2020.09.03 19:24:33 INFO web[][o.s.p.ProcessEntryPoint] Starting web 2020.09.03 19:24:34 INFO web[][o.a.t.u.n.NioSelectorPool] Using a shared selector for servlet write/read 2020.09.03 19:24:37 INFO web[][o.e.p.PluginsService] no modules loaded 2020.09.03 19:24:37 INFO web[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded plugin [org.elasticsearch.join.ParentJoinPlugin] 2020.09.03 19:24:37 INFO web[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded plugin [org.elasticsearch.percolator.PercolatorPlugin] 2020.09.03 19:24:37 INFO web[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded plugin [org.elasticsearch.transport.Netty4Plugin] 2020.09.03 19:24:40 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.EsClientProvider] Connected to local Elasticsearch: [] 2020.09.03 19:24:40 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.LogServerVersion] SonarQube Server / / d56689a5eb122c06cf87375828085609f5a68323 2020.09.03 19:24:40 INFO web[][o.sonar.db.Database] Create JDBC data source for jdbc:postgresql://localhost/sonarpoc?currentSchema=public 2020.09.03 19:24:43 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerFileSystemImpl] SonarQube home: D:\sonarqube-7.6 2020.09.03 19:24:43 INFO web[][o.s.s.u.SystemPasscodeImpl] System authentication by passcode is disabled 2020.09.03 19:24:44 WARN web[][o.s.s.p.DatabaseServerCompatibility] Database must be upgraded. Please backup database and browse /setup 2020.09.03 19:24:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin Git / / 1d54e49a5f952dfb4ccded090f8043a2a62d0372 2020.09.03 19:24:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin JaCoCo / / 65c55e41e32c114704fd597ccea91fc55becb4ec 2020.09.03 19:24:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin LDAP / / 79dc3fa4393a29667673c70182f3016288b548b7 2020.09.03 19:24:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarC# / / 4e51d150065288432fd1411d29d5aebf2ab7f133 2020.09.03 19:24:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarCSS / / 3ad5232345519caed38a24c70fb77e91757833bf 2020.09.03 19:24:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarFlex / / 68d9cb3b7daccbc4869c4f2b89d09218d26a0829 2020.09.03 19:24:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarGo / / 1809c7be6d88396c0a1b8d597b1e9e0ed8d29730 2020.09.03 19:24:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarHTML / / 4181edb5eff5605bec82dc0aa15ecd70eaa5857f 2020.09.03 19:24:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarJS / / ac2fe7567f3dfeb3295e2e710afd8c06b7760e9d 2020.09.03 19:24:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarJava / / 448c4b8fce8d8ac53a9a7a7265d4de1c1ac87a4e 2020.09.03 19:24:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarKotlin / / f71ae433edd0c1f1dbab3fed4d755ef17aef8573 2020.09.03 19:24:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarPHP / / 80c76cb14e9eae6bd982fa6ac8c39b2de1f89b6f 2020.09.03 19:24:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarPython / / 3ec86bb66699ff9ccf2c00c84f360210eb3ffd8d 2020.09.03 19:24:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarRuby / / f71ae433edd0c1f1dbab3fed4d755ef17aef8573 2020.09.03 19:24:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarScala / / f71ae433edd0c1f1dbab3fed4d755ef17aef8573 2020.09.03 19:24:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarTS / / 4a4080b78001a78d758d1d0fa0190fb9496b6f57 2020.09.03 19:24:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarVB / / 4e51d150065288432fd1411d29d5aebf2ab7f133 2020.09.03 19:24:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarXML / / c5b84004face582d56f110e24c29bf9c6a679e69 2020.09.03 19:24:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin Svn / / 942e075773975354e32691a60bfd968065703e04 2020.09.03 19:24:49 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.c.PostgresCharsetHandler] Verify that database charset supports UTF8 2020.09.03 19:24:50 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.Platform] Database needs migration 2020.09.03 19:24:50 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.ws.WebServiceFilter@7fc94668 [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/api/system/migrate_db.*, ...], exclusions=[/api/properties*, ...]}] 2020.09.03 19:24:51 INFO web[][o.s.s.a.EmbeddedTomcat] HTTP connector enabled on port 9000 2020.09.03 19:26:45 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.DatabaseMigrationImpl] Starting DB Migration and container restart 2020.09.03 19:26:45 INFO web[][DbMigrations] Executing DB migrations... 2020.09.03 19:26:45 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1900 'Add QUALITY_GATES.IS_BUILT_IN'... 2020.09.03 19:26:45 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1900 'Add QUALITY_GATES.IS_BUILT_IN': success | time=344ms 2020.09.03 19:26:45 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1901 'Populate QUALITY_GATES.IS_BUILT_IN'... 2020.09.03 19:26:45 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 quality_gates processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:45 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1901 'Populate QUALITY_GATES.IS_BUILT_IN': success | time=96ms 2020.09.03 19:26:45 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1902 'Make QUALITY_GATES.IS_BUILT_IN not null'... 2020.09.03 19:26:45 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1902 'Make QUALITY_GATES.IS_BUILT_IN not null': success | time=7ms 2020.09.03 19:26:45 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1903 'Remove quality gates loaded templates'... 2020.09.03 19:26:45 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 delete loaded templates for quality gate processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:45 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1903 'Remove quality gates loaded templates': success | time=20ms 2020.09.03 19:26:45 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1904 'Rename quality gate "SonarQube way" to "Sonar way"'... 2020.09.03 19:26:45 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 quality gates processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:45 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1904 'Rename quality gate "SonarQube way" to "Sonar way"': success | time=11ms 2020.09.03 19:26:45 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1905 'Drop LOADED_TEMPLATES table'... 2020.09.03 19:26:46 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1905 'Drop LOADED_TEMPLATES table': success | time=130ms 2020.09.03 19:26:46 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1906 'Create table live_measures'... 