Sonar code coverage showing 0%


In my project we are using Ant,SOnarqube,Gitlab Ci/Cd pipelines. If i run the pipeline getting the below error
WARN: Classes not found during the analysis : [com.agile.api.APIException, com.agile.api.IAgileSession, com.agile.api.IItem, org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger]
WARN: Shallow clone detected, no blame information will be provided. You can convert to non-shallow with ‘git fetch --unshallow’.
WARN: Missing blame information for the following files:
Code coverage shows 0% in sonar

Please help me how to fix it.


Hi Subhash,

None of those warnings relate to coverage. Are you passing in a coverage report to analysis?


Hi Ann,

Thanks for the reply. Now i am able to see code coverage on sonar dashboard but getting some issue in unit test casses.

[junit] No runnable methods

[junit] java.lang.Exception: No runnable methods

[junit] at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(


I’m glad you’ve got your coverage figured out. Unfortunately, running JUnit is out of scope for this community.


Hi Ann,

Thanks for your reply.
I am facing another issue in Sonarqube that The project ‘Expire Notification’ is already there in GitLab but still it is not getting reflected in SonarQube.
Can you help me in that how to fix it.

Thanks & Regards,
Subhash Mannem

Hi Subhash,

That’s a new topic. Please start a new thread and provide the details around what the “project ‘Expire Notification’” is and what you expect to see for it in SonarQube.
