Sha256 checksum for

I am trying to verify the checksum of the file, but I can’t find the right place to get it. The hosting directory doesn’t give a listing either.

Where is the sha256 for the file available so we can ensure file entegrety?

Hello Weston,
Thank you for raising this and it is a very important point.
We are working on this and I will come back to you with a update shortly.


Any further update?

@Mark_Clements Any update?

Hello Weston,

This function is currently not deployed for this software component.
A ticket has been raised and it is on the review list for next month.


@Mark_Clements Any update?

Hello Weston,

This will be addressed as part of a broader program in 2022 rather than a tactical implementation.
So it has been sumbitted to the roadmap but there is no defined timeline yet.