2020.09.03 19:26:46 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1906 'Create table live_measures': success | time=610ms 2020.09.03 19:26:46 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1907 'Populate table live_measures'... 2020.09.03 19:26:47 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 2182 live measures processed (36 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:47 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1907 'Populate table live_measures': success | time=990ms 2020.09.03 19:26:47 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1908 'Delete person and file measures'... 2020.09.03 19:26:47 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 snapshots processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:47 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1908 'Delete person and file measures': success | time=27ms 2020.09.03 19:26:47 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1909 'Drop index on project_measures.person_id'... 2020.09.03 19:26:47 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1909 'Drop index on project_measures.person_id': success | time=20ms 2020.09.03 19:26:47 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1910 'Create ORG_QUALITY_GATES table'... 2020.09.03 19:26:47 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1910 'Create ORG_QUALITY_GATES table': success | time=292ms 2020.09.03 19:26:47 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1911 'Add ORGANIZATIONS.DEFAULT_QUALITY_GATE_UUID'... 2020.09.03 19:26:47 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1911 'Add ORGANIZATIONS.DEFAULT_QUALITY_GATE_UUID': success | time=7ms 2020.09.03 19:26:47 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1912 'Create QUALITY_GATES.UUID'... 2020.09.03 19:26:47 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1912 'Create QUALITY_GATES.UUID': success | time=5ms 2020.09.03 19:26:47 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1913 'Populate QUALITY_GATES.UUID'... 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 quality gates processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1913 'Populate QUALITY_GATES.UUID': success | time=16ms 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1914 'Make QUALITY_GATES.UUID not nullable'... 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1914 'Make QUALITY_GATES.UUID not nullable': success | time=136ms 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1915 'Drop unique index on QUALITY_GATES.NAME'... 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1915 'Drop unique index on QUALITY_GATES.NAME': success | time=8ms 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1916 'Create builtin quality gate if required'... 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1916 'Create builtin quality gate if required': success | time=15ms 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1917 'Populate ORG_QUALITY_GATES table'... 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 organizations processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1917 'Populate ORG_QUALITY_GATES table': success | time=22ms 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1918 'Populate default quality gate on organization'... 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 organizations processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1918 'Populate default quality gate on organization': success | time=11ms 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1919 'Associate existing quality gates to default organization'... 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 quality gates processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1919 'Associate existing quality gates to default organization': success | time=9ms 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1920 'Read 'sonar.qualitygate' setting and set the value to default organization'... 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 rows processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1920 'Read 'sonar.qualitygate' setting and set the value to default organization': success | time=11ms 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1921 'Delete 'sonar.qualitygate' setting at global level'... 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 rows processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1921 'Delete 'sonar.qualitygate' setting at global level': success | time=7ms 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1922 'Make ORGANIZATIONS.DEFAULT_QUALITY_GATE_UUID not nullable'... 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1922 'Make ORGANIZATIONS.DEFAULT_QUALITY_GATE_UUID not nullable': success | time=4ms 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1923 'Add users.homepage_type and users.homepage_parameter'... 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1923 'Add users.homepage_type and users.homepage_parameter': success | time=3ms 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2000 'Delete settings defined in sonar.properties from PROPERTIES table'... 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2000 'Delete settings defined in sonar.properties from PROPERTIES table': success | time=5ms 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2001 'Add scope to rules'... 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2001 'Add scope to rules': success | time=3ms 2020.09.03 19:26:48 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2002 'Set rules scope to MAIN'... 2020.09.03 19:26:50 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1474 rules processed (24 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:50 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2002 'Set rules scope to MAIN': success | time=2115ms 2020.09.03 19:26:50 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2003 'Make scope not nullable in rules'... 2020.09.03 19:26:50 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2003 'Make scope not nullable in rules': success | time=7ms 2020.09.03 19:26:50 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2004 'Use rule id in QPROFILE_CHANGES'... 2020.09.03 19:26:50 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 969 rows processed (16 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:50 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2004 'Use rule id in QPROFILE_CHANGES': success | time=274ms 2020.09.03 19:26:50 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2005 'Create table DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS'... 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2005 'Create table DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS': success | time=504ms 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2006 'Clean orphans in Compute Engine child tables'... 