``` -- 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.InternalHttpAsyncClient] [exchange: 350] releasing connection 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager] Releasing connection: [id: http-outgoing-0][route: {}->http://localhost:9001][total kept alive: 0; route allocated: 1 of 10; total allocated: 1 of 30] 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager] Connection [id: http-outgoing-0][route: {}->http://localhost:9001] can be kept alive indefinitely 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager] Connection released: [id: http-outgoing-0][route: {}->http://localhost:9001][total kept alive: 1; route allocated: 1 of 10; total allocated: 1 of 30] 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][tracer] curl -iX POST 'http://localhost:9001/components/_refresh?ignore_throttled=false&ignore_unavailable=false&expand_wildcards=open&allow_no_indices=true'\n# HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n# content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\n# content-length: 49\n#\n# {"_shards":{"total":5,"successful":5,"failed":0}} 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][es] ES refresh request on indices 'components' | time=8ms 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=3ms | sql=select file_uuid from file_sources fs inner join components p on p.uuid = fs.file_uuid and p.enabled = false and p.project_uuid=? | params=AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=2ms | sql=select i.component_uuid from issues i inner join components p on p.uuid = i.component_uuid and p.enabled = false and p.project_uuid=? where resolution is null | params=AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=2ms | sql=select lm.component_uuid from live_measures lm inner join components p on p.uuid = lm.component_uuid and p.enabled = false and p.project_uuid=? | params=AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=1ms | sql=SELECT kee FROM issues WHERE project_uuid=? AND issue_close_date < ? | params=AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1, 1625088638806 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=8ms | sql=delete from ce_scanner_context where task_uuid in ( select uuid from ce_activity where created_at < ? and ( component_uuid=? or main_component_uuid=? ) ) | params=1612128638807, AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1, AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=2ms | sql=delete from ce_task_characteristics where task_uuid in ( select uuid from ce_activity where created_at < ? and ( component_uuid=? or main_component_uuid=? ) ) | params=1612128638807, AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1, AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=1ms | sql=delete from ce_task_input where task_uuid in ( select uuid from ce_activity where created_at < ? and ( component_uuid=? or main_component_uuid=? ) ) | params=1612128638807, AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1, AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=2ms | sql=delete from ce_task_message where task_uuid in ( select uuid from ce_activity where created_at < ? and ( component_uuid=? or main_component_uuid=? ) ) | params=1612128638807, AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1, AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=0ms | sql=delete from ce_activity where created_at < ? and ( component_uuid=? or main_component_uuid=? ) | params=1612128638807, AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1, AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=1ms | sql=delete from ce_scanner_context where task_uuid in ( select uuid from ce_activity where created_at < ? and ( component_uuid=? or main_component_uuid=? ) ) | params=1625261438823, AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1, AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=1ms | sql=SELECT p.uuid FROM components p WHERE p.enabled = false AND p.project_uuid=? AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM issues i WHERE i.component_uuid = p.uuid) | params=AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.s.d.purge.PurgeDao] <- Purge stale branches 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=1ms | sql=select pb.uuid from project_branches pb left join snapshots s on s.component_uuid = pb.uuid and s.islast=true where pb.project_uuid=? and (pb.branch_type = 'PULL_REQUEST' or pb.exclude_from_purge = false) and (s.created_at is null or s.created_at < ?) | params=AXr0uwkyug7r9tDPG4jb, 1625088638826 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=1ms | sql=select p.prop_key as "key", p.is_empty as empty, p.text_value as textValue, p.clob_value as clobValue, p.component_uuid as componentUuid, p.user_uuid as userUuid from properties p where p.prop_key=? and p.component_uuid is null and p.user_uuid is null | params=sonar.showProfiling 2021.07.30 21:30:38 INFO ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.s.c.t.s.ComputationStepExecutor] Purge db | status=SUCCESS | time=61ms 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.s.c.t.p.s.IndexAnalysisStep] Call org.sonar.server.measure.index.ProjectMeasuresIndexer@78ba5d4 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=0ms | sql=SELECT p.uuid, p.kee, p.name, s.created_at, p.tags, p.qualifier FROM projects p LEFT OUTER JOIN snapshots s ON s.component_uuid=p.uuid AND s.islast=? WHERE p.qualifier in (?, ?) AND p.uuid=? | params=true, TRK, APP, AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 351] start execution 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.c.p.RequestAddCookies] CookieSpec selected: default 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.c.p.RequestAuthCache] Re-using cached 'basic' auth scheme for http://localhost:9001 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.c.p.RequestAuthCache] No credentials for preemptive authentication 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.i.n.c.InternalHttpAsyncClient] [exchange: 351] Request connection for {}->http://localhost:9001 