1.Right-align operators (INTO, WHERE, AND, OR etc.) under SELECT should be properly aligned .
like below
SELECT oe.order_number
INTO v_order_number
FROM apps.oe_order_headers_all oe
WHERE oe.order_number = 10001;
Not correct
SELECT oe.order_number INTO v_order_number
FROM apps.oe_order_headers_all oe
WHERE oe.order_number = 10001;
along with below xpath query also
2.Line spacing between program sections and logical structures should be achieved using double hyphen (“–“)
3.For a function or procedure declaration, place each parameter specification on a new line
4.Each variable declaration inside a procedure, function or package should be on a new line
I won’t be able to help you with all your custom XPath queries, however is a starting point to detect SELECT ... INTO statements where the SELECT and INTO tokens are not aligned on the same column:
suggestion not working …we are not getting anything called SELECT_INTO_STATEMENT on xml tree.Any other alternate wil help us. Using Xpath we are not able to trace any alignment yet.