name: Static Analysis on: push: branches: - master pull_request: types: [opened, synchronize, reopened] jobs: build: name: Build runs-on: windows-latest env: SONAR_SCANNER_VERSION: SONAR_SERVER_URL: "" BUILD_WRAPPER_OUT_DIR: build_wrapper_output_directory # Directory where build-wrapper output will be placed steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 # Shallow clones should be disabled for a better relevancy of analysis - name: Set up JDK 11 uses: actions/setup-java@v1 with: java-version: 11 - name: Download and set up sonar-scanner env: SONAR_SCANNER_DOWNLOAD_URL:${{ env.SONAR_SCANNER_VERSION }} run: | New-Item -Force -ItemType directory -Path $HOME\.sonar curl -sSLo $HOME\.sonar\ ${{ env.SONAR_SCANNER_DOWNLOAD_URL }} unzip -o $HOME\.sonar\ -d $HOME\.sonar\ echo "$HOME\.sonar\sonar-scanner-${{ env.SONAR_SCANNER_VERSION }}-windows\bin" | Out-File -Append -FilePath $env:GITHUB_PATH -Encoding utf8 - name: Download and set up build-wrapper env: BUILD_WRAPPER_DOWNLOAD_URL: ${{ env.SONAR_SERVER_URL }}/static/cpp/ run: | curl -sSLo $HOME\.sonar\ ${{ env.BUILD_WRAPPER_DOWNLOAD_URL }} unzip -o $HOME\.sonar\ -d $HOME\.sonar\ echo "$HOME\.sonar\build-wrapper-win-x86" | Out-File -Append -FilePath $env:GITHUB_PATH -Encoding utf8 - name: Download TI CCS env: TI_CCS_DOWNLOAD_URL: run: | New-Item -Force -ItemType directory -Path $HOME\.ti curl -sSLo $HOME\.ti\ti_ccs.exe ${{ env.TI_CCS_DOWNLOAD_URL }} dir $HOME\.ti ls $HOME\.ti Start-Process -FilePath "$HOME\.ti\ti_ccs.exe" -Wait -ArgumentList "--prefix $HOME\.ti --enable-components PF_C28 --mode unattended" - name: Import and build project run: | New-Item -Force -ItemType directory -Path $HOME\.ti\workspace Start-Process -FilePath "$HOME\.ti\ccs\eclipse\ccstudio.exe" -Wait -RedirectStandardOutput import.txt -ArgumentList "-noSplash -data $HOME\.ti\workspace -application com.ti.ccstudio.apps.projectImport -ccs.location ${{ github.workspace }}\Sygnal-MCM" echo "PROJECT IMPORTED" Start-Process -FilePath "$HOME\.ti\ccs\eclipse\ccstudio.exe" -Wait -RedirectStandardOutput build.txt -ArgumentList "-noSplash -data $HOME\.ti\workspace -application com.ti.ccstudio.apps.projectBuild -ccs.buildType full -ccs.projects Sygnal-MCM -ccs.configuration CPU1_FLASH_StaticAnal" echo "PROJECT BUILT" pwd echo "DIRECTORY" # - name: Setup tmate session # uses: mxschmitt/action-tmate@v3 # timeout-minutes: 30 #test - name: Run sonar-scanner env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} SONAR_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }} run: | cd "${{ github.workspace }}" dir sonar-scanner --define"${{ env.SONAR_SERVER_URL }}" --define"${{ github.workspace }}\Sygnal-MCM\CPU1_FLASH_StaticAnal\${{ env.BUILD_WRAPPER_OUT_DIR }}" echo "DONE" - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: build-wrapper-dump.json path: | ${{ github.workspace }}\Sygnal-MCM\CPU1_FLASH_StaticAnal\${{ env.BUILD_WRAPPER_OUT_DIR }}\build-wrapper-dump.json ${{ github.workspace }}\build.txt