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 orphans rows in ce_task_input processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 orphans rows in ce_scanner_context processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 orphans rows in ce_task_characteristics processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2006 'Clean orphans in Compute Engine child tables': success | time=50ms 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2007 'Update PERMISSION_TEMPLATES.KEYS '... 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 permission templates processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2007 'Update PERMISSION_TEMPLATES.KEYS ': success | time=24ms 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2008 'Make scope not nullable in rules'... 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2008 'Make scope not nullable in rules': success | time=4ms 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2009 'Create table PROJECT_LINKS2'... 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2009 'Create table PROJECT_LINKS2': success | time=95ms 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2010 'Populate table PROJECT_LINKS2'... 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 project links processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2010 'Populate table PROJECT_LINKS2': success | time=16ms 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2011 'Drop table PROJECT_LINKS'... 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2011 'Drop table PROJECT_LINKS': success | time=31ms 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2012 'Rename table PROJECT_LINKS2 to PROJECT_LINKS'... 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2012 'Rename table PROJECT_LINKS2 to PROJECT_LINKS': success | time=70ms 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2013 'Create WEBHOOKS Table'... 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2013 'Create WEBHOOKS Table': success | time=282ms 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2014 'Migrate webhooks from SETTINGS table to WEBHOOKS table'... 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2014 'Migrate webhooks from SETTINGS table to WEBHOOKS table': success | time=62ms 2020.09.03 19:26:51 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2015 'Add webhook key to WEBHOOK_DELIVERIES table'... 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2015 'Add webhook key to WEBHOOK_DELIVERIES table': success | time=255ms 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2016 'Increase branch type size in PROJECT_BRANCHES'... 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2016 'Increase branch type size in PROJECT_BRANCHES': success | time=4ms 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2017 'Add key_type column in PROJECT_BRANCHES'... 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2017 'Add key_type column in PROJECT_BRANCHES': success | time=3ms 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2018 'Fill key_type column in PROJECT_BRANCHES'... 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 branches processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2018 'Fill key_type column in PROJECT_BRANCHES': success | time=15ms 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2019 'Make key_type not nullable in PROJECT_BRANCHES'... 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2019 'Make key_type not nullable in PROJECT_BRANCHES': success | time=4ms 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2020 'Replace index in PROJECT_BRANCHES'... 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2020 'Replace index in PROJECT_BRANCHES': success | time=102ms 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2021 'Add pull_request_data in PROJECT_BRANCHES'... 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2021 'Add pull_request_data in PROJECT_BRANCHES': success | time=113ms 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2022 'Clean broken project to QG references'... 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2022 'Clean broken project to QG references': success | time=10ms 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2023 'Delete measures of project copies'... 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2023 'Delete measures of project copies': success | time=7ms 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2100 'Increase size of USERS.CRYPTED_PASSWORD'... 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2100 'Increase size of USERS.CRYPTED_PASSWORD': success | time=4ms 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2101 'Add HASH_METHOD to table users'... 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2101 'Add HASH_METHOD to table users': success | time=4ms 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2102 'Populate HASH_METHOD on table users'... 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2102 'Populate HASH_METHOD on table users': success | time=12ms 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2103 'Add isExternal boolean to rules'... 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2103 'Add isExternal boolean to rules': success | time=3ms 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2104 'Create ALM_APP_INSTALLS table'... 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2104 'Create ALM_APP_INSTALLS table': success | time=231ms 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2105 'Add LINE_HASHES_VERSION to table FILE_SOURCES'... 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2105 'Add LINE_HASHES_VERSION to table FILE_SOURCES': success | time=9ms 2020.09.03 19:26:52 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2106 'Create PROJECT_MAPPINGS table'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2106 'Create PROJECT_MAPPINGS table': success | time=494ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2107 'Add UUID on table USERS'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2107 'Add UUID on table USERS': success | time=4ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2108 'Populate USERS.UUID with USERS.LOGIN'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 users processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2108 'Populate USERS.UUID with USERS.LOGIN': success | time=21ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2109 'Add EXTERNAL_ID on table users'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2109 'Add EXTERNAL_ID on table users': success | time=14ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2110 'Rename EXTERNAL_IDENTITY to EXTERNAL_LOGIN on table users'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2110 'Rename EXTERNAL_IDENTITY to EXTERNAL_LOGIN on table users': success | time=10ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2111 'Update null values from external columns and login of users'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 users processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2111 'Update null values from external columns and login of users': success | time=10ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2112 'Populate EXTERNAL_ID on table users'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 users processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2112 'Populate EXTERNAL_ID on table users': success | time=8ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2113 'Makes same columns of table users not nullable'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2113 'Makes same columns of table users not nullable': success | time=67ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2114 'Add unique indexes on table users'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2114 'Add unique indexes on table users': success | time=152ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2115 'Add ORGANIZATION_UUID on table users'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2115 'Add ORGANIZATION_UUID on table users': success | time=7ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2116 'Populate ORGANIZATION_UUID in table users'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 users processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2116 'Populate ORGANIZATION_UUID in table users': success | time=18ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2117 'Drop USER_ID from table organizations'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2117 'Drop USER_ID from table organizations': success | time=12ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2118 'Rename USER_LOGIN TO USER_UUID on table QPROFILE_CHANGES'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2118 'Rename USER_LOGIN TO USER_UUID on table QPROFILE_CHANGES': success | time=4ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2119 'Rename LOGIN TO USER_UUID on table USER_TOKENS'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2119 'Rename LOGIN TO USER_UUID on table USER_TOKENS': success | time=52ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2120 'Rename USER_LOGIN TO USER_UUID on table MANUAL_MEASURES'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2120 'Rename USER_LOGIN TO USER_UUID on table MANUAL_MEASURES': success | time=17ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2121 'Rename NOTE_USER_LOGIN TO NOTE_USER_UUID on table RULES_METADATA'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2121 'Rename NOTE_USER_LOGIN TO NOTE_USER_UUID on table RULES_METADATA': success | time=3ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2122 'Rename SUBMITTER_LOGIN TO SUBMITTER_UUID on table CE_QUEUE'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2122 'Rename SUBMITTER_LOGIN TO SUBMITTER_UUID on table CE_QUEUE': success | time=2ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2123 'Rename SUBMITTER_LOGIN TO SUBMITTER_UUID on table CE_ACTIVITY'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2123 'Rename SUBMITTER_LOGIN TO SUBMITTER_UUID on table CE_ACTIVITY': success | time=52ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2124 'Add FILE_SOURCE.LINE_COUNT'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2124 'Add FILE_SOURCE.LINE_COUNT': success | time=3ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2125 'Populate FILE_SOURCE.LINE_COUNT'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 file sources processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2125 'Populate FILE_SOURCE.LINE_COUNT': success | time=33ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2126 'Make FILE_SOURCE.LINE_COUNT not nullable'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2126 'Make FILE_SOURCE.LINE_COUNT not nullable': success | time=5ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2127 'Purge orphans for Compute Engine'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2127 'Purge orphans for Compute Engine': success | time=25ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2128 'Purge duplicate rules_parameters and their orphans'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2128 'Purge duplicate rules_parameters and their orphans': success | time=22ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2129 'Add unique index on rule_id + name on rules_parameters'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2129 'Add unique index on rule_id + name on rules_parameters': success | time=122ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2200 'Populate PROJECT_BRANCHES with existing main application branches'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 applications processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2200 'Populate PROJECT_BRANCHES with existing main application branches': success | time=16ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2201 'Add 'securityhotspotadmin' permission to all permission templates groups already having 'issueadmin''... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 permission templates groups roles processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2201 'Add 'securityhotspotadmin' permission to all permission templates groups already having 'issueadmin'': success | time=24ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2202 'Add 'securityhotspotadmin' permission to all permission templates users already having 'issueadmin''... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 permission templates users roles processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2202 'Add 'securityhotspotadmin' permission to all permission templates users already having 'issueadmin'': success | time=10ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2203 'Add 'securityhotspotadmin' permission to all groups already having 'issueadmin''... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 group roles processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2203 'Add 'securityhotspotadmin' permission to all groups already having 'issueadmin'': success | time=17ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2204 'Add 'securityhotspotadmin' permission to all users already having 'issueadmin''... