Trying to login using my work DevOps account - admin needed

I’m trying to make use of SonarCloud for the very first time only every time I try to login or signup I’m greeted by:

Need admin approval


Sonarcloud needs permission to access resources in your organization that only an admin can grant. Please ask an admin to grant permission to this app before you can use it.

Can someone please advise what permissions are needed so I can get an admin to apply this allowing my teams get started?



Is your account part of an Azure Active Directory ?



Yes indeed it is which feeds back into Azure DevOps and Azure Portal

We’ve made some improvement on our Microsoft authentication, can you please give it a try (again) and let me know ?

Thank you !

Was this ever resolved? I’m not sure how SonarCloud is intended to work in an organization where the admin of the SonarCloud instance is not necessarily an admin on the Azure AD.

It was never resolved for me from Sonars side, I had to in the end get our IT department to go through the process and do it for me and make sure my manager and I were still set as Organization owners for SonarCloud