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.i.n.c.PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager] Connection request: [route: {}->http://localhost:9001][total kept alive: 1; route allocated: 1 of 10; total allocated: 1 of 30] 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.i.n.c.PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager] Connection leased: [id: http-outgoing-0][route: {}->http://localhost:9001][total kept alive: 0; route allocated: 1 of 10; total allocated: 1 of 30] 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.i.n.c.InternalHttpAsyncClient] [exchange: 351] Connection allocated: CPoolProxy{http-outgoing-0 [ACTIVE]} 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 351] Attempt 1 to execute request 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 351] Target auth state: UNCHALLENGED 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 351] Proxy auth state: UNCHALLENGED 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 >> POST /projectmeasures/_refresh?ignore_throttled=false&ignore_unavailable=false&expand_wildcards=open&allow_no_indices=true HTTP/1.1 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 >> Content-Length: 0 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 >> Host: localhost:9001 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 >> Connection: Keep-Alive 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 >> User-Agent: Apache-HttpAsyncClient/4.1.4 (Java/11.0.10) 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 351] Request completed 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 << HTTP/1.1 200 OK 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 << content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 << content-length: 49 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 351] Response received HTTP/1.1 200 OK 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 351] Consume content 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.InternalHttpAsyncClient] [exchange: 351] Connection can be kept alive indefinitely 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 351] Response processed 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.InternalHttpAsyncClient] [exchange: 351] releasing connection 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager] Releasing connection: [id: http-outgoing-0][route: {}->http://localhost:9001][total kept alive: 0; route allocated: 1 of 10; total allocated: 1 of 30] 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager] Connection [id: http-outgoing-0][route: {}->http://localhost:9001] can be kept alive indefinitely 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager] Connection released: [id: http-outgoing-0][route: {}->http://localhost:9001][total kept alive: 1; route allocated: 1 of 10; total allocated: 1 of 30] 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][tracer] curl -iX POST 'http://localhost:9001/projectmeasures/_refresh?ignore_throttled=false&ignore_unavailable=false&expand_wildcards=open&allow_no_indices=true'\n# HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n# content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\n# content-length: 49\n#\n# {"_shards":{"total":5,"successful":5,"failed":0}} 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][es] ES refresh request on indices 'projectmeasures' | time=4ms 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.s.c.t.p.s.IndexAnalysisStep] Call org.sonar.server.component.index.ComponentIndexer@297fb1f6 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=1ms | sql=select p.uuid as uuid, p.uuid_path as uuidPath, p.project_uuid as projectUuid, p.module_uuid as moduleUuid, p.module_uuid_path as moduleUuidPath, p.main_branch_project_uuid as mainBranchProjectUuid, p.kee as kee, p.name as name, p.long_name as longName, p.description as description, p.qualifier as qualifier, p.scope as scope, p.language as language, p.root_uuid as rootUuid, p.path as path, p.enabled as enabled, p.copy_component_uuid as copyComponentUuid, p.private as isPrivate, p.created_at as createdAt from components p where p.enabled=true and p.copy_component_uuid is null and p.main_branch_project_uuid is null and p.scope = 'PRJ' and p.qualifier in ('TRK','VW','SVW','APP') and p.project_uuid = ? | params=AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 352] start execution 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.c.p.RequestAddCookies] CookieSpec selected: default 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.c.p.RequestAuthCache] Re-using cached 'basic' auth scheme for http://localhost:9001 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.c.p.RequestAuthCache] No credentials for preemptive authentication 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.i.n.c.InternalHttpAsyncClient] [exchange: 352] Request connection for {}->http://localhost:9001 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.i.n.c.PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager] Connection request: [route: {}->http://localhost:9001][total kept alive: 1; route allocated: 1 of 10; total allocated: 1 of 30] 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.i.n.c.PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager] Connection leased: [id: http-outgoing-0][route: {}->http://localhost:9001][total kept alive: 0; route allocated: 1 of 10; total allocated: 1 of 30] 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.i.n.c.InternalHttpAsyncClient] [exchange: 352] Connection allocated: CPoolProxy{http-outgoing-0 [ACTIVE]} 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 352] Attempt 1 to execute request 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 352] Target auth state: UNCHALLENGED 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 352] Proxy auth state: UNCHALLENGED 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 >> POST /components/_refresh?ignore_throttled=false&ignore_unavailable=false&expand_wildcards=open&allow_no_indices=true HTTP/1.1 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 >> Content-Length: 0 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 >> Host: localhost:9001 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 >> Connection: Keep-Alive 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 >> User-Agent: Apache-HttpAsyncClient/4.1.4 (Java/11.0.10) 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 352] Request completed 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 << HTTP/1.1 200 OK 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 << content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 << content-length: 49 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 352] Response received HTTP/1.1 200 OK 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 352] Consume content 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.InternalHttpAsyncClient] [exchange: 352] Connection can be kept alive indefinitely 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 352] Response processed 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.InternalHttpAsyncClient] [exchange: 352] releasing connection 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager] Releasing connection: [id: http-outgoing-0][route: {}->http://localhost:9001][total kept alive: 0; route allocated: 1 of 10; total allocated: 1 of 30] 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager] Connection [id: http-outgoing-0][route: {}->http://localhost:9001] can be kept alive indefinitely 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager] Connection released: [id: http-outgoing-0][route: {}->http://localhost:9001][total kept alive: 1; route allocated: 1 of 10; total allocated: 1 of 30] 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][tracer] curl -iX POST 'http://localhost:9001/components/_refresh?ignore_throttled=false&ignore_unavailable=false&expand_wildcards=open&allow_no_indices=true'\n# HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n# content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\n# content-length: 49\n#\n# {"_shards":{"total":5,"successful":5,"failed":0}} 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][es] ES refresh request on indices 'components' | time=4ms 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.s.c.t.p.s.IndexAnalysisStep] Call org.sonar.server.issue.index.IssueIndexer@29a80fab 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=2ms | sql=select i.kee,i.assignee,i.line,i.resolution,i.severity,i.status,i.effort,i.author_login,i.issue_close_date,i.issue_creation_date,i.issue_update_date,r.uuid,r.language,c.uuid,c.module_uuid_path,c.path,c.scope,c.project_uuid,c.main_branch_project_uuid,i.tags,i.issue_type,r.security_standards,c.qualifier from issues i inner join rules r on r.uuid = i.rule_uuid inner join components c on c.uuid = i.component_uuid and c.project_uuid = ? and i.project_uuid = ? | params=AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1, AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 353] start execution 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.c.p.RequestAddCookies] CookieSpec selected: default 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.c.p.RequestAuthCache] Re-using cached 'basic' auth scheme for http://localhost:9001 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.c.p.RequestAuthCache] No credentials for preemptive authentication 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.i.n.c.InternalHttpAsyncClient] [exchange: 353] Request connection for {}->http://localhost:9001 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.i.n.c.PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager] Connection request: [route: {}->http://localhost:9001][total kept alive: 1; route allocated: 1 of 10; total allocated: 1 of 30] 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.i.n.c.PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager] Connection leased: [id: http-outgoing-0][route: {}->http://localhost:9001][total kept alive: 0; route allocated: 1 of 10; total allocated: 1 of 30] 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.a.h.i.n.c.InternalHttpAsyncClient] [exchange: 353] Connection allocated: CPoolProxy{http-outgoing-0 [ACTIVE]} 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 353] Attempt 1 to execute request 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 353] Target auth state: UNCHALLENGED 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 353] Proxy auth state: UNCHALLENGED 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 >> POST /issues/_refresh?ignore_throttled=false&ignore_unavailable=false&expand_wildcards=open&allow_no_indices=true HTTP/1.1 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 >> Content-Length: 0 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 >> Host: localhost:9001 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 >> Connection: Keep-Alive 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 >> User-Agent: Apache-HttpAsyncClient/4.1.4 (Java/11.0.10) 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 353] Request completed 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 << HTTP/1.1 200 OK 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 << content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.http.headers] http-outgoing-0 << content-length: 49 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 353] Response received HTTP/1.1 200 OK 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 353] Consume content 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.InternalHttpAsyncClient] [exchange: 353] Connection can be kept alive indefinitely 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.MainClientExec] [exchange: 353] Response processed 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.InternalHttpAsyncClient] [exchange: 353] releasing connection 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager] Releasing connection: [id: http-outgoing-0][route: {}->http://localhost:9001][total kept alive: 0; route allocated: 1 of 10; total allocated: 1 of 30] 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager] Connection [id: http-outgoing-0][route: {}->http://localhost:9001] can be kept alive