Sonar Lint C# (Visual Studio)

Hello All,

I want to ignore all existing issues while building c# code but I should get newly added issues while doing sonar analysis (using sonar lint - In visual studio 2015)

or is there any way to suppress existing issues on specific line and not on specific method.

In short i just want to suppress all existing issues in code but not newly added code.

Any help appreciated…


Hi @ganeshmate333,

We currently don’t have this feature. Please feel free to upvote this ticket, this allows us to track people interest and helps with selecting the next feature to work on.

Ohh Thanks for quick reply…

One more question, Is there any way to ignore issues while building on local visual studio.
But I should get issues when I click on Analyze.

So local build should not get failed due to these existing issues.

Hi @ganeshmate333,

I am not sure I correctly understand your second message because it seems to be exactly as the first. In which case, as I said we do not support this feature.