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 user roles processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2204 'Add 'securityhotspotadmin' permission to all users already having 'issueadmin'': success | time=12ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2205 'Add 'from hotspot' flag to issues'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2205 'Add 'from hotspot' flag to issues': success | time=2ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2206 'Add SUBSCRIPTION column to ORGANIZATIONS table'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2206 'Add SUBSCRIPTION column to ORGANIZATIONS table': success | time=5ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2207 'Populate SUBSCRIPTION in ORGANIZATIONS'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 organizations processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2207 'Populate SUBSCRIPTION in ORGANIZATIONS': success | time=17ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2208 'Add rules.security_standards'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2208 'Add rules.security_standards': success | time=4ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2209 'Fix missing quality profiles on organizations'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2209 'Fix missing quality profiles on organizations': success | time=2ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2210 'Add 'securityhotspotadmin' permission to templates characteristics already having 'issueadmin''... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 permission templates characteristics processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2210 'Add 'securityhotspotadmin' permission to templates characteristics already having 'issueadmin'': success | time=36ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2211 'Set SUBSCRIPTION not nullable in ORGANIZATIONS'... 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2211 'Set SUBSCRIPTION not nullable in ORGANIZATIONS': success | time=6ms 2020.09.03 19:26:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2212 'Add index on ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS'... 2020.09.03 19:26:54 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2212 'Add index on ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS': success | time=167ms 2020.09.03 19:26:54 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2213 'Create table to store project ALM bindings'... 2020.09.03 19:26:54 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2213 'Create table to store project ALM bindings': success | time=308ms 2020.09.03 19:26:54 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2300 'Populate null values of IS_EXTERNAL in RULES'... 2020.09.03 19:26:54 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1474 rules processed (24 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:54 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2300 'Populate null values of IS_EXTERNAL in RULES': success | time=334ms 2020.09.03 19:26:54 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2301 'Add IS_ADHOC column to RULES table'... 2020.09.03 19:26:54 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2301 'Add IS_ADHOC column to RULES table': success | time=3ms 2020.09.03 19:26:54 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2302 'Populate IS_AD_HOC in RULES'... 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1474 rules processed (24 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2302 'Populate IS_AD_HOC in RULES': success | time=269ms 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2303 'Set IS_EXTERNAL and IS_AD_HOC not nullable in RULES'... 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2303 'Set IS_EXTERNAL and IS_AD_HOC not nullable in RULES': success | time=7ms 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2304 'Add ad hoc related columns in RULES_METADATA'... 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2304 'Add ad hoc related columns in RULES_METADATA': success | time=5ms 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2312 'Add CE_QUEUE.MAIN_COMPONENT_UUID 1/3'... 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2312 'Add CE_QUEUE.MAIN_COMPONENT_UUID 1/3': success | time=429ms 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2313 'Add CE_ACTIVITY.MAIN_COMPONENT_UUID 1/3'... 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2313 'Add CE_ACTIVITY.MAIN_COMPONENT_UUID 1/3': success | time=191ms 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2314 'Populate CE_QUEUE.MAIN_COMPONENT_UUID 2/3'... 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 queued tasks of branches processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 queued tasks of PRs processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 queued tasks of never analyzed branches processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 queued tasks of never analyzed PRs processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 queued tasks of main and deprecated branches processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2314 'Populate CE_QUEUE.MAIN_COMPONENT_UUID 2/3': success | time=36ms 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2315 'Populate CE_ACTIVITY.MAIN_COMPONENT_UUID 2/3'... 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 Archived tasks of branches processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 Archived tasks of PRs processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 Archived tasks of main and deprecated branches processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2315 'Populate CE_ACTIVITY.MAIN_COMPONENT_UUID 2/3': success | time=49ms 2020.09.03 19:26:55 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2316 'Add CE_ACTIVITY.MAIN_LAST_KEY 1/3'... 2020.09.03 19:26:56 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2316 'Add CE_ACTIVITY.MAIN_LAST_KEY 1/3': success | time=393ms 2020.09.03 19:26:56 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2317 'Populate CE_ACTIVITY.MAIN_LAST_KEY 2/3'... 2020.09.03 19:26:56 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 rows of ce_activity processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:56 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2317 'Populate CE_ACTIVITY.MAIN_LAST_KEY 2/3': success | time=54ms 2020.09.03 19:26:56 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2318 'Finalize CE_QUEUE.MAIN_COMPONENT_UUID 3/3'... 2020.09.03 19:26:56 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2318 'Finalize CE_QUEUE.MAIN_COMPONENT_UUID 3/3': success | time=292ms 2020.09.03 19:26:56 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2319 'Finalize CE_ACTIVITY.MAIN_COMPONENT_UUID 3/3'... 2020.09.03 19:26:57 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2319 'Finalize CE_ACTIVITY.MAIN_COMPONENT_UUID 3/3': success | time=730ms 2020.09.03 19:26:57 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2320 'Finalize CE_ACTIVITY.MAIN_LAST_KEY 3/3'... 2020.09.03 19:26:57 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2320 'Finalize CE_ACTIVITY.MAIN_LAST_KEY 3/3': success | time=600ms 2020.09.03 19:26:57 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2321 'Increase organization key and name length'... 2020.09.03 19:26:57 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2321 'Increase organization key and name length': success | time=79ms 2020.09.03 19:26:57 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2322 'Create table CE_TASK_MESSAGE'... 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2322 'Create table CE_TASK_MESSAGE': success | time=546ms 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2323 'Clean orphans from deleted branches and PRs in CE_* tables'... 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 orphans of deleted branch/pr processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2323 'Clean orphans from deleted branches and PRs in CE_* tables': success | time=129ms 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2324 'Create new creator permissions for applications and portfolios'... 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.v.v.CreateApplicationsAndPortfoliosCreatorPermissions] There is no default template for views. Skipping adding applications and portfolios creator permissions. 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.v.v.CreateApplicationsAndPortfoliosCreatorPermissions] Unable to find the default template [null] for views. Skipping adding applications and portfolios creator permissions. 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2324 'Create new creator permissions for applications and portfolios': success | time=47ms 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2325 'Add default templates for applications and portfolios'... 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2325 'Add default templates for applications and portfolios': success | time=4ms 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2326 'Create new creator permissions for applications and portfolios'... 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.v.v.CreateApplicationsAndPortfoliosCreatorPermissions] There is no default template for views. Skipping adding applications and portfolios creator permissions. 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.v.v.CreateApplicationsAndPortfoliosCreatorPermissions] Unable to find the default template [null] for views. Skipping adding applications and portfolios creator permissions. 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2326 'Create new creator permissions for applications and portfolios': success | time=4ms 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2327 'Populate default template permissions on organizations'... 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 organizations processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2327 'Populate default template permissions on organizations': success | time=3ms 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2328 'Add portfolio and application creator permissions on sonar-administrators group'... 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2328 'Add portfolio and application creator permissions on sonar-administrators group': success | time=6ms 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2329 'Drop column DEFAULT_PERM_TEMPLATE_VIEW on organizations'... 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2329 'Drop column DEFAULT_PERM_TEMPLATE_VIEW on organizations': success | time=1ms 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2400 'Add column IS_OWNER_USER in ALM_APP_INSTALLS'... 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2400 'Add column IS_OWNER_USER in ALM_APP_INSTALLS': success | time=2ms 2020.09.03 19:26:58 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2401 'Create ORGANIZATION_ALM_BINDINGS table'... 2020.09.03 19:26:59 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2401 'Create ORGANIZATION_ALM_BINDINGS table': success | time=610ms 2020.09.03 19:26:59 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2402 'Add column USER_EXTERNAL_ID in ALM_APP_INSTALLS'... 2020.09.03 19:26:59 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2402 'Add column USER_EXTERNAL_ID in ALM_APP_INSTALLS': success | time=55ms 2020.09.03 19:26:59 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2403 'Set IS_OWNER_USER not nullable in ALM_APP_INSTALLS'... 2020.09.03 19:26:59 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2403 'Set IS_OWNER_USER not nullable in ALM_APP_INSTALLS': success | time=3ms 2020.09.03 19:26:59 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2404 'Add table EVENT_COMPONENT_CHANGES'... 2020.09.03 19:26:59 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2404 'Add table EVENT_COMPONENT_CHANGES': success | time=355ms 2020.09.03 19:26:59 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2500 'Create table USER_PROPERTIES'... 2020.09.03 19:26:59 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2500 'Create table USER_PROPERTIES': success | time=245ms 2020.09.03 19:26:59 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2501 'Add index in table USER_PROPERTIES'... 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2501 'Add index in table USER_PROPERTIES': success | time=107ms 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2502 'Archive module properties in a new project level property'... 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 module level properties processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2502 'Archive module properties in a new project level property': success | time=14ms 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2503 'Delete useless 'sonar.dbcleaner.cleanDirectory' property'... 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2503 'Delete useless 'sonar.dbcleaner.cleanDirectory' property': success | time=4ms 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2504 'Delete useless module and folder level measures'... 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 45 components processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2504 'Delete useless module and folder level measures': success | time=31ms 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2505 'Fix the direction values of certain metrics (prepare for migration of conditions)'... 