: Upload report 12:50:57.895 DEBUG: POST 200 | time=23ms 12:50:57.899 INFO: Analysis report uploaded in 27ms 12:50:57.900 DEBUG: Report metadata written to /builds/company/frontend-project/.scannerwork/report-task.txt 12:50:57.900 INFO: ------------- Check Quality Gate status 12:50:57.901 INFO: Waiting for the analysis report to be processed (max 300s) 12:50:57.907 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=6ms 12:51:02.926 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=11ms 12:51:02.953 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=27ms 12:51:03.000 INFO: QUALITY GATE STATUS: PASSED - View details on 12:51:03.003 DEBUG: Post-jobs : 12:51:03.008 DEBUG: eslint-bridge server will shutdown 12:51:08.011 DEBUG: eslint-bridge server closed 12:51:08.012 INFO: Time spent writing ucfgs 245ms 12:51:08.467 INFO: Analysis total time: 37.718 s 12:51:08.471 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12:51:08.471 INFO: EXECUTION SUCCESS 12:51:08.471 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12:51:08.471 INFO: Total time: 40.274s 12:51:08.550 INFO: Final Memory: 80M/287M 12:51:08.550 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ section_end:1677156669:step_script section_start:1677156670:archive_cache Saving cache for successful job Creating cache sonarqube:analyse:default-non_protected... .sonar/cache: found 205 matching files and directories Archive is up to date! Created cache section_end:1677156671:archive_cache section_start:1677156671:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables section_end:1677156671:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded