SonarQube 8.2 Developer Edition its not start

We use SonarQube Version 8.2 Developer Edition on a MacOS Monterey server . We are restarting the server every week , after the last restart SonarQube is not started .
I found in web .log that its unable to start the database (we don’t use external database ),because the file is corrupted . PFA of web.log file .
Apparently the is around 300 MB. Maintenance activity , Deleting this file , fixes the issue , but then we lose our license because a new server ID is generated .


Welcome to the community!

I have two big points for you here. First is that the embedded database isn’t supported for production. There are reasons for that. You’ve hit one. You need to set up an external database.

The second is that the version you’re on is past EOL. You should upgrade to either the latest version or the current LTS at your earliest convenience. Your upgrade path is:

8.2 → 8.9.10 → 9.8 (last step optional)

(Note that the release of a new LTS, 9.9, is expected on 7 Feb 2023.)

You may find the Upgrade Guide helpful. If you have questions about upgrading, feel free to open a new thread for that here.
