SonarQube webserver cannot be started

Hi, I have installed SonarQube on a dedicated server and have updated the SQL Db and web server properties in the config file. However, when trying to start the web server (StartSonar.bat), I get the attached message…Please could you help me get up and running?

Version: SonarQube developer 8

Welcome to the community ! Please go through the troubleshooting page, and look at the web.log file.

Hi Pierre,

Thanks for getting back – I looked through the web log but it seems to have a lot of exception messages. Can I send it to you for a quick review?

Best regards,
Antony Narendran
Application Manager
Application Operation Service KUL
Finance & IT

Tel. +601125270856

Again, i’m inviting you to have a look at our troubleshooting page, specifically on the “Understanding the logs”. Go through the errors you got, try to understand them and search for solution. Don’t just throw the log file here without reading it :slight_smile:

This is a community forum, so i’m happy to help if you have a question about any specific error that you can’t solve on your own.