Sonarqube analysis error for custom plugin

I created a custom plugin which uses unirest-java(1.4.9), httpclient(4.5.12), httpasyncclient(4.1.3), httpmime(4.5.12).
when the plugin was deployed in server 80% of the projects are analysed successfully but for the remaining projects scanner analysis failed at unirest code with error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.http.impl.conn.CPool.setValidateAfterInactivity(I)V

The plugin failed for(c++, java, and python projects) it also passed on other projects with same languages. so there is no visible pattern on which the plugin is failing
can I know the reason why I’m getting the error??



Could be a classloader isolation problem. Are you using any property like useChildFirstClassLoader or basePlugin when packaging your plugin?

@Julien_HENRY NO