User email notifications for projects in DB

Hello Everyone,

I have a doubt about when Sonarqube is updating in PostgreSQL tables the notifications that I add in “My Account” —> “Notifications” option

So, if I go to “Notifications” menu option in “My Account”, and add some overall notifications or add some notifications for a specific project, ¿is there any table in Sonarqube schema where that notifications are saved?

If so, ¿how can I know the notifications that are sent to any specific user for any specific project? I saw that in the “Notifications” table in DB are only two columns:

  • id
  • data

I need an answer as soon as posible,

Thank you in advanced.

Hello @idles_23,

Please note that this is a Community Forum for an OpenSource product, you can’t have this kind of expectations here.

Notifications are saved in the properties table with the following information:

  • prop_key: the notification type
  • resource_id: the project id (from the projects table). Empty for global notifications
  • user_id: the user id (from the users table)

Notifications are personal, so there is no UI where you can check what is sent to who for which projects, only each individual can monitor their own notifications.

I hope this will help.

Hi Antoine,

Thank you for your answer and your help. That information is exactly what I needed.

Have a nice day!