Sonarqube jdk version issue in v8.9.0

Hi Team,

We recently upgraded our Sonarqube test instance to v8.9 LTS. We are using UCBuild server for sonarqube analysis [scanner]. Post upgrade if we set JAVA_HOME to jdk1.7 or jdk1.8 and it says unsupported. But when we changed the JAVA_Home to openjdk11 and it started working. But the same jdk 1.7 and 1.8 is worked on v7.9 LTS. In the prerequisites document i cant see a major change in Java related to scanner version. Please let us know jdk 1.7/1.8 support scope and which version in 8 will support the same like v7.9 LTS. Thanks


Per the docs Java 7 is no longer supported. You’ll need 8 or 11.