indefinitely 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.a.h.i.n.c.PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager] Connection released: [id: http-outgoing-0][route: {}->http://localhost:9001][total kept alive: 1; route allocated: 1 of 10; total allocated: 1 of 30] 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][tracer] curl -iX POST 'http://localhost:9001/issues/_refresh?ignore_throttled=false&ignore_unavailable=false&expand_wildcards=open&allow_no_indices=true'\n# HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n# content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\n# content-length: 49\n#\n# {"_shards":{"total":5,"successful":5,"failed":0}} 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][es] ES refresh request on indices 'issues' | time=5ms 2021.07.30 21:30:38 INFO ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.s.c.t.s.ComputationStepExecutor] Index analysis | status=SUCCESS | time=20ms 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=1ms | sql=update project_branches set need_issue_sync = ?, updated_at = ? where uuid = ? | params=false, 1627680638850, AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1 2021.07.30 21:30:38 INFO ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.s.c.t.s.ComputationStepExecutor] Update need issue sync for branch | status=SUCCESS | time=2ms 2021.07.30 21:30:38 INFO ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.s.c.t.s.ComputationStepExecutor] Send issue notifications | status=SUCCESS | time=0ms 2021.07.30 21:30:38 INFO ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.s.c.t.s.ComputationStepExecutor] Publish task results | status=SUCCESS | time=0ms 2021.07.30 21:30:38 INFO ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.s.c.t.s.ComputationStepExecutor] Trigger refresh of Portfolios and Applications | status=SUCCESS | time=0ms 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=1ms | sql=SELECT p.uuid as uuid, p.kee as kee, p.qualifier as qualifier, p.name as name, p.description as description, p.tags as tagsString, p.private as isPrivate, p.created_at as createdAt, p.updated_at as updatedAt FROM projects p where p.uuid=? | params=AXr0uwkyug7r9tDPG4jb 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=2ms | sql=select uuid, name, url, project_uuid as projectUuid, secret, created_at as createdAt, updated_at as updatedAt from webhooks where project_uuid = ? order by name asc | params=AXr0uwkyug7r9tDPG4jb 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=1ms | sql=select uuid, name, url, project_uuid as projectUuid, secret, created_at as createdAt, updated_at as updatedAt from webhooks where project_uuid is null order by name asc 2021.07.30 21:30:38 INFO ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.s.c.t.p.a.p.PostProjectAnalysisTasksExecutor] Webhooks | globalWebhooks=0 | projectWebhooks=0 | status=SUCCESS | time=4ms 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=3ms | sql=select p.uuid as uuid, p.project_uuid as projectUuid, p.alm_setting_uuid as almSettingUuid, p.alm_repo as almRepo, p.alm_slug as almSlug, p.summary_comment_enabled as summaryCommentEnabled, p.monorepo as monorepo, p.created_at as createdAt, p.updated_at as updatedAt from project_alm_settings p where p.project_uuid = ? | params=AXr0uwkyug7r9tDPG4jb 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=3ms | sql=select a.kee as "key", a.uuid as "uuid", a.alm_id as "rawAlm", a.url as "url", a.app_id as "appId", a.private_key as "privateKey", a.pat as "personalAccessToken", a.client_id as "clientId", a.client_secret as "clientSecret", a.created_at as "createdAt", a.updated_at as "updatedAt" from alm_settings a where a.uuid = ? | params=AXk0Ebci-hnnsIC8jpOU 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=0ms | sql=select p.prop_key as "key", p.is_empty as empty, p.text_value as textValue, p.clob_value as clobValue, p.component_uuid as componentUuid, p.user_uuid as userUuid from properties p where p.prop_key=? and p.component_uuid is null and p.user_uuid is null | params=sonar.pullrequest.provider 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=1ms | sql=select pb.uuid as uuid, pb.project_uuid as projectUuid, pb.kee as kee, pb.branch_type as branchType, pb.merge_branch_uuid as mergeBranchUuid, pb.pull_request_binary as pullRequestBinary, pb.exclude_from_purge as excludeFromPurge, pb.need_issue_sync as needIssueSync from project_branches pb where pb.project_uuid = ? and pb.kee = ? and pb.branch_type = ? | params=AXr0uwkyug7r9tDPG4jb, 2, PULL_REQUEST 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.i.c.TaskRunner] Q10004 scheduled after 0 µs: OkHttp ConnectionPool 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.i.c.TaskRunner] Q10004 starting : OkHttp ConnectionPool 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.i.c.TaskRunner] Q10004 run again after 300 s : OkHttp ConnectionPool 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.i.c.TaskRunner] Q10004 finished run in 1 ms: OkHttp ConnectionPool 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.i.c.TaskRunner] Q10004 scheduled after 0 µs: OkHttp ConnectionPool 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.i.c.TaskRunner] Q10004 starting : OkHttp ConnectionPool 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.i.c.TaskRunner] Q10004 run again after 300 s : OkHttp ConnectionPool 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[][o.i.c.TaskRunner] Q10004 finished run in 201 µs: OkHttp ConnectionPool 2021.07.30 21:30:38 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=1ms | sql=select p.prop_key as "key", p.is_empty as empty, p.text_value as textValue, p.clob_value as clobValue, p.component_uuid as componentUuid, p.user_uuid as userUuid from properties p where p.prop_key=? and p.component_uuid is null and p.user_uuid is null | params=sonar.core.serverBaseURL 2021.07.30 21:30:38 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][c.s.D.D.B.D] Commit that triggered PR analysis: 'd0f718a5a847aee7c2d7ee9689e0ba93f8b8d0db' 2021.07.30 21:30:39 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.i.c.TaskRunner] Q10004 