Sonar Analysis is failing with - /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.12' not found

SonarQube - 7.9.1
Sonar-Scanner -
Build Wrapper - 5.1
Sonar C Family Plugin - 6.3
OS - SUSE Linux 11 SP4
Sonar Analysis is failing for C++ code with error /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.12’ not found.

Are there any additional requirements for latest Sonar C Family plugin?
According to the documentation it is compatible to work with all the versions of GCC.

Hello @sandilyasd,

glibc version required is 2.12, what is the version of glibc in your OS? 2.12 is quite old already. Don’t you have a more recent OS to do the analysis?


I am using SLES 11 SP4. But we run at the enterprise level and it is quite dependent to upgrade the OS

And just to mention, my analysis is running in Sonar C Family 5.1 without any issues. Per the documentation it should work as expected right?

Hi @sandilyasd,

Starting with version 6.X the analyzer has been rewritten to use Clang frontend and our shipped binary requires glibc 2.12.

We don’t really have any mention regarding the oldest supported OS.