Test kpi import for pure test projects (no classes)

We have a framework, where we configure tests into the testng-api where mostly the test is not connected to any testclass(but just a wrapper to work with testng or junit). We use a pipeline calling “mvn sonar:sonar”. As failsafe/surefire generates testng-output and junit-output we expected it to work out of the box, but the metrics didnt show up. As we digged deeper we saw the org/sonar/plugins/surefire/SurefireJavaParser tries to lookup the Java-class mentioned in the testreport(classname=“TheTestClass”) and when not found can’t generate the metrics. Since our tests have no Java(Test)Class in the project but a wrapper from the testng-bridging dependency, this will never match. So my question is: Is there a way to transmit the test metrics with another scanner or over an api-call or what might be the easiest way to make it work?


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To be clear, you’re generating a test coverage report, but it’s not being used/honored? And you believe that’s because there are no underlying test classes?


The coverage is generated by jacoco, this is working. On top i want to have the Test-count, Fail-ratio and Test-runtime which gets pulled from JUnitformat. The Scanner wants to mach the classname. The testproject itself has no Classes to refer to.


Sorry, but the only way to work would be to generate the tests to file.


We have the Unit files. The problem is the class mapping, cause without it it doesnt work. The classname in the Test must be mappable to a class resource in the project. But we dont have a class there

You mean to generate Java files out of the configs. might be a workaround to just generate one

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