SonarQube general settings - issue when executed from Jenkins

Dear support,
we are using SonarQube 7.7 from Jenkins on ours main develop branch and also locally from eclipse by sonarlint 4.1 plugin connected to our server.
We are facing different behaviors.
Same files unchanged since 2017 is seen with several violations to rules locally but via Jenkins the tool reports 0 violation.
We changed New Code Period from “general settings/general” value into the past 2015-01-01 to ensure a check of each file from 2015 until now but seems not working properly.
Any advise how to ensure that each files from the develop branch can be checked on a daily basis

Many thanks in advance,
Jean-Christophe Coulet

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Generally it’s best to have one topic per thread. I’ll tackle your first question here. It sounds like you’re not using connected mode. In unconnected mode, SonarLint uses the default rule set. In connected mode, it applies the rules configured in your SonarQube server.


Thanks for your feedback.
So only one question:
Which configuration shall I put in place to ensure that on SonarQube server we checked all the files in our develop branch on a daily basis ?
best regards,

Hi Jean-Christophe,

It’s best to have one question per thread. That’s why I only answered one of your questions in this thread.

Thanks for understanding,