Sonarqube - Unable to Blame file error

I have integrated sonarqube with bamboo. I am getting below error when running end commnd.

Must-share information (formatted with Markdown):

  • SonarScanner for MSBuild 4.3.1, JetBrains dotCover Console Runner 2018.1.4. Build 112.0.20180731.145946, nunit-2.6.4
  • We integrating sonarqube,dotcover in Bamboo and trying to get coverage in each build
  • I have terminated build agent and started new one to make sure no issue due to some cached files.

Same script working sometime and not working sometime. Kindly let me know how to fix this.

error 22-Sep-2018 09:57:38 ERROR: Error during SonarQube Scanner execution
error 22-Sep-2018 09:57:38 ERROR: Unable to blame file Areas/Administration/AdministrationAreaRegistration.cs
error 22-Sep-2018 09:57:38 ERROR: Caused by: Missing commit bf0c2e555fb43536333e7447d5836e91ee09c648
error 22-Sep-2018 09:57:38 ERROR:
error 22-Sep-2018 09:57:38 The SonarQube Scanner did not complete successfully
error 22-Sep-2018 09:57:38 09:57:38.678 Post-processing failed. Exit code: 1

thank you,
Suresh Kumar G


Some details on investigating blame errors are available in the Git Integration documentation.


Hi Colin,

I have checked the documentation and it is for unix. We are using Windows machine. Any idea on how to fix issue in Windows ?

Thank you,
Suresh Kumar G

Hi All,

Anyone has idea bout this issue? Still we are facing this issue in SonarQube+Windows+DotCover+Git configuration.

Thank you,
Suresh Kumar G