+ umask 000 + GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE=1 retry 6 git clone --branch="master" https://x-token-auth:$REPOSITORY_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN@bitbucket.org/$BITBUCKET_REPO_FULL_NAME.git $BUILD_DIR Cloning into '/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build'... + git reset --hard d0f47cbb6e18a0e1f712179cade98b648e6dce8c HEAD is now at d0f47cbb6 bitbucket-pipelines.yml отредактирован онлайн на Bitbucket + git config user.name bitbucket-pipelines + git config user.email commits-noreply@bitbucket.org + git config push.default current + git config http.${BITBUCKET_GIT_HTTP_ORIGIN}.proxy http://localhost:29418/ + git remote set-url origin http://bitbucket.org/$BITBUCKET_REPO_FULL_NAME + echo ".bitbucket/pipelines/generated" >> .git/info/exclude + chmod 777 $BUILD_DIR Cache "sonar": Downloading Cache "sonar": Not found + docker container run \ --volume=/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build:/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build \ --volume=/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/ssh:/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/ssh:ro \ --volume=/usr/local/bin/docker:/usr/local/bin/docker:ro \ --volume=/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes:/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes \ --volume=/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes/sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan:/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes/sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan \ --workdir=$(pwd) \ --label=org.bitbucket.pipelines.system=true \ --env=BITBUCKET_STEP_TRIGGERER_UUID="$BITBUCKET_STEP_TRIGGERER_UUID" \ --env=BITBUCKET_REPO_FULL_NAME="$BITBUCKET_REPO_FULL_NAME" \ --env=BITBUCKET_GIT_HTTP_ORIGIN="$BITBUCKET_GIT_HTTP_ORIGIN" \ --env=BITBUCKET_REPO_SLUG="$BITBUCKET_REPO_SLUG" \ --env=BITBUCKET_PROJECT_UUID="$BITBUCKET_PROJECT_UUID" \ --env=CI="$CI" \ --env=BITBUCKET_REPO_OWNER="$BITBUCKET_REPO_OWNER" \ --env=BITBUCKET_REPO_IS_PRIVATE="$BITBUCKET_REPO_IS_PRIVATE" \ --env=BITBUCKET_WORKSPACE="$BITBUCKET_WORKSPACE" \ --env=BITBUCKET_REPO_OWNER_UUID="$BITBUCKET_REPO_OWNER_UUID" \ --env=BITBUCKET_STEP_RUN_NUMBER="$BITBUCKET_STEP_RUN_NUMBER" \ --env=BITBUCKET_BUILD_NUMBER="$BITBUCKET_BUILD_NUMBER" \ --env=BITBUCKET_BRANCH="$BITBUCKET_BRANCH" \ --env=BITBUCKET_GIT_SSH_ORIGIN="$BITBUCKET_GIT_SSH_ORIGIN" \ --env=BITBUCKET_COMMIT="$BITBUCKET_COMMIT" \ --env=BITBUCKET_REPO_UUID="$BITBUCKET_REPO_UUID" \ --env=BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR="$BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR" \ --env=BITBUCKET_PROJECT_KEY="$BITBUCKET_PROJECT_KEY" \ --env=PIPELINES_JWT_TOKEN="$PIPELINES_JWT_TOKEN" \ --env=BITBUCKET_DOCKER_HOST_INTERNAL="$BITBUCKET_DOCKER_HOST_INTERNAL" \ --env=DOCKER_HOST="tcp://host.docker.internal:2375" \ --env=BITBUCKET_PIPE_SHARED_STORAGE_DIR="/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes" \ --env=BITBUCKET_PIPE_STORAGE_DIR="/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes/sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan" \ --env=SONAR_TOKEN="${SONAR_TOKEN}" \ --add-host="host.docker.internal:$BITBUCKET_DOCKER_HOST_INTERNAL" \ sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan:1.0.1 Unable to find image 'sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan:1.0.1' locally 1.0.1: Pulling from sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan 27833a3ba0a5: Pulling fs layer 16d944e3d00d: Pulling fs layer 6aaf465b8930: Pulling fs layer 0684138f4cb6: Pulling fs layer 67c4e741e688: Pulling fs layer 783178df3a0c: Pulling fs layer d0dc10fff37d: Pulling fs layer 8ecc489c7d12: Pulling fs layer fa53c38fc94e: Pulling fs layer 7e9295ed80e6: Pulling fs layer 3c6fac14ec37: Pulling fs layer d0dc10fff37d: Waiting 8ecc489c7d12: Waiting fa53c38fc94e: Waiting 7e9295ed80e6: Waiting 0684138f4cb6: Waiting 3c6fac14ec37: Waiting 67c4e741e688: Waiting 783178df3a0c: Waiting 6aaf465b8930: Verifying Checksum 6aaf465b8930: Download complete 16d944e3d00d: Verifying Checksum 16d944e3d00d: Download complete 27833a3ba0a5: Download complete 0684138f4cb6: Verifying Checksum 0684138f4cb6: Download complete 67c4e741e688: Verifying Checksum 67c4e741e688: Download complete d0dc10fff37d: Verifying Checksum d0dc10fff37d: Download complete 8ecc489c7d12: Verifying Checksum 8ecc489c7d12: Download complete 7e9295ed80e6: Verifying Checksum 7e9295ed80e6: Download complete 3c6fac14ec37: Verifying Checksum fa53c38fc94e: Verifying Checksum fa53c38fc94e: Download complete 783178df3a0c: Verifying Checksum 783178df3a0c: Download complete 