Sonar.cfamily.threads= 48, which is greater than the number of available processors: 1

  • Tekton
  • In my pipeline my worker has 48 cpu’s.
  1. when I mention properties -Dsonar.cfamily.threads=48, then only it will use all that processors. Still as you can see in my error observed on UI, it says
sonar.cfamily.threads property was set to 48, which is greater than the number of available processors: 1
  1. When I am not mentioning this properties “-Dsonar.cfamily.threads” it uses 1 processor, and not use the available cpu’s which are 48. I am just wondering why it is not using all 48 cpu’s which is available.
  • Languages: clang
  • Error observed on UI as a warning
"sonar.cfamily.threads" property was set to 48, which is greater than the number of available processors: 1.
It is recommended to let the analyzer detect the number of threads automatically by not setting the property.
For more information, visit the documentation page:
  • Potential workaround
  • I tried not using the “sonar.cfamily.threads” this property and its not using all the cpu’s I have on my worker.
  • Is there any way I can Use all the available CPU’s without mentioning this properties.

Hello @Umang.Brahmbhatt,

Using all available CPUs should be done automatically when the property sonar.cfamily.threads is not set (see Documentation).
So in your case, where you do want to use all available CPUs, you don’t need to set this property.

Then, the question is why only one processor is detected when you have 48 CPUs.
Unfortunately I am not familiar with Tekton. Have you specified resource limits and requests for the step where the analysis is executed?