Sonarlint for Visual Code is not displaying anything for Java after binding

Hi there, new to the community so please let me know if I am breaking any rules.

I am trying to get Sonarlint (v1.15.0) configured with Visual Code (v1.42.0) connected to an on-prem community version of Sonarqube server (v7.9.1).

I have configured the workspace and user settings in Visual Code as per the below (redacted but I hope it gets the point across):


    "sonarlint.connectedMode.project": {
        "projectKey": "**(ID)**"


    "sonarlint.connectedMode.connections.sonarqube": [
         { "serverUrl": "http://**(URL)**:9000/", 
          "token": "**(token)**" }

It is by my understanding and by following all the instructions I can find, that when I update all project bindings I should now be seeing underlines in my test code but this is not the case for my Java files. In the output I have the following error:

[Debug - 13:55:31.623] Skipping analysis of Java file 'file:///**(x)**' because SonarLint was unable to query project configuration (classpath, source level, ...)

Hoping you can let me know if I am missing something.

Thanks in advance!