Sonarlint-vscode: package.json contains invalid schema properties

Sorry, issue page seems to be disabled on Github for GitHub - SonarSource/sonarlint-vscode: SonarLint for Visual Studio Code so I’m posting this here.

My vscode-json-languageservice language server is telling me that the items of this anyOf are invalid:

Hi @rwols.

  • which version of VSCode are you using?
  • which version of SonarLint for VSCode are you using?
  • have you just started using SonarLint for VSCode, or was it working successfully before?

FYI that’s deliberate; we’d rather SonarLint issues and support questions are handed in this forum.

Hello Raoul,

Thanks for reporting this, indeed the declaration of this level property is not compliant as anyOf is wrongly used here. I will replace it with enum, I created this ticket to track it.

The impact is quite low, as users usually go through the UI to activate/deactivate rules. The only impact is that they wouldn’t get completion when editing the settings file for this particular level property.

Thanks again for spotting this!

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