27833a3ba0a5: Pull complete 16d944e3d00d: Pull complete 6aaf465b8930: Pull complete 0684138f4cb6: Pull complete 67c4e741e688: Pull complete 783178df3a0c: Pull complete d0dc10fff37d: Pull complete 8ecc489c7d12: Pull complete fa53c38fc94e: Pull complete 7e9295ed80e6: Pull complete 3c6fac14ec37: Pull complete Digest: sha256:87b55bfefaa752e467abf4f5dd34a00e2ac95e14b6aa79924df5ed17e97e2cdb Status: Downloaded newer image for sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan:1.0.1 INFO: Scanner configuration file: /opt/sonar-scanner/conf/sonar-scanner.properties INFO: Project root configuration file: NONE INFO: SonarQube Scanner INFO: Java 11.0.2 Oracle Corporation (64-bit) INFO: Linux 4.19.78-coreos amd64 INFO: Bitbucket Cloud Pipelines detected INFO: User cache: /root/.sonar/cache INFO: SonarQube server 8.0.0 INFO: Default locale: "en", source code encoding: "UTF-8" (analysis is platform dependent) INFO: Load global settings INFO: Load global settings (done) | time=603ms INFO: Server id: 1BD809FA-AWHW8ct9-T_TB3XqouNu INFO: User cache: /root/.sonar/cache INFO: Load/download plugins INFO: Load plugins index INFO: Load plugins index (done) | time=150ms INFO: Load/download plugins (done) | time=24283ms INFO: Loaded core extensions: developer-scanner INFO: Detected project key 'greenriver_autoall' from 'Bitbucket Cloud Pipelines' INFO: Detected organization key 'greenriver' from 'Bitbucket Cloud Pipelines' INFO: Process project properties INFO: Execute project builders INFO: Execute project builders (done) | time=3ms INFO: Project key: greenriver_autoall INFO: Base dir: /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build INFO: Working dir: /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.scannerwork INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'greenriver_autoall' INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'greenriver_autoall' (done) | time=166ms INFO: Found an active CI vendor: 'Bitbucket Pipelines' INFO: Load project branches INFO: Load project branches (done) | time=105ms INFO: Load projects for organization 'greenriver' INFO: Load projects for organization 'greenriver' (done) | time=659ms INFO: Load project pull requests INFO: Load project pull requests (done) | time=96ms INFO: Load branch configuration INFO: Detected analysis for branch 'master' INFO: Auto-configuring branch master INFO: Load branch configuration (done) | time=3ms INFO: Load quality profiles INFO: Load quality profiles (done) | time=146ms INFO: Load active rules INFO: Load active rules (done) | time=4861ms INFO: Organization key: greenriver INFO: Branch name: master, type: long living INFO: Indexing files... INFO: Project configuration: INFO: Load project repositories INFO: Load project repositories (done) | time=101ms WARN: Invalid character encountered in file /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/docs/ckeditor/lang/sr-latn.js at line 5 for encoding UTF-8. Please fix file content or configure the encoding to be used using property 'sonar.sourceEncoding'. WARN: Invalid character encountered in file /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/docs/themes/frontend/mobile/libs/inputmask/phone-codes/phone-nl.js at line 128 for encoding UTF-8. Please fix file content or configure the encoding to be used using property 'sonar.sourceEncoding'. WARN: Invalid character encountered in file /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/docs/protected/extensions/phpwriteexcel/class.writeexcel_formula.inc.php at line 1471 for encoding UTF-8. Please fix file content or configure the encoding to be used using property 'sonar.sourceEncoding'. INFO: 2546 files indexed... (last one was docs/protected/extensions/seo/SeoPluginTire.php) WARN: Invalid character encountered in file /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/docs/protected/vendor/yiisoft/yii/framework/web/js/source/jquery.metadata.js at line 4 for encoding UTF-8. Please fix file content or configure the encoding to be used using property 'sonar.sourceEncoding'. WARN: Invalid character encountered in file /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/docs/protected/vendor/yiisoft/yii/framework/web/js/source/jquery.multifile.js at line 247 for encoding UTF-8. Please fix file content or configure the encoding to be used using property 'sonar.sourceEncoding'. INFO: 5465 files indexed INFO: 0 files ignored because of scm ignore settings INFO: Quality profile for c: Sonar way INFO: Quality profile for css: Sonar way INFO: Quality profile for js: Sonar way INFO: Quality profile for php: Sonar way INFO: Quality profile for plsql: Sonar way INFO: Quality profile for py: Sonar