Unable to determine structure of project orphan


I’m using these versions to trigger maven sonar in jenkins

  • SonarQube 7.9.3
  • org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin:
  • maven 3.8.1 and JDK 11

I have this structure in my project:

| - pom.xml
| - board-jdbc
     | -- pom.xml
| - board-service
     | -- pom.xml

The hsm (parent) pom xml has been configured with modules as per below :

< modules >
    < module >board-jdbc</module>
    < module >board-service</module>
< /modules>

But the artifact id in the submodule is different with the module / folder name :
board-jdbc > artifact id is hsm-board-jdbc
board-service > artifact id is hsm-board-service

When i’m running mvn clean install sonar:sonar in the local, there is no issue and successfully analyzed and uploaded. However, I always hit error below when i’m running using jenkins with the same command.

org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: (default-cli) on project hsm: Unable to determine structure of project. Probably you use Maven Advanced Reactor Options with a broken tree of modules. “hsm-board-jdbc” is orphan

Would any of you have any idea on the issue?

FYI, i have tried to change the artifact id to match with module/folder name but the same error still appeared.

To those who is facing the same problem, I found the issue because of the flatten-maven-plugin. Once I removed this plugin, the sonar works fine in jenkins.

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