Problem scanning temporary files generated by third-party app

@Andrei_Epure @Yevhen_Novytskyi is there any follow-up on this? I’m encountering the same issue with a temporary project created by a 3rd party during a previous step of the code analysis. Thank you!

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@filipcotan I’ve split your question into a new thread.

Please give us the following version information:

  • what is the version of SonarQube that you are using?
  • what is the version of the Scanner for .NET (MSBuild) that you are using?
  • what version of MSBuild are you using?

And we’ll need the logs:

  • please give us the verbose output of the scanner commands (please run SonarScanner.MSBuild.exe begin /k:“MyProject” /d:sonar.verbose=true as the begin step, and please attach the output of the BEGIN and END steps)
  • please give the output of running MSBuild in verbose mode (/v:d)

Also, which third party tool are you using and how is it integrated into your build?

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