Folder file:///Users/bbernard/Documents/Dev/wwe is now on branch master [Debug - 11:17:27.853] Folder file:///Users/bbernard/Documents/Dev/wwe is now on branch master. [Debug - 11:17:45.572] Page downloaded in 363ms [Info - 11:17:45.583] Local storage status for connection with id 'gws-sonar': [lastUpdate=Thu Aug 04 11:17:45 CEST 2022,serverVersion=,stale=false] [Debug - 11:17:47.017] GET 404 | response time=570ms [Debug - 11:17:47.018] Failed to get notifications: 404, {"errors":[{"msg":"Unknown url : /api/developers/search_events"}]} [Debug - 11:17:47.598] GET 200 | response time=2014ms [Debug - 11:17:47.609] Downloaded issues in 2024ms [Debug - 11:17:48.075] Page downloaded in 209ms [Debug - 11:17:48.281] Page downloaded in 205ms [Debug - 11:17:48.697] GET 200 | response time=165ms [Info - 11:17:48.699] Downloaded plugin list in 167ms [Debug - 11:17:48.699] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'scmgit' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it. [Debug - 11:17:48.699] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'authgithub' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it. [Debug - 11:17:48.699] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'jacoco' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it. [Debug - 11:17:48.699] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'ldap' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it. [Debug - 11:17:48.699] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'authsaml' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it. [Debug - 11:17:48.699] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'csharp' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it. [Debug - 11:17:48.699] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'cssfamily' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it. [Debug - 11:17:48.699] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'flex' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it. [Debug - 11:17:48.699] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'go' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it. [Debug - 11:17:48.699] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'web' is embedded in SonarLint. Skip downloading it. [Debug - 11:17:48.699] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'javascript' is embedded in SonarLint. Skip downloading it. [Debug - 11:17:48.699] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'java' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it. [Debug - 11:17:48.700] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'kotlin' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it. [Debug - 11:17:48.700] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'php' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it. [Debug - 11:17:48.700] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'python' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it. [Debug - 11:17:48.700] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'ruby' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it. [Debug - 11:17:48.700] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'sonarscala' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it. [Debug - 11:17:48.700] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'typescript' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it. [Debug - 11:17:48.700] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'vbnet' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it. [Debug - 11:17:48.700] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'xml' is embedded in SonarLint. Skip downloading it. [Debug - 11:17:48.700] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'scmsvn' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it. [Info - 11:17:48.700] [SYNC] Synchronizing analyzer configuration for project 'com.mycompagny.gws.v3.microservices:ui-project' [Debug - 11:17:48.886] GET 200 | response time=185ms [Info - 11:17:48.889] Downloaded settings in 188ms [Debug - 11:17:49.101] GET 200 | response time=212ms [Debug - 11:17:49.102] Downloaded project quality profiles in 213ms [Info - 11:17:49.103] [SYNC] Fetching rule set for language 'java' from profile 'java-gws-quality-profile-for-java-69020' [Debug - 11:17:49.429] GET 200,actives&types=CODE_SMELL,BUG,VULNERABILITY&ps=500&p=1 | response time=326ms [Info - 11:17:49.437] [SYNC] Fetching rule set for language 'js' from profile 'js-gws-quality-profile-for-java-script-98471' [Debug - 11:17:49.647] GET 200,actives&types=CODE_SMELL,BUG,VULNERABILITY&ps=500&p=1 | response time=210ms [Info - 11:17:49.651] [SYNC] Fetching rule set for language 'php' from profile 'AXGgHu33S5O-7ZnQfoYt' [Debug - 11:17:49.846] GET 200,actives&types=CODE_SMELL,BUG,VULNERABILITY&ps=500&p=1 | response time=195ms [Info - 11:17:49.848] [SYNC] Fetching rule set for language 'py' from profile 'AWB08hplxfdvwooP89Af' [Debug - 11:17:50.031] GET 200,actives&types=CODE_SMELL,BUG,VULNERABILITY&ps=500&p=1 | response time=182ms [Info - 11:17:50.032] [SYNC] Fetching rule set for language 'ts' from profile 'ts-tslint-88945' [Debug - 11:17:50.223] GET 200,actives&types=CODE_SMELL,BUG,VULNERABILITY&ps=500&p=1 | response time=190ms [Info - 11:17:50.223] [SYNC] Fetching rule set for language 'web' from profile 'AXGj3vCTvklcwZ-SiSjO' [Debug - 11:17:50.390] GET 200,actives&types=CODE_SMELL,BUG,VULNERABILITY&ps=500&p=1 | response time=166ms [Info - 11:17:50.391] [SYNC] Fetching rule set for language 'xml' from profile 'AWB08haoxfdvwooP885e' [Debug - 11:17:50.568] GET 200,actives&types=CODE_SMELL,BUG,VULNERABILITY&ps=500&p=1 | response time=177ms [Debug - 11:17:50.572] Storing project analyzer configuration in /Users/bbernard/.sonarlint/storage/6777732d736f6e6172/projects/636f6d2e67656e657379732e6777732e76332e6d6963726f73657276696365733a6777732d75692d776f726b7370616365/analyzer_config.pb [Info - 11:17:50.576] [SYNC] Synchronizing project branches for project 'com.mycompagny.gws.v3.microservices:ui-project' [Debug - 11:17:50.754] GET 200 | response time=177ms [Debug - 11:17:50.755] Storing project branches in /Users/bbernard/.sonarlint/storage/6777732d736f6e6172/projects/636f6d2e67656e657379732e6777732e76332e6d6963726f73657276696365733a6777732d75692d776f726b7370616365/project_branches.pb [Debug - 11:17:50.759] Queuing analysis of file 'file:///Users/bbernard/Documents/Dev/wwe/addon/my-addon/src/common/deferred.js' (version 1) [Debug - 11:17:51.593] Resolved binding ProjectBinding[idePathPrefix=,projectKey=com.mycompagny.gws.v3.microservices:ui-project,sqPathPrefix=] for folder /Users/bbernard/Documents/Dev/wwe [Info - 11:17:51.594] Analyzing file 'file:///Users/bbernard/Documents/Dev/wwe/addon/my-addon/src/common/deferred.js'... [Debug - 11:17:51.594] Analysis triggered with configuration: [ projectKey: com.mycompagny.gws.v3.microservices:ui-project baseDir: /Users/bbernard/Documents/Dev/wwe extraProperties: {sonar.cfamily.compile-commands=} moduleKey: file:///Users/bbernard/Documents/Dev/wwe inputFiles: [ file:///Users/bbernard/Documents/Dev/wwe/addon/my-addon/src/common/deferred.js (UTF-8) [js] ] ] [Debug - 11:17:51.595] * java: 453 active rules [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule common-java:InsufficientBranchCoverage is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule common-java:DuplicatedBlocks is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule common-java:FailedUnitTests is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule common-java:InsufficientLineCoverage is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule common-java:SkippedUnitTests is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] * web: 0 active rules [Debug - 11:17:51.595] * xml: 4 active rules [Debug - 11:17:51.595] * js: 152 active rules [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule javascript:S2583 is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule javascript:ConditionalComment is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule javascript:S1145 is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule javascript:HtmlComments is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule javascript:NamedFunctionExpression is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule javascript:S2508 is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule javascript:S3271 is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule javascript:S2873 is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule javascript:S2611 is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule javascript:S3828 is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule javascript:S3759 is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule javascript:S2549 is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule javascript:S2550 is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule javascript:S2769 is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule javascript:S2770 is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule javascript:S3509 is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule common-js:InsufficientBranchCoverage is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule common-js:DuplicatedBlocks is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule common-js:FailedUnitTests is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule common-js:InsufficientCommentDensity is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule common-js:InsufficientLineCoverage is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule common-js:SkippedUnitTests is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] * php: 87 active rules [Debug - 11:17:51.595] Rule common-php:DuplicatedBlocks is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.595] * py: 31 active rules [Debug - 11:17:51.595] * ts: 88 active rules [Debug - 11:17:51.596] Rule common-ts:InsufficientBranchCoverage is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.596] Rule common-ts:DuplicatedBlocks is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.596] Rule common-ts:InsufficientLineCoverage is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Debug - 11:17:51.596] Rule common-ts:SkippedUnitTests is enabled on the server, but not available in SonarLint [Error - 11:17:51.608] Error loading components for plugin 'typescript' [Error - 11:17:51.608] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to register extension org.sonar.api.config.PropertyDefinition from plugin 'typescript' at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.plugin.commons.pico.ComponentContainer.addExtension( at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.plugin.commons.ExtensionInstaller.loadExtensions( at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.plugin.commons.ExtensionInstaller.install( at