Some program checks do nothing while others are fine

Eclipse 4.13, Progress OpenEdge v12.2

I have a project and can successfully analyze 3 of the 4 programs. One does nothing. No errors, no response. I have looked at the Console tab, Error Log tab and SonarLint Report tab. Nothing. I even defined a variable and didn’t use it. That should flag the unused variable rule. This is the only error I see:
Error when executing SonarLint Analysis



The stacktrace is truncated, so there is not much we can do. Where do you see this partial error?

Few extra questions that may also be helpful to investigate:

  • SonarLint version
  • Are you using connected mode. If yes, what if you unbind your project? Do you still have the error?

I believe we are in “Connected” mode as we bind to a server. Eclipse version is 4.2.12. I’ll try to get a full stacktrace. In the meantime, I’m getting a new error (or just noticed).

Connection to failed on PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target. Retry attempt 0 started

I don’t think this error is related to SonarLint.