SonarQube for VS2022 in connected mode does not follow Source File Inclusions

Please provide

  • Operating system: Windows 11
  • Visual Studio version: 17.12.3
  • SonarQube for Visual Studio plugin version:
  • Programming language you’re coding in: C# (.net framework 4.8)
  • Is connected mode used: yes
    • SonarQube Cloud, SonarQube Server, or SonarQube Community Build? (if one of the latter two, which version?): SonarQube Cloud

And a thorough description of the problem / question:

I have configured SonarCloud to only analyze files in certain folder via Source File Inclusions in the portal. I use two rows:


This works in the portal, I only see issues from those subfolders. But it doesn’t work in the extension, it shows issues from any file I view. Are source file inclusions configured in the portal supposed to be respected by the extension? Is there something I can do to fix it? Happy to give more information.

Hey there.

Yes, this should be supported.

I suggest you share the logs

In verbose mode, we should see information like:

[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] [ExclusionSettingsStorage] File content: {
  "sonar.exclusions": [],
  "": [
  "sonar.inclusions": []

And indications about if/how they are applied to a file

[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] [AnalyzableFileIndicator]
  Server Exclusions: 
    Global Exclusions: **/build-wrapper-dump.json
  file: 'E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorMailExecutor.Service.UnitTests/ErrorMailExecutor.Service.UnitTests.csproj'
  should analyze: True

The logs look good actually. It logs the settings, and it logs the correct decision. But even though it logs “should analyze: False” for a file I still get squiggly lines and editor warnings.


Here are logs for two files, the first one (PlantMaintenanceService.cs) shouldn’t be analyzed but is. The second one should be analyzed and is.

[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Computing file exclusion for uri 'file:///C:/Application/Company/Application/src/Application%20solution/Company%20Application%20Server/ServiceBusinessLogic/PlantMaintenance/PlantMaintenanceService.cs'
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Server included sources: 
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] [SLCORE]   **/Modules/**/*.cs
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] [SLCORE]   **/Infrastructure/**/*.cs
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Server excluded sources: 
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] [SLCORE]   **/build-wrapper-dump.json
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] File exclusion for uri 'file:///C:/Application/Company/Application/src/Application%20solution/Company%20Application%20Server/ServiceBusinessLogic/PlantMaintenance/PlantMaintenanceService.cs' is true
[ThreadId 61] [DEBUG] [ExclusionSettingsStorage] File content: {
  "sonar.exclusions": [],
  "": [
  "sonar.inclusions": [
[ThreadId 61] [DEBUG] [GlobPatternMatcher]
  Pattern: **/Modules/**/*.cs
  Regex: ^(?:.*\/|)Modules\/(?:.*\/|)[^\/]*?\.cs$
  Input: C:/Application/Company/Application/src/Application solution/Company Application Server/ServiceBusinessLogic/PlantMaintenance/PlantMaintenanceService.cs
  Is match: False
[ThreadId 61] [DEBUG] [GlobPatternMatcher]
  Pattern: **/Infrastructure/**/*.cs
  Regex: ^(?:.*\/|)Infrastructure\/(?:.*\/|)[^\/]*?\.cs$
  Input: C:/Application/Company/Application/src/Application solution/Company Application Server/ServiceBusinessLogic/PlantMaintenance/PlantMaintenanceService.cs
  Is match: False
[ThreadId 61] [DEBUG] [AnalyzableFileIndicator]
  Server Exclusions: 
    Inclusions: **/Modules/**/*.cs,**/Infrastructure/**/*.cs
    Global Exclusions: **/build-wrapper-dump.json
  file: 'C:/Application/Company/Application/src/Application solution/Company Application Server/ServiceBusinessLogic/PlantMaintenance/PlantMaintenanceService.cs'
  should analyze: False 
[ThreadId 61] [DEBUG] [AnalyzerController] No analyzer supported analysis of C:\Application\Company\Application\src\Application solution\Company Application Server\ServiceBusinessLogic\PlantMaintenance\PlantMaintenanceService.cs
[ThreadId 63] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '63'
[ThreadId 63] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 63] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 63] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=Application&from=2025-01-15T16%3A18%3A06%2B0200', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 44] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 19] [DEBUG] {"events":[]}
[ThreadId 34] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '34'
[ThreadId 34] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 34] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 34] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=Application&from=2025-01-15T16%3A18%3A06%2B0200', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:

