Sonar removing and re-adding comments on each build

Using Azure DevOps on C# code

We have noticed that sonar is deleting all the sonar comments from the PR on every fresh build and then re-adding them, meaning if we were to select ‘won’t fix’ for whatever reason, the developer needs to mark it as such constantly.

Any insights would be appreciated.

hi @cbegs , welcome to the community forum

You are right, it is what happens, the comments are removed and re-created. The status on the comment reflects the status of the issue on SonarCloud.
As a workaround, if the issue is marked as Won’t Fix on SonarCloud instead of in Azure DevOps, the comment status will be updated on Azure, and won’t change in the future analysis even if the comments are dropped and recreated.


Perfect! thanks @Claire_Villard

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