Problem sonarqube with new issues only


I recently upgrade sonarqube from version 6.5 to 6.7.7 LTS.

For instance, we use the java plugin and the gerrit plugin together to have reported issues in Gerrit.

Each night, a publish of the entiere project is done by Sonarqube to populate the database.

During sonar analysis, sometimes Sonarqube will be triggered for some issues which are already in the database (from a previous publish).
For exemple the rules 'squid:UndocumentedApi ', ‘squid:S1192’ or ‘squid:S00117’

In Administration->Configuration panel, “Comment new issues only” toggle is set to true.

Do you have an idea why Sonarqube will trigger these issues ?

Thanks in advance


I guess this is a Gerrit configuration?

In general, this documentation about which issues are considered “new” might be helpful. Additionally, while I congratulate you on your upgrade to 6.7.7, it’s already past EOL. The current version is 8.3, and the current LTS is 7.9.3. We did a lot of work on issue backdating in the 7-series, which might be relevant to your case. You should upgrade at your earliest convenience.