at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.analysis.container.analysis.AnalysisContainer.addPluginExtensions( at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.analysis.container.analysis.AnalysisContainer.doBeforeStart( at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.plugin.commons.pico.ComponentContainer.startComponents( at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.plugin.commons.pico.ComponentContainer.execute( at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.analysis.container.module.ModuleContainer.analyze( at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.analysis.command.AnalyzeCommand.execute( at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.analysis.command.AnalyzeCommand.execute( at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.analysis.AnalysisEngine$AsyncCommand.execute( at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.analysis.AnalysisEngine.executeQueuedCommands( at java.base/ Source) Caused by: Duplicate Keys not allowed. Duplicate for 'org.sonar.api.config.PropertyDefinition-sonar.typescript.file.suffixes' at at at at$300( at$AsPropertiesPicoContainer.addComponent( at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.plugin.commons.pico.ComponentContainer.addExtension( ... 13 more [Debug - 11:17:51.608] Start analysis [Info - 11:17:51.609] Index files [Debug - 11:17:51.610] Language of file 'file:///Users/bbernard/Documents/Dev/wwe/addon/my-addon/src/common/deferred.js' is set to 'JavaScript' [Debug - 11:17:51.610] Average line length for [uri=file:///Users/bbernard/Documents/Dev/wwe/addon/my-addon/src/common/deferred.js] is 17 [Info - 11:17:51.610] 1 file indexed [Error - 11:17:51.617] Analysis failed java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to load component class org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.analysis.container.analysis.sensor.SensorsExecutor at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.plugin.commons.pico.ComponentContainer$ExtendedDefaultPicoContainer.getComponent( at at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.plugin.commons.pico.ComponentContainer.getComponentByType( at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.analysis.container.analysis.AnalysisContainer.doAfterStart( at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.plugin.commons.pico.ComponentContainer.startComponents( at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.plugin.commons.pico.ComponentContainer.execute( at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.analysis.container.module.ModuleContainer.analyze( at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.analysis.command.AnalyzeCommand.execute( at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.analysis.command.AnalyzeCommand.execute( at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.analysis.AnalysisEngine$AsyncCommand.execute( at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.analysis.AnalysisEngine.executeQueuedCommands( at java.base/ Source) Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to load component class org.sonar.plugins.javascript.eslint.TypeScriptSensor at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.plugin.commons.pico.ComponentContainer$ExtendedDefaultPicoContainer.getComponent( at at at$100( at$1.resolveInstance( at$1.resolveInstance( at at$CtorAndAdapters.getParameterArguments( at$ at$ThreadLocalCyclicDependencyGuard.observe( at at$LifecycleAdapter.getComponentInstance( at at at at at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.plugin.commons.pico.ComponentContainer$ExtendedDefaultPicoContainer.getComponent( ... 11 more Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to load component class org.sonar.plugins.javascript.eslint.TypeScriptChecks at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.plugin.commons.pico.ComponentContainer$ExtendedDefaultPicoContainer.getComponent( at at$1.resolveInstance( at$1.resolveInstance( at at$CtorAndAdapters.getParameterArguments( at$ at$ThreadLocalCyclicDependencyGuard.observe( at at$LifecycleAdapter.getComponentInstance( at at at at at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.plugin.commons.pico.ComponentContainer$ExtendedDefaultPicoContainer.getComponent( ... 27 more Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The field 'Max' does not exist or is not annotated with @RuleProperty in the class org.sonar.javascript.checks.TooManyLinesInFileCheck at org.sonar.api.batch.rule.Checks.configureFields( at org.sonar.api.batch.rule.Checks.instantiate( at org.sonar.api.batch.rule.Checks.addAnnotatedChecks( at org.sonar.plugins.javascript.eslint.AbstractChecks.doAddChecks( at org.sonar.plugins.javascript.eslint.AbstractChecks.addChecks( at org.sonar.plugins.javascript.eslint.TypeScriptChecks.( at org.sonar.plugins.javascript.eslint.TypeScriptChecks.( at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source) at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source) at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstanceWithCaller(Unknown Source) at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source) at at$ at$ThreadLocalCyclicDependencyGuard.observe( at at$LifecycleAdapter.getComponentInstance( at at at at at org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.plugin.commons.pico.ComponentContainer$ExtendedDefaultPicoContainer.getComponent( ... 41 more