Running as SYSTEM Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cicd The recommended git tool is: NONE using credential 8b9c300d-ad42-4c92-aee6-81194e616b35 > git rev-parse --resolve-git-dir /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cicd/.git # timeout=10 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 > git --version # 'git version 2.25.1' using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials Bitbucket > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 Checking out Revision 422156c732336a0043a70ada6893338f0f74c70b (refs/remotes/origin/master) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f 422156c732336a0043a70ada6893338f0f74c70b # timeout=10 Commit message: "src/test/java/Merchant_Test_Main" > git rev-list --no-walk 422156c732336a0043a70ada6893338f0f74c70b # timeout=10 Clover did not found Ant command in '/var/lib/jenkins/tools/hudson.plugins.sonar.SonarRunnerInstallation/sonarqube/bin/sonar-scanner -Dsonar.login=sqp_b29855dc9184293b8cb1f297ec1156f90ea65aa9 -Dsonar.projectName=hk-backend-evolved -Dsonar.sourceEncoding=UTF-8 -Dsonar.coverage.cobertura.xmlReportPaths=/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cicd/cobertura-coverage.xml -Dsonar.login=sqp_ba3604bdbb3334ad37785926207426894649f7a8 -Dsonar.projectVersion=1.0 -Dsonar.sources=. -Dsonar.test.inclusions=**/unittests/*.test.js -Dsonar.exclusions=**/*.java -Dsonar.projectKey=hk-backend-evolved -Dsonar.tests=test -Dsonar.ts.tslintconfigpath=tslint.json -Dsonar.testExecutionReportPaths=test-report.xml -Dsonar.projectBaseDir=/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cicd' - not integrating. [Cicd] $ /var/lib/jenkins/tools/hudson.plugins.sonar.SonarRunnerInstallation/sonarqube/bin/sonar-scanner ******** -Dsonar.projectName=hk-backend-evolved -Dsonar.sourceEncoding=UTF-8 -Dsonar.coverage.cobertura.xmlReportPaths=/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cicd/cobertura-coverage.xml -Dsonar.login=sqp_ba3604bdbb3334ad37785926207426894649f7a8 -Dsonar.projectVersion=1.0 -Dsonar.sources=. -Dsonar.test.inclusions=**/unittests/*.test.js -Dsonar.exclusions=**/*.java -Dsonar.projectKey=hk-backend-evolved -Dsonar.tests=test -Dsonar.ts.tslintconfigpath=tslint.json -Dsonar.testExecutionReportPaths=test-report.xml -Dsonar.projectBaseDir=/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cicd WARN: Property 'sonar.login' with value 'sqp_b29855dc9184293b8cb1f297ec1156f90ea65aa9' is overridden with value 'sqp_ba3604bdbb3334ad37785926207426894649f7a8' WARN: Property '' with value '' is overridden with value '' INFO: Scanner configuration file: /var/lib/jenkins/tools/hudson.plugins.sonar.SonarRunnerInstallation/sonarqube/conf/ INFO: Project root configuration file: NONE INFO: SonarScanner INFO: Java 17.0.6 Private Build (64-bit) INFO: Linux 5.4.0-146-generic amd64 INFO: User cache: /var/lib/jenkins/.sonar/cache INFO: Analyzing on SonarQube server INFO: Default locale: "en_US", source code encoding: "UTF-8" INFO: Load global settings INFO: Load global settings (done) | time=220ms INFO: Server id: D0BA8F50-AYdZAqnSHg2kzABMiXE8 INFO: User cache: /var/lib/jenkins/.sonar/cache INFO: Load/download plugins INFO: Load plugins index INFO: Load plugins index (done) | time=96ms INFO: Load/download plugins (done) | time=327ms INFO: Process project properties INFO: Process project properties (done) | time=16ms INFO: Execute project builders INFO: Execute project builders (done) | time=8ms INFO: Project key: hk-backend-evolved INFO: Base dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cicd INFO: Working dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cicd/.scannerwork INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'hk-backend-evolved' INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'hk-backend-evolved' (done) | time=191ms INFO: Auto-configuring with CI 'Jenkins' INFO: Load quality profiles INFO: Load quality profiles (done) | time=1286ms INFO: Load active rules INFO: Load active rules (done) | time=7968ms INFO: Load analysis cache INFO: Load analysis cache | time=840ms INFO: Load project repositories INFO: Load project repositories (done) | time=59ms INFO: Indexing files... INFO: Project configuration: INFO: Excluded sources: **/*.java, **/unittests/*.test.js INFO: Included tests: **/unittests/*.test.js INFO: 292 files indexed INFO: 48 files ignored because of inclusion/exclusion patterns INFO: 0 files ignored because of scm ignore settings INFO: Quality profile for css: Sonar way INFO: Quality profile for js: Sonar way INFO: Quality profile for json: Sonar way INFO: Quality profile for web: Sonar way INFO: Quality profile for xml: Sonar way INFO: ------------- Run sensors on module hk-backend-evolved INFO: Load metrics repository INFO: Load metrics repository (done) | time=36ms INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] INFO: 'sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths' is not defined. Using default locations: target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml,target/site/jacoco-it/jacoco.xml,build/reports/jacoco/test/jacocoTestReport.xml