way INFO: Quality profile for web: Sonar way INFO: Quality profile for xml: Sonar way INFO: ------------- Run sensors on module greenriver_autoall INFO: Load metrics repository INFO: Load metrics repository (done) | time=106ms WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred WARNING: Illegal reflective access by net.sf.cglib.core.ReflectUtils$1 (file:/root/.sonar/cache/a89f1943fc75b65becd9fb4ecab8d913/sonar-tsql-plugin.jar) to method java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(java.lang.String,byte[],int,int,java.security.ProtectionDomain) WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of net.sf.cglib.core.ReflectUtils$1 WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release INFO: Sensor SonarCSS Metrics [cssfamily] INFO: Sensor SonarCSS Metrics [cssfamily] (done) | time=1900ms INFO: Sensor SonarCSS Rules [cssfamily] INFO: 2454 source files to be analyzed ERROR: Failed to parse file:///opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/docs/themes/frontend/desktope/core/global.css, line 163, Unexpected } ERROR: Failed to parse file:///opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/docs/themes/default/css/jstree/default/style.css, line 605, Unknown word ERROR: Failed to parse file:///opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/docs/themes/default/css/acat.css, line 1008, Unclosed block INFO: 1824/2454 files analyzed, current file: docs/themes/frontend/desktope/core/head/scroll-header/scroll-header.less INFO: 2454/2454 source files have been analyzed INFO: Sensor SonarCSS Rules [cssfamily] (done) | time=14133ms INFO: Sensor PL/SQL Sensor [plsql] WARN: The Data Dictionary is not configured which prevents rule(s) S3641, S3921, S3618, S3651 to raise issues. See https://docs.sonarqube.org/display/PLUG/Data+Dictionary INFO: 14 source files to be analyzed INFO: 14/14 source files have been analyzed INFO: Sensor PL/SQL Sensor [plsql] (done) | time=401ms INFO: Sensor JavaXmlSensor [java] INFO: 65 source files to be analyzed INFO: Sensor JavaXmlSensor [java] (done) | time=2296ms INFO: 65/65 source files have been analyzed INFO: Sensor HTML [web] INFO: Sensor HTML [web] (done) | time=3748ms INFO: Sensor XML Sensor [xml] INFO: 65 source files to be analyzed INFO: Sensor XML Sensor [xml] (done) | time=1483ms INFO: 65/65 source files have been analyzed INFO: Sensor Python Sensor [python] INFO: Starting global symbols computation INFO: 1 source files to be analyzed INFO: Starting rules execution INFO: 1/1 source files have been analyzed INFO: 1 source files to be analyzed INFO: Sensor Python Sensor [python] (done) | time=316ms INFO: Sensor Cobertura Sensor for Python coverage [python] INFO: 1/1 source files have been analyzed INFO: Sensor Cobertura Sensor for Python coverage [python] (done) | time=683ms INFO: Sensor PythonXUnitSensor [python] INFO: Sensor PythonXUnitSensor [python] (done) | time=486ms INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] (done) | time=11ms INFO: Sensor JavaScript analysis [javascript] INFO: 540 source files to be analyzed INFO: 159/540 files analyzed, current file: docs/themes/frontend/mobile/modules/tecdoc/views/items.vue INFO: 256/540 files analyzed, current file: docs/ckeditor/plugins/simpleuploads/lang/pt-br.js INFO: 479/540 files analyzed, current file: docs/themes/default/js/vendor/jquery-1.7.2.js INFO: 540/540 source files have been analyzed INFO: Sensor SonarJS [javascript] INFO: 540 source files to be analyzed INFO: 137/540 files analyzed, current file: docs/themes/frontend/mobile/libs/jquery.inputmask.bundle.js INFO: 137/540 files analyzed, current file: docs/themes/frontend/mobile/libs/jquery.inputmask.bundle.js INFO: 137/540 files analyzed, current file: docs/themes/frontend/mobile/libs/jquery.inputmask.bundle.js INFO: 137/540 files analyzed, current file: docs/themes/frontend/mobile/libs/jquery.inputmask.bundle.js INFO: 141/540 files analyzed, current file: docs/themes/default/js/vendor/jquery-ui.js INFO: 225/540 files analyzed, current file: docs/themes/frontend/desktope/libs/jquery.inputmask.bundle.js INFO: 225/540 files analyzed, current file: docs/themes/frontend/desktope/libs/jquery.inputmask.bundle.js INFO: 225/540 files analyzed, current file: docs/themes/frontend/desktope/libs/jquery.inputmask.bundle.js INFO: 225/540 files analyzed, current file: docs/themes/frontend/desktope/libs/jquery.inputmask.bundle.js INFO: 236/540 files analyzed, current file: docs/themes/frontend/desktope/libs/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.js time="2020-02-18T06:38:13Z" level=error msg="error waiting for container: unexpected EOF" Skipping cache upload for failed step