2021.10.07 06:07:25 INFO ce[][o.s.p.ProcessEntryPoint] Starting ce 2021.10.07 06:07:26 INFO ce[][o.s.ce.app.CeServer] Compute Engine starting up... 2021.10.07 06:07:27 INFO ce[][o.s.s.e.EsClientProvider] Connected to local Elasticsearch: [http://localhost:9001] 2021.10.07 06:07:29 INFO ce[][o.sonar.db.Database] Create JDBC data source for jdbc:h2:tcp:// 2021.10.07 06:07:29 WARN ce[][o.s.db.dialect.H2] H2 database should be used for evaluation purpose only. 2021.10.07 06:07:32 INFO ce[][o.s.s.p.ServerFileSystemImpl] SonarQube home: /opt/sonarqube 2021.10.07 06:07:32 INFO ce[][o.s.c.c.CePluginRepository] Load plugins 2021.10.07 06:07:38 INFO ce[][o.s.c.c.ComputeEngineContainerImpl] Running Community edition 2021.10.07 06:07:38 INFO ce[][o.s.ce.app.CeServer] Compute Engine is operational