INFO: No report imported, no coverage information will be imported by JaCoCo XML Report Importer INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] (done) | time=13ms INFO: Sensor IaC CloudFormation Sensor [iac] INFO: 0 source files to be analyzed INFO: 0/0 source files have been analyzed INFO: Sensor IaC CloudFormation Sensor [iac] (done) | time=7638ms INFO: Sensor IaC Kubernetes Sensor [iac] INFO: 0 source files to be analyzed INFO: 0/0 source files have been analyzed INFO: Sensor IaC Kubernetes Sensor [iac] (done) | time=300ms INFO: Sensor JavaScript analysis [javascript] WARN: Node.js version 20 is not recommended, you might experience issues. Please use a recommended version of Node.js [16, 18] INFO: 139 source files to be analyzed INFO: 9/139 files analyzed, current file: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cicd/test/serverisMonit.test.js INFO: 14/139 files analyzed, current file: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cicd/accountsService/api/controller.js INFO: 34/139 files analyzed, current file: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cicd/atmMachinesService/test/serverisMonit.test.js INFO: 52/139 files analyzed, current file: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cicd/atmMachinesService/test/server.test.js INFO: 87/139 files analyzed, current file: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cicd/areasService/api/controller.js INFO: 136/139 files analyzed, current file: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cicd/tasksService/test/serverisMonit.test.js INFO: 139/139 source files have been analyzed INFO: Hit the cache for 0 out of 139 INFO: Miss the cache for 139 out of 139: ANALYSIS_MODE_INELIGIBLE [139/139] INFO: Sensor JavaScript analysis [javascript] (done) | time=73821ms INFO: Sensor TypeScript analysis [javascript] INFO: No input files found for analysis INFO: Hit the cache for 0 out of 0 INFO: Miss the cache for 0 out of 0 INFO: Sensor TypeScript analysis [javascript] (done) | time=4ms INFO: Sensor CSS Rules [javascript] INFO: 47 source files to be analyzed INFO: 47/47 source files have been analyzed INFO: Hit the cache for 0 out of 0 INFO: Miss the cache for 0 out of 0 INFO: Sensor CSS Rules [javascript] (done) | time=1667ms INFO: Sensor JavaScript/TypeScript Coverage [javascript] INFO: Analysing [/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cicd/] WARN: Could not resolve 5 file paths in [/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cicd/] WARN: First unresolved path: helper/calculationSvc.js (Run in DEBUG mode to get full list of unresolved paths) WARN: Found 29 inconsistencies in coverage report. Re-run analyse in debug mode to see details. INFO: Sensor JavaScript/TypeScript Coverage [javascript] (done) | time=140ms INFO: Sensor CSS Metrics [javascript] INFO: Sensor CSS Metrics [javascript] (done) | time=275ms INFO: Sensor C# Project Type Information [csharp] INFO: Sensor C# Project Type Information [csharp] (done) | time=2ms INFO: Sensor C# Analysis Log [csharp] INFO: Sensor C# Analysis Log [csharp] (done) | time=21ms INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] (done) | time=0ms INFO: Sensor HTML [web] INFO: Sensor HTML [web] (done) | time=8379ms INFO: Sensor XML Sensor [xml] INFO: 17 source files to be analyzed INFO: 17/17 source files have been analyzed INFO: Sensor XML Sensor [xml] (done) | time=3235ms INFO: Sensor TextAndSecretsSensor [text] INFO: 248 source files to be analyzed INFO: 248/248 source files have been analyzed INFO: Sensor TextAndSecretsSensor [text] (done) | time=2616ms INFO: Sensor VB.NET Project Type Information [vbnet] INFO: Sensor VB.NET Project Type Information [vbnet] (done) | time=2ms INFO: Sensor VB.NET Analysis Log [vbnet] INFO: Sensor VB.NET Analysis Log [vbnet] (done) | time=27ms INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet] INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet] (done) | time=0ms INFO: Sensor IaC Docker Sensor [iac] INFO: 5 source files to be analyzed INFO: 5/5 source files have been analyzed INFO: Sensor IaC Docker Sensor [iac] (done) | time=186ms INFO: Sensor Generic Test Executions Report INFO: Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cicd/test-report.xml INFO: Imported test execution data for 0 files INFO: Test execution data ignored for 2 unknown files, including: /home/cicdanjalee/hk-backend-evolved/financialsService/test/serverisMonit.test.js /home/cicdanjalee/hk-backend-evolved/financialsService/test/server.test.js INFO: Sensor Generic Test Executions Report (done) | time=80ms INFO: ------------- Run sensors on project INFO: Sensor Analysis Warnings import [csharp] INFO: Sensor Analysis Warnings import [csharp] (done) | time=1ms INFO: Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor INFO: Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor (done) | time=255ms INFO: SCM Publisher SCM provider for this project is: git INFO: SCM Publisher 178 source files to be analyzed INFO: SCM Publisher 0/178 source files have been analyzed (done) | time=488ms WARN: Missing blame information for