Creating container for module with key=Module: 'app-1' Analysing ''... Found 0 issues Using storage for connection 'LocalSonarQube' (last update 22/10/21, 10:14 am) Creating container for module with key=Module: 'app-1' Downloaded settings in 65ms Clearing all issues because binding was updated Using connection 'LocalSonarQube' for project 'app-1' Analysing ''... Found 0 issues Using connection 'LocalSonarQube' for project 'app-1' Analysing 'test.component.ts'... Found 16 issues Creating container for module with key=Module: 'app-1' Creating container for module with key=Module: 'app-1' Downloaded settings in 67ms Trigger: ACTION [Action] 1 file(s) submitted Using connection 'LocalSonarQube' for project 'app-1' Analysing 'test.component.ts'... Starting analysis with configuration: [ projectKey: app-1 baseDir: C:\development\projects-playpen\sonarlint-test\app-1 extraProperties: {} moduleKey: Module: 'app-1' inputFiles: [ file:///C:/development/projects-playpen/sonarlint-test/app-1/src/app/component/test/test.component.ts (UTF-8) ] ] Start analysis Index files Language of file 'file:///C:/development/projects-playpen/sonarlint-test/app-1/src/app/component/test/test.component.ts' is detected to be 'TypeScript' 1 file indexed Available languages: * Python => "py" * Secrets => "secrets" * JavaScript => "js" * TypeScript => "ts" Quality profiles: * js: 'Sonar way Recommended' (133 rules) * py: 'Sonar way' (82 rules) * ts: 'Sonar way recommended' (120 rules) 'Python Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project Execute Sensor: Sonar Secrets Detection Sensor 'JavaScript analysis' skipped because there is no related file in current project Execute Sensor: TypeScript analysis SonarJS eslint-bridge server is up, no need to start. Found 1 tsconfig.json file(s): [C:\development\projects-playpen\sonarlint-test\app-1\tsconfig.json] C:/development/projects-playpen/sonarlint-test/app-1/src/app/component/test/test.component.ts matched C:\development\projects-playpen\sonarlint-test\app-1\tsconfig.json 1 source files to be analyzed Analyzing 1 files using tsconfig: C:\development\projects-playpen\sonarlint-test\app-1\tsconfig.json Initializing metadata of file file:///C:/development/projects-playpen/sonarlint-test/app-1/src/app/component/test/test.component.ts 1/1 source files have been analyzed Done in 4151ms Processed 16 issues Found 16 issues Fetching server issues in 1 file (waiting for results) fetchServerIssues projectKey=app-1, filepath=src/app/component/test/test.component.ts GET 200 | response time=83ms Downloaded issues in 83ms