Pull Request Analysis Succeeding but No Results (All Zero)


We are a new user of SonarCloud and have set up integration with Azure DevOps. All the org/code repository dropdowns are visible and so we can see the cross-talk between SonarCloud and DevOps working. We are leveraging CI Pipeline integration and can see pull requests being analyzed successfully per the pipeline logs.

However, the results of that analysis show zero results / A rating. This isn’t right though.

It may be relevant, but the main branch has not been analyzed yet. The SonarCloud UI says to set it as the main branch in Configuration but we’re not able to find that setting.

There could be multiple issues but we’re looking for assistant in working through them.

Thank you in advance!

We are using .NET Core 3.x if that is relevant.

Hey there.

Just to start with a basic question and make sure we’re on the same page – how do you know that isn’t right?