SonarQube users, help us build a better experience!

We are looking for the help of SonarQube users to help improve the product experience. The user experience team is planning to conduct product feedback interviews with a few users regarding some product features. If you are interested to take part, please fill this short survey.

The form is only to help us identify the target users for the study, and does not guarantee participation in this research. Any feedback we collect will only be used internally by the teams for analysis and to come up with ways to improve the product. Thank you!


Hi @Silpa ,

Is there a way to participate in the survey without a Google account? This right here is a privacy issue, even though Google claims that this is “anonymous”:

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Hi Chris
Thank you for notifying about this. I changed the survey settings to disable this kind of problem. Respondents should be able to take the survey now without logging in :slight_smile:

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Hi @Silpa ,

Can you please double-check the settings? I’m still getting the prompt, even when I bring up the survey in a new private browser window.


Hi Chris - I tested the form now after making one more edit to the settings. You should be able to fill the form without logging in. Thanks!

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