the following files: WARN: * karrySchedulingsService/document/apidoc.js WARN: * tasksService/helper/repository.js WARN: * areasService/src/utils/send_sample_request.js WARN: * lcov-report/financialsService/api/routes.js.html WARN: * tasksService/config/mongo.js WARN: * accountsService/model/index.js WARN: * areasService/config/mongo.js WARN: * areasService/api/routes.js WARN: * lcov-report/financialsService/index.html WARN: * areasService/src/locales/es.js WARN: * test/serverisMonit.test.js WARN: * tasksService/src/locales/locale.js WARN: * lcov-report/financialsService/api/index.html WARN: * atmMachinesService/config/express.js WARN: * areasService/src/main.js WARN: * lcov-report/financialsService/config/express.js.html WARN: * areasService/src/api_project.js WARN: * accountsService/api/controller.js WARN: * tasksService/model/accounts.js WARN: * accountsService/config/redis.js WARN: * areasService/helper/middleware.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/locales/locale.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/model/index.js WARN: * financialsService/coverage/clover.xml WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/locales/ca.js WARN: * tasksService/src/utils/send_sample_request.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/config/mongo.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/api/routes.js WARN: * lcov-report/base.css WARN: * tasksService/src/locales/es.js WARN: * karrySchedulingsService/config/mongo.js WARN: * tasksService/src/locales/ca.js WARN: * lcov-report/financialsService/model/index.html WARN: * lcov-report/block-navigation.js WARN: * karrySchedulingsService/model/accounts.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/main.js WARN: * lcov-report/index.html WARN: * areasService/src/locales/ca.js WARN: * areasService/src/index.html WARN: * lcov-report/financialsService/model/reconcilitations.js.html WARN: * karrySchedulingsService/config/express.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/locales/fr.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/test/serverisMonit.test.js WARN: * tasksService/src/locales/pt_br.js WARN: * accountsService/config/socket.js WARN: * accountsService/helper/helper.js WARN: * tasksService/config/express.js WARN: * lcov-report/financialsService/config/index.html WARN: * tasksService/src/locales/nl.js WARN: * lcov-report/financialsService/helper/calculationSvc.js.html WARN: * areasService/src/locales/zh_cn.js WARN: * areasService/src/locales/nl.js WARN: * areasService/src/utils/send_sample_request_utils.js WARN: * tasksService/src/index.html WARN: * lcov-report/sorter.js WARN: * lcov-report/financialsService/model/financialDisputes.js.html WARN: * accountsService/helper/middleware.js WARN: * areasService/test/server.test.js WARN: * lcov-report/financialsService/config/mongo.js.html WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/locales/nl.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/api_project.js WARN: * HK/test-output/old/Default suite/testng.xml.html WARN: * areasService/src/locales/locale.js WARN: * accountsService/model/tasks.js WARN: * areasService/app.js WARN: * karrySchedulingsService/Dockerfile WARN: * lcov-report/financialsService/helper/templates.js.html WARN: * karrySchedulingsService/test/server.test.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/test/server.test.js WARN: * test-report.xml WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/index.html WARN: * lcov-report/financialsService/config/redis.js.html WARN: * areasService/document/apidoc.js WARN: * test/clover.xml WARN: * accountsService/api/routes.js WARN: * accountsService/app.js WARN: * tasksService/src/main.js WARN: * tasksService/src/locales/fr.js WARN: * areasService/src/locales/vi.js WARN: * tasksService/api/routes.js WARN: * lcov-report/financialsService/model/payablesummary.js.html WARN: * tasksService/helper/middleware.js WARN: * karrySchedulingsService/api/controller.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/locales/zh_cn.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/helper/helper.js WARN: * areasService/src/locales/cs.js WARN: * cobertura-coverage.xml WARN: * tasksService/src/locales/cs.js WARN: * lcov-report/financialsService/helper/helper.js.html WARN: * lcov-report/financialsService/config/socket.js.html WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/utils/send_sample_request_utils.js WARN: * accountsService/config/express.js WARN: * tasksService/src/locales/de.js WARN: * tasksService/src/locales/tr.js WARN: * lcov-report/financialsService/helper/middleware.js.html WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/locales/de.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/helper/middleware.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/locales/pt_br.js WARN: * lcov-report/financialsService/api/controller.js.html WARN: * areasService/src/locales/pt_br.js WARN: * tasksService/document/apidoc.js WARN: * lcov-report/financialsService/model/accounts.js.html WARN: * accountsService/helper/repository.