Sonarlint preference page usability is bad

The new rules preference page of the Sonarlint Eclipse plugin has multiple usability issues:

  • missing header in first column
  • checkboxes don’t have a label. that makes it very hard to actually select a line. Please remove the second column with the names, and instead put those names directly as label of the checkbox.
  • expanding/collapsing a language in the treeviewer leads to the UI thread being blocked for 10 seconds and the application not responding.


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Hi Michael,

I can’t reproduce the UI thread lock when expanding/collapsing language. Any chance you can try to generate a thread dump during the freeze?

Regarding the UI layout, I tend to agree with your proposal. @janos any opinion on that?

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If we move the names to be the labels of the checkboxes, what should be the header of the column? Given that the column contains two kinds of nodes: aggregate nodes by language and nodes for rules. Perhaps a simple option is to drop the column headers.

@Laura any opinion on this in terms of UX?

Alright I got Laura’s view on this, here’s the new proposal:

  • Make the rule names the checkbox labels
  • Drop the Rule Key column: it’s pretty pointless in the table, and you can see it if you want in the rule description when you select a rule
  • Drop the table headers

Here’s the ticket to track the progress on this: