SSO choice - repos & pipelines on different providers

we are considering using Sonar and wonder which SSO we should use. Our repos are GH but pipelines are Azure DevOps. Can we somehow connect with both?

Best regards,

Hey there.

You will need to link to wherever your repos are hosted and where you review pull requests (sounds like GitHub). If you build with Azure DevOps that’s fine.

You cannot connect with both.

Thanks for quick response on this Colin. I already created organization (kind of accidently) using DevOps. What do I need to do to switch over to GitHub then? I mentioned accidently as I was exploring it but never really finalized (I thought so) as I need another person on the company to fill in CC information and somehow I ended up with Free tier, which is not what we want.

On the related matter - can we somehow separate billing account? Our cardholder currently does not have GitHub account (and as a matter of fact should not be given such access)?

Delete the organization and restart :slightly_frowning_face:

We understand this feature request – however at this time we have no seperate account/permission to access billing. Meeting the needs of more “enterprise” needs of organizations (as opposed to the development teams we’ve focused on so far) is in our roadmap.

Ok thanks. Does the billing manager need to stay on GH or can we create account for him just temporarily? Do you offer Purchase Order based deal or just self service with CC?
Best regards

I suppose it can be temporary, but if billing details change either he or an organization administration will need to update the details (and there will always be an e-mail address on file as the billing contact).

PO-based deals are available on year long subscriptions. I suggest getting in touch via SonarCloud if that’s a requirement you have.