What are the Analysis properties for different languages

What are the Analysis properties for different languages like C#,C++, Java, .net, Mainframe etc… I mean the sonar.lang.patterns for different languages? while writing the analysis properties during Jenkins Build


Please note that I’ve edited your post to handle these things for you:

  • move the post out of the Bug report category - you’re asking a question, not reporting a bug
  • move the bulk of the question out of the title and into the body. The title should be a summary or very brief intro to your topic, not your entire post.
  • replace the bug report template you left untouched in the body of the post with the full question initially posed in your title.

In future, please use the title and body fields as intended. :slight_smile:

Regarding your question, you haven’t provided much detail. Can you explain what you’re trying to accomplish?