scheduled after 0 µs: OkHttp ConnectionPool 2021.07.30 21:30:39 DEBUG ce[][o.i.c.TaskRunner] Q10004 starting : OkHttp ConnectionPool 2021.07.30 21:30:39 DEBUG ce[][o.i.c.TaskRunner] Q10004 run again after 300 s : OkHttp ConnectionPool 2021.07.30 21:30:39 DEBUG ce[][o.i.c.TaskRunner] Q10004 finished run in 200 µs: OkHttp ConnectionPool 2021.07.30 21:30:39 DEBUG ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.i.c.TaskRunner] Q10004 scheduled after 0 µs: OkHttp ConnectionPool 2021.07.30 21:30:39 DEBUG ce[][o.i.c.TaskRunner] Q10004 starting : OkHttp ConnectionPool 2021.07.30 21:30:39 DEBUG ce[][o.i.c.TaskRunner] Q10004 run again after 300 s : OkHttp ConnectionPool 2021.07.30 21:30:39 DEBUG ce[][o.i.c.TaskRunner] Q10004 finished run in 217 µs: OkHttp ConnectionPool 2021.07.30 21:30:39 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=0ms | sql=update project_branches set merge_branch_uuid = ?, pull_request_binary = ?, updated_at = ? where uuid = ? | params=AXr0uwkyug7r9tDPG4jb, [B@394c5f79, 1627680639033, AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1 2021.07.30 21:30:39 INFO ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.s.c.t.p.a.p.PostProjectAnalysisTasksExecutor] Pull Request decoration | status=SUCCESS | time=177ms 2021.07.30 21:30:39 TRACE web[AXr0hbotZP/wPdHAACHo][o.s.s.p.w.UserSessionFilter] Thread[http-nio-,5,main] serves /api/system/status 2021.07.30 21:30:39 TRACE web[AXr0hbotZP/wPdHAACHo][sql] time=0ms | sql=select p.prop_key as "key", p.is_empty as empty, p.text_value as textValue, p.clob_value as clobValue, p.component_uuid as componentUuid, p.user_uuid as userUuid from properties p where p.prop_key=? and p.component_uuid is null and p.user_uuid is null | params=sonar.core.id 2021.07.30 21:30:39 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=1ms | sql=select cq.uuid, cq.task_type as taskType, cq.component_uuid as componentUuid, cq.main_component_uuid as mainComponentUuid, cq.status as status, cq.submitter_uuid as submitterUuid, cq.worker_uuid as workerUuid, cq.started_at as startedAt, cq.created_at as createdAt, cq.updated_at as updatedAt from ce_queue cq where cq.uuid=? | params=AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k- 2021.07.30 21:30:39 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=2ms | sql=update ce_activity set is_last=false, updated_at=? where is_last=true and is_last_key=? | params=1627680639675, REPORTAXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1 2021.07.30 21:30:39 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=1ms | sql=update ce_activity set main_is_last=false, updated_at=? where main_is_last=true and main_is_last_key=? | params=1627680639675, REPORTAXr0uwkyug7r9tDPG4jb 2021.07.30 21:30:39 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=1ms | sql=insert into ce_activity ( uuid, component_uuid, main_component_uuid, analysis_uuid, status, task_type, is_last, is_last_key, main_is_last, main_is_last_key, submitter_uuid, submitted_at, worker_uuid, execution_count, started_at, executed_at, created_at, updated_at, execution_time_ms, error_message, error_stacktrace, error_type ) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) | params=AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-, AXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1, AXr0uwkyug7r9tDPG4jb, AXr5U372mgOtWkUY_IZy, SUCCESS, REPORT, true, REPORTAXr01QEGug7r9tDPG4j1, true, REPORTAXr0uwkyug7r9tDPG4jb, AXiug1KeDHicN5-HU18x, 1627680634426, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk, 1627680635338, 1627680639675, 1627680639675, 1627680639675, 4337, 12, 2005, 12 2021.07.30 21:30:39 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=7ms | sql=delete from ce_task_input where task_uuid in ( ? ) | params=AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k- 2021.07.30 21:30:39 TRACE ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][sql] time=0ms | sql=delete from ce_queue where uuid=? and status = ? | params=AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-, IN_PROGRESS 2021.07.30 21:30:39 INFO ce[AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k-][o.s.c.t.CeWorkerImpl] Executed task | project=PRODENG_ghost-testfork | type=REPORT | pullRequest=2 | id=AXr5U3UAug7r9tDPG4k- | submitter=joe11150 | status=SUCCESS | time=4327ms 2021.07.30 21:30:39 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:30:39 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680639690, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:30:39 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:30:41 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:30:41 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680641693, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:30:41 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:30:43 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:30:43 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680643696, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:30:43 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:30:45 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:30:45 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680645700, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:30:45 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:30:47 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:30:47 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680647704, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:30:47 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:30:49 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:30:49 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680649707, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:30:49 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:30:51 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:30:51 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680651710, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:30:51 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:30:53 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:30:53 