Unable to connect to https url from my sonarqube

I am using sonarqube 7.2 version.
My required url is https://azuresonarqube.com/
I have created a pfx cert with a friendly name -sonar from IIS and pasted into the folder where my sonar config is present.
Below are the settings i have done the sonar properties file.

TCP port for incoming HTTP connections. Default value is 9000

I have changed the URL also as the https://azuresonarqube.com/

I received page cannot be displayed error. Can anyone please help me out here

Hey there.

You must be reading some old documentation, because those configuration parameters stopped working a long time ago (v5.x of SonarQube).

The docs on Securing the Server Behind a Proxy should be your reference.

Also note that v7.2 of SonarQube is pretty old now. The minimum supported version of SonarQube is v7.9 LTS and you should upgrade as soon as you can.

thanks i have set it up with reverse proxy and works fine