16:02:12 INFO: Indexing files of module 'batchfeeder' 16:02:12 INFO: Base dir: trt/all/src/batchfeeder 16:02:12 INFO: Source paths: src 16:02:12 INFO: Test paths: test 16:02:12 INFO: Excluded sources: src/com/ida/casestudy/Linkset.java, ... < INFO: 464 files indexed only seen in the old run with SonarQube 6.7> Same type of output for each module but doesn't seem to analyze the file 16:02:18 INFO: Indexing files of module 'trt-all' 16:02:18 INFO: Base dir: /work/production/contdelivery/jenkins_home-1/san-mech-jenkins-1/hudson_data/slave-workspace/san-mech-jenkins-2/workspace/TRT_Development-zs-sonar/trt/all/src 16:02:18 INFO: Excluded sources: src/com/ida/casestudy/Linkset.java, 16:02:18 INFO: 4049 files indexed 16:02:18 INFO: 44 files ignored because of inclusion/exclusion patterns ... ... then it runs out of memory 16:04:27 INFO: 7/646 files analyzed, current file: models/src/modelComponents/CREDITOPTICSPRESCREEN/models/FPB1.0.mdl.xml 16:04:27 INFO: 646/646 source files have been analyzed 16:04:27 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16:04:27 INFO: EXECUTION FAILURE 16:04:27 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16:04:27 INFO: Total time: 2:18.183s 16:04:27 INFO: Final Memory: 18M/1365M 16:04:27 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16:04:27 ERROR: Error during SonarQube Scanner execution 16:04:27 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 16:04:27 at org.sonarsource.analyzer.commons.xml.XmlFilePosition.shift(XmlFilePosition.java:83) 16:04:27 at org.sonarsource.analyzer.commons.xml.XmlFilePosition.shift(XmlFilePosition.java:62) 16:04:27 at org.sonarsource.analyzer.commons.xml.XmlFilePosition.moveAfterClosingBracket(XmlFilePosition.java:109) 16:04:27 at In SQ 6.7, each module gets indexed separately, but with the new SQ 8.9 it tries to analyze the whole project at once. Also this is what I see in the output which is not in the old: 16:02:11 INFO: Base dir: ../trt/all/src < this is the root of the project> 16:02:11 INFO: ../trt/all/src/.scannerwork 16:02:11 INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'trt-all:develop' 16:02:11 INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'trt-all:develop' (done) | time=21ms 16:02:11 INFO: Auto-configuring with CI 'Jenkins' So definitely adding ':' in the sonar.projectKey messes things up. I don't know what component means here.