Sonar Scan failed by org.sonarsource.dotnet.shared.plugins.WrongEncodingFileFilter has unsatisfied dependency

I am using latest SonarQube community server(from docker) and I configured my project in jenkins.

The sonar scan step failed by:

org.sonarsource.dotnet.shared.plugins.WrongEncodingFileFilter has unsatisfied dependency

I tried encoding from UTF-8 to US-ASCII but none of them works. I checked my project files’s encoding by file --mime, most of them are ‘us-ascii’.

What can I do next?

This means that this dotnet plugin is incompatible with your SonarQube server. You have 2 options:

  1. uninstall the plugin
  2. install a compatible version (I don’t know if it exists or not because you didn’t provide the SonarQube server version and list of the installed plugins)

Hi @agabrys and @Jeff-Tian
any solution on this? I am getting same error on sonarqube version 8.2. I haven’t updated my plugins actually, I am migrating sonarqube version 7.1 to 8.2 and then getting same error. so any solution would be helpful.

The solution is the same as before:

Why you hit the problem?