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680653714, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:30:53 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:30:55 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:30:55 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680655718, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:30:55 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:30:57 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:30:57 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680657722, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:30:57 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:30:59 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:30:59 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680659725, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:30:59 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:01 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:01 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680661728, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:01 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:03 TRACE web[AXr0hbotZP/wPdHAACHp][o.s.s.p.w.UserSessionFilter] Thread[http-nio-,5,main] serves /api/system/status 2021.07.30 21:31:03 TRACE web[AXr0hbotZP/wPdHAACHp][sql] time=0ms | sql=select p.prop_key as "key", p.is_empty as empty, p.text_value as textValue, p.clob_value as clobValue, p.component_uuid as componentUuid, p.user_uuid as userUuid from properties p where p.prop_key=? and p.component_uuid is null and p.user_uuid is null | params=sonar.core.id 2021.07.30 21:31:03 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:03 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680663732, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:03 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:05 TRACE web[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select uuid, data, created_at from notifications order by created_at asc limit ? | params=1 2021.07.30 21:31:05 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:05 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680665736, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:05 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:07 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:07 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680667739, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:07 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:09 TRACE web[AXr0hbotZP/wPdHAACHq][o.s.s.p.w.UserSessionFilter] Thread[http-nio-,5,main] serves /api/system/status 2021.07.30 21:31:09 TRACE web[AXr0hbotZP/wPdHAACHq][sql] time=0ms | sql=select p.prop_key as "key", p.is_empty as empty, p.text_value as textValue, p.clob_value as clobValue, p.component_uuid as componentUuid, p.user_uuid as userUuid from properties p where p.prop_key=? and p.component_uuid is null and p.user_uuid is null | params=sonar.core.id 2021.07.30 21:31:09 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:09 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680669743, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:09 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:11 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:11 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680671746, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:11 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:13 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:13 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680673750, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:13 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:15 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:15 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680675753, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:15 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:17 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:17 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680677756, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:17 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:19 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:19 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680679760, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:19 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:21 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:21 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680681763, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:21 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:23 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:23 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680683766, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:23 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:25 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:25 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680685769, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:25 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:27 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:27 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680687773, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:27 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:29 TRACE ce[][o.s.c.c.CeCleaningSchedulerImpl] Resetting state of tasks with unknown worker UUIDs 2021.07.30 21:31:29 TRACE ce[][sql] time=2ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', worker_uuid=NULL, updated_at=? where status = 'IN_PROGRESS' and ( worker_uuid is NULL or worker_uuid not in ( ? ) ) | params=1627680689502, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:29 TRACE ce[][o.s.c.c.CeCleaningSchedulerImpl] Cancelling any worn out task 2021.07.30 21:31:29 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select cq.uuid, cq.task_type as taskType, cq.component_uuid as componentUuid, cq.main_component_uuid as mainComponentUuid, cq.status as status, cq.submitter_uuid as submitterUuid, cq.worker_uuid as workerUuid, cq.started_at as startedAt, cq.created_at as createdAt, cq.updated_at as updatedAt from ce_queue cq where cq.status = 'PENDING' and cq.started_at is not null 2021.07.30 21:31:29 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:29 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680689776, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:29 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:31 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:31 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680691779, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:31 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:33 TRACE web[AXr0hbotZP/wPdHAACHr][o.s.s.p.w.UserSessionFilter] Thread[http-nio-,5,main] serves /api/system/status 2021.07.30 21:31:33 TRACE web[AXr0hbotZP/wPdHAACHr][sql] time=0ms | sql=select p.prop_key as "key", p.is_empty as empty, p.text_value as textValue, p.clob_value as clobValue, p.component_uuid as componentUuid, p.user_uuid as userUuid from properties p where p.prop_key=? and p.component_uuid is null and p.user_uuid is null | params=sonar.core.id 2021.07.30 21:31:33 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:33 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680693783, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:33 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:35 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:35 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680695786, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:35 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:37 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:37 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680697790, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:37 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:39 TRACE web[AXr0hbotZP/wPdHAACHs][o.s.s.p.w.UserSessionFilter] Thread[http-nio-,5,main] serves /api/system/status 2021.07.30 21:31:39 TRACE web[AXr0hbotZP/wPdHAACHs][sql] time=1ms | sql=select p.prop_key as "key", p.is_empty as empty, p.text_value as textValue, p.clob_value as clobValue, p.component_uuid as componentUuid, p.user_uuid as userUuid from properties p where p.prop_key=? and p.component_uuid is null and p.user_uuid is null | params=sonar.core.id 2021.07.30 21:31:39 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:39 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680699793, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:39 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:41 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:41 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680701796, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:41 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:43 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:43 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680703800, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:43 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:45 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:45 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680705803, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:45 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:47 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:47 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680707806, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:47 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:49 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:49 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680709810, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:49 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:51 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:51 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680711813, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:51 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:53 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:53 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680713816, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:53 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:55 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:55 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680715819, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:55 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:57 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:57 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680717823, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:57 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:31:59 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:31:59 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680719827, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:31:59 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:32:01 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select kee as "key", is_empty as empty, text_value as value, created_at as createdAt from internal_properties where kee in ( ? ) | params=ce.pause 2021.07.30 21:32:01 TRACE ce[][sql] time=1ms | sql=update ce_queue set status='PENDING', updated_at=? where status <> 'PENDING' and worker_uuid = ? | params=1627680721830, AXr0hceVmgOtWkUYyPYk 2021.07.30 21:32:01 TRACE ce[][sql] time=0ms | sql=select cq.uuid from ce_queue cq where cq.status='PENDING' and cq.started_at is null and cq.task_type <> 'ISSUE_SYNC' and not exists ( select 1 from ce_queue cq2 where cq.main_component_uuid=cq2.main_component_uuid and cq2.status <> 'PENDING' ) order by cq.created_at asc, cq.uuid asc limit ? offset ? | params=1, 0 2021.07.30 21:32:03 TRACE web[AXr0hbotZP/wPdHAACHt][o.s.s.p.w.UserSessionFilter] Thread[http-nio-,5,main] serves /api/system/status 2021.07.30 21:32:03 TRACE web[AXr0hbotZP/wPdHAACHt][sql] time=0ms | sql=select p.prop_key as "key", p.is_empty as empty, p.text_value as textValue, p.clob_value as clobValue, p.component_uuid as componentUuid, p.user_uuid as userUuid from properties p where p.prop_key=? and p.component_uuid is null and p.user_uuid is null | params=sonar.core.id -- ```