Support distributed pipeline

Hi Team,

At Ansarada we are early adopters of SonarCloud and Scanner.
We have split our pipeline in multiple Docker containers, where we have one container to run a build and some containers to run tests in parallel sessions.
We found out, it is not possible to gather data (static code analysis and test coverage) from these containers and sent over to the SonarCloud.
It works just fine when we run everything (build + tests) in one container and one scanner session.

Is there a way to use SonarCloud in distributed pipeline?


Hi Przemek,

unfortunately, this is not possible. We are aware of similar use cases that were already reported to us. Let’s say that we understand the need, and that the demand is not high enough for now to start working on this. I bet that we will have to look into this in the future, but it’s just not in our short-term roadmap for now.

Thanks anyways for bringing this feedback here!