Where can I find sonar.externalIssuesReportPaths in sonarcloud

Hi all,

I’m trying to integrate Brakeman with my rails project and I got helped on the direction I want to go from this post

Same was in the documentation at Generic Issue Import Format

As per the proposed solution, I need to update the sonar.externalIssuesReportPaths

I had a look at Administration → External Analysis, but I cannot find the key sonar.externalIssuesReportPaths ?

where can I find this key in https://sonarcloud.io please

This is what I see currently (only a way to add rubocop results)

thanks in advance

Hi @sameera207

Yes this setting is not shown at the moment on the UI, you can set it on your analysis settings directly.

We’re currently reviewing if it should be shown or not.