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/api/controller.js WARN: * tasksService/src/locales/zh_cn.js WARN: * accountsService/helper/crypto.js WARN: * areasService/config/express.js WARN: * areasService/helper/helper.js WARN: * areasService/src/locales/de.js WARN: * karrySchedulingsService/helper/helper.js WARN: * tasksService/api/controller.js WARN: * karrySchedulingsService/helper/middleware.js WARN: * tasksService/helper/helper.js WARN: * areasService/api/controller.js WARN: * tasksService/test/server.test.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/locales/es.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/locales/ru.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/locales/tr.js WARN: * areasService/src/locales/fr.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/locales/it.js WARN: * tasksService/src/api_project.js WARN: * areasService/Dockerfile WARN: * lcov-report/financialsService/helper/index.html WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/api_data.js WARN: * tasksService/src/locales/ru.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/locales/cs.js WARN: * karrySchedulingsService/api/routes.js WARN: * karrySchedulingsService/helper/repository.js WARN: * accountsService/Dockerfile WARN: * atmMachinesService/document/apidoc.js WARN: * karrySchedulingsService/model/index.js WARN: * areasService/src/locales/tr.js WARN: * areasService/src/locales/pl.js WARN: * karrySchedulingsService/helper/crypto.js WARN: * lcov-report/financialsService/helper/repository.js.html WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/utils/send_sample_request.js WARN: * areasService/src/locales/ru.js WARN: * lcov-report/financialsService/model/financials.js.html WARN: * lcov-report/financialsService/app.js.html WARN: * tasksService/model/index.js WARN: * areasService/src/css/style.css WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/locales/vi.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/locales/ro.js WARN: * tasksService/src/utils/send_sample_request_utils.js WARN: * areasService/src/api_data.js WARN: * areasService/helper/repository.js WARN: * areasService/test/serverisMonit.test.js WARN: * tasksService/src/locales/zh.js WARN: * tasksService/src/locales/ro.js WARN: * tasksService/src/locales/pl.js WARN: * karrySchedulingsService/app.js WARN: * tasksService/src/api_data.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/css/style.css WARN: * areasService/src/locales/it.js WARN: * tasksService/src/locales/vi.js WARN: * tasksService/src/css/style.css WARN: * tasksService/helper/templates.js WARN: * tasksService/src/utils/handlebars_helper.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/locales/zh.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/utils/handlebars_helper.js WARN: * clover.xml WARN: * accountsService/document/apidoc.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/helper/repository.js WARN: * areasService/src/locales/zh.js WARN: * areasService/src/locales/ro.js WARN: * accountsService/config/mongo.js WARN: * accountsService/helper/templates.js WARN: * test/test.js WARN: * tasksService/Dockerfile WARN: * atmMachinesService/src/locales/pl.js WARN: * areasService/src/utils/handlebars_helper.js WARN: * atmMachinesService/Dockerfile WARN: * atmMachinesService/app.js WARN: * tasksService/app.js WARN: * tasksService/test/serverisMonit.test.js WARN: * tasksService/src/locales/it.js WARN: * test/server.test.js WARN: * areasService/model/index.js WARN: This may lead to missing/broken features in SonarQube INFO: CPD Executor 56 files had no CPD blocks INFO: CPD Executor Calculating CPD for 123 files WARN: Too many duplication groups on file lcov-report/financialsService/api/controller.js.html. Keep only the first 100 groups. INFO: CPD Executor CPD calculation finished (done) | time=1438ms INFO: Analysis report generated in 2100ms, dir size=6.7 MB INFO: Analysis report compressed in 949ms, zip size=2.1 MB INFO: Analysis report uploaded in 451ms INFO: ANALYSIS SUCCESSFUL, you can find the results at: INFO: Note that you will be able to access the updated dashboard once the server has processed the submitted analysis report INFO: More about the report processing at INFO: Analysis total time: 2:11.072 s INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INFO: EXECUTION SUCCESS INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INFO: Total time: 2:13.933s INFO: Final Memory: 18M/67M INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clover did not found Ant command in '/bin/bash /tmp/' - not integrating. [Cicd] $ /bin/bash /tmp/ npm run test-coverage Publishing Clover coverage report... Publishing Clover XML report... Publishing Clover coverage results... TestNG Reports Processing: START Looking for TestNG results report in workspace using pattern: **/testng-results.xml testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it. Saving reports... Found matching files but did not find any TestNG results. Publishing Clover coverage report... No Clover report will be published due to a missing report Triggering a new build of Cicd Backend-prod Finished: SUCCESS