SonarCloud can load issues from PHPStan and Psalm

Hello PHP developers,

We improved our support of external analyzers on SonarCloud. If you are a user of PHPStan or Psalm, you can load their results easily on SonarCloud.
These two static analyzers are good companions of the PHP analyzer embedded in SonarCloud.

For PHPStan, you should:

  • generate the results into the JSON format
  • load the results through the property sonar.php.phpstan.reportPaths

For Psalm, you should:

  • generate the results into the “sonarcloud” (or “sonarqube” until this PR is merged) format
  • load the results through the property sonar.php.psalm.reportPaths

This change is available on SonarCloud now and will be included in SonarQube 9.1.