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2505 'Fix the direction values of certain metrics (prepare for migration of conditions)': success | time=13ms 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2506 'Migrate quality gate conditions using warning, period and no more supported operations'... 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.v.v.MigrateNoMoreUsedQualityGateConditions] 1 custom quality gates have been loaded 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.v.v.MigrateNoMoreUsedQualityGateConditions] 0 conditions have been removed 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.v.v.MigrateNoMoreUsedQualityGateConditions] 0 conditions have been updated 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2506 'Migrate quality gate conditions using warning, period and no more supported operations': success | time=61ms 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2507 'Delete sonar.onboardingTutorial.showToNewUsers from settings'... 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 useless onboarding settings processed (0 items/sec) 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2507 'Delete sonar.onboardingTutorial.showToNewUsers from settings': success | time=4ms 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2508 'Add unique index on EXTERNAL_LOGIN and EXTERNAL_IDENTITY_PROVIDER columns in table USERS'... 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2508 'Add unique index on EXTERNAL_LOGIN and EXTERNAL_IDENTITY_PROVIDER columns in table USERS': success | time=110ms 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][DbMigrations] Executed DB migrations: success | time=14844ms 2020.09.03 19:27:00 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.DatabaseMigrationImpl] DB Migration and container restart: success | time=15168ms 2020.09.03 19:27:00 WARN web[][o.s.s.p.s.ServerIdManager] Server ID is reset because it is not valid anymore. Database URL probably changed. The new server ID affects SonarSource licensed products. 2020.09.03 19:27:05 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.UpdateCenterClient] Update center: https://update.sonarsource.org/update-center.properties (no proxy) 2020.09.03 19:27:07 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create index metadatas 2020.09.03 19:27:09 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type metadatas/metadata 2020.09.03 19:27:11 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create index components 2020.09.03 19:27:15 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type components/component 2020.09.03 19:27:15 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type components/authorization 2020.09.03 19:27:15 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create index tests 2020.09.03 19:27:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type tests/test 2020.09.03 19:27:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create index projectmeasures 2020.09.03 19:27:21 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type projectmeasures/projectmeasure 2020.09.03 19:27:21 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type projectmeasures/authorization 2020.09.03 19:27:21 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create index rules 2020.09.03 19:27:23 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type rules/activeRule 2020.09.03 19:27:23 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type rules/ruleExtension 2020.09.03 19:27:23 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type rules/rule 2020.09.03 19:27:23 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create index issues 2020.09.03 19:27:26 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type issues/issue 2020.09.03 19:27:26 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type issues/authorization 2020.09.03 19:27:26 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create index users 2020.09.03 19:27:27 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type users/user 2020.09.03 19:27:27 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create index views 2020.09.03 19:27:30 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type views/view 2020.09.03 19:27:30 INFO web[][o.s.s.s.LogServerId] Server ID: FBAA49E9-AXRT_7wi0DY-9vthlYij 2020.09.03 19:27:30 WARN web[][o.s.a.s.w.WebService$Action] The response example is not set on action api/plugins/download 2020.09.03 19:27:30 WARN web[][o.s.a.s.w.WebService$Action] The response example is not set on action api/permissions/search_templates 2020.09.03 19:27:31 INFO web[][o.s.s.t.TelemetryDaemon] Sharing of SonarQube statistics is enabled. 2020.09.03 19:27:31 INFO web[][o.s.s.n.NotificationDaemon] Notification service started (delay 60 sec.) 2020.09.03 19:27:31 INFO web[][o.s.s.s.GeneratePluginIndex] Generate scanner plugin index 2020.09.03 19:27:31 INFO web[][o.s.s.s.RegisterPlugins] Register plugins 2020.09.03 19:27:31 INFO web[][o.s.s.s.RegisterMetrics] Register metrics 2020.09.03 19:27:31 INFO web[][o.s.s.s.RegisterMetrics] Disable metric Accessors [accessors] 2020.09.03 19:27:31 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.RegisterQualityGates] Built-in quality gate's conditions of [Sonar way] has been updated 2020.09.03 19:27:31 INFO web[][o.s.s.r.RegisterRules] Register rules 2020.09.03 19:27:39 INFO web[][o.s.s.r.RegisterRules] Disable rule typescript:S4125 2020.09.03 19:27:39 INFO web[][o.s.s.r.RegisterRules] Disable rule Pylint:E9900 2020.09.03 19:27:39 INFO web[][o.s.s.r.RegisterRules] Disable rule xml:XmlSchemaCheck 2020.09.03 19:27:39 INFO web[][o.s.s.r.RegisterRules] Disable rule squid:S2076 2020.09.03 19:27:39 INFO web[][o.s.s.r.RegisterRules] Disable rule squid:S2078 2020.09.03 19:27:39 INFO web[][o.s.s.r.RegisterRules] Disable rule squid:ArchitecturalConstraint 2020.09.03 19:27:39 INFO web[][o.s.s.r.RegisterRules] Disable rule squid:S3318 2020.09.03 19:27:39 INFO web[][o.s.s.r.RegisterRules] Disable rule csharpsquid:S3649 2020.09.03 19:27:52 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.BuiltInQProfileRepositoryImpl] Load quality profiles 2020.09.03 19:27:53 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.RegisterQualityProfiles] Register quality profiles 2020.09.03 19:27:53 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.RegisterQualityProfiles] Register profile css/Sonar way 2020.09.03 19:27:54 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.RegisterQualityProfiles] Register profile scala/Sonar way 2020.09.03 19:27:55 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.RegisterQualityProfiles] Register profile jsp/Sonar way 2020.09.03 19:27:55 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.RegisterQualityProfiles] Register profile kotlin/Sonar way 2020.09.03 19:27:56 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.RegisterQualityProfiles] Register profile go/Sonar way 2020.09.03 19:27:56 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.RegisterQualityProfiles] Update profile js/Sonar way Recommended 2020.09.03 19:27:57 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.RegisterQualityProfiles] Update profile js/Sonar way 2020.09.03 19:27:57 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.RegisterQualityProfiles] Update profile py/Sonar way 2020.09.03 19:27:58 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.RegisterQualityProfiles] Register profile ruby/Sonar way 2020.09.03 19:27:59 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.RegisterQualityProfiles] Update profile cs/Sonar way 2020.09.03 19:27:59 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.RegisterQualityProfiles] Update profile java/Sonar way 2020.09.03 19:28:01 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.RegisterQualityProfiles] Register profile web/Sonar way 2020.09.03 19:28:02 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.RegisterQualityProfiles] Update profile xml/Sonar way 2020.09.03 19:28:02 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.RegisterQualityProfiles] Update profile flex/Sonar way 2020.09.03 19:28:03 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.RegisterQualityProfiles] Update profile php/PSR-2 2020.09.03 19:28:03 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.RegisterQualityProfiles] Update profile php/Drupal 2020.09.03 19:28:03 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.RegisterQualityProfiles] Update profile php/Sonar way 2020.09.03 19:28:04 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.RegisterQualityProfiles] Register profile vbnet/Sonar way 2020.09.03 19:28:04 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.RegisterQualityProfiles] Update profile ts/Sonar way 2020.09.03 19:28:05 INFO web[][o.s.s.q.RegisterQualityProfiles] Update profile ts/Sonar way recommended 2020.09.03 19:28:06 INFO web[][o.s.s.s.RegisterPermissionTemplates] Register permission templates 2020.09.03 19:28:06 INFO web[][o.s.s.s.RenameDeprecatedPropertyKeys] Rename deprecated property keys 2020.09.03 19:28:06 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.ws.WebServiceFilter@42710db8 [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/api/issues/delete_comment.*, ...], exclusions=[/api/properties*, ...]}] 2020.09.03 19:28:06 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.ws.DeprecatedPropertiesWsFilter@715968a3 [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/api/properties/*], exclusions=[]}] 2020.09.03 19:28:06 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.ws.WebServiceReroutingFilter@3fe4bed5 [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/api/components/bulk_update_key, ...], exclusions=[]}] 2020.09.03 19:28:06 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.authentication.InitFilter@68614e13 [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/sessions/init/*], exclusions=[]}] 2020.09.03 19:28:06 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.authentication.OAuth2CallbackFilter@6335c211 [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/oauth2/callback/*], exclusions=[]}] 2020.09.03 19:28:06 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.authentication.ws.LoginAction@12b8ef54 [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/api/authentication/login], exclusions=[]}] 2020.09.03 19:28:06 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.authentication.ws.LogoutAction@483501f7 [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/api/authentication/logout], exclusions=[]}] 2020.09.03 19:28:06 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.authentication.ws.ValidateAction@347490a8 [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/api/authentication/validate], exclusions=[]}] 2020.09.03 19:28:06 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexerStartupTask] Indexing of type [rules/activeRule] ... 2020.09.03 19:28:13 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexerStartupTask] Indexing of type [rules/activeRule] done | time=7085ms 2020.09.03 19:28:13 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexerStartupTask] Indexing of types [rules/ruleExtension],[rules/rule] ... 2020.09.03 19:28:25 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexerStartupTask] Indexing of types [rules/ruleExtension],[rules/rule] done | time=11796ms 2020.09.03 19:28:25 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexerStartupTask] Indexing of type [users/user] ... 2020.09.03 19:28:26 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexerStartupTask] Indexing of type [users/user] done | time=1213ms 2020.09.03 19:28:26 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexerStartupTask] Indexing of type [components/component] ... 2020.09.03 19:28:28 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexerStartupTask] Indexing of type [components/component] done | time=2379ms 2020.09.03 19:28:28 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexerStartupTask] Indexing of type [views/view] ... 2020.09.03 19:28:29 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexerStartupTask] Indexing of type [views/view] done | time=443ms 2020.09.03 19:28:29 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexerStartupTask] Indexing of type [issues/issue] ... 2020.09.03 19:28:31 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexerStartupTask] Indexing of type [issues/issue] done | time=1947ms 2020.09.03 19:28:31 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexerStartupTask] Indexing of types [components/authorization],[issues/authorization],[projectmeasures/authorization] ... 2020.09.03 19:28:37 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexerStartupTask] Indexing of types [components/authorization],[issues/authorization],[projectmeasures/authorization] done | time=5852ms 2020.09.03 19:28:37 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexerStartupTask] Indexing of type [projectmeasures/projectmeasure] ... 2020.09.03 19:28:38 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexerStartupTask] Indexing of type [projectmeasures/projectmeasure] done | time=1691ms 2020.09.03 19:28:38 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.p.PlatformLevelStartup] Running Community Edition 2020.09.03 19:28:38 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.Platform] WebServer is operational