[ThreadId 57] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Language of file "file:///C:/Application/Company/Application/src/Application%20solution/Infrastructure/Infrastructure.Logging.Client/DialogTracker.cs" is detected to be "CS"
[ThreadId 57] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Processing file event C:/Application/Company/Application/src/Application solution/Infrastructure/Infrastructure.Logging.Client/DialogTracker.cs with event MODIFIED
[ThreadId 87] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Computing file exclusion for uri 'file:///C:/Application/Company/Application/src/Application%20solution/Infrastructure/Infrastructure.Logging.Client/DialogTracker.cs'
[ThreadId 10] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Server included sources: 
[ThreadId 10] [DEBUG] [SLCORE]   **/Modules/**/*.cs
[ThreadId 10] [DEBUG] [SLCORE]   **/Infrastructure/**/*.cs
[ThreadId 10] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Server excluded sources: 
[ThreadId 10] [DEBUG] [SLCORE]   **/build-wrapper-dump.json
[ThreadId 10] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] File exclusion for uri 'file:///C:/Application/Company/Application/src/Application%20solution/Infrastructure/Infrastructure.Logging.Client/DialogTracker.cs' is false
[ThreadId 5] [DEBUG] [ExclusionSettingsStorage] File content: {
  "sonar.exclusions": [],
  "": [
  "sonar.inclusions": [
[ThreadId 5] [DEBUG] [GlobPatternMatcher]
  Pattern: **/Modules/**/*.cs
  Regex: ^(?:.*\/|)Modules\/(?:.*\/|)[^\/]*?\.cs$
  Input: C:/Application/Company/Application/src/Application solution/Infrastructure/Infrastructure.Logging.Client/DialogTracker.cs
  Is match: False
[ThreadId 5] [DEBUG] [GlobPatternMatcher]
  Pattern: **/Infrastructure/**/*.cs
  Regex: ^(?:.*\/|)Infrastructure\/(?:.*\/|)[^\/]*?\.cs$
  Input: C:/Application/Company/Application/src/Application solution/Infrastructure/Infrastructure.Logging.Client/DialogTracker.cs
  Is match: True
[ThreadId 5] [DEBUG] [GlobPatternMatcher]
  Pattern: **/build-wrapper-dump.json
  Regex: ^(?:.*\/|)build-wrapper-dump\.json$
  Input: C:/Application/Company/Application/src/Application solution/Infrastructure/Infrastructure.Logging.Client/DialogTracker.cs
  Is match: False
[ThreadId 5] [DEBUG] [AnalyzableFileIndicator]
  Server Exclusions: 
    Inclusions: **/Modules/**/*.cs,**/Infrastructure/**/*.cs
    Global Exclusions: **/build-wrapper-dump.json
  file: 'C:/Application/Company/Application/src/Application solution/Infrastructure/Infrastructure.Logging.Client/DialogTracker.cs'
  should analyze: True 
[ThreadId 5] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Analyzing C:\Application\Company\Application\src\Application solution\Infrastructure\Infrastructure.Logging.Client\DialogTracker.cs with id

Thanks for pulling those logs! Let me ping our devs and see what sense they can make of it.

Hello @scaepz!

First of all, welcome to our community!

Is the problem still reproducible after a restart of the VS instance?

Could you, please, provide us the way your settings for sonar.inclusions look like
that inside the file %AppData%\Roaming\SonarLint for Visual Studio\Bindings\[YourSolutionName]\CSharp\SonarLint.xml?

Your setting should look something like:


Hi, thanks!

The problem has disappeared. No clue what fixed it. I had restarted my computer before without success.

But for now it works